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Why does homosexuality seem to get more hate?


Well-Known Member
Let's discuss the pros of homosexuality. Not what an individual gay person might bring to the table, but the behavior itself. You start.

The pros?

That implies the cons?

I don't know of any pros or cons to being homosexual or heterosexual except for the fact that homosexuals face bigotry based on the irrational mores of society.

Being a homosexual simply means being attracted to a member of the same sex. A heterosexual is attracted to a member of the opposite sex. Bisexual is attracted to both sexes. Intersex individuals seem to be ambiguously defined in their sexuality and their doesn't really exist a term for to describe the sexual attraction an intersex individual has to a member of a clearly defined sexual identity or vice versa.

edit: This doesn't change the idea that you don't know people who were born "very straight" and switched sides.


Well-Known Member
Uh-uh. What you need to say is that in some cases, homosexuality is a natural occurence, whereas blond hair is always a natural occurence, therefore I was wrong for making such a comparison.

More crazy talk. Homosexual behavior can cause STD's. Blond hair NEVER cause STD's.

That's because you haven't been able to reconcile the inconsistencies of your argument.

Are you saying that evryone with blond hair was born that way? Don't tell my sister that, she was born redhead, now she's blond, thanks to the technology of bleach.

Homosexual behaviour does not cause STD's, sex does. Sex of any kind causes STD's, whether it's homosexual or heterosexual. I'll repeat, Homosexuality does not cause STD's. Sex does. It seems that your issue is not with homosexuals, but with sex in general. You do realize that there are homosexual men out there that do not engage in anal sex, right?

The only argument that I was making is that both blond hair(or any hair color) is natural and so is sexual preference.


Active Member
The pros?

That implies the cons?

I don't know of any pros or cons to being homosexual or heterosexual except for the fact that homosexuals face bigotry based on the irrational mores of society.

Irrational? Is being concerned over public health considered irrational?

Being a homosexual simply means being attracted to a member of the same sex.

Isn't that oversimplifying a bit? Would you like to add any more about what it means to be a homosexual, or shall I help you fill in the blanks?

edit: This doesn't change the idea that you don't know people who were born "very straight" and switched sides.

The "idea" is a fact. Let's not confuse what I know with your ignorance about homosexual beahvior. ;)
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Active Member
Are you saying that evryone with blond hair was born that way? Don't tell my sister that, she was born redhead, now she's blond, thanks to the technology of bleach.

Where is your sister? I'll tell her that she's wrong too. ;)

Homosexual behaviour does not cause STD's, sex does.

Homosexuals engage in sexual acts, therefore, homosexuals sometimes contract and spread STD's.

The only argument that I was making is that both blond hair(or any hair color) is natural and so is sexual preference.

The argument is inaccurate. Anyone can see with their own eyes that someone has blond hair. Gays don't have that luxury. We don't know if the homosexual is actually born gay, an Elton John, or a fellow college student I once knew who suffered from female rejection.


Well-Known Member
Where is your sister? I'll tell her that she's wrong too. ;)

Homosexuals engage in sexual acts, therefore, homosexuals sometimes contract and spread STD's.

The argument is inaccurate. Anyone can see with their own eyes that someone has blond hair. Gays don't have that luxury. We don't know if the homosexual is actually born gay, an Elton John, or a fellow college student I once knew who suffered from female rejection.

Are you saying that hair color is only defined by what color it was at birth? What about people who's hair color naturally changes due to the sun etc...? Or people who dye their hair?

Once again your issue is with sex, not homosexuality. Heterosexual sex also causes STD's. So, if your argument is that homosexuality is wrong because it spreads STD's, then you also have to conceed that heterosexual sex is wrong for that very same reason. Again, your issue is with sex not Homosexuals.


Well-Known Member
Let's discuss the pros of homosexuality. Not what an individual gay person might bring to the table, but the behavior itself. You start.

Lets start with Love. When two people of the same sex Love eachother, is that not a pro? How about happiness? How about it's none of your business what two or more consenting adults do in their own privacy?


Revelation all the time
Homosexual behaviour does not cause STD's, sex does. Sex of any kind causes STD's, whether it's homosexual or heterosexual. I'll repeat, Homosexuality does not cause STD's. Sex does. It seems that your issue is not with homosexuals, but with sex in general. You do realize that there are homosexual men out there that do not engage in anal sex, right?

I do got to say this comes off a bit naive. Akin to saying, heterosexual incest behavior doesn't cause deformed children, it is the sex that does.

The thing is, what you are saying is very accurate, but people don't argue things they disapprove of in other sexual oriented "behaviors" in same fashion. Either we stay consistent on this logic across the board (which is what I pray for every day), or if unable to do that, then just own up to idea that perception is out there that homosexual behavior is correlated (strongly) with spread of STD's.

Anyone who cares to say a) only homosexual behavior and/or b) this is all that homosexual behavior does, ain't going to win argument when presented with, how you say, facts.


Well-Known Member
I do got to say this comes off a bit naive. Akin to saying, heterosexual incest behavior doesn't cause deformed children, it is the sex that does.

