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Why does homosexuality seem to get more hate?


Active Member
Hi Adonis65!

I don't quite know what you mean when you say that nothing good ever comes from homosexual behavior.

Hi, Yeshe!

Point taken. Let me rephrase: I have yet to see any good come from homosexual behavior. If I am wrong, someone, please, enlighten me.

Is that better?

Could you possibly explain what comes out of a heterosexual relationship (other than children, of course)that doesn't arise out of a homosexual relationship, or vice versa (if you prefer)?

Peace and blessings,

Why can't we discuss the children aspect? Is this not a crucial factor? Why are you so quick to dismiss the children?
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Active Member
It has more to do with your views being a threat to civilized society.

Nah. Just a threat to political correctness.

Way to misquote,

You mean AIDS is a good thing?

You're hammering on the obvious, T-Dawg. Lower your case, please. :rolleyes:

It's all wrong, witless one. But now we're talking about homosexuality, because that is the topic of this thread.

T-Dawg, either smarten up or enjoy a long stint on my ignore list. I erased the rest of your rant because you make less sense with each passing response. Slow down, think things through, and fire off something cogent.


Self-appointed Lunatic
Nah. Just a threat to political correctness.

No, your Christianity is a threat to civilized society. You Christians disrupt the natural order of things by persecuting those who either believe in Reason or do not behave as you do, and by worshiping God in an attempt to undermine the laws of nature.

You mean AIDS is a good thing?

You're hammering on the obvious, T-Dawg. Lower your case, please. :rolleyes:

You're still ignoring the point. You presented AIDS as an argument against homosexuality. No, AIDS is not a good thing, but it is not an argument against homosexual behavior. Comprehend?

It's all wrong, witless one. But now we're talking about homosexuality, because that is the topic of this thread.

Then why did you bring up abortion?

T-Dawg, either smarten up or enjoy a long stint on my ignore list. I erased the rest of your rant because you make less sense with each passing response. Slow down, think things through, and fire off something cogent.

You're the one making less sense with each response - for example, when you claimed that natural disasters are the result of homosexuality, or when you suggested that we murder third world babies to satisfy our fictional need for abortion (at least, that's what it looked like you were saying).
Your anti-gay bigotry has you forced into a corner and you're desperately trying to defend it. Your reliance on personal attacks is a sign of this, as well as you continuing to ignore each and every point someone brings up.

You fire off something sensible for a change. Every single one of your posts in this thread thus far has been repulsive.

Good Government, the things people will say to defend Christianity... :areyoucra


Well-Known Member
Even if a gay couple has, which I doubt, that still doesn't resolve the sin problem. See, homosexuals were never meant to be married. It takes a society with compromised morals to put up with such a burden.

If by sin you mean equality for all, then the only morals that have been compromised are yours.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
You're wrong, methyl.
I didn't really expect too much more from you than that. I haven't really expected much from you since the start, but there might be someone reading this thread who actually does read the posts and follow the links given by people. They might actually become a little wiser for it too, and be able to form an opinion from all the viewpoints given, rather than from one person's skewed spoon-fed dribble. I know that there are probably some people who honestly do hold the views you've posted here. I don't know if you do, or if you've just been trolling the whole time, but even if you don't change and if you don't want to face or accept the things that are here, maybe someone else will.

If you actually want to be taken seriously, I suggest you go back and read some more. Follow the links people give you, take a walk on the wild side - I'm sure God will forgive you for trying to find out the whole truth, rather than just your truth. If it turns out you're still right at the end, then there's no real harm done, although you might have to say an extra Hail Mary and pray a little harder for God to forgive you for educating yourself a bit more.

Maybe you have the courage to do that, maybe you have the strength. Maybe you don't. Maybe you're to afraid to find out you're wrong, I don't know. What I do know is that those who act in love live happier lives than those who act in fear, or don't even act at all. And if a man should love a man, or a woman love a woman, to be who they really are, to be truly happy and comfortable and loving in a relationship, then that is not something I can argue against. If a person in a male body takes hormones and wears elegant dresses and high-heeled shoes because that feels more true to who this person is. If this person is in a loving relationship with a man, and if this person is truly happy and comfortable, then who am I to argue and take that away from them? It's not my place to decide who someone else should or should not love. It's not my place to decide for someone else who the can or cannot love. Yet from what I gather you've decided to take on that role, that you should be one of these people that decides who should be together and who shouldn't. I feel as though you feel you have the right to take away someone's happiness just so that you can feel better about yourself. Who sounds like they are more comfortable with themselves? Who sounds like they are acting in love, rather than fear? I don't get the impression that you are even strong enough to confront your own fears. I don't feel as though you have the courage to even ask yourself why, deep down, you believe the things you say, and why you have the reasons for believing the things you say.

