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Why I think there is one right religion

Monk Of Reason

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That is why I told you in the first place that our mind is limited. We don’t know everything, but for sure we know that our universe had a starting point.

If we want to say that our universe was created in another universe, than what created the other universe?

By saying eternal self-sustaining, I was describing God and not the universe, because the universe has a starting point.
We don't know how the universe came into being. If it had something prior to the big bang. From whence was it created? From what was it created? Ect. Before we even get the basest of information on that we cannot assume that there "must have" been anything.

Now I have asked you the same question before. You ignored it. But then you ask me "who created that universe?" that this one may have come from. Perhaps the mulitverse is eternal. We have no idea. Maybe a multiverse doesn't exist. Perhaps it is so wonderful and crazy we can't imagine it. Its like asking a deaf person to imagine Beethoven. Or trying to have a blind person imagine a sunset. Even those comparisons fall short.

Though I'll ask you again, who created god?

Let us imagine two cases:
1- Let us imagine this. You have 20 rocks each given a number from 1 to 20. Let’s assume that you throw these rocks randomly for 30 times.

If someone came to study the motion of these rocks in the 30 times, he will be clueless, because the position of each rock is randomly changing. He won’t be able to come up with a law which is defining the rocks movement.

2- Now let us imagine that instead of randomly throwing the rocks, you place them according to a certain pattern in your head.

If someone came to study the motion of these rocks, he will be able to know the pattern in which you are arranging the rocks by studying the positions. He will be able to expect the next position.

These means that things don’t randomly happen and there is someone who is running the universe.
Or that natural laws exist in the universe? That also seems to explain everything.

Once a muslim scholar, called Abu Hanifah was going to have a talk with an atheist who was across the river. But Abu Hanifah came late. They told him ‘Oh Abu Hanifah, a messenger sent for you hours ago, and you arrive now, explain your lateness to us.’ He said “once the messenger delivered the message to me, I began to make my way to the River Tigris, and on reaching the river bank I realised there was no boat, in order to cross the river.” I was standing on the river bank looking for a navigator or a boat when something caught my attention in the middle of the river. I looked forward, and to my amazement I saw planks of wood rising to the surface from the sea bed. I was shocked, amazed, I couldn’t believe what I saw seeing. Ready made planks of wood were rising up to the surface and joining together. They were all the same width and length, I was astounded at what I saw. I continued to look into the middle of the river, and then I saw nails coming up from the sea floor. They positioned themselves onto the boat and held the planks together, without them being banged. I stood in amazement and thought to myself, ‘Oh Allah, how can this happen, planks of wood rising to the surface by itself, and then nails positioning themselves onto the boat without being banged?’ I could not understand what was happening before my eyes.’
At this moment, the athiest brust out laughing and remarked, ‘Oh Abu Hanifah, I heard that you were the best debator from amongst the Muslims, I heard that you were the wisest, the most knowledgable from amongst your people. From seeing you today, I can say that you show none of these qualities. You speak of a boat appearing from nowhere, without someone having built it. Nails positioning themselves without someone having banged them, sealant being poured without someone having poured it, and the boat taking you to your destination without a navigator against the tide, your taking childish, your talking rediculous, I swear I do not belive a word of it!’
Abu Hanifah Rahimullah turned to the athiest and replied, ‘You don’t believe a word of it? You dont believe that nails can appear by themselves? You dont believe sealant can be poured by itself? You dont believe that a boat can move without a navigator, hence you don’t believe that a boat can appear without a boat maker?’
The athiest remarked defiantly, ‘Yes I dont believe a word of it!’
Abu Hanifah Rahimullah replied, ‘If you cannot believe that a boat came into being without a boat maker, than this is only a boat, how can you believe that the whole world, the universe, the stars, the oceans, and the planets came into being without a creator?
There are several fallacies with this argument.
1) That the boat came into being somehow randomly while nothing of the sort is actually stated in the science of the big bang theory or evolution.
2) We have observed a boat being crafted by mankind. We know the process. If suddenly something was created without that process it would throw us for a loop. Evolution has been observed and evidence provided to occur through a certain process. If animals started raining from the sky or simply "popping" into existence then we would probably not believe them. The core concept is not that there was a "creator" but that something is crafted by a certain process.
3) For us to assume something to be true we must know the variables in question. For example if I saw drawing on the wall in red crayon and I know that Suzy has a red crayon then that must mean that Suzy drew on the wall? correct? No. Because we have not established that Suzy is the ONLY one with a red crayon.

