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Why does God care about Homosexuality?

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Reverand Rick;

They're trying to make us look hypocritical, but they aren't able because I'm willing to bet we both know the Bible a lil' better then they.

Luke, that is the game they play here at RF. They try and portray us as bigots, homophobes and white supremists so they can disregard what we say.

They can't out debate us, so they attack our character.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I Corinthians 7:27 says you haven't sinned if you remarry.

Look it up. I've been a Christian for 50 friggin' years, atheist. Don't get into a debate with me on the subject of what the Bible says about ANYTHING
1 Cor 7:27 (NIV):
Are you married? Do not seek a divorce. Are you unmarried? Do not look for a wife.

What did you say it said again?

Maybe you don't know the Bible as well as you think. ;)


Liebe ist für alle da
Luke, that is the game they play here at RF. They try and portray us as bigots, homophobes and white supremists so they can disregard what we say.

They can't out debate us, so they attack our character.

Well like I've never seen other like you do that before, isn't this an attack on there character. Thing is, other do out debate, but most of the time you all are so closed minded you can't see that. Though every one is a bit closed minded. I just think it funny of you just think that because there not Christian are you are that you know the Bible better then they did. Really, know it better, or just know what you are told to know about it by other with out coming to your own conclusion.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Maybe you don't know the Bible as well as you think. ;)
I don't care how smart you are or how well studied you have become, the Bible is one subject, (or try learning about other religions as well), that is a life long learning process.

You can find just about anything out of context in the Bible to promote any point of view. What needs to be done is to pray in ernest that you receive the proper message from our Lord before you study the Bible.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I don't care how smart you are or how well studied you have become, the Bible is one subject, (or try learning about other religions as well), that is a life long learning process.
Definitely. I learn more about it (and about myself) every time I read from it. There's a lot of wisdom in it.

Edit: All I meant by my comment was that not confusing the statement "do not seek a divorce" with something along the lines of "divorce and re-marriage is A-OK" takes only an ability to read, not any sort of Biblical scholarship. Frankly, I suspect he was just pulling a verse reference out of the air in the hopes it'd shut me up and I wouldn't actually check it.

You can find just about anything out of context in the Bible to promote any point of view. What needs to be done is to pray in ernest that you receive the proper message from our Lord before you study the Bible.
It's Luke's passage, not mine. I just thought everyone would like to see the verse he claimed was his foundation for his idea that remarriage after divorce is not sinful.

I think it's kind of funny that the verse he quoted in support of divorce actually says "do not seek a divorce", but I recognize that in the verse, Paul is giving instruction to virgins who are trying to decide between whether to marry and pursue family life, or stay unmarried and devote their lives entirely to God. It has nothing to do with remarriage of divorced people like Luke claimed; I was just calling him out on it.


Fundamental Bible-thumper
What did you say it said again?

Maybe you don't know the Bible as well as you think. ;)

Finish the passage. It says:

"But if you marry, you have not sinned"

So, my point stands: don't lock horns with me over what the Bible says.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Finish the passage. It says:

"But if you marry, you have not sinned"

So, my point stands: don't lock horns with me over what the Bible says.

Maybe you should re-read my previous comment, as well as all of 1 Corinthians 7:

I think it's kind of funny that the verse he quoted in support of divorce actually says "do not seek a divorce", but I recognize that in the verse, Paul is giving instruction to virgins who are trying to decide between whether to marry and pursue family life, or stay unmarried and devote their lives entirely to God. It has nothing to do with remarriage of divorced people like Luke claimed; I was just calling him out on it.

Giving some consideration to Reverend Rick's comment might be a good idea, too:

You can find just about anything out of context in the Bible to promote any point of view. What needs to be done is to pray in ernest that you receive the proper message from our Lord before you study the Bible.

You're taking a teaching from Paul to unmarried virgins telling them that it's okay to pursue family life instead of celibate monk-like devotion, and shoehorning it around the issue of divorce. If you're being halfway honest in your study of the Bible, you'll recognize that 1 Corinthians 7:27 has nothing to do with remarriage after divorce.

Edit: the issue still stands - there's more Biblical condemnation for divorce than there is for homosexuality; declaring the former acceptable and the latter not is based on personal opinions, not the Bible.

Edit 2: but just for giggles, tell us: if you can pull "but if you marry, you have not sinned" out of context to excuse remarriage after divorce, what's wrong with applying it to same-sex marriage?


Fundamental Bible-thumper
This is how it's not out of context:

v.27...I say, that it is good for a man so to be. Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.
v.28 But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned

He was speaking to men, but of course it also applies to Christian women.


Fundamental Bible-thumper
I don't care how smart you are or how well studied you have become, the Bible is one subject, (or try learning about other religions as well), that is a life long learning process.


You can find just about anything out of context in the Bible to promote any point of view.


That's profound. I, for example, could take the devil saying, "ye shall not surely die" and preach as much.

What needs to be done is to pray in ernest that you receive the proper message from our Lord before you study the Bible.

Exactly. You certainly need to be led by the Holy Spirit.

I keep saying this, but every unsaved person really needs to read I Corinthians 2:14 before they start quoting scripture to fathers in Christ.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
This is how it's not out of context:

v.27...I say, that it is good for a man so to be. Art thou bound unto a wife? seek not to be loosed. Art thou loosed from a wife? seek not a wife.
v.28 But and if thou marry, thou hast not sinned
Ah. Okay... I was going by the New International Version; I now see you were reading the King James Version. By the NIV, your interpretation was way off-base. By the KJV, I can see where you're coming from.

