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Why does God hate Homosexuals and why did he create them?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
in anycase it is hurtful to them, so that is why god does not condone it.
How? or could it be that it's simply societal oppresion that is hurtful?
Most alcoholic and drug addicts wont agree with their family or friends either.
substance abuse is classified as an illness. Homosexuality is not. therefore, any comparison of the two is a non-argument.


Depends Upon My Mood..
You make some good points. What do you think happens when you have sex with your husband...dont you find that sooner or later the two of you take on some of the values of the other? I didnt mean that you become like a man, you unite to some of his values.

Values in what regard?..If your meaning in general?..No..Our sexual relationship has nothing to do with me taking on some of his values or not outside of bed. I either do or I dont agree with him over his values....If you are talking about taking on some of his "values" inside of bed?..Again not necessarily..Other than we like having sex with each other...Having sex with my husband does not make me "more heterosexual"..I just am ...period..And I excersize my right to enjoy that aspect of myself ..and I choose him in particualr to do it with..




Depends Upon My Mood..
have you stopped to consider that some homosexuals don't engage in intercourse? What of them?

I have one gay male friend..He is open to talking to me about this..He does no engage in intercourse..Not only that..he goes for years without engaging in sex at all..He told me he is more interested in all the other aspects in a relationship..Companionship,love and supportign each other through life..



Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I have one gay male friend..He is open to talking to me about this..He does no engage in intercourse..Not only that..he goes for years without engaging in sex at all..He told me he is more interested in all the other aspects in a relationship..Companionship,love and supportign each other through life..



In other words: the boring, useless parts of a relationship. :D


Depends Upon My Mood..
I confess!! I am a heterosexual because I was molested by 2 two boys when I was 4 and 5 years old.Had that not happened I woudl have been a lesbian.




Miss Independent
There comes a time when you have to ask yourself some tought questions. And i have observed my friends hurting themselves, and they have cried with me, and they have called out for help. But...no one can help them if they are not willing to admit that what they are doing is hurting themselves.

It doenst matter what i think about homosexuality really..does it? It matters to me what god thinks it does to people. And i have seen it. It is not good for them.

In my dealings with homosexual people, i have realised one thing in particular. YOU CANNOT CHANGE THEIR minds. That in itself is debased. If you cant change your mind, then there is something very wrong with it.

I accepted all my homosexual friends, i do not accepts them hurting themselves. But i cannot do anything about it, and they dont seem to have the ability to realise they are hurting themselves. And that is the problem from gods perspective. Their eyes and their ears have closed to the inner conscience and inner guide.

I believe what god said. I dont think i should have doubted him. And i never will again, in this regards.

I have seen my one friend try to commit suicide, i have seen him yearning for the acceptance of his parents, i have seen how they desperately need to act up in social circumstances to be accepted. They are longing for acceptance! That is true. But they will never find it. Never within themselves. Hence the great homosexual threads and controversy. And it will never go away either.

I have come to the conclusion that homosexuals are so outspoken about their sexuality since they themselves have not come to grips with it. They fear that if they have to let go of it , they have to let go of who they are. But they dont really know who that is.They struggle to find an identity, and look to others people's acceptance of them, as a measure of how much they are worth. Hence if someone says someting about it, the respons is overwhelming since the fear of having to be challenged in that way is overwelming.These are the underlying problems that homosexuals struggle with.

Having said all that...i also need to make something very clear. While I am quite outspoken about the problem of homosexuality causing a debased mind. I in no way think that i am better than them, or more worthy of love, or more self-assured.

Highligting the problems they experience does not make me better than them. I have to account for my own mishaps and mess-ups and they are many .

Unfortunately this is always the way people interpret resistance to homosexuality - they interpret it as a personal attack.

Be a better homosexual supporter than i am a christian. But dont think that god is a lyer. That is just foolishness.

(Anyone for dinner)

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
In my dealings with homosexual people, i have realised one thing in particular. YOU CANNOT CHANGE THEIR minds. That in itself is debased. If you cant change your mind, then there is something very wrong with it.

Funny you should say that, as I've noticed the exact same thing about you. Does tha mean you're "debased"? Why would it only be wrong for someone else not to change their mind, but it's not wrong for you?

Again, this is the defintion of hypocrite, and I believe that is the thing Jesus hated above all else, if memory serves me.


Through the Looking Glass
Funny you should say that, as I've noticed the exact same thing about you. Does tha mean you're "debased"? Why would it only be wrong for someone else not to change their mind, but it's not wrong for you?

Again, this is the defintion of hypocrite, and I believe that is the thing Jesus hated above all else, if memory serves me.

This is psychological projection. What the person does him or her self is projected onto the object of scorn as a defense mechanism.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
doppelgänger;1153694 said:
This is psychological projection. What the person does him or her self is projected onto the object of scorn as a defense mechanism.

I gotcha. I was trying to put it in terms someone who "follows Christ" would understand, but you're right.


Miss Independent
Funny you should say that, as I've noticed the exact same thing about you. Does tha mean you're "debased"? Why would it only be wrong for someone else not to change their mind, but it's not wrong for you?