Likewise we don't know the first thing about how universes are created. We don't know the process. We don't know what happened "before" time (thought that in itself is a paradox). So to say that it is an Omnipotent creator with a will and plan is quite a stretch.

And then to go that much further and create the thread that assumes that not only is there a god with a plan that he has come down to create religions in the world and that ONE and JUST ONE of those religions got it exactly right seems a bit ludicrous. There are so many gaps that simply don't logically follow.

God in Islam
And what says that it wasn't the god of Hindu's or Shinto's? Who says any religion got it right? Deists could be correct and that some sort of omnipotent force created the universe but simply doesn't give a rats butt about us. Or there could be no god.


Well-Known Member
We don't know how the universe came into being. If it had something prior to the big bang. From whence was it created? From what was it created? Ect. Before we even get the basest of information on that we cannot assume that there "must have" been anything.

Now I have asked you the same question before. You ignored it. But then you ask me "who created that universe?" that this one may have come from. Perhaps the mulitverse is eternal. We have no idea. Maybe a multiverse doesn't exist. Perhaps it is so wonderful and crazy we can't imagine it. Its like asking a deaf person to imagine Beethoven. Or trying to have a blind person imagine a sunset. Even those comparisons fall short.

Though I'll ask you again, who created god?

Let us start by your question who created God.

If someone created God, then he is not God,for God doesn't need anyone to create him because he is the creator.

God doesn't need something to create the universe from. He just says be, and it is. But God makes order for everything so that we can reason, study, and deduce how things go around.

We can't know all the answers to our questions for God only shows us what we have to know in order to pass the test of this life.

I didn't mean to ignore the question but I thought that you got the answer when I told you about chapter 112
Say, "He is Allah , [who is] One,
Allah , the Eternal Refuge.
He neither begets nor is born,
Nor is there to Him any equivalent."

So God is not created. If God was created, this would not make him God.

Or that natural laws exist in the universe? That also seems to explain everything.

Natural laws don't just come. They require intelligence.

There are several fallacies with this argument.
1) That the boat came into being somehow randomly while nothing of the sort is actually stated in the science of the big bang theory or evolution.
2) We have observed a boat being crafted by mankind. We know the process. If suddenly something was created without that process it would throw us for a loop. Evolution has been observed and evidence provided to occur through a certain process. If animals started raining from the sky or simply "popping" into existence then we would probably not believe them. The core concept is not that there was a "creator" but that something is crafted by a certain process.
3) For us to assume something to be true we must know the variables in question. For example if I saw drawing on the wall in red crayon and I know that Suzy has a red crayon then that must mean that Suzy drew on the wall? correct? No. Because we have not established that Suzy is the ONLY one with a red crayon.

1-The argument is that although we know how to make a boat, we can't accept the fact that it can be made without a man taking the time to go with the process of making it. So even though the process is there (natural laws, or big bang theory), men are the ones who are making the process (creator). Processes can't be done alone.

2- Regardless if evolution were right or wrong, evolution fails to say how life began on earth. It just assumes a starting point to the process. It doesn't start from 0, it starts from 1. Now where did 1 come from?

3-I like your example. Processes,laws,physics and science because as we established, all these are controlled by someone. The process of making a boat is known, but it takes a man to come and make it.

Likewise we don't know the first thing about how universes are created. We don't know the process. We don't know what happened "before" time (thought that in itself is a paradox). So to say that it is an Omnipotent creator with a will and plan is quite a stretch.

About that, I don't want to repeat myself.

But evolution and multiverse theories don't solve the problem. For example evolution states that men came from apes so God didn't create men. But where did apes come from and who created them.

