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Why does homosexuality seem to get more hate?


Well-Known Member
Prove it.

Ok, This is not a true story, just showing an example of how it's posible. I'm a straight male who has sex with a woman who has an STD, I'm having unprotected sex with her, it's also my first sexual experience. I would most likely have an STD after that encounter. Only took one, my friend. ;)


Can't brain. Has dumb.
I think through the centuries society leaned to men with a more warrior type of mentality and by in large homosexuals had too many feminine qualities the face up to the being the bravest warriors on the battlefield. Heterosexual men loaded with testosterone were viewed to fight better and win important battles. This is why the defence force is the most reluctant to recruit gay guys because of centuries of prejudice assuming they were too effeminate and passivistic to take on such roles but I do personally know a few lesbian couples who are in the army and they are OK. No so many issues with passivistic tendencies with them.

Also, see:

Alexander the Great
Richard the Lionhearted
Julius Ceasar
Augustus Caesar
Montezuma II
Margarethe Cammermeyer

All of these were LGB people in positions of power, I imagine through conquest and warfare.


Self-appointed Lunatic
Yet you've already been told why your comparison stinks. Must you be told again?

That's the stupidest thing you've said so far. Show me the evidence.

Judging from that sentence, it seems you never advanced beyond the 7th grade.

:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
You don't believe that heterosexual sex spreads STDs?!?

Here, I found this with a quick google:
That good enough for you, or will you continue in this ludicrous denialism?

Is that why homosexuals typically have several times more sexual partners in their lifetimes than heterosexuals? Honestly, Tristesse, have ever bothered to back up any of your statements, or do you just pull these ideas out of thin air and simply wave off the facts?

Oh, irony... (in case you didn't pick up on it, you made statement without backing it up and then attacked someone else for supposedly not backing up their statements. Also, you as of yet have not presented any facts to be waved off.)

Still, heterosexuality remains the sole component to perpetuate human life.

Plug your radical view into the mix and the planet is barren in just over 100 years.

What radical view? Are you assuming that he's as bigoted as you are and wants to outlaw heterosexual sex based on his personal preference, as you wish to do for homosexual sex? No one (at least here) believes that heterosexual sex should be outlawed (in fact, the only people I've heard of who disapprove of heterosexual sex entirely are celibate priests and the Shakers, a religious group, neither of which are known for being pro-gay).

Let's hear your rejoinder, first. You're obviously a gay rights advocate.

You make it sound like a bad thing :biglaugh:.

Wrong. Christianity/ Islam/ Judaism has been plugged in for thousands of years and now we have billions on this planet.

That's the point. Billions is too many. :facepalm:

Why shouldn't they be together? it's a man and a woman, isn't it?

Because you're main argument against homosexuality was that it cannot produce offspring.

The only hatred in here is coming from the anti-theists.

I've already pointed out your hatred, and you've generated far more since then, why do you insist on ignoring it?

Truth is, I don't hate homosexuals at all. It's the rabid supporters of the gay agenda who label us as bigot haters. We're just trying to stave off another society crushing wave of sin; in a way, you can take the floods in New Orleans as an example. What happened to that sin-filled sector of the U.S. is like a foreshadowing of much scarier things to come.

You refer to people who believe in equal rights as "rabid supporters of the gay agenda" and refer to the love life of a certain group of people as a "society crushing wave of sin," and you blame the floods in New Orleans on homosexuality in true Pat Robertson style, and you wonder why people think you're a hateful bigot?

Now I'm pretty positive that this little fella's a "poe".

I'm suspicious of it myself, but sadly, there's people who actually think the way he shows us. We must debate him in a merciless fashion in order to make an example of him to all who would sit on the fence of this issue. We must not let people watching discussion think that it's ok to be anti-gay (because it's not ok to be anti-gay).

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
Also, see:

Alexander the Great
Richard the Lionhearted
Julius Ceasar
Augustus Caesar
Montezuma II
Margarethe Cammermeyer

