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Why does God care about Homosexuality?


Well-Known Member
GOD: Hello Rupert.
RUPERT: Who the f**k are you?
GOD: I am the Lord Almighty. :)
RUPERT: Wha?! Bugger me with a manly metal rod!
GOD: Ah, no my son, I think I shall pass on that...
RUPERT: You're really GOD, huh? Well then, you're gonna HATE me...
GOD: Why is that?
RUPERT: Cos' I'm a ******, that's why! And PROUD of it!
GOD: You're homosexual.
RUPERT: Yeah! And lovin' it!
GOD: Well...so?
RUPERT: So? Whaddaya mean "So"? Didn't you just hear what I said? I'm gay!
GOD: Erm, quite. Well, sexuality is a very personal and varied thing you know...it's not really an issue for me, cos' I'm like, sexless, but it certainly seems to be for you.
RUPERT: Damn right! And we all know GOD hates faggots, so...y'know, come clean! Show your true colours, goddy!
GOD: I AM. Doing that, that is. Look, Rupert, Earthly life is complicated enough without making too much of our natural preferences and instinctual tendencies, so why don't we just get to know each other and put aside the whole...****** business.
RUPERT': Wha?! You...you're just saying that...you're not being yourself! Be like the goddy in the Bible, will you?
GOD: Why?
RUPERT: Well, so's I can hate you and you can hate me! And I'll feel, y'know, vindicated in my, uh, resentment of all those false ideas of purity and all that s**t!
GOD: But I don't hate you...
RUPERT: You...you don't--aw c'mon, you're not the real goddy! Not like the goddy the men with beards and beads talk about anyway!
GOD: What they say I AM and what I AM really are two different things. Haven't you learnt anything during your lifetime?
RUPERT: Aw...this is crap.
GOD: Sorry...but why?
RUPERT: I can't take the disappointment of you being a real loving goddy, who doesn't discriminate. It spoils my sense of selfhood and dehumanizes me.
GOD: Interesting. What does that teach you, though?
RUPERT: I dunno...maybe that love is blind. A blind, blessed man.
GOD: You have learnt well, my son. Pass into paradise now...:)


Flaming Queer
Arrogant? I have been called worse. The replies were going back and forth at a brisk pace and then stopped. If I had to leave, I might have said something, and I believe Mike would have as well. He was always my favorite Moderator and has always been nice to me.

sorry, i got called away to go shopping with a friend and i forgot to turn my computer off.

I can't scratch a women's belly without consent either, but no one has a problem with getting a dogs consent for that.

i must admit this is a tough one for me to debate, i haven't thought about this line of reasoning before.

i think that sex requires responsibility, because emotionally having sex before you are ready can be damaging, and physically our bodies are not ready for it before pubity. consenting and respecting someone's ability to say no to sex is one element of being responsible, and that simply doesn't apply to animals or children.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
sorry, i got called away to go shopping with a friend and i forgot to turn my computer off.

i must admit this is a tough one for me to debate, i haven't thought about this line of reasoning before.

i think that sex requires responsibility, because emotionally having sex before you are ready can be damaging, and physically our bodies are not ready for it before pubity. consenting and respecting someone's ability to say no to sex is one element of being responsible, and that simply doesn't apply to animals or children.

OK, joke time.....

Several people were watching a dog lick himself. One person said," I wish I could do that". The other replied, "I believe he might bite you if you did".


Homosexuality is prohibited in the Bible because the ancient patriarchal/agrarian societies that produced it depended on heterosexual marriage for the integrity of the state (producing warriors) and economy (legitimate children to inherit property).

Now our democratic free-market capitalist society, in a culture that highly prizes individualism, we can pretty much get along fine with any family structure.

Fabulous point, Angellous!


Idiosyncratic Muslim
Why does God care if two guys or two girls have sex with each other?
Hmm, I don't know. I'll have to ask him that when I meet him. :p

To be honest, the best answer I can give though is that men and women and sex and all that, despite being pleasurable, were made by God to reproduce. If I made two types of animals that were made to reproduce, and then one type just started mating with their same type, I'd be pretty annoyed but I probably wouldn't be as ****** as God seems to be about it.