The multiverse (or meta-universe) is the hypothetical set of infinite or finite possible universes. Even this theory doesn't say that universe is infinite.

I don't think anyone can have a full answer to how the universe was created. Because no matter how much you learn, you will always have the question who created that and from where it came. Even if all the information was presented to you, you will still come to the point where something existed from nothing.

If you were presented with all the information in the world, and still say that God doesn't exist, you will still be in a problem.

God doesn't need "something" to create what he wants to create, because he creates whatever he wants from "nothing". He just says be, and it is. He is one, he doesn't require a creator, he's the only one in control.

This definition comes from the necessity of logic.

And then to go that much further and create the thread that assumes that not only is there a god with a plan that he has come down to create religions in the world and that ONE and JUST ONE of those religions got it exactly right seems a bit ludicrous. There are so many gaps that simply don't logically follow.

And what says that it wasn't the god of Hindu's or Shinto's? Who says any religion got it right? Deists could be correct and that some sort of omnipotent force created the universe but simply doesn't give a rats butt about us. Or there could be no god.

Let us first solve the problem of existence of God. Agree ?


Well-Known Member
Everyone has an opinion about that. So far, it seems to me that my opinion is the very best of all opinions: There is no hell, no heaven, and there are many gods.

You're welcome to try and convince me that your opinion about all of that is better than mine, though.

Thanks for the invitation, but I don't like to do private messaging.

Sorry to put it in that way, but I didn't notice you believe in many gods. Even your religion part doesn't say that?


Well-Known Member
It is fully wrong.
Plate tectonics is wrong?

And I note that out of each list of yours that I refute, you grab on to one to nitpick, as my rebuttals are correct.

No, most of your refutes don't make any sense. You said that some are not miracles for that they were already known. OKay that may be true for some of them. But at least they are not scientific errors. There are still many scientific miracles.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to put it in that way, but I didn't notice you believe in many gods. Even your religion part doesn't say that?

I believe that 'god' is an image in people's head. A concept.

So I think there are as many gods as there are people to conceive a god.

Think of justice. Is there such a thing as justice? Sure. And there are as many different concepts of justice as there are people with opinions about the nature of justice.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Plate tectonics is wrong?
Nope, but that doesn't mean your understanding of plate tectonics is not faulty. :)

No, most of your refutes don't make any sense. You said that some are not miracles for that they were already known. OKay that may be true for some of them. But at least they are not scientific errors. There are still many scientific miracles.
Au contraire, mon cher, his "refutes" make perfect sense. You simply cannot accept that fact.


Well-Known Member
I believe that 'god' is an image in people's head. A concept.

So I think there are as many gods as there are people to conceive a god.

Think of justice. Is there such a thing as justice? Sure. And there are as many different concepts of justice as there are people with opinions about the nature of justice.

But if we are sitting in a house, and one person knocked the door, each one of us will imagine a different person standing behind the door. When we open the door it will be the same person. Who of us got it correct? only the one who imagined the same person he is seeing

As for justice, justice is justice. But everyone sees it the way he wants. In order for us to know real justice, we need the Creator of justice to tell us about it.

Anything that exists in this world can be interpreted differently by different people. For example, if someone throws a joke, everyone would interpret it differently, but that doesn't mean that the person told multiple jokes. It is one joke with different interpretations. One truth. What was intended by the joke? you have to ask the one who said it.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
What was intended by the joke? you have to ask the one who said it.
Then you have noodnicks like me who purposely word things ambiguously so that they can have many meanings - all of which are equally valid. Linear thinkers are so terribly easy to toy with... :cool:


Well-Known Member
But if we are sitting in a house, and one person knocked the door, each one of us will imagine a different person standing behind the door. When we open the door it will be the same person. Who of us got it correct? only the one who imagined the same person he is seeing

If the person at the door is invisible, then each one of us can believe that he got it correct and that all the others got it wrong.

God is invisible, yes? So why should I believe that your description of God is correct, while my description is incorrect?

As for justice, justice is justice. But everyone sees it the way he wants. In order for us to know real justice, we need the Creator of justice to tell us about it.

