I can understand your point of view, but I don't agree with it. I don't believe God is any more invisible than I am. I suppose laws could evolve over time, but the obverse is demonstrably true; we have unambiguous modern examples of laws that came into being from revelation. I believe it is you who are being naive.
ING - There is no naivety in understanding how laws evolved. There is naivety in believing an invisible man puffed them into existence.
They could not murder their sons and daughters, but they could exact justice... is that what you referring to? Are you against justice?
ING - Murder is murder! I think I'll murder my son or daughter, because I think they drink too much, - or they cussed at me! That is straight out murder, and Hebrew law said they could do it. They also originally killed the first born son.
You mean to keep them from starvation? Are you really going to advocate starvation? Sometimes putting children up for adoption is the right thing to do. This was their equivalent.
ING - Bull it is the equivalent! The law gives no reasons! They could do so for any reason!
Again, I am not sure what you are talking about. Are you calling the religious wars murder? Traditionally, not all killing is considered to be murder. Murder has a very specific definition.
ING - YES, killing others for their religious beliefs is MURDER, Just as it is with ISIS today! And when Christians killed Mormons!
Those aren't my words. It took time for people to learn to respect the law. Are you against having laws?
ING - Red-herring!
I'm not sure what you mean by "stronger". A totalitarian system that punishes both the guilty and the innocent, without respect to personal liberties would be stronger... it just wouldn't be as fair. I agree that great evils have been perpetrated in the name of religion. Great evils have also been perpetrated in the name of atheism. Men seem to be equal opportunity propagandists.
ING - Again Red-Herring! You are claiming right by Godly Might. However many of the "Godly" laws, are just plain evil! Which as I have said before, - lets me know that the God of the Bible, - is not God.
I certainly do see situations in which slavery is the most compassionate choice. Sometimes the only alternative was death. I think slavery is usually preferable to death. Joseph may not have liked being sold into slavery, but it was far better than being murdered by his brothers. When two clans clash in war, there is always the problem of what to do with the prisoners. Enslaving them is more compassionate than killing them. Releasing them without consequence would seem naive. One could even make the argument that blacks - enslaved in Africa and brought to the United States - were far better off than their cannibalistic cousins. Not all societies are created equal. I don't have to respect societies that have little regard for human life, whether that lack of regard shows up as slavery or cannibalism or totalitarianism. Slavery is usually wrong, but not always. Jewish slaves could own property, earn their own money, buy their own freedom, and were automatically freed after 6 years. Think of it as a system of justice where prisoners don't have to go to prison.
ING - Being a Slave for the rest of your life, - being bred to make more slaves, and those resulting children also being slaves forever, - is NOT OK!
I hope you get a lot of flack for saying black people were better off under slavery, rather then living their normal lives! How you can think being torn from your family, enslaved, beaten, tortured, bred, raped, and murdered, - is better off then simple village life, - is beyond me! But then you guys seem willing to say anything to defend of your God's evil!
Who are we talking about? The Jews? Jewish slaves were held up to six years. Foreign slaves could be held indefinitely.
ING - Jews were indentured servants, whom could only be held for a specified amount of time. ALL others were SLAVES - held forever.
This sounds a lot like arm-chair Quarter Backing. The Jews had a hard time keeping the laws that God gave them; should he have given them even stricter laws? I think he gave them the laws that were fair for the time.
ING - I always find this argument particularly ridiculous and disingenuous. There are more than 300 laws, - and you are arguing for them even if they include slavery and rape, but this supposedly perfect and real God, - somehow couldn't figure out rudimentary human rights laws! It is not OK to own women! It is not OK to rape women! It is not OK to hold slaves! It is not OK to murder other people because they do something you don't like - sex - working on Sabbath - or a rowdy or drinking child! It is not OK to murder people for having a different religion, etc.!
Here you are, in a different culture, in a different age, judging the laws of another culture, another age. If we had a time machine, and brought a Jew from 1500 BC to today, and showed them our laws, I'd bet they would think our laws were worse than slavery. I don't think you can understand their culture any more than they could understand ours.
ING - And again - we are not talking about the people! The laws are supposedly from a superior God! Where are the superior laws?
I don't buy the idea that a slave can't be a willing partner. Nor do I buy into the idea that they shared our expectations and sensibilities on the subject. The female slaves might not have viewed it as rape at all.
ING - When you specifically buy an enslaved female - for sex - that is RAPE - every time you Scr*w her. She has no choice! She is a sex slave!
Also, - So if someone takes YOUR child - enslaves her - and rapes her - this is OK - she probably wanted it? It was somehow so different back then, that women wanted to be made slaves, - and have no freedom, - and forced sex?
We live in an age where women are treated like men, legally speaking. They are literate, and for the most part don't sacrifice their children to idols. That hasn't always been the case.
ING - Not sure what you think this has to do with our subject? Apparently you didn't read all the Hebrew laws! Children were owned by their FATHERS - thus - said children were being sacrificed by their husbands! YES! The Hebrew originally sacrificed the First Born Son!
I don't condone slavery or rape in today's world, but I refuse to sit in judgment over the system that was largely the inspiration for our modern legal system. Without the Judeo-Christian world-view, there is little to no foundation for the argument that rape is wrong. You can't have it both ways.