Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I don't "buy" the BOM as valid for a couple of reason. One, it has not been canonized. The same reason why I don't buy Thomas as valid. Two, it is not part of the same anthropological record as the canon scriptures. It comes from a different tradition. Also why I don't buy the Koran as valid (even though Muslims do). These things might be "God's Word," but they're not scripture.When it really boils down to is that most Christians do not accept the Book of Mormon as scripture for the simple reason that it exists. They may not have a clue what the Book of Mormon teaches and may not be able to find anything in it with which to disagree, but they simply cannot conceive of the idea that the Bible does not contain all of God's word. The fact that the Book of Mormon purports to be another sacred record is, for whatever reason, offensive to them.
It might contain truth (lots of non-canonical writings do), but it's nothing necessary. It's corrollary.
I still would be really interested to know what that "plan of salvation" is that is so different from what is presented in the canonical scripture, that made so many people accept the "true" gospel and join the LDS. It must be significant.
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