Again, this is the defintion of hypocrite, and I believe that is the thing Jesus hated above all else, if memory serves me.

So now i am a hypocrite..read dobbelgangers post below...that means you are projecting what you are onto me.

Good post both of you!

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
So now i am a hypocrite..read dobbelgangers post below...that means you are projecting what you are onto me.

Good post both of you!

So, you agree with the statement that it's ok for you not to change your mind, but it's wrong for someone else to do the same thing?


Miss Independent
Well if you actually READ my posts mball...you would have noticed that i had no problem with homosexuality before, and i changed my mind.

Do you want me to change it for you again so that you could call me double minded?


Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Well if you actually READ my posts mball...you would have noticed that i had no problem with homosexuality before, and i changed my mind.

Do you want me to change it for you again so that you could call me double minded?


No, I see that you always had a problem with homosexuality, and, for some reason, are convinced that you didn't and that this one experience changed your mind.


Miss Independent
Well then, you know me better than i know myself. Would you like me to bow down and kiss your feet?:thud:

Since the only one that knows me better than i know myself thus far is god.

And when are you coming out of the closet? You dont mind if i know you better than you know yourself too right?


Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Well then, you know me better than i know myself. Would you like me to bow down and kiss your feet?:thud:

Since the only one that knows me better than i know myself thus far is god.

And when are you coming out of the closet? You dont mind if i know you better than you know yourself too right?


So, you honestly think that your belief in the Bible saying that homosexuals are debased and bad had nothing to do with your perception of the events in your friendships?

And, fine, for your sake let's say that I am gay. What does that prove, and how does it help your cause?


Intentionally Blank
If you dont believe that god means what he says, then that is your perrogative. But to me there is no doubt that homosexuality leads to a mindset that is torture for most homosexuals.
I don't believe that God even exists. If you do, and your God is the one in the Bible, then did God mean it when He doesn't say that lesbianism is a sin? After all, it's your God, shouldn't you believe what He says?

You have accepted homosexuality. If that be the case you wouldnt mind if god doesnt. He knows why it is hurtfull.
Cool how you're the authority on what God thinks. Did He tell you personally?

Im afraid that if you were expecting me to oppologise for calling what is wrong right then you are going to wait for a long time. I can live with homosexuals, but i dont think they can live with me.
Are you trying to assert that homosexuality is immoral? Why on earth? Make your argument.

I wasnt born to be the sweetner, somebody else was born for that, i was born to be a laxative. A spiritual laxative. Im just doing what i must. When i hit a nerve, i know im doing my job. Who was it on this forum that said..the truth will hurt you before it sets you free.
:rofl: Horrible image. Hilarious.

If you are for homosexuality, you are no friend of theirs, since you are condoning a practise that hurts them. Some friend that is!
Mine doesn't hurt me at all. Quite the contrary; it's lovely.

As far as lumping all homosexuals under the same umbrella. Unfortuanetly the bible does not say SOME are given to a debased mind. If you are a practising homosexual, then i dont have to wonder about the mindset, its clear what the bible says happens.
Good thing I don't believe the Bible then.

Next time, if i have a homosexual friend, i will tell him/her from the start, that what they are doing is hurting them. If they listen, ive helped a friend, if they dont, i cant be of any help to them.
Because I'm sure you know much more about their life than they do. How about asking them instead? Personally, I think your bigotry is hurting you, so I'm helping you by letting you know that. I wouldn't worry much about having a homosexual friend, though, the chances are slim.

Sometimes it is just wrong to accept things because we fear rejection from the crowd. Everyone is very carefull about talking about homosexuality, yet they find it very easy to abuse, and insult my god, yet that does not seem to get anyone into trouble.
Now you're saying that homosexuals abuse God? Does that include the thousands of homosexual Christians and pastors? Maybe they're right about God, and you're wrong. It's a possibility to consider. Of course, that would require humility and an open mind. Do you have either one?


Intentionally Blank
I dont expect them to agree with me. Most alcoholic and drug addicts wont agree with their family or friends either.

I'm really sick of your prejudiced, bigoted hate-mongering. If you're trying to demonstrate by your actions that Christians are close-minded, quick to jump to conclusions and prone to prejudice, you're succeeding admirably.


eh, it's pointless arguing with homosexuals, it's a never ending argument. All I'm going to say is most of society is heterosexual, and most of them agree it's not normal to be homosexual. Most of society also accepts homosexuals as part of the community, just as they accept taxes. Some things you just have to live with and don't have a choice to change, sure you put a smile on your face, but that's life in a nutshell. People are going to do what they want, all you can do is be respectful, as long as they don't hurt those around you. People are entitled to free will, just as people are entitled to their opinions.

Does God Hate homosexuals? who knows, I'm fairly sure most of the US population is christian or some branch of it, and they follow the bible which is man made, and assuming the man/people who made the bible were straight, they probably did not like the idea of homosexuals, although they knew they existed and had to live with them. Therefore they shun them on some level.