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Why does homosexuality seem to get more hate?


Active Member
It's as much about love as most heterosexual love is.

Is that why homosexuals typically have several times more sexual partners in their lifetimes than heterosexuals? Honestly, Tristesse, have ever bothered to back up any of your statements, or do you just pull these ideas out of thin air and simply wave off the facts?


Guardian of Asgaard
Is that why homosexuals typically have several times more sexual partners in their lifetimes than heterosexuals? Honestly, Tristesse, have ever bothered to back up any of your statements, or do you just pull these ideas out of thin air and simply wave off the facts?

England on average has more sexual partners than Australia. Does that matter? No. Neither does your statement.


Guardian of Asgaard
Still, heterosexuality remains the sole component to perpetuate human life.

Plug your radical view into the mix and the planet is barren in just over 100 years.

Plug in Christianity/Islam/Judaism (that I know of) and humanity starves by 2050.

Then again who says homosexual couples do not have children through various means?


Revelation all the time
How about you just answer the question to the best of your ability?

Do you believe that homosexuality, in general, is more about love than it is about sex?

I believe it is more about love than it is about sex. I believe it is about normal, common attraction between people of same gender.

This post may as well kill 2 phobic birds with 1 stone.

I sincerely believe we are born either asexual or bisexual. I realize we have the physical parts to be deemed 'something sexual,' but as I believe our reality is spiritual / non-physical, I see us born asexual and we learn to use said parts. I think love is an impulse that is not physical, but given shared reality that is perceived to be physical, the impulse that is attraction, can be mistaken as a body impulse, thus a drive toward sexuality.

Now, if I pretend like most reading this that we are sexually active beings, then I am very much convinced we are all bisexual. That there is a big wide spectrum and heterosexual and homosexual are on that spectrum. Personally, I really do not believe any individual is one and not the other, but I've met enough on both side who will vehemently disagree with this and, well let's just say this is not an argument I can win, even while nothing so far as changed my opinion on this.

So, every single pro, every single one, that you can provide for heterosexuality, well guess what? Bisexuality gets to keep all those. And every single pro for homosexuality, yep, bisexuality gets all those too.


Revelation all the time
Is that why homosexuals typically have several times more sexual partners in their lifetimes than heterosexuals? Honestly, Tristesse, have ever bothered to back up any of your statements, or do you just pull these ideas out of thin air and simply wave off the facts?

Care to back up this statement?


Guardian of Asgaard
Let's hear your rejoinder, first. You're obviously a gay rights advocate.

1. It doesn't hurt anybody.
2. It annoys conservatives who need to get off their high horses.
3. It is a means of relationship for those not interested in the opposite sex who previously would have been forced into a hetro relationship which made them unhappy.
4. It removes discrimination against same sex couples by bigots and generally pathetic excuses for humanity.
5. It gives the middle finger to draconian belief systems (namely christianity and islam) which restrict personal freedoms.
6. Its a healthy relationship and provides as much joy as hetro relationships.
7. It allows non-hetro couples to recieve the same benefits as everyone else (removing more discrimination).



Guardian of Asgaard
Wrong. Christianity/ Islam/ Judaism has been plugged in for thousands of years and there's still plenty of food to go around.

Dear God :facepalm: Well you know the human population has been exponentially increasing since those times right? World population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't say that. Want to tell me about some of those means?


Quite easy actually, just as couples that cannot concieve acquire a family.


Active Member
Dear God :facepalm: Well you know the human population has been exponentially increasing since those times right? World population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tell you what: Channel your radical ideas toward the third world, and see if you can help them curb their sexual appetites. The civilized world is on the verge of extinction because crazy nutjobs like you have duped much of the public into thinking there's an actual problem within their own societies.

If that fails, you can always take your own life.... do your part to help ease the burden, instead of spreading leftist hysteria.


Guardian of Asgaard
Tell you what: Channel your radical ideas toward the third world, and see if you can help them curb their sexual appetites. The civilized world is on the verge of extinction because crazy nutjobs like you have duped much of the public into thinking there's an actual problem within their own societies.

If that fails, you can always take your own life.... do your part to help ease the burden, instead of spreading leftist hysteria.

Africa needs education on condoms.

I'm a crazy nutjob? Dude all I care about is that everyone has equal rights. I especially want people to have rights that do not affect others. I want marriage equality becayse a homoseuxual relationship does not affect my way of life any more than my relationship affects the way of life of homosexuals.

The civilized world is no way near extinction. It is struggling (particularly Germany from experience) due to mass immigration. Homosexuality doesn't even register when it comes to issues facing the civilised world. Demographics of sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1.6% of Australia is gay. When it gets above 10% maybe you have cause to worry. Until then you seem to be the radical in fear of change and personal liberties.

Why would I take my own life? Suicide is for the weak.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Homosexuality is a sin. Homosexuals are doomed to spend eternity in hell. If they wanted to change, they could be healed of their evil ways. If they would turn away from temptation, they could be normal again if only they would try and try harder if it doesn't work. These are all the things I said to my son Bobby when I found out he was gay. When he told me he was homosexual my world fell apart. I did everything I could to cure him of his sickness. Eight months ago my son jumped off a bridge and killed himself. I deeply regret my lack of knowledge about gay and lesbian people. I see that everything I was taught and told was bigotry and de-humanizing slander. If I had investigated beyond what I was told, if I had just listened to my son when he poured his heart out to me I would not be standing here today with you filled with regret. I believe that God was pleased with Bobby's kind and loving spirit. In God's eyes kindness and love are what it's all about. I didn't know that each time I echoed eternal damnation for gay people each time I referred to Bobby as sick and perverted and a danger to our children. His self esteem and sense of worth were being destroyed. And finally his spirit broke beyond repair. It was not God's will that Bobby climbed over the side of a freeway overpass and jumped directly into the path of an eighteen-wheel truck which killed him instantly. Bobby's death was the direct result of his parent's ignorance and fear of the word gay. He wanted to be a writer. His hopes and dreams should not have been taken from him but they were. There are children, like Bobby, sitting in your congregations. Unknown to you they will be listening as you echo "amen" and that will soon silence their prayers. Their prayers to God for understanding and acceptance and for your love but your hatred and fear and ignorance of the word gay, will silence those prayers. So, before you echo "amen" in your home and place of worship. Think. Think and remember a child is listening.

Quote from Sigourney Weaver as Mary Griffith in the film Prayers for Bobby.

People do not start out straight and switch sides to become gay. However, people can start out ignorant, bigoted, and hateful, and then later switch sides. Ok, they don't start out ignorant, bigoted and hateful, but somewhere along the way they were taught to be. These people often fear the idea that their teachers might have been wrong. And if their teachers are wrong, then they are wrong. To have your perfect ideology broken is in fact, a terrifying thing. Allow yourself to be disillusioned - let the illusions fade. See people for who they really are, and what it means to simply be that. This goes not just for those who are homophobic, but also those who are racist, sexist, and those who show discrimination against anyone for any reason. If you truly act in love, then this is not too difficult to do.