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Why does God hate Homosexuals and why did he create them?


Depends Upon My Mood..
Yes it leads to self-hatred, selfishness and insecurity.

You know what is the main thought my homosexual friends struggled with? Why am I like this? The next main thought was Why dont others accept me?

In a nutshell...they said 'I dont know why I am like this'...and most of them said they wish they werent, and then in the same conversation they required the accceptance of their fellow humans, when they themselves were not accepting themselves. And this is a debased mind. I dont like myself really, but you should, and while I wish i was different I wont accept you if you dont like me. Emotional blackmail. All the way.

Then there are those that do love themselves. Who like who they are and feel nothing is wrong with them. They are the ones that are the most insecure.

Homosexuals suffer greatly. Not so much from the non-homosexuals but by the torture of their own minds.

What i am saying, is that homosexuals bring their sexuality into every aspect of their lives. It becomes such a big deal that nothing else seems to matter. That is the problem. Why start a church for homosexuals? Why does sexuality have to be a reason to start a church? Why start a gay business, why does that have to be necessary? Why start a gay parade? Why is it necessary to flaunt what should be natural to them?

Homosexuals tend to make everything about their sexuality.

And while they are caught up in this cylce, there is no way of being free from an endless cylce of defeat.

It was never gods intention to find sexual fullfillment with the same sex and if you do, you will have to go to extreme lengths to cope with those feelings. Such extremese that it shuts out most things that are actually more important.

Then there is the uniting of two people when they have sexual intercourse. We might not believe it, but what you take into yourself when you have sex is some of the characteristics of the other partner. Hence many sexually abused children become abusers. Or rapists. We have to listen to god, when he says that two people become one when they have intercourse he means it.

Women that are raped feel dirty. The unclean spirit of the man that raped her becomes part of her, and she wants to take serveral baths after the event. A man that sodomises a boy child feels young again, feels free and innocent. The boy grows up way before his time. Becomes an adult long before it was meant to be his time.

Having sex with another man, if you are a man, makes you feel like a man, but makes you act like a women. Its all deception, and god isnt trying to spoil our fun, he is trying to help us.


Thanks for the thoughts..Very interesting..and thought provoking.




Through the Looking Glass
You know what is the main thought my homosexual friends struggled with? Why am I like this? The next main thought was Why dont others accept me?
I think you aren't even trying to understand what it feels like to be an outcast from society and be the object of people's scorn.

Homosexuals suffer greatly. Not so much from the non-homosexuals but by the torture of their own minds.
You're generalizing and projecting.

What i am saying, is that homosexuals bring their sexuality into every aspect of their lives. It becomes such a big deal that nothing else seems to matter.

Now you're definitely projecting.

You're saying much, much more about yourself than you are about "homosexuals," Heneni.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Heneni, I think the part you're missing there is that any homosexuals who are self-conscious about being homosexual are only that way because of all of the people who look down on them, oppress them, and call their actions sinning. If you did something harmless that a huge number of people kept telling you was evil and you'd be punished eternally for, you would probably feel a little self-conscious, too. It's not an innate sense. It's the same sort of feeling anyone who is different from the majority gets. If you go to a black-tie party in your jeans and tee-shirt, you're going to feel self-conscious. Does that make your outfit a sin, or evil?


Through the Looking Glass
If you go to a black-tie party in your jeans and tee-shirt, you're going to feel self-conscious. Does that make your outfit a sin, or evil?
Of course it does Matt. That which does not conform to my personal aesthetic standards is ungodly and evil. :slap:

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
doppelgänger;1153563 said:
Of course it does Matt. That which does not conform to my personal aesthetic standards is ungodly and evil. :slap:

It's a good thing everyone doesn't share that view, or you'd be in big trouble. ;)


Through the Looking Glass
It's a good thing everyone doesn't share that view, or you'd be in big trouble. ;)
It's a surprisingly common view.
By the way, if you don't value the same things I value the same why I value them, you are also debased, deranged and swimming in sin. So I don't need to actually get to know you. Sorry, friend. I say this for your own good and only because I wuuuuuuv you soooo much!


Depends Upon My Mood..

Are you saying that all homosexuals wish they werent?..And that all homosexuals do not accept themselves while demanding that others do?..And that all homosexuals center everything in thier lives aruond their sexuality?