There's some funkiness going on in the translation here: I take it you interpret "loosed from a wife" to mean divorced. Other translations (e.g. the NIV) say "unmarried". It'd be interesting to know what the original text actually says and means. When we consider that divorce is strongly condemned elsewhere and especially the fact that Paul preaches against it within 1 Corinthians itself (just up the page at verse 10 for one example), I think it's more reasonable to take "loosed from a wife" (or whatever the original text was) as "unmarried", absent other evidence.

He was speaking to men, but of course it also applies to Christian women.
Why do you assume that? Verse 39, as well as the Gospel verses on divorce, would preclude that interpretation, IMO.

Exactly. You certainly need to be led by the Holy Spirit.

I keep saying this, but every unsaved person really needs to read I Corinthians 2:14 before they start quoting scripture to fathers in Christ.
But do you think that everyone who professes to be a Christian is "saved" or "led by the Holy Spirit"? Even if I accept everything in the Bible as true, the line "take my word for it - I'm a Christian" just doesn't work.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
People who tell me don't worry, worry me.
People who tell me to trust them, causes me to be distrustful.
People who claim to know everything rarely do.
People who swear they are telling the truth, have doubts themselves.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Excepting for death or adultery on your mates part, it is a sin to get remarried. I will not marry any person who has been married before excepting adultery and death do they part.


Fundamental Bible-thumper
I'm willing to bet you don't.

Keep fooling yourself.

When you've been a Christian for 50 years, and read the Bible through as many times, I'll give you the time of day.


Brother Rock
we must look at the reason Jesus said such a thing. If you read Matthew 5 and 6, he was rebuking the Jews who knew what the word says and living by it, but there heart was wrong.

All they had to do was get a bill of divorce and they were using the law as an excuse ( like today). He was saying , " don't just get divorced and remarried for any ole reason".

other places he talked about, turn the other cheek, don't give in an offering with hate against your brother, taking an oath, etc, etc.

its very good reading. He was making a " theme " here. The thing is DO WHAT IS RIGHT. Don't use the scripture to justify doing the wrong thing.

so back to the topic,

do you think the " theme" of the bible is for or against homosexualitly?

so Luke 17:2, for every scripture you have , there is always " interpetation" issuses.

thats why I speak in tounges, but most baptist don't. " interpetation and theme". Thats why there is so many different denominations.

so going back to " theme", when I read the bible, after i take everything in, I don't think back then , the church ( the body of christ) was ok with bending a man over and sodomizing him. I think it is sexual impurity. I think it has been that way since the old testament for thousands of years.

I would have been a whole lot easier if Jesus would have said something on the topic, but he did not address it, like alot of others.

I know this may be wierd to some , but christians have the Holy Spirit inside, and it does not " bare wittness" with my spirit. The spirit helps us when we make choices.

On the other hand , there are many people who read the bible and come away with a totally different feeling about homosexualily, and they do have A VALID ARGUMENT for there position.

One thing about RF, it has taught me to be a little more open minded when I disscuss such views with my christian friends. ( I like to take the counter argument on issuses like homosexuality, war in iraq, and other topics that we are all supposed to think alike).

Happy thanksgiving RF! I always admire Midnight Blues post ( they make you think alot)


Done here.
Keep fooling yourself.

When you've been a Christian for 50 years, and read the Bible through as many times, I'll give you the time of day.
I was a Christian 45 years, and that was 45 years too long. And if you'd read the Bible as many times as I have, you'd probably be able to spell better by now.

So, how many times have you been married, Christian?


Intentionally Blank
Yes, you're right. I guess the passage doesn't say at all why Sodom was condemned other than just "sin", does it?
The mainstream Jewish interpretation is that their sin was inhospitality and selfishness. Talmudic stories are always about their unkindness, especially to beggars and strangers.


Intentionally Blank
There are several places in the Bible where sodomy is condemned -the ban on shellfish was exclusively in the Levitical law that is no longer, as far as Christians are concerned, necessary for salvation. Certain types of Jews still think so.
And where is lesbianism prohibited?
Did you figure out what Jesus had to say on either subject yet?

All you're doing is proving ignorance of the Bible, and obtuseness. You know that the term is metaphorical.
Traces of pagan animal sacrifices remain in Christian metaphor.

Nope. Read the Bible before you refer to it.
Done that, thanks.


Fundamental Bible-thumper
Ah. Okay... I was going by the New International Version; I now see you were reading the King James Version. By the NIV, your interpretation was way off-base. By the KJV, I can see where you're coming from.

There's some funkiness going on in the translation here: I take it you interpret "loosed from a wife" to mean divorced. Other translations (e.g. the NIV) say "unmarried". It'd be interesting to know what the original text actually says and means. When we consider that divorce is strongly condemned elsewhere and especially the fact that Paul preaches against it within 1 Corinthians itself (just up the page at verse 10 for one example), I think it's more reasonable to take "loosed from a wife" (or whatever the original text was) as "unmarried", absent other evidence.

I won't comment on other translations.

Why do you assume that? Verse 39, as well as the Gospel verses on divorce, would preclude that interpretation, IMO.

As rocka said, Jesus was addressing, imo, the fact that many marry without thinking, get divorced, remarried, divorced, remarried, etc. Maybe I'm wrong, but it's my interpretation due to what I Cor. says.

But do you think that everyone who professes to be a Christian is "saved" or "led by the Holy Spirit"? Even if I accept everything in the Bible as true,

No I don't. Unless you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, you won't be saved (Romans 10:9).

the line take my word for it- I'm a Christian" just doesn't work.

True. What I'm saying is that if you're an atheist, or not a Christian, you have no reason to disagree with what the Bible says as doctrine, etc. because it doesn't effect you. That is to say, you can disagree, but not for doctrinal reasons because it's not even your religion.