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Why does God care about Homosexuality?


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
hey luke, still waiting for a reply on this. I figured you missed it so I thought I'd bring it up again in case you might like to respond.

The thing is if you study the etimology of the word "Abomination" you find that at the time it simply meant "Taboo". Or in other words meant that it wasn't really wrong just something that one who is a member of the biblical religions should not partake in. only in the past few hundred years has the word slowly come to mean what it means today. For that matter, back then the word "sin" simply meant "mistake". So neither abomination nor sin had the same connotation back then as they do now. And the same can be said for numerous other words in the bible. The best known example of this definition change is the word "knew". In the bible it means to have sex. But these days it is rarely used in a sexual conotation. If the word "knew" can have it's definition changed so drastically from biblical times to present then it logically follows that other words could have done the same. Which is exactly what happened. In order to understand what the bible is saying you should really look at it in the context of the time when it was written. It helps to avoid such confusion.


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
Luke, that is the game they play here at RF. They try and portray us as bigots, homophobes and white supremists so they can disregard what we say.

They can't out debate us, so they attack our character.

The funny thing is we could say the same about you. Why is not this very statment you made an attack on character? Funny how when you point a finger at someone there are always three pointing back:cool:


Forum Relic
Premium Member
***MOD POST***

Please refrain from personal attacks against one another. Further personal or hostile remarks will result in disciplinary action.


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
Usually their pointing that long middle one at me. :yes:

You seem to be equating disagreement and counter-arguments with personal attacks when that just isn't the case. We are not trying to turn you into victims, your doing that yourself. We're simply presenting our side.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
You seem to be equating disagreement and counter-arguments with personal attacks when that just isn't the case. We are not trying to turn you into victims, your doing that yourself. We're simply presenting our side.

I just gave you frubals, I don't feel attacked. Lets get back to the subject at hand.


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
I just gave you frubals, I don't feel attacked.

K, thanks for the clarification and the frubals. I do feel it necessary to point out that I don't have a problem with someone being against homosexuality on a personal level. What that means is that if someone regardless of orientation decides for whatever reason not to involve themselves in homosexual sex then that is their choice. It's when people start saying that "I won't do it so no one else should either" that problems start to arise. The way I see it the rules of a religion only apply to the followers of said religion. So if your religion says don't partake in homosexual sex and/or don't marry someone of the same sex then fine but those rules don't apply to anyone of another religion unless there religion says the same. Same as you should not be expected to follow the laws of Thailand when your living in the U.S. I feel you also should not be expected to follow the laws of a Christian when your not a Christian. Same of any other religion.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
K, thanks for the clarification and the frubals. I do feel it necessary to point out that I don't have a problem with someone being against homosexuality on a personal level. What that means is that if someone regardless of orientation decides for whatever reason not to involve themselves in homosexual sex then that is their choice. It's when people start saying that "I won't do it so no one else should either" that problems start to arise. The way I see it the rules of a religion only apply to the followers of said religion. So if your religion says don't partake in homosexual sex and/or don't marry someone of the same sex then fine but those rules don't apply to anyone of another religion unless there religion says the same. Same as you should not be expected to follow the laws of Thailand when your living in the U.S. I feel you also should not be expected to follow the laws of a Christian when your not a Christian. Same of any other religion.

I have gay people at my house each and every week. Some are inlaws uncles, others are friends of my daughter, I always want them to feel welcome in my home.

Here on the internet, people always try and corner you with comments like what is wrong with this? Or, what does the Bible say about that?


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
I have gay people at my house each and every week. Some are inlaws uncles, others are friends of my daughter, I always want them to feel welcome in my home.

Here on the internet, people always try and corner you with comments like what is wrong with this? Or, what does the Bible say about that?

I know, I've run into that myself:D. Nice to see you haven't let you personal prefrences turn into prejudice. But like you said back to the topic at hand. I made a post earlier in the thread about etymology of words and reposted it again when no one replied after a few pages. It was mainly for luke but you and anyone else are welcome to offer your thoughts.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
The thing is if you study the etimology of the word "Abomination" you find that at the time it simply meant "Taboo". Or in other words meant that it wasn't really wrong just something that one who is a member of the biblical religions should not partake in. only in the past few hundred years has the word slowly come to mean what it means today. For that matter, back then the word "sin" simply meant "mistake". So neither abomination nor sin had the same connotation back then as they do now. And the same can be said for numerous other words in the bible. The best known example of this definition change is the word "knew". In the bible it means to have sex. But these days it is rarely used in a sexual conotation. If the word "knew" can have it's definition changed so drastically from biblical times to present then it logically follows that other words could have done the same. Which is exactly what happened. In order to understand what the bible is saying you should really look at it in the context of the time when it was written. It helps to avoid such confusion.