And are you discounting the ones that do feel this way and act in the manner you have observed that they are reacting to outward hatred and descrimaination by other people?..Not something coming from inside of them?




Active Member
Hello guys!

LOL...this is exactly what happens when you apparently go against homosexuality. And this is exactly the trend my 'homosexual ' friends followed. As long as you are for them, they will keep you around, as long as you have a problem with them, you are in for it. The problem could be ANY thing, not even about their sexuality...they dont take kindly to critisism.

Hello Heneni,

I agree that the OP was written in a way that would lead to this same old heated debate. And of course you are entitled to voice your opinion and you should. I believe that you had a bad experience with these friends.

It's just that when you make blanket statements about all homosexuals based on your personal experience, assuming they all have "debased minds", etc. I hope you can at least understand that comments like that are hurtful (and have no basis in scripture that I am aware of). People are naturally going to argue with you on that point. You may call that overly sensitive, but wouldn't you want to argue your side if someone made a blanket statement like that assuming you or your friends had a debased mind?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Homosexuals suffer greatly. Not so much from the non-homosexuals but by the torture of their own minds.
You're wrong. the whole reason homosexuals suffer is because of the ostracism, moral judgment and discrimination from the "Bahble-believin'" yokels who constantly tell them how unolvable and unacceptable they are.
In a nutshell...they said 'I dont know why I am like this'...and most of them said they wish they werent, and then in the same conversation they required the accceptance of their fellow humans, when they themselves were not accepting themselves.
Gurantee you that most of them don't know why they're "like this" because they're constantly being told that what they are is an abberation, and just wrong. Most of them wish they weren't, because then they wouldn't have to suffer being the victims of society. Of course they "require the acceptance of their fellow human beings -- we all do! Most of us aren't lumped into some kind of false "minority," however, so it's easier for us. If they don't accept themselves, it's largely because society does not advocate their self-acceptance.
What i am saying, is that homosexuals bring their sexuality into every aspect of their lives. It becomes such a big deal that nothing else seems to matter. That is the problem. Why start a church for homosexuals? Why does sexuality have to be a reason to start a church? Why start a gay business, why does that have to be necessary? Why start a gay parade? Why is it necessary to flaunt what should be natural to them?

Homosexuals tend to make everything about their sexuality.
Have you ever watched TV for five minutes? Sexuality is everywhere, and it permeates all aspects of our human life. It's a big deal for them, because we make a big deal out of it. We have judged their feelings, their desires, their sitz im leben to be wrong, bad, ungodly, sinful, malformed, deviant, etc. Women tend to make everything about women, too, especially if they're being oppressed for being women. Blacks tend to make everything about color, too, especially if they're being oppressed for being black. Homosexuals are no different.

Our oppression of these victim groups is so much part of us, that we don't even notice it when it happens. You can't judge the way in which a person or group handles oppression, until you've suffered the oppression yourself.
It was never gods intention to find sexual fullfillment with the same sex and if you do, you will have to go to extreme lengths to cope with those feelings.
that's your opinion, and it just goes to show you how insidious and ubiquitous our oppression has become. I happen to be a lifelong Christian, and a student of the Bible, and I don't find in it anywhere that "God never intends for us to find sexual fulfillment with the same sex." I find a very few verses where male homosexual acts are condemned by the authors, but upon further study, I find those objections to be culturally, not morally based.
Women that are raped feel dirty. The unclean spirit of the man that raped her becomes part of her, and she wants to take serveral baths after the event. A man that sodomises a boy child feels young again, feels free and innocent. The boy grows up way before his time. Becomes an adult long before it was meant to be his time.
These examples have to do with the fallout from having been a victim of violence, which is depraved. Homosexuality is not violence -- it's not even classified as a disorder -- and is not depraved (except in cases of non-consensual sex). Therefore, conclusions cannot be the same. However, the emotional violence suffered by homosexuals at the hands of "Bahble-wavin'" fanatics, who insist on spanking them just for being who they are, quite probably does leave the recipients of this kind of insidious violence feeling violated, dirty, and twisted.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Then there is the uniting of two people when they have sexual intercourse. We might not believe it, but what you take into yourself when you have sex is some of the characteristics of the other partner.

Having sex with another man, if you are a man, makes you feel like a man, but makes you act like a women. Its all deception, and god isnt trying to spoil our fun, he is trying to help us.

If we are taking on some of the characteristics of those we are sexual active with..becomoning "one"...then wouldnt a man havign sex with a man take on the characterics of a man?..Therfore acting 'more " like a man rather than less? ..Double manly?

And wouldnt I as a female having sex with my man husband take on some of his manly charctersitcs and he take on some of my female ones?..Based on your theory my husband and I having sex would make me feel like a woman but act like a man and him feel like a man and act like a woman..(if we are going with the idea of taking on some of the others charcteristics)




Miss Independent
Clearly the crowd is growing. And i expect more to join in later.

And the references to self-righteousness and god having to be redeemed is ever present.

If you dont believe that god means what he says, then that is your perrogative. But to me there is no doubt that homosexuality leads to a mindset that is torture for most homosexuals.

There is always a willing audience for profound statements, always less of an audience that will listen to the inner man.

You have accepted homosexuality. If that be the case you wouldnt mind if god doesnt. He knows why it is hurtfull.

Doppelganger...you usually have lots of good stuff to say. But if you think god needs to be redeemed im afraid you are barking up the wrong tree. God isnt the one that is insecure, god is not the one that is selfish, and god is not the one that is in torment. Perhaps you want to reconsider your statement.

Satan hates god doppelganger...if he didnt you and i wouldnt be here in the first place. You talk about god like he is not actually listening to what you are saying..i call that self-righteous. Im afraid that if you were expecting me to oppologise for calling what is wrong right then you are going to wait for a long time. I can live with homosexuals, but i dont think they can live with me.

Free will is nothing but trouble. Look around you. While we are excercising our free will, our world is going to pieces. So while some keep on campaigning for gay rights, god passes them by.

I wasnt born to be the sweetner, somebody else was born for that, i was born to be a laxative. A spiritual laxative. Im just doing what i must. When i hit a nerve, i know im doing my job. Who was it on this forum that said..the truth will hurt you before it sets you free.

If you are for homosexuality, you are no friend of theirs, since you are condoning a practise that hurts them. Some friend that is!

As far as lumping all homosexuals under the same umbrella. Unfortuanetly the bible does not say SOME are given to a debased mind. If you are a practising homosexual, then i dont have to wonder about the mindset, its clear what the bible says happens.

Next time, if i have a homosexual friend, i will tell him/her from the start, that what they are doing is hurting them. If they listen, ive helped a friend, if they dont, i cant be of any help to them.

Sometimes it is just wrong to accept things because we fear rejection from the crowd. Everyone is very carefull about talking about homosexuality, yet they find it very easy to abuse, and insult my god, yet that does not seem to get anyone into trouble.

Double standards from a community that has become debased. Homosexuals have more people intimidated than god himself.



I wasnt born to be the sweetner, somebody else was born for that, i was born to be a laxative. A spiritual laxative.

Man I wish that Falwell had said this!

Mission accomplished!


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Clearly the crowd is growing. And i expect more to join in later.

And the references to self-righteousness and god having to be redeemed is ever present.

If you dont believe that god means what he says, then that is your perrogative. But to me there is no doubt that homosexuality leads to a mindset that is torture for most homosexuals.

There is always a willing audience for profound statements, always less of an audience that will listen to the inner man.

You have accepted homosexuality. If that be the case you wouldnt mind if god doesnt. He knows why it is hurtfull.

Doppelganger...you usually have lots of good stuff to say. But if you think god needs to be redeemed im afraid you are barking up the wrong tree. God isnt the one that is insecure, god is not the one that is selfish, and god is not the one that is in torment. Perhaps you want to reconsider your statement.

Satan hates god doppelganger...if he didnt you and i wouldnt be here in the first place. You talk about god like he is not actually listening to what you are saying..i call that self-righteous. Im afraid that if you were expecting me to oppologise for calling what is wrong right then you are going to wait for a long time. I can live with homosexuals, but i dont think they can live with me.

Free will is nothing but trouble. Look around you. While we are excercising our free will, our world is going to pieces. So while some keep on campaigning for gay rights, god passes them by.

I wasnt born to be the sweetner, somebody else was born for that, i was born to be a laxative. A spiritual laxative. Im just doing what i must. When i hit a nerve, i know im doing my job. Who was it on this forum that said..the truth will hurt you before it sets you free.

