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Why does God hate Homosexuals and why did he create them?


Miss Independent
Do I doppelganger?

Ditto the compliment.:rolleyes:

Mball??? Um..id like to answer you but i believe you are unable to believe me. Your perception of me a hypocrite. I dont want to be your little bit of entertainment for the night if you dont mind.



Through the Looking Glass
Do I doppelganger?

Ditto the compliment.:rolleyes:
Yeah . . . sorry, but your efforts all the more make me sympathize with victims of your sort of dehumanizing prejudice, and all the more make "Christianity" seem like it's easily used as cover for all kinds of repulsive conduct.

I don't know if that was what you were going for, but it's what you're accomplishing.

Best regards.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
eh, it's pointless arguing with homosexuals, it's a never ending argument. All I'm going to say is most of society is heterosexual, and most of them agree it's not normal to be homosexual.

Are you saying that anything that is not normal is wrong or bad?


Intentionally Blank
There comes a time when you have to ask yourself some tought questions. And i have observed my friends hurting themselves, and they have cried with me, and they have called out for help. But...no one can help them if they are not willing to admit that what they are doing is hurting themselves.
So if they say they're not hurting themselves, you don't believe them? Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy you've got there.

It doenst matter what i think about homosexuality really..does it? It matters to me what god thinks it does to people. And i have seen it. It is not good for them.
Not really, since there is no God. And no, you have not met me, and know nothing about me.

In my dealings with homosexual people, i have realised one thing in particular. YOU CANNOT CHANGE THEIR minds. That in itself is debased. If you cant change your mind, then there is something very wrong with it.
So I suppose you're open to changing your mind about Jesus? No? According to you that's debased.

It looks like you see everyone who disagress with you and isn't willing to agree with you as debased. That's really debased, if you ask me.

I accepted all my homosexual friends, i do not accepts them hurting themselves. But i cannot do anything about it, and they dont seem to have the ability to realise they are hurting themselves. And that is the problem from gods perspective. Their eyes and their ears have closed to the inner conscience and inner guide.
Or maybe they're not. Maybe they're perfectly happy, and sick of your sanctimonious arrogant attitude that you know what's best for them. Maybe that's why they dumped you.

I believe what god said. I dont think i should have doubted him. And i never will again, in this regards.
O.K., so, like God, you accept lesbianism then? btw, what did God say, and in what language? Do you even know? Do you even know whether God ever said a word about homosexuality? Many experts in ancient Hebrew and Koine Greek think he didn't. Did you know that?

I have seen my one friend try to commit suicide, i have seen him yearning for the acceptance of his parents, i have seen how they desperately need to act up in social circumstances to be accepted. They are longing for acceptance! That is true. But they will never find it. Never within themselves. Hence the great homosexual threads and controversy. And it will never go away either.
Or maybe they just wanted their parents to love them as they are.

I have come to the conclusion that homosexuals are so outspoken about their sexuality since they themselves have not come to grips with it. They fear that if they have to let go of it , they have to let go of who they are. But they dont really know who that is.They struggle to find an identity, and look to others people's acceptance of them, as a measure of how much they are worth. Hence if someone says someting about it, the respons is overwhelming since the fear of having to be challenged in that way is overwelming.These are the underlying problems that homosexuals struggle with.
I have come to the conclusion that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Having said all that...i also need to make something very clear. While I am quite outspoken about the problem of homosexuality causing a debased mind. I in no way think that i am better than them, or more worthy of love, or more self-assured.
Don't worry, we don't think so either.

Highligting the problems they experience does not make me better than them. I have to account for my own mishaps and mess-ups and they are many .
You could start with your tendency to bigotry.

Unfortunately this is always the way people interpret resistance to homosexuality - they interpret it as a personal attack.
Maybe it's because of the personal attacks. So far you've called us insecure, deceitful, debased, selfish and immoral. Sounds like a personal attack to me. I certainly feel attacked.


Miss Independent
Well i never said i hated homosexuals. Interesting personal projection there autodidact. Im just wondering..since you are an atheist, would it be ok if i was a bit sick of your comments in the religious section? I guess not. But then, you may spew your own mind out anywhere since you are a lesbian. I forgot, we have to tip toe around gay people in the religious section. Well at least my tolerance level is a bit higher than yours.