If you really want to walk down this path, it makes even a lesser case for lesbianism.

If you remove the writings of Paul which dominates the New Testament, it makes an even lesser argument.

The real deal is, are Gay's and lesbians being pushed away from religion because of this? I mean, we don't drive fat people away from church do we?

The same with marriage after divorce. Will God forgive these folks or burn them in hell? Forgiveness comes in here somewhere and it is not for us Christians to judge lest we be judged ourselves. I don't think anyone wants to be judged. Who am I to say who goes to heaven or not? For that matter, I believe Paul was secretly gay and hated himself for it.


Pre-initiate Wiccan
The real deal is, are Gay's and lesbians being pushed away from religion because of this? I mean, we don't drive fat people away from church do we?

I admit I may not be following this thread as closely as I should in order to post here again, but I have to agree with this... although I understand how hard it would be for both sides to end up happy in this situation.

On one hand, as above, it shouldn't be considered right for homosexuals to feel they can't be Christian because of who/what they are. As Reverend Rick stated, it probably drives a lot of people from their religion (take the case of my friend from my earlier post.)

On the other hand, I can see why Christians may not feel comfortable with allowing biblical passages to be put up for interpretation and changed as society changes. I am all for gay rights, but I do not believe, for instance, that gays should demand the right to be married under the Catholic church. I think civil unions just don't cut it; they deserve ALL the rights of married heterosexual couples. However, it may not be best to demand that all Christians change their minds and decide (without direct word from God permitting it) that homosexuality is fine within their religion.

Again; within their religion is the key phrase here. I do feel bad that homosexuality is looked down upon among Christians, but so long as gays can live their lives without having to worry about being outwardly discriminated against or have to watch their backs against hate crimes all the time, I wish the subject of homosexuality versus religion was one where everyone could miraculously agree to disagree (where gays can see Christians as people who don't agree with them and vice versa, but leave each other alone on that subject if they can't resolve it.)

Er, my two cents. A whole lotta "why can't we just get along?!" I suppose... and I know that it's almost impossible, but hey. That's what I'd really like to see.


A fool
penguino said:
Christians who are against Gays, im no gay supposter, but, whatever happend to, love your neighbour?

That still isn't good enough though. If I told you I thought not being white was a sin and advocated that non-whites should repent of their non-white ways but still claimed to love non-white people despite this then I hope you'd tell me it wasn't good enough as well.


Intentionally Blank

Reverend Rick said:
Luke, that is the game they play here at RF. They try and portray us as bigots, homophobes and white supremists so they can disregard what we say.
Well, it sure doesn't help your case any.


Fundamental Bible-thumper
My overall position is this:

Sodomy (homosexuality) is an abomination to God: the act is, not the people.
The people are just as in need of salvation as any others
They're human beings with feelings and rights. (I mention this specifically because there are those who'd disagree)
I don't have to agree with the lifestyle, and can make it clear that I don't.
I have homosexual relatives, and I don't hate them for being gay
I don't hate anyone for being gay
I hate the lifestyle.


Veteran Member
Wow bummer, i just got ignored...

Christians who are against Gays, im no gay supposter, but, whatever happend to, love your neighbour?

ignored? :rolleyes:
there is no view without colours.

according to Islam;
when you judge, don't see the person, see the action.

see the difference between judging the person and judging the action? actions could change in time. what divine is person himself. i do respect people and i do love them. but it is possible that i don't like actions. since they are changeable, they donot lead my feelings about people. get me?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
God cares. God cares about homosexuality because God cares about cooties. And God cares about cooties because James Dobson cares about cooties. Whatever James Dobson cares about, God cares about. And James cares about cooties. Deeply cares. Cares to the point of lying awake at night wondering if he's infested with homosexual cooties. And God worries too whether James is infested, because God worries about anything James worries about. So, that's why God cares about homosexuality.

Now do you understand? Now does it make sense?


Veteran Member
God cares. God cares about homosexuality because God cares about cooties. And God cares about cooties because James Dobson cares about cooties. Whatever James Dobson cares about, God cares about. And James cares about cooties. Deeply cares. Cares to the point of lying awake at night wondering if he's infested with homosexual cooties. And God worries too whether James is infested, because God worries about anything James worries about. So, that's why God cares about homosexuality.

Now do you understand? Now does it make sense?

somebody please, tell me what cooties are...