Jesus set me free!
What has a Christian done that is better than what a follower of another religion has done?
The answer wouldn't satisfy someone who doesn't want to follow Christ. But a Christian hasn't done anything better. We are saved by what Christ has done for the sheep.
You cannot just say that those who follow Jesus get rewarded and those who don't get punished, because that is completely evil unless the ones who got it right did something better than the ones who got it wrong.
Now you are saying that God's Provision is evil. So you believe that you can determine what is right and wrong or good and evil. What if you just happen to be wrong?
You are just telling me how one gets saved, I already know this. I already know that to be saved you have to believe in Jesus, but this is absolutely disgusting.
Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. (Matthew 15:11)
Its disgusting because there is nothing better about believing in Christianity over believing in Hinduism. The Christians just think that if they happen to be right, they will get a reward for being right. Yeah well good luck getting into heaven just because your beleifs happened to be true.
If you get someone who is just as faithful as a Christian, but is a Muslim, please tell me how on earth God can reward the Christian just for being right.
How can God create a heaven and earth?
Again this talks about a belief in God, not in Christianity or Jesus. Many Christians believe that followers of all religions will go to heaven.
Which Bible are these people using?
I don't give a dam what Jesus claims, that is absolutely pointless.
I think we knew that you didn't and don't care.
Islam and Christianity are equal. If you disagree then please tell me - like I've asked plenty of times - what Christians are doing that Muslims are not.
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. (John 3:18)
In other words: He will judge you based on whether or not your beleifs are true, just as I said you were saying.
He sent Jesus to save those who have faith in Christ. But many will say, "I don't give a dam what Jesus claims..."
And since religious beleifs are based on faith, whether or not they are right is pure luck. So again, you have said that God rewards and punishes based on sheer luck.
How do you know it is luck? Maybe how you look at it determines your analysis of it.
God can only reward/punish us on our attempt to find truth, not on whether or not we actually found it.
Really? How do you know who tried the hardest?