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Why is homosexuality a sin

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Picker of Nose
I'm sorry but it isn't a choice. I can not choose who I am attracted to. Just like how two different men won't be attracted to the same woman. Who we are attracted to isn't really a choice. Not meaning to be rude or anything but your argument is totally flawed and a load of crap

of course we have a choice. google "Neuro-Linguistic Programming" and you will know what i mean. you can choose who you wanna love. infact you can make yourself believe that you can walk on fire and you wont get burn. it is proven in many NLP experts courses. search "Anthony Robins" while you are at it.

even if you dont agree with me, its a good read :D.


of course we have a choice. google "Neuro-Linguistic Programming" and you will know what i mean. you can choose who you wanna love. infact you can make yourself believe that you can walk on fire and you wont get burn. it is proven in many NLP experts courses. search "Anthony Robins" while you are at it.

even if you dont agree with me, its a good read :D.

Brainwashing! Whee! How fun!


Picker of Nose
its not being brainwashed
it choosing to brainwash yourself
both are different.

the main idea is you got to "choose". LOL its funny but thats just how it is. and you know something, following your instinct is also a choice coz you have a choice either to follow your instinct or you mind.


Intentionally Blank
First, what's going on in Leviticus, from the beginning:

The LORD said to Moses, 2 "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'I am the LORD your God. 3 You must not do as they do in Egypt, where you used to live, and you must not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you. Do not follow their practices. 4 You must obey my laws and be careful to follow my decrees. I am the LORD your God.
That is, don't do what pagan foreigners do.

Second, some other important prohibitions from the same book:

19 " 'Keep my decrees.
" 'Do not mate different kinds of animals.
" 'Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed.
" 'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.

27 " 'Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard.
28 " 'Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD

And from Leviticus 11, these key moral rules:

There are some that only chew the cud or only have a split hoof, but you must not eat them. The camel, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is ceremonially unclean for you. 5 The coney, [a] though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you. 6 The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you. 7 And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. 8 You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you...(goes on to list many, many other animals that are unclean to you.) And, as for abominations, seafood tops the list, in the same book (KJV):

10And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:
11They shall be even an abomination unto you; ye shall not eat of their flesh, but ye shall have their carcases in abomination.
12Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.

And so forth.


Intentionally Blank
i am sorry, i am attracted to my Grandmaw, i can't help who i am attracted to. sorry society and God. deal with it. its not my choice!:sad4:

now replace grandmaw with


Do you have some kind of sex obsession or something? I mean, has any of these come up in your life or around you in any way? Is there some kind of national movement for the right to have sex with crickets? Why are you concerned with any of this? Why not just worry about you not doing what you believe to be sinful? Or are you fighting the bestiality demon?


Picker of Nose
It's still brainwashing.

yes it is brainwashing but i am talking about choice. we choose what we want. just as being an atheist is a choice for you. no body forced you to be one. just like sexual orientation. nobody is forced to be homosexual or non-homosexual. one chooses to be homosexual or non-homosexual.


Intentionally Blank
yes it is brainwashing but i am talking about choice. we choose what we want. just as being an atheist is a choice for you. no body forced you to be one. just like sexual orientation. nobody is forced to be homosexual or non-homosexual. one chooses to be homosexual or non-homosexual.

?? Really ?? You chose to be non-homosexual? On what basis did you make this decision?


yes it is brainwashing but i am talking about choice. we choose what we want. just as being an atheist is a choice for you. no body forced you to be one. just like sexual orientation. nobody is forced to be homosexual or non-homosexual. one chooses to be homosexual or non-homosexual.

*laughs* I didn't choose to be an atheist, silly person. You don't choