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Why have Christians forgotten the fourth Commandment?

Are all Ten commandments binding?

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Active Member
Not everyone. Only the people who follow the Bible had a 7-day cycle.

Do other cultures who don't follow your God not count?

Most of the ten begin with the same words: "Thou shalt not," but right in the heart of the law we find the fourth commandment which is introduced with the word, "Remember." Why is this one different? Because God was commanding them to call something to memory which already existed but had been forgotten.

Christ clearly taught that "the sabbath was made for man." Mark 2:27. The fact is that Adam was the only man in existence at the time God made the Sabbath. There were no Jews in the world for at least 2,000 years after creation. It could never have been made for them.


Active Member
There must be a means by which we test our faith. There must be a way to test whether or not something is true or not.



Well-Known Member
Do weeks even mean anything? I mean, days can be measured by the earth's rotation, and years can be measured by the revolution around the sun, but everything in between is pretty much whatever we want to call it. I could make my own calendar right now that has 12 day weeks, with 3 week months and 10 months a year. Days, years and even seasons are backed by science, but I can't think of anything scientific to back up weeks and months.


Wonder Woman
I don't know about all this. I mean, the whole thing revolves on the idea that Genesis was a literal account of the beginning of time. If you have had any science class in your life then you know it to be impossible for that to be. So one must either look at it as a nice metaphorical story to try to explain how it all happened, or you look at it along the lines of a day equaling many thousands and millions of years.

"What is a day to God?"

Time was kept very differently in the bible. Very differently. Just look at all the people's life expectencies. People living for supposedly hundreds of years, when we know that our life expectencies have actually increased, not decreased throughout time. We have certainly never lived for hundreds of years. So how is it that one day can be equal to millions of years, while at the same time, one year may only be equivolent to a matter of months in terms of people's lives?

Days, weeks, months, and years seem to be all very subjective in the bible. There is no consistency when it has referred to any increment of time. So, therefore, how can anyone solidly base a certain day or time that we know of now to be the exact day or time referred to in the bible? It is clearly impossible to do so.


Deviled Hen
Ðanisty;898383 said:
Do weeks even mean anything? I mean, days can be measured by the earth's rotation, and years can be measured by the revolution around the sun, but everything in between is pretty much whatever we want to call it. I could make my own calendar right now that has 12 day weeks, with 3 week months and 10 months a year. Days, years and even seasons are backed by science, but I can't think of anything scientific to back up weeks and months.

There is something to back up months, and that's the movement of the moon.

Weeks are utterly meaningless in astronomical terms, which is where we usually get time measurements.


Deviled Hen
Time was kept very differently in the bible. Very differently. Just look at all the people's life expectencies. People living for supposedly hundreds of years, when we know that our life expectencies have actually increased, not decreased throughout time. We have certainly never lived for hundreds of years. So how is it that one day can be equal to millions of years, while at the same time, one year may only be equivolent to a matter of months in terms of people's lives?

One Sunday when the sermon was particularly repetitive, I amused myself by calculating the ages of all those people you refer to if they had been counting in terms of months and not years. Try it for a spot of fun and see what you get.

Days, weeks, months, and years seem to be all very subjective in the bible. There is no consistency when it has referred to any increment of time. So, therefore, how can anyone solidly base a certain day or time that we know of now to be the exact day or time referred to in the bible? It is clearly impossible to do so.

At the very least, if "One thousand years is as a day to the Lord" you'd think there might be room to believe it at least took 6000 years to create the Earth. :sarcastic


Well-Known Member
There is something to back up months, and that's the movement of the moon.
Ah! I should have thought of that. Even so though, the Romans managed to make a 10 month calendar. Sure, it's not logical in any way, but they did it.

Weeks are utterly meaningless in astronomical terms, which is where we usually get time measurements.
That's what I was thinking. If there is no science involved in weeks, how on Earth can anyone prove that weeks have remained the same since the beginning of time?


Wonder Woman
One Sunday when the sermon was particularly repetitive, I amused myself by calculating the ages of all those people you refer to if they had been counting in terms of months and not years. Try it for a spot of fun and see what you get.

At the very least, if "One thousand years is as a day to the Lord" you'd think there might be room to believe it at least took 6000 years to create the Earth. :sarcastic

and if those are the days to which He was referring, then we worship for a thousand years every 6000 that go by right? :p


Obstructor of justice
Ðanisty;898419 said:
That's what I was thinking. If there is no science involved in weeks, how on Earth can anyone prove that weeks have remained the same since the beginning of time?

Easy, by pretending astrological science is lying.


Well-Known Member
I gotta admit that this is a first for me.... a Christian who talks more about calendars and days of the week than Jesus.

Interesting thread.


Obstructor of justice
I gotta admit that this is a first for me.... a Christian who talks more about calendars and days of the week than Jesus.