The thing is, what you are saying is very accurate, but people don't argue things they disapprove of in other sexual oriented "behaviors" in same fashion. Either we stay consistent on this logic across the board (which is what I pray for every day), or if unable to do that, then just own up to idea that perception is out there that homosexual behavior is correlated (strongly) with spread of STD's.

Anyone who cares to say a) only homosexual behavior and/or b) this is all that homosexual behavior does, ain't going to win argument when presented with, how you say, facts.

Well, in fact, it's not just incest that can cause deformity in children.

I agree, there is PERCEPTION that homosexuality is correlated with STD's, but those are not the facts, which I think you alluded to. Heterosexual couples are as much at risk of STD's as homosexual couples.


Revelation all the time
Let's discuss the pros of homosexuality. Not what an individual gay person might bring to the table, but the behavior itself. You start.

As Tristesse has said, love (of the companionship kind) would have to be on that list. Likely at the top.

I would say setting an example for what male bonding can look like when certain phobias are put aside would be near the top. I know male friends who cannot hug because "that's gay." While there are lines that would vary from individual to individual, I think that is whole separate argument, and the pro that homosexual behavior brings to the table is allowing that discussion to be had, unless phobic person is just too unnerved to consider any form of male affection for fear of being converted.

If allowed to marry, the behavior would I believe lead to less promiscuity and even less spread of STD's. Go read your bible der hey. It clearly says, do not marry. But if you do marry, it is not a sin. And better to marry than to burn with passion. So, if allowed to marry as homosexual, the behavior would be normalized to allow for those who may burn with passion, to feel the rather common desire for monogamy, to be fully expressed / explored.

I would also say homosexual behavior allow the bi-curious people to explore sexuality from gender who knows their body better than opposite gender. In some ways, this is the top pro that I can think of if taking away "love, companionship, and marriage." Someone can make case those are not unique to homosexual orientation. Can't take this point away that I'm making. Males know what male bodies desire better than females, and for sure females know what female bodies desire better than males. In this way, I honestly do believe homosexual behavior trumps heterosexual behavior.


Active Member
Are you saying that hair color is only defined by what color it was at birth?

No, I'm saying that your hair color comparison with gay behavior, stinks. ;)

Once again your issue is with sex, not homosexuality. Heterosexual sex also causes STD's. So, if your argument is that homosexuality is wrong because it spreads STD's, then you also have to conceed that heterosexual sex is wrong for that very same reason.

Wrong. There is nothing right, about gay sex, therefore, it is wrong at every level. True, some straights contract & spread STD's, but they are no better than homosexuals. ALL homosexuals are at risk of contracting STD's, and ALL homosexuals are capable of spreading STD's. The same cannot be said for all heterosexuals.


Well-Known Member
Do you believe that homosexuality, in general, is more about love than it is about sex?

It's as much about love as most heterosexual love is. Sometimes even more. But who cares if it's about love or sex? If two consenting adults want to just have a relationship based on sex, thats their own perogative and none of your business.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm saying that your hair color comparison with gay behavior, stinks. ;)

Wrong. There is nothing right, about gay sex, therefore, it is wrong at every level. True, some straights contract & spread STD's, but they are no better than homosexuals. ALL homosexuals are at risk of contracting STD's, and ALL homosexuals are capable of spreading STD's. The same cannot be said for all heterosexuals.

Yet you refuse to give a reason why it stinks, except for your own preference about how things should be.

All heterosexuals are at risk of contracting STD's too. You can't be that dimwitted. Sex is the culprit not homosexuals. I don't know how to make this any more clear to you. Sex of any kind can cause an STD. You really need to take a sex education course, I feel like i'm teach 7th grade sex ed.


Revelation all the time
Do you believe that homosexuality, in general, is more about love than it is about sex?

Tell me what you understand love to be, and I'll answer the question in way I believe is honest and will work (for you, to understand).


Well-Known Member
Irrational? Is being concerned over public health considered irrational?

Isn't that oversimplifying a bit? Would you like to add any more about what it means to be a homosexual, or shall I help you fill in the blanks?

The "idea" is a fact. Let's not confuse what I know with your ignorance about homosexual beahvior. ;)

Being a homosexual is being attracted to an individual who is of the same sexual identity. Beyond that being a homosexual simply means being a human being. They eat, laugh, cry, hate, ****, etc. just like everyone else.

Pretty easy to figure that one out.

Being concerned over public health is fine. In respect to homosexuality the concern should be the level of suicides among homosexuals due to irrational beliefs regarding religious notions of sexuality and the bigotry imposed upon homosexuals. Such bigotry leads many to hide their sexuality until later on giving rise to the delusion among certain people that they know people who were "very straight" but switched sides later.

If you would like to show some concern regarding the mental health of homosexuals, as well as the intersex and bisexuals, you can start by not spreading misinformation regarding homosexuality leading to an atmosphere of severe anxiety for these people.

That would be a public health concern.


Active Member
Yet you refuse to give a reason why it stinks, except for your own preference about how things should be.

Yet you've already been told why your comparison stinks. Must you be told again?

All heterosexuals are at risk of contracting STD's too.
That's the stupidest thing you've said so far. Show me the evidence.

I feel like i'm teach 7th grade sex ed.

Judging from that sentence, it seems you never advanced beyond the 7th grade.