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Why does God hate Homosexuals and why did he create them?


Most of society is not gay, therefore it is not normal of most of society to be gay.

Therefore being homosexual is not normal. You're just wording it in a different way. You can look it from every different angle you want.

It is still perfectly normal however for the minority to have a different orientation than the majority.

Yes, I agree.



Depends Upon My Mood..
Lets see what did i say homosexual supporters are like.

1. They group together and bully whoever goes against them.
2. They cant change their minds
3. They are revengefull and manipulative.
4. They are afraid of critisism.
5. They are insecure.

Check to all these points.

As far as i can remember, my experience taught me that the bible is true. From experience i realised that what it said was right. If someone had to place a bible in my hand right now, and I for the first time read it, i would have to agree with it regarding homosexuality.


What if I say I know gay people who do not fit your list of attributes?Am I lying?

And also what do you mean by "group together and bully" those that go "against " them?..Do you mean that some gays choose to unite together and fight against hatred,oppresssion and descrimination against them?..Similar to the feminist movement?..When a group banded together to fight the descrimination and opression thrust upon them simply based on thier gender?..Were they bullies too?refusing to change their minds?




Miss Independent
Hello Autodidact.

Well then, if you think i know nothing about homosexuals then its fair to say you know nothing of god. Except i was close friends with them for a long time. How many conversations have you had with god lately?

Hello Green, if there was any hope at all that homosexual people are really nice people, ive lost it by now...its really the furthest thing from my mind right now.

I have lived the reality of what i am talking about. Your reality being different. So we are both right, since we have both lived our truth. Perhaps one day i will change my mind again, but only if god himself comes down from heaven and tries to convince me the bible is a farse.



Active Member
Most of society is not gay, therefore it is not normal to be gay. Is there anyone not letting you be what you want? Critism and hate is a part of life, it sucks, but you just have to get over it and accept it.

Wow. So homosexuals (or any other group) should just accept any hate and criticism that comes their way? You really believe that?

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I agree with live and let live, which is why I accept homosexuals. I accept homosexuals, and believe so does most of society. I don't hate them. I don't dislike them simply because they are gay. What I will say, is gay or not, I really hate flamboyant people, I'm just terribly annoyed by them. I'm all about a world of variety, and that is what I want. What I don't want is for us all to mix together, I hate how America is becoming a boiling pot, physically and sexually, it's just disappoints me.

Um...America was intended to be a melting pot from the beginning. The whole point of it is for people to mix together. If you don't live in America, that's different, but that is the point of this country.

Most of society is not gay, therefore it is not normal to be gay. Is there anyone not letting you be what you want? Critism and hate is a part of life, it sucks, but you just have to get over it and accept it.

So, again, anything that is not normal, i.e. doesn't pertain to the majority, is bad and wrong? IS that what you believe?


Active Member
eh, it's pointless arguing with homosexuals, it's a never ending argument. All I'm going to say is most of society is heterosexual, and most of them agree it's not normal to be homosexual. Most of society also accepts homosexuals as part of the community, just as they accept taxes. Some things you just have to live with and don't have a choice to change, sure you put a smile on your face, but that's life in a nutshell. People are going to do what they want, all you can do is be respectful, as long as they don't hurt those around you.

Makes sense......!

Will that bring Peace?


Wow. So homosexuals (or any other group) should just accept any hate and criticism that comes their way? You really believe that?

It's not something I have a choice to believe, it's reality. They do experience, and are forced to accept it, although they might argue their side for a piece of mind.


Intentionally Blank
Hello Autodidact.

Well then, if you think i know nothing about homosexuals then its fair to say you know nothing of god.
Of course; neither of us does. There is no such thing.
Except i was close friends with them for a long time. How many conversations have you had with god lately?
None; I don't talk to non-existent beings. How about you--has God talked to you lately? Did He tell you his feelings about homosexuality?

Hello Green, if there was any hope at all that homosexual people are really nice people, ive lost it by now...its really the furthest thing from my mind right now.
Try this on: Some are. Some are big fat jerks. Some are decietful, manipulative villains. And some are caring, honest, heroes. They vary. They're people. You can't generalize about groups of people like that. It's wrong in both senses--it's mistaken, and it's immoral.

I have lived the reality of what i am talking about. Your reality being different. So we are both right, since we have both lived our truth. Perhaps one day i will change my mind again, but only if god himself comes down from heaven and tries to convince me the bible is a farse.
No one's trying to convince you that the Bible is a farce. What I'm saying is that gay people are people, and show the normal variation in human character. To say otherwise is mistaken and wrong-headed, and tells us only about your prejudice, not about gay people. Also, you should take your perception of what happened into account. If your behavior was such as you have demonstrated here, then I'm not surprised if gay people did not respond to it with compassion; not everyone has that level of moral understanding.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
It's not something I have a choice to believe, it's reality. They do experience, and are forced to accept it, although they might argue their side for a piece of mind.

They are not forced to accept it. They are fighting it as we speak. If everyone just accepted everything assuming they could not change it anyway, then nothing would ever get done, and the world would be a very sad place.


