Higher and Higher
FWIW, I don't think any of us, when we point out something is anti-Semitic, believe we are going to change the mind of the one who said it, or evince from them any showing of remorse. When we point out the anti-Semitism, it is partially for the benefit of third parties, to provide context and clarity of our disagreement; and partially it is to call people on the use of a bigoted idea-- especially as these days with the rise of the "I don't have a problem with Jews, I just hate Israel" excuse becomes more and more prevalent, and sometimes people may not even realize what they are saying is anti-Semitic. Or, as we see here, having learned it, they simply don't care: they keep repeating the same anti-Semitic things, just with the caveat that they "are not anti-Semites." But even so, there is a value to pointing out bigotry even when nothing changes.