Intentionally Blank
eh, it's pointless arguing with homosexuals, it's a never ending argument. All I'm going to say is most of society is heterosexual, and most of them agree it's not normal to be homosexual.
1. Define normal.
2. Are you sure? Have you taken a poll? I think most people have no problem with it. Why should they? It's no skin off their nose.

...assuming the man/people who made the bible were straight, they probably did not like the idea of homosexuals,
Why would being straight imply that you don't like the idea of homsexuals? What's wrong with live and let live? Do whites not like the idea of blacks? Talls not like the idea of shorts? Night-owls not like the idea of morning people? There's room for all sorts. As my mother used to say, it takes all kinds to make a world. And that's a good thing.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Mball??? Um..id like to answer you but i believe you are unable to believe me. Your perception of me a hypocrite. I dont want to be your little bit of entertainment for the night if you dont mind.


So, you don't think that your reading of the Bible and interpreting it in the way you have influenced your perception of those events? Just yes or no would be sufficient.


Miss Independent
doppelgänger;1153748 said:
Yeah . . . sorry, but your efforts all the more make me sympathize with victims of your sort of dehumanizing prejudice, and all the more make "Christianity" seem like it's easily used as cover for all kinds of repulsive conduct.

I don't know if that was what you were going for, but it's what you're accomplishing.

Best regards.

Best regards!!! LOL...you can spare me the fake sympathy doppelganger! Are you trying to sympathize with me because i am appearing to be a hypocrite? Well then that is your projection of yourself on me.

A HYPOCRITE is someone that thinks that they know the matters of god better than god.

And so that makes everyone here that does not believe what he said to be the truth about homosexual behaviour a hypocrite. Not me..i believe HIM!

You have a nice evening! And i mean it.


Intentionally Blank
Well i never said i hated homosexuals. Interesting personal projection there autodidact. Im just wondering..since you are an atheist, would it be ok if i was a bit sick of your comments in the religious section? I guess not. But then, you may spew your own mind out anywhere since you are a lesbian. I forgot, we have to tip toe around gay people in the religious section. Well at least my tolerance level is a bit higher than yours.

You said, "Homosexuals are..." "Homosexuals think..." "Homosexuals do..." And most of those sentences ended negatively. You've called us insecure, demanding, immoral and compared us to drug addicts. You've said many hateful, mean, nasty things about us.
If you find me saying things like, "What I've noticed about Christians is that they're arrogant, self-righteous and bigoted, like Heneni," then by all means please correct me. I think it's wrong and bad to make generalizations about groups of people like that, and would want to be corrected if I did it.
I would respond the same way if you were spewing bigotry about a racial minority or any other group. That's why I appreciated Dallas for standing up to you although she is not gay. Bigotry is bigotry and should be combated whether you belong to the group being disparaged or not.
If there's one thing you have no demonstrated from your posts, it's tolerance.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Best regards!!! LOL...you can spare me the fake sympathy doppelganger! Are you trying to sympathize with me because i am appearing to be a hypocrite? Well then that is your projection of yourself on me.

A HYPOCRITE is someone that thinks that they know the matters of god better than god.

And so that makes everyone here that does not believe what he said to be the truth about homosexual behaviour a hypocrite. Not me..i believe HIM!

You have a nice evening! And i mean it.

Yes, you believe that your interpretation of what "God said" is true.

A hypocrite is someone who condemns a certain action as bad or wrong and then does said action themselves. Kind of like you saying that homosexuals are debased for not changing their minds, while you yourself refuse to see the opposing argument or change your mind.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
eh, it's pointless arguing with homosexuals, it's a never ending argument. All I'm going to say is most of society is heterosexual, and most of them agree it's not normal to be homosexual.
You're right. Most of society is heterosexual and it's not normal for them to be homosexual. But by the same token, I am homosexual, it is not normal for me to heterosexual. You be who you are and let me be who I am. That's all I ask of anyone.


Miss Independent
Lets see what did i say homosexual supporters are like.

1. They group together and bully whoever goes against them.
2. They cant change their minds
3. They are revengefull and manipulative.
4. They are afraid of critisism.
5. They are insecure.

Check to all these points.

As far as i can remember, my experience taught me that the bible is true. From experience i realised that what it said was right. If someone had to place a bible in my hand right now, and I for the first time read it, i would have to agree with it regarding homosexuality.