That's too chaotic. How do we know exactly who speaks for God about the nature of justice?

Anything that exists in this world can be interpreted differently by different people. For example, if someone throws a joke, everyone would interpret it differently, but that doesn't mean that the person told multiple jokes. It is one joke with different interpretations. One truth. What was intended by the joke? you have to ask the one who said it.

OK. So when I tell you about God, you will accept my description of God? Everyone on the planet must accept my description of God?


Well-Known Member
If the person at the door is invisible, then each one of us can believe that he got it correct and that all the others got it wrong.

God is invisible, yes? So why should I believe that your description of God is correct, while my description is incorrect?

That's too chaotic. How do we know exactly who speaks for God about the nature of justice?

Yeah God is invisible. But we know that there is a God. I know that the person who is writing is (ambiguousguy). Did I have the image correct? it depends if he described himself for me.

We know who speaks for God by examining the scriptures of the religions. Look in order for a person to tell you something about God, he has to tangibly hand you something to prove it. This is called the scriptures. I know you did a lot of examining for those scriptures and found to many things which don't make sense so you came to the idea that scriptures is not the way. But what if the Quraan was the correct scripture that you didn't look at? Anyways I think there is nothing I can do to change that concept you have in mind.. no ?

OK. So when I tell you about God, you will accept my description of God? Everyone on the planet must accept my description of God?

NO . I told you to understand what is really meant by the joke you have to ask the one who said it


The "born again" are in many different religions and no single religion is completely correct.

It's the "body of Christ", that will see the "rapture" NOT some specific religion.

~my opinion


Well-Known Member
Yeah God is invisible. But we know that there is a God.

Not a god. Seven billion gods. Just as there are seven billion concepts of justice.

We know who speaks for God by examining the scriptures of the religions.

No true God would ever send words down to mankind... remember?

So any religion based on scriptures is a confused religion. They are following something other than God.

Look in order for a person to tell you something about God, he has to tangibly hand you something to prove it. This is called the scriptures.

I really don't get it. Why do you assume that some other guy (Abraham, Jesus, Muhammad, Joseph Smith, Baha'u'llah, etc) knows more about God than you do?

No one knows more about God than I do. That would be impossible.

I know you did a lot of examining for those scriptures and found to many things which don't make sense so you came to the idea that scriptures is not the way.

I didn't examine them so much. God came to me and told me that He would never send physical words down to humanity. So I had no need to examine the scriptures.

But what if the Quraan was the correct scripture that you didn't look at?

What if I am the One True Prophet of God... and you are resisting the Truth I bring?

Anyways I think there is nothing I can do to change that concept you have in mind.. no ?

You could offer some kind of hard evidence and compelling argument. I only follow what seems most true to me.

NO . I told you to understand what is really meant by the joke you have to ask the one who said it

Right. I am the one who can tell you about God. So you must ask me what I mean by God if you are to understand God. So it seems to me.


Well-Known Member
No true God would ever send words down to mankind... remember?
Why ?

So any religion based on scriptures is a confused religion. They are following something other than God.

It would be confusing only when people want it to be

I really don't get it. Why do you assume that some other guy (Abraham, Jesus, Muhammad, Joseph Smith, Baha'u'llah, etc) knows more about God than you do?

Let us talk about the first three. Because they are prophets who were given miracles. Let us take the prohpet Muhammad peace be upon him. Can you refute the 99 arrtibutes given in the Quraan about God?

I didn't examine them so much. God came to me and told me that He would never send physical words down to humanity. So I had no need to examine the scriptures.
Why is the reason? And tell me is there heaven and hell after death ?

What if I am the One True Prophet of God... and you are resisting the Truth I bring?
Prove it with a miracle

You could offer some kind of hard evidence and compelling argument. I only follow what seems most true to me.

Okay. In that sense can you just list me the reasons why you don't believe that scriptures are required ?


Well-Known Member
So is imagination and fantasy.

We know ancient men created gods in mythology.

Scientifically no god exist, because there is nothing at all that can be attributed to the concept, nor is there anything to test for.

Who had put the laws of science ?