If you are for homosexuality, you are no friend of theirs, since you are condoning a practise that hurts them. Some friend that is!

As far as lumping all homosexuals under the same umbrella. Unfortuanetly the bible does not say SOME are given to a debased mind. If you are a practising homosexual, then i dont have to wonder about the mindset, its clear what the bible says happens.

Next time, if i have a homosexual friend, i will tell him/her from the start, that what they are doing is hurting them. If they listen, ive helped a friend, if they dont, i cant be of any help to them.

Sometimes it is just wrong to accept things because we fear rejection from the crowd. Everyone is very carefull about talking about homosexuality, yet they find it very easy to abuse, and insult my god, yet that does not seem to get anyone into trouble.

Double standards from a community that has become debased. Homosexuals have more people intimidated than god himself.

Just good, Godly people trying to defend victims from their attackers!

It may be your "per-rogituvve" that homosexuality is harmful. but then...you're not homosexual, so how would you know for sure? it is not my prerogative to say that God doesn't mean what God says. It's my prerogative to speculate about questionable interpretations of biblical text.

You have not accepted homosexuality as an alternative. If that be the case, I'm sure you won't mind if God does...

I don't think you can live with homosexuals. And I don't blame them for not wanting to live with you. I think that, until you can come to an awareness of reconciliation with those who differ from you, you will never be happy.

didn't you know that, while some campaign for homosexual advocacy, God is right there, in their midst? I wonder, then, just who it is that's "passing them by?" Could it be those who choose to put their noses int he air where oppression is concerned?

If you disdain free will so much, why don't you go and live in...oh, I don't know...Iran, China, or any other place that suppresses the free will and forces its values upon the individual?

BTW...I didn't think that God's modus operendi was one of intimidation -- I thought it was one of reconciliation. But, that's not in the "Bahble" or anything...


Intentionally Blank
The problem is not gay people or anyone's right to an opinion. The problem with your posts, pure and simple, is prejudice. It's not right to judge an entire group of people by your personal, biased, victim-playing, whining, feel-sorry-for-me experience. Your posts tell us a lot about you, and nothing about gay people. And what they tell us is that you are quick to jump to unwarranted negative conclusions about an entire group of people based on your limited experience with a few of them, without stopping to ask yourself what the story might look like from their point of view, or why they behaved as they did, or whether they were elected to represent all gay people. Simply put, prejudice is immoral. It's wrong, destructive and hateful not only to the group you do it too, but to yourself. It doesn't matter whether you're talking about gay people, Jews, African-Americans, or Christians--it's wrong. "Homosexuals do..." "Homosexuals are..." No, they're not. Some are, and some aren't--just like anyone else. There's nothing wrong with being gay except being a victim of the type of prejudice that your post exhibits. By posting this hateful tripe, you're contributing to the problem. Please stop.

I will not use your posts as evidence of what all Christians do, say or think, unlike how you responded to your experience.

Your post leads me to suspect that your friends probably had very good reasons for not wanting to be friends with you. It certainly doesn't inspire me to want to be your friend; quite the opposite. What you have revealed about your character does not inspire trust or loyalty, two qualities necessary for true friendship. That is what I suggest you look at.

And for heaven's sake stop whining. You're not a victim, still less an authority on homosexuals.

btw, I'm thrilled to be a lesbian. Were I religious, I would thank God for giving me the gift of a woman's love. I don't much care how you feel about that, but I care greatly how you treat me. That is what we're looking for: fair treatment. Nothing more.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
i was born to be a laxative. A spiritual laxative. Im just doing what i must.
There's a time to gather in...and a time to regurgitate mightily. Some are just born to this kind of greatness. The rest of us have it thrust upon us...


Depends Upon My Mood..
Clearly the crowd is growing. And i expect more to join in later.

And the references to self-righteousness and god having to be redeemed is ever present.

If you dont believe that god means what he says, then that is your perrogative. But to me there is no doubt that homosexuality leads to a mindset that is torture for most homosexuals.

There is always a willing audience for profound statements, always less of an audience that will listen to the inner man.

You have accepted homosexuality. If that be the case you wouldnt mind if god doesnt. He knows why it is hurtfull.