Intentionally Blank
kdrier: I think the problem is that the word "normal" is very ambiguous. The average height for men is 5'10", so you could say in a sense that it's abnormal for a man to be 6'3". But there's nothing wrong with being tall. The great majority of people in the world have black hair. Red hair is in that sense grossly abnormal. But that word has a pejorative connotation that makes it not the best choice to use, a connotation of there being something wrong with the thing. It's highly unusual to be red-headed or gay, but there's nothing wrong, or in that sense "abnormal" with either. As Green Gaia says, it's quite normal for some people to be either.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
It's not something I have a choice to believe, it's reality. They do experience, and are forced to accept it, although they might argue their side for a piece of mind.
But if we don't fight it, it will never get better. Every triumph so far has come through determination, hard work and education. That's what will and must continue to happen for any injustice to be righted. If I were to just accept that my government is going to treat me like a second-class citizen and don't try to change things, then I have no one to blame but myself when that's exactly how they treat me.


Miss Independent
Oh dear mball

Why oh why do i need to debate with you when you dont want to come out of the closet yourself? And what in the world do I have to gain if you do? You think i am debating my point so that i can gain support. LOL...the only support i have is the evidence presented in this thread. Its enough for me. And the evidence is in your own posts. You feel good about yourself when you gain support...it makes you feel accepted. Exactly my point isnt it. Do I feel less worthy because you are not agreeing with me? I would hardly link my self worth to human perspective. So then why cant homosexuals lighten up?

Im not a christian in hiding. You avoid flack because you hide. I have a little more guts than that! And since you claim to not be a homosexual, why isnt autodidact harping on you for talking about something you know nothing about.

Double standards. Always trying to avoid the obvious misdemeanors.



Um...America was intended to be a melting pot from the beginning. The whole point of it is for people to mix together. If you don't live in America, that's different, but that is the point of this country.

Most of society is not gay, therefore it is not normal to be gay. Is there anyone not letting you be what you want? Critism and hate is a part of life, it sucks, but you just have to get over it and accept it.
So, again, anything that is not normal, i.e. doesn't pertain to the majority, is bad and wrong? IS that what you believe?

If I am wrong, and you are right, then I don't like what America is trying to accomplish, and that is my opinion. I like how America accepts different people and different cultures, but don't like the idea of combining them all together.

and no, something is not bad just because it does not pertain to the majority, I never said that. Society has and probably always will judge those who are different than the norm.


Miss Independent
Ok autodidact..if you dont believe there is a god, and you dont talk to him, you would have no clue why he apparently hates homosexuals then.. Get my point?



Depends Upon My Mood..
Having sex with another man, if you are a man, makes you feel like a man, but makes you act like a women. Its all deception, and god isnt trying to spoil our fun, he is trying to help us.


Also Im curious along this line of thinking what characteristics would a person that has intercourse with same sex and opposite sex take on?....What would they become?..More homosexual or more heterosexual?




But if we don't fight it, it will never get better. Every triumph so far has come through determination, hard work and education. That's what will and must continue to happen for any injustice to be righted. If I were to just accept that my government is going to treat me like a second-class citizen and don't try to change things, then I have no one to blame but myself when that's exactly how they treat me.

What will never get better? Your life? What is it that you want? Sorry, but the people that dislike homosexuality most likely always will, and most likely will always try to slow you down in life. Are things really so bad? Worse than my life? Everyone has different problems all the time. The government can change your rights, but they can't change individual opinions.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Oh dear mball

Why oh why do i need to debate with you when you dont want to come out of the closet yourself? And what in the world do I have to gain if you do? You think i am debating my point so that i can gain support. LOL...the only support i have is the evidence presented in this thread. Its enough for me. And the evidence is in your own posts. You feel good about yourself when you gain support...it makes you feel accepted. Exactly my point isnt it. Do I feel less worthy because you are not agreeing with me? I would hardly link my self worth to human perspective. So then why cant homosexuals lighten up?

Im not a christian in hiding. You avoid flack because you hide. I have a little more guts than that! And since you claim to not be a homosexual, why isnt autodidact harping on you for talking about something you know nothing about.

Double standards. Always trying to avoid the obvious misdemeanors.


So, you don't want to answer the question? You obviously don't have to, I'm just trying to open your eyes and show you a mirror. I assume that if people made statements like those in my previous post, you'd take offense. You don't have to admit to it, but, if you're honest you'll at least admit it to yourself. People take offense to your generalizations the same way you take offense to my comments, because they're not true for the entire group.

You have also refused to answer my previous question, what difference does it make whether or not I'm gay? As I said, I'll claim to be gay if you want. I don't know what that changes, but I'm hoping you'll tell me.

Autodidact isn't harping on me because her point is not that you know nothing about homosexuals, it's that you belive false info about them. I don't believe or promote this false info. I promote education and correct information.

you forget so quickl that I'm not the one with double standards here. That's you.


Miss Independent

Also Im curious along this line of thinking what characteristics would a person that has intercourse with same sex and opposite sex....What would they become?..More homosexual or more heterosexual?



Hello dallas, if you look further along in the thread i explained it more fully.


Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
What will never get better? Your life? What is it that you want? Sorry, but the people that dislike homosexuality most likely always will, and most likely will always try to slow you down in life. Are things really so bad? Worse than my life? Everyone has different problems all the time. The government can change your rights, but they can't change individual opinions.

The problem is that if we don't do something these prejudiced attitudes will continue with future generations. We may not change anyone's current attitude, but we can at least educate younger people so that they'll grow up as decent, intelligent people, and the suffering will end.