Interesting thread.

Most seventh day adventists I've met are like that. Their biggest goal seems to be to make sure everyone in Christendom follows the sabbath the way they do.


Well-Known Member
Most seventh day adventists I've met are like that. Their biggest goal seems to be to make sure everyone in Christendom follows the sabbath the way they do.
So that's it.... I guess some believe that God cares more about WHEN you worship than about HOW you worship.

Like I said, this is a first for me.... I wonder if there will be an off-shoot of this group that wants everyone to worship at a specific time... maybe the Seventh Day-3 o'clock Adventists.....:D


Active Member
I don't know about all this. I mean, the whole thing revolves on the idea that Genesis was a literal account of the beginning of time. If you have had any science class in your life then you know it to be impossible for that to be. So one must either look at it as a nice metaphorical story to try to explain how it all happened, or you look at it along the lines of a day equaling many thousands and millions of years.

Draka has made a way for me to point out the fact that the Bible warns us about people trying to take away Gods sovereignty by - by substituting Genesis as a literal account with evolution(i assume thats what you meant by "millions of years".)
If you take away Creation, you allow for any number of theories about life to be possible.

I do have a question for you Draka, Haven't you ever wondered how one could possibly date "sedimentary rock"?, you know the the rock
in which fossil remains reside.

"What is a day to God?"

Time was kept very differently in the bible. Very differently. Just look at all the people's life expectencies. People living for supposedly hundreds of years, when we know that our life expectencies have actually increased, not decreased throughout time. We have certainly never lived for hundreds of years. So how is it that one day can be equal to millions of years, while at the same time, one year may only be equivolent to a matter of months in terms of people's lives?

Humor me, God has just made Adam- Perfect- Adam has also eaten from the Tree of Life, ( Revelation tells us we will eat of this tree) Adam falls- sin comes into the world- So God cuts off the Tree of Life so that Adam won't live forever in his sin-
My point is - Why wouldn't Adam and his offspring not be able to live 1000 years- God just made you - He surely didn't make you to die

Days, weeks, months, and years seem to be all very subjective in the bible. There is no consistency when it has referred to any increment of time. So, therefore, how can anyone solidly base a certain day or time that we know of now to be the exact day or time referred to in the bible? It is clearly impossible to do so.

I would like to respectfully challenge that statement in a few posts.

1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Gen.1:1,5
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made Gen. 2:1-3

Happy Sabbath


Active Member
"By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth." "For He spake, and it was;" "He commanded, and it stood fast." Psalm 33:6,9. He "laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed forever." Psalm 104:5.

It is one of Satan's devices to lead the people to accept the fables of infidelity; for he can thus obscure the law of God, in itself very plain, and embolden men to rebel against the divine government. His efforts are especially directed against the fourth commandment, because it so clearly points to the living God, the Maker of the heavens and the earth. PP,p111

Friends the 10 Commandments of God are under attack in our world today. Let us not forget that Satan, the great instigator is ultimately at the root of this great controversy. The Bible says that in the last days, as in the days of Noah, men would not be able to tell right from wrong. Since I made my first post there have been a lot of replies, but as an observation, many of them were unbiblical. I make that comment because I purposely posted to Biblical Debates.

No one could find in the "two edged sword" the word of God in the Old and New Testament, one set of scriptures in harmony with one another, on keeping Sunday Holy. Why, because its not there. Even so, I'm ever in awe of Bible believing Christians who reject the commandments of God, to obey the doctrine and commandments of men. Again if my conversation seems rather strong , it is because salvation is at stake. Let's remember, Lucifer deceived one third of the heavenly hosts, and deceived Adam & Eve when they were sinless.

My question is, to what level of deception, or perfection of deception, do you think he has for us as sinners, even now after observing six thousand years of human behavior. Our only hope is the word of God.


Active Member
"Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Rom. 10:17. The Scriptures are the great agency in the transformation of character. Christ prayed, "Sanctify them through Thy truth; Thy word is truth." John 17:17.
If studied and obeyed, the word of God works in the heart, subduing every unholy attribute.
The Holy Spirit comes to convict of sin, and the faith that springs up in the heart works by love to Christ, conforming us in body, soul, and spirit to His own image.
COB "Like unto Heaven"pg100 pp1


Active Member
If you're not supposed to work on the Sabbath, does that mean you won't be here tomorrow?

That's sounds real familiar- where have I heard that before- I know, the Pharisees asked Jesus the same question - and what did he say?
Then Jesus said to them, "I ask you, which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it?
The Sabbath has already started - Happy Sabbath! ...the evening and the morning..
Contrary to popular Christian Beliefs - the Bible teaches that a new day begins at sunset- not 12:00 midnight

You've hanging around with Scott again haven't you -of course I'll be here tomorrow :)