Doppelganger...you usually have lots of good stuff to say. But if you think god needs to be redeemed im afraid you are barking up the wrong tree. God isnt the one that is insecure, god is not the one that is selfish, and god is not the one that is in torment. Perhaps you want to reconsider your statement.

Satan hates god doppelganger...if he didnt you and i wouldnt be here in the first place. You talk about god like he is not actually listening to what you are saying..i call that self-righteous. Im afraid that if you were expecting me to oppologise for calling what is wrong right then you are going to wait for a long time. I can live with homosexuals, but i dont think they can live with me.

Free will is nothing but trouble. Look around you. While we are excercising our free will, our world is going to pieces. So while some keep on campaigning for gay rights, god passes them by.

I wasnt born to be the sweetner, somebody else was born for that, i was born to be a laxative. A spiritual laxative. Im just doing what i must. When i hit a nerve, i know im doing my job. Who was it on this forum that said..the truth will hurt you before it sets you free.

If you are for homosexuality, you are no friend of theirs, since you are condoning a practise that hurts them. Some friend that is!

As far as lumping all homosexuals under the same umbrella. Unfortuanetly the bible does not say SOME are given to a debased mind. If you are a practising homosexual, then i dont have to wonder about the mindset, its clear what the bible says happens.

Next time, if i have a homosexual friend, i will tell him/her from the start, that what they are doing is hurting them. If they listen, ive helped a friend, if they dont, i cant be of any help to them.

Sometimes it is just wrong to accept things because we fear rejection from the crowd. Everyone is very carefull about talking about homosexuality, yet they find it very easy to abuse, and insult my god, yet that does not seem to get anyone into trouble.

Double standards from a community that has become debased. Homosexuals have more people intimidated than god himself.


I dont beleive that you are coming from a place of judment myself personally..You sound sincere to me that you truly believe homosexuals are huriting themselves and that is why God has called it sin..I dont 'hear" hatred in your "tone"..I think you honestly believe you are being loving and have a heart of concern.

The problem I see is you have lumped all homosexuals together..They all are this way and they all live this way and they all feel this way..You can not possibly know how every single unique homosexual feels inside,or how they live thier lives..There is just no way.Not only that you have seemingly ignored or turned a blind eye of the sheer hatred aimed at them as a group by many..And in fact because of thier sexual orientation have been hugely desriminated against by individuals and the government.




Intentionally Blank
Can't frubal Dallas but I commend her for speaking up for a group to which she does not belong. For me that's a mark of a good person. Consider yourself fruballed.


Miss Independent
If we are taking on some of the characteristics of those we are sexual active with..becomoning "one"...then wouldnt a man havign sex with a man take on the characterics of a man?..Therfore acting 'more " like a man rather than less? ..Double manly?

And wouldnt I as a female having sex with my man husband take on some of his manly charctersitcs and he take on some of my female ones?..Based on your theory my husband and I having sex would make me feel like a woman but act like a man and him feel like a man and act like a woman..(if we are going with the idea of taking on some of the others charcteristics)



You make some good points. What do you think happens when you have sex with your husband...dont you find that sooner or later the two of you take on some of the values of the other? I didnt mean that you become like a man, you unite to some of his values. Your husband doesnt want to be a women, so he doesnt become one. A gay man, wants to be gay, and uniting himself to a gay man, makes him more gay.

The values of one gay man, and the values of the other man is shared among them when they have intercourse. They are both gay, and when they have sex they become more gay. The gay values are doubled. Most gay men are insecure, very insecure, and there are many reasons for that. God can help with insecurity there is no need to sleep with a man to feel accepted. For some reason though, and i have observed this myself, is that the more men sleep with men, they more they walk like a women. I think this is obvious in the gay community. But it is clear that when two men unite themselves with each other, there are some significant changes to their body language.

If you consider a promisques women, the more she sleeps around, the more promisques she dresses, are the more promisques she acts. The values of the men she sleeps with requires her to become less and less self-aware, and more and more like an object, like the men that sleep with her thinks she is. Until she finds it no problem to sleep with just about anything. The same values that the man has that sleep with her.

If your husband is a lyer, and you sleep with him often enough, you will start to do what he does.

Have you noticed how many homosexuals say that it natural to have sexual intercourse because there are animals that do it. Perhaps that is what god thought when he talked about a debased mind. The mind of an animal. Could be, but in anycase it is hurtful to them, so that is why god does not condone it.