All of these were LGB people in positions of power, I imagine through conquest and warfare.
Miltary leaders ironically enough had much greater liberties with the sexual preferences then the lackies on the battle field.
I remember been at football crowds and the homophobic language I heard directed at the some of the players and umpires was extremely prolific, such as at soccer a playing taking a dive all soughts of homophobic insults are shouted at him, or the referee being shouted homophobic insults because he gave someone a red card. This is another tough area for gays to be accepted. And in keeping with those so call gay ancient military leaders I have heard it quoted in the local pub “I wish this game or AFL footy was not run by a bunch of p****ters” if a player for their team got suspended by the tribunal.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Miltary leaders ironically enough had much greater liberties with the sexual preferences then the lackies on the battle field.
I remember been at football crowds and the homophobic language I heard directed at the some of the players and umpires was extremely prolific, such as at soccer a playing taking a dive all soughts of homophobic insults are shouted at him, or the referee being shouted homophobic insults because he gave someone a red card. This is another tough area for gays to be accepted. And in keeping with those so call gay ancient military leaders I have heard it quoted in the local pub “I wish this game or AFL footy was not run by a bunch of p****ters” if a player for their team got suspended by the tribunal.
It is sad, and rather damaging to young LGBT people growing up. Though, I do not really take too much notice of those cat-calls. I just imagine that they are a whole lot more insecure than they let on, and it kind of makes it understandable. I imagine what kind of bad upbringing and bad influences they've had over the years and I can understand why they feel the need to put down others like that. I don't believe it's too personal, but like I said - damaging to those who happen to be listening, even if that's not the intention.

Yeshe Dawa

Lotus Born
Imagine, that as a child, there are people around you telling you that God doesn't love you. That you aren't worthy. That you shouldn't exist. That you are an abomonation.

Now imagine that you discover that there is someone else who is like you. Imagine discovering that you are not alone in feeling this way. Imagine that you discover that nothing you or anyone does can change who you are. Imagine that you discover that there are many, many people with the exact same problems and feelings. For your whole life you've been told that you are nothing but dog-doo on god's shoe, yet there are many, many people in the same situation. You talk amongst yourselves. You realise that there is actually nothing wrong with you.

Hi Methylatedghosts!

It is indeed a truly remarkable feeling to finally realize that there are many people like you and that there is indeed nothing wrong with you. I have experienced it and it is my sincerest wish that all people in the situation you described finally come to this realization.

Peace and blessings,


Active Member
Ok, This is not a true story, just showing an example of how it's posible. I'm a straight male who has sex with a woman who has an STD, I'm having unprotected sex with her, it's also my first sexual experience. I would most likely have an STD after that encounter. Only took one, my friend. ;)

But that's not what we're talking about, my friend, is it? We're talking about two people who have zero history with STD's. Try again.


Veteran Member
Ok, This is not a true story, just showing an example of how it's posible. I'm a straight male who has sex with a woman who has an STD, I'm having unprotected sex with her, it's also my first sexual experience. I would most likely have an STD after that encounter. Only took one, my friend. ;)

why must we talk about the obvious...


Veteran Member
But that's not what we're talking about, my friend, is it? We're talking about two people who have zero history with STD's. Try again.

wait a second
are you implying 2 ppl without std's can contract a disease if they are mutually exclusive?


I didn't read the whole thread - sorry - but research shows that the more homophobic a man is, the more likely it is that he will get an erection watching gay porn.

Seriously, that is what the research shows.

So, my educated guess is that many men are hysterical about homosexuality because they are terrified of their own deviant proclivities being discovered. Their open hatred of homosexuals is both a clever cover story for their hidden desires and an envious attack on men who openly live out their own forbidden sexual fantasies without shame and self-loathing.

Note: I left out lesbians because the psychology of anti-lesbianism and female homophobia is a different matter altogether.
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Active Member
They hide under your bed, waiting for an opportune time to eat your children. Fortunately God will smite all the sinners with random natural disasters in an impractical, inefficient, Rube Goldberg machine fashion.

My children are armed with scriptural passages that melt the skin right off sinners' faces. See, we do what we have to do until the Lord comes and wipes the wicked off the face of the earth -- in a very practical, efficient, Hiroshima sort of way. ;)


Veteran Member
What does that have to do with a man and a woman with clean histories?

what does that have to do with 2 ppl who don't have std's who have slept with other people...?
it's possible. very possible... to be fair not very probable...in theory it is very possible...ever wonder where std's came from?


Active Member
what does that have to do with 2 ppl who don't have std's who have slept with other people...?

What does your comment have to do with the original debate between Trist and myself? Once again, care to flip a few pages and start over? :slap:


Well-Known Member
Give me your version of "rational sex education."

Teaching scientific fact to adolescents.

Homosexuality is an abomination before God. STD's are a result of men chasing after "strange flesh".

What God? There isn't any literature I know of in Jewish, Christian or Islamic history, if you are talking about the Abrahamic God, that states STD's are a result of men chasing after "strange flesh". Never heard of any other gods posited by all the other cultures declaring homosexuals being the cause of STD's.

This supposed God you posit sounds like another made up thing much like you knowing people who were "very straight" that switched sides.