Teeth said:
To be honest, the best answer I can give though is that men and women and sex and all that, despite being pleasurable, were made by God to reproduce. If I made two types of animals that were made to reproduce, and then one type just started mating with their same type, I'd be pretty annoyed but I probably wouldn't be as ****** as God seems to be about it.

This is analogous to a father wanting his son to go to Harvard, while the son wants to go to Yale. The father demands the son goes to Harvard irrespective of the son's wishes. It is a bad character trait in anybody.


It was actually a good point, @ least you could bring yourself to answer the thread plainly. Did you give yourself furbals as well? Cos' I'd like to give you some, but alas, there's something wrong with your display...:(

I'd give myself frubals if I could...

Wonder what's wrong with my display... that could explain the unusual lack of frubals lately...:sad4:
Why does God care if two guys or two girls have sex with each other?
Because some ancients had a primitive fear and hatred of homosexuality which they projected onto a supernatural authority figure. Modern humans carry this primitive baggage with them along with the belief in the supernatural authority figure.


Veteran Member
If gays and lesbians do not care if the physiology is the same, why should you?

what i say is what i practise. i shouldnot be expected to claim beliefs that i don't even put in action.

You assume that sexual relationships are about procreation.

well, that's not the point. but yes, if we are here it is thanks to sexual relationships. i amnot sure if world could be this crowded if there was no pleasure of it. what i believe about this issue is simple, simple to me and people who thinks like me. but it isnot enough to say "it is against Gods' command" so i try to explain the same thing using different angles. that doesnot make those angles, details my main point.

This is an argument against anal sex, not homosexuality. So, you must believe that straight married couples having anal sex is immoral. Now, what if a gay couple does not have anal sex. Is that all right with you?

once again. this is just another way to look at it.
i can't care less what married couples do, it is their privacy. Islam let married couples even play games in bed room. its couples' business. i donot know if i could call it immoral, i just say it is no good.
for the last question of yours: they would definetly have. that's what make two men a 'gay couple'


Well-Known Member
To be honest, the best answer I can give though is that men and women and sex and all that, despite being pleasurable, were made by God to reproduce.

By those standards, a man or woman who is incapable of conceiving children and knows it is committing just as insulting a sin every time THEY have sex. The Bible doesn't say anything about them though. No one would ever think to condemn THEM.


Flaming Queer
This is an argument against anal sex, not homosexuality. So, you must believe that straight married couples having anal sex is immoral. Now, what if a gay couple does not have anal sex. Is that all right with you?
for the last question of yours: they would definetly have. that's what make two men a 'gay couple'

are you saying that having anal sex is what defines a gay couple?


Flaming Queer
no, that's what defines sexual life of a gay couple. i don't think it is possible to be a couple and have platonic love. makes no sense.

i know a lot of gay couples who do not have anal sex. which is understandable, it can hurt... a gay couple can do other things, you know?


Veteran Member
There are other ways of having sex for gay couples besides anal sex.

i am sure there are other ways. people were given a toy to play for centuries and of course people invented other ways to enjoy the game.
i just tried to make my point which, i am not saying gay people donot have emotions, i donot define them with sexual event. yet their sexual life contains it.


Veteran Member
... yes...

so your original point is that anal sex is no good because, in either a heterosexual or a homosexual context, it does not produce offspring?

i say it is not good because i met people both men and women who's having physical problems because of it. it damages the muscles inside anus. for women there could be disease inside womb as well if couple didnot care about hygiene. this stuff doesnot happen with straight couples having ordinary sex.


Flaming Queer
i say it is not good because i met people both men and women who's having physical problems because of it. it damages the muscles inside anus. for women there could be disease inside womb as well if couple didnot care about hygiene. this stuff doesnot happen with straight couples having ordinary sex.

yes, anything above the normal width of an average penis will stretch the muscles, and copious amounts of anal sex will damage those muscles. other than that, you are not at high risk of damaging them.

as for diseases, there are risks with any sexual actions. straights and gays are equally at risk of getting infections and STD's if they are not clean and responsible.

the only problem i have with your argument is that it is not a moral argument against homosexuality, and i think God should have a clear moral argument to condemn homosexuality.