I dont expect them to agree with me. Most alcoholic and drug addicts wont agree with their family or friends either.


Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Clearly the crowd is growing. And i expect more to join in later.

And the references to self-righteousness and god having to be redeemed is ever present.

If you dont believe that god means what he says, then that is your perrogative. But to me there is no doubt that homosexuality leads to a mindset that is torture for most homosexuals.

There is always a willing audience for profound statements, always less of an audience that will listen to the inner man.

You have accepted homosexuality. If that be the case you wouldnt mind if god doesnt. He knows why it is hurtfull.

Doppelganger...you usually have lots of good stuff to say. But if you think god needs to be redeemed im afraid you are barking up the wrong tree. God isnt the one that is insecure, god is not the one that is selfish, and god is not the one that is in torment. Perhaps you want to reconsider your statement.

Satan hates god doppelganger...if he didnt you and i wouldnt be here in the first place. You talk about god like he is not actually listening to what you are saying..i call that self-righteous. Im afraid that if you were expecting me to oppologise for calling what is wrong right then you are going to wait for a long time. I can live with homosexuals, but i dont think they can live with me.

Free will is nothing but trouble. Look around you. While we are excercising our free will, our world is going to pieces. So while some keep on campaigning for gay rights, god passes them by.

I wasnt born to be the sweetner, somebody else was born for that, i was born to be a laxative. A spiritual laxative. Im just doing what i must. When i hit a nerve, i know im doing my job. Who was it on this forum that said..the truth will hurt you before it sets you free.

If you are for homosexuality, you are no friend of theirs, since you are condoning a practise that hurts them. Some friend that is!

As far as lumping all homosexuals under the same umbrella. Unfortuanetly the bible does not say SOME are given to a debased mind. If you are a practising homosexual, then i dont have to wonder about the mindset, its clear what the bible says happens.

Next time, if i have a homosexual friend, i will tell him/her from the start, that what they are doing is hurting them. If they listen, ive helped a friend, if they dont, i cant be of any help to them.

Sometimes it is just wrong to accept things because we fear rejection from the crowd. Everyone is very carefull about talking about homosexuality, yet they find it very easy to abuse, and insult my god, yet that does not seem to get anyone into trouble.

Double standards from a community that has become debased. Homosexuals have more people intimidated than god himself.


So, the problem is that you think they're hurting themselves? Well, problem solved! They're not hurting anyone, including themselves! There, that was easy. Now that that's out of the way, you can start treating them the same as you would anyone else.

Also, we're not careful in talking about homosexuality, it's called understanding. I think it's funny that you take offense and call it abusing and insulting your god when we talk about that concept in a similar way that you talk about homosexuals.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
You make some good points. What do you think happens when you have sex with your husband...dont you find that sooner or later the two of you take on some of the values of the other? I didnt mean that you become like a man, you unite to some of his values. Your husband doesnt want to be a women, so he doesnt become one. A gay man, wants to be gay, and uniting himself to a gay man, makes him more gay.

The values of one gay man, and the values of the other man is shared among them when they have intercourse. They are both gay, and when they have sex they become more gay. The gay values are doubled. Most gay men are insecure, very insecure, and there are many reasons for that. God can help with insecurity there is no need to sleep with a man to feel accepted. For some reason though, and i have observed this myself, is that the more men sleep with men, they more they walk like a women. I think this is obvious in the gay community. But it is clear that when two men unite themselves with each other, there are some significant changes to their body language.

If you consider a promisques women, the more she sleeps around, the more promisques she dresses, are the more promisques she acts. The values of the men she sleeps with requires her to become less and less self-aware, and more and more like an object, like the men that sleep with her thinks she is. Until she finds it no problem to sleep with just about anything. The same values that the man has that sleep with her.

If your husband is a lyer, and you sleep with him often enough, you will start to do what he does.

Have you noticed how many homosexuals say that it natural to have sexual intercourse because there are animals that do it. Perhaps that is what god thought when he talked about a debased mind. The mind of an animal. Could be, but in anycase it is hurtful to them, so that is why god does not condone it.

I dont expect them to agree with me. Most alcoholic and drug addicts wont agree with their family or friends either.

have you stopped to consider that some homosexuals don't engage in intercourse? What of them?