But hey, what do I know. I'm just a guy who listens to his heart, his emotions, his instincts. I read as much as I can, from as many viewpoints as I can, and make my own decisions on what to believe. I certainly need a little more evidence than a flyer saying "XYZ is bad, here are 5 bullet points why".

Though, I guess you'll once again find a single sentence in here that you feel you can argue against, write yet another single-sentence response, and leave it at that.


Revelation all the time
The point is, nothing good ever comes from homosexual behavior. It's all bad -- all of it. The same cannot be said of heterosexual behavior.

Again, the ideal would be bisexual based precisely on what you seem to be getting at. I'm pretty sure you can not say anything bad about bisexuality without also denouncing, to some degree, heterosexuality.


Active Member
Please cite that passage. And I'll be sure to cite passage (again) where heterosexuals (or rather all Christians) are strongly encouraged not to marry.
And I'll be sure to point out your misrepresentation of the passage(s). Matrimony is a sacrament in the Christian religion.

There are very few cults who openly hate gays. Homosexuals are in tv commercials, have their own sit-coms, and enjoy protection from the media when it comes to perverted clergymen. Homosexuals don't "get more hate". Gay activist groups have more power than the Constitution regarding the closure of certain adoption agencies. Homosexuals have gained acceptance but they remain disordered. They must be treated with compassion and sensitivity and all discrimination against them must be avoided. This is what the Church teaches and the question is how many are ignoring it.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
And I'll be sure to point out your misrepresentation of the passage(s). Matrimony is a sacrament in the Christian religion.

There are very few cults who openly hate gays. Homosexuals are in tv commercials, have their own sit-coms, and enjoy protection from the media when it comes to perverted clergymen. Homosexuals don't "get more hate". Gay activist groups have more power than the Constitution regarding the closure of certain adoption agencies. Homosexuals have gained acceptance but they remain disordered. They must be treated with compassion and sensitivity and all discrimination against them must be avoided. This is what the Church teaches and the question is how many are ignoring it.

What exactly do homosexuals have do with your priests preying on children?


Revelation all the time
And I'll be sure to point out your misrepresentation of the passage(s). Matrimony is a sacrament in the Christian religion.

Do you care to cite passage where it is noted that matrimony is a sacrament in the Christian religion?

While you do that, I'll cite 1 Corinthians 8-9

8 Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. 9 But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

Nothing in that part, right there, about heterosexuality or homosexuality, and going with logic of what this is saying "homosexuals should marry" for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. If matrimony truly is a sacrament in the Christian religion, and we are to leave Judgment to God, and we are to treat our brother as ourselves, then the absolute Christian thing to do would be to strongly encourage homosexual partners to enter into matrimony.

And in closing....(1 Corinthians 32-35)

32 I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs—how he can please the Lord. 33 But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world—how he can please his wife— 34 and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband. 35 I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.


Well-Known Member
Slow down there, T-Dawg. I said no such thing. I just want to defend the sanctity of marriage....that's it.

There's nothing sacred in a pedophile blabbering that you and your girl are now forever united in exchange for a huge amount of money.

Grow up :shrug:
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Yeshe Dawa

Lotus Born
Hi, Yeshe!

Point taken. Let me rephrase: I have yet to see any good come from homosexual behavior. If I am wrong, someone, please, enlighten me.

Is that better?

Why can't we discuss the children aspect? Is this not a crucial factor? Why are you so quick to dismiss the children?

Hi Adonis65!

Sorry if I seemed dismissive about children. I just wanted to be up front and concede the point that heterosexual behavior can produce children while homosexual behavior can't. My apologies!:) Children are definitely a "good" that can only come from heterosexual behavior. True, a homosexual couple could adopt, but the point remains that the child has to originally come from a heterosexual act. And you're absolutely right- if most people were homosexual then humans could go extinct. I personally don't think there is any danger of that, as there seems to be plenty of people wherever I look and as someone else pointed out, I don't see why anyone would want to go out of their way to be homosexual.

The child argument I understand, but I guess I just don't see what else there is in a heterosexual relationship that doesn't exist in a homosexual relationship. In both cases you can have love, trust, friendship, support, a companion to be with you through good and bad times. Of course, all these things can be missing in a relationship of either orientation as well. I guess it seems to me it boils down to whether or not there is love between the two people rather than what sex they are. Looking at the negative side, I can't think of anything "bad" that can come out of one type of relationship that doesn't come out of the other.

Peace and blessings,


Well-Known Member
Also, I see you fear all world will become homosexual and we will become extinct. Don't worry, homosexuality can't spread as it is not the swine fever you know? ;)


Veteran Member
Uh-uh. I said that was the stupidest claim because it's only obvious that heterosexuals can also spread STD's. But we're not talking about heterosxuals, are we. The title heading for this thread is about homosexuals. See, someone has to keep you radicals honest, or you'll just take your nonsensical crap & run roughshod all over these forums. ;)