I agree with live and let live, which is why I accept homosexuals. I accept homosexuals, and believe so does most of society. I don't hate them. I don't dislike them simply because they are gay. What I will say, is gay or not, I really hate flamboyant people, I'm just terribly annoyed by them. I'm all about a world of variety, and that is what I want. What I don't want is for us all to mix together, I hate how America is becoming a boiling pot, physically and sexually, it's just disappoints me.

You're right. Most of society is heterosexual and it's not normal for them to be homosexual. But by the same token, I am homosexual, it is not normal for me to heterosexual. You be who you are and let me be who I am. That's all I ask of anyone.

Most of society is not gay, therefore it is not normal to be gay. Is there anyone not letting you be what you want? Critism and hate is a part of life, it sucks, but you just have to get over it and accept it.


Miss Independent
Yes, you believe that your interpretation of what "God said" is true.

A hypocrite is someone who condemns a certain action as bad or wrong and then does said action themselves. Kind of like you saying that homosexuals are debased for not changing their minds, while you yourself refuse to see the opposing argument or change your mind.

Ok first of...the term hypocrite as it is used in the bible refers to religious scolars who thought they had the law down to a tea, and taught the law to the people while they themselves broke it and they did not listen to the WRITER of the law.

If you want to use another analogy for hypocrite then dont use it to wipe my face with it.
I dont condone homosexual behaviour, and i dont do it either.

I AM able to change my mind and i did...but your not happy that im not changing it your way..



Intentionally Blank
Lets see what did i say homosexual supporters are like.

1. They group together and bully whoever goes against them.
2. They cant change their minds
3. They are revengefull and manipulative.
4. They are afraid of critisism.
5. They are insecure.
Right. And all of those are personal, disparaging attacks on the character of an entire group of people about whom you know almost nothing. btw, you didn't say that about homosexual supporters, you said it about homosexuals. No one has bullied you here; we just disagree with you. That's our right. You have not changed your mind any more than we have--that's hypocritical. No one here has been vengeful or manipulative, or demonstrated a fear of criticism, except you. And no one here has demonstrated insecurity except you. To make disparaging statements like this about an entire group of people is not only false, it is immoral, wrong, and bigoted. You need to spend some time learning about the evil of prejudice. Maybe learning about the holocaust would be a good way to start. Prejudice can lead to great evil, and should be combated.

Check to all these points.
They are all false. Every one of them.

As far as i can remember, my experience taught me that the bible is true. From experience i realised that what it said was right. If someone had to place a bible in my hand right now, and I for the first time read it, i would have to agree with it regarding homosexuality.
You don't even know what it says on the matter, unless you're fluent in Ancient Hebrew and Koine Greek.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
As far as i can remember, my experience taught me that the bible is true. From experience i realised that what it said was right. If someone had to place a bible in my hand right now, and I for the first time read it, i would have to agree with it regarding homosexuality.


And my experience is radically different from yours. I am by nature more skeptical and cannot recall ever reading something and questioning and holding it up against the witness of my own experience and truth. Therefore knowing what I know and having lived through what I have, I cannot agree with the common version of the Bible's stance on homosexuality (and many other things as well).

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Most of society is not gay, therefore it is not normal to be gay.

You almost got it right. Most of society is not gay, therefore it is not normal of most of society to be gay. It is still perfectly normal however for the minority to have a different orientation than the majority.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Lets see what did i say homosexual supporters are like.

1. They group together and bully whoever goes against them.
2. They cant change their minds
3. They are revengefull and manipulative.
4. They are afraid of critisism.
5. They are insecure.

Check to all these points.

As far as i can remember, my experience taught me that the bible is true. From experience i realised that what it said was right. If someone had to place a bible in my hand right now, and I for the first time read it, i would have to agree with it regarding homosexuality.


That's the problem. You imagine that these points are true for all homosexuals. How about this? All Christians:

1. Are stubborn and closed-minded
2. Are ignorant
3. Group together and bully whoever goes against them
4. Are vengeful and manipulative
5. Are afraid of criticism
6. Are insecure.

Check to all of these points.

Now, do you think that accurately describes all Christians? I've had experience of these things with Christians, so I guess it's true for all Christians. I guess you agree with my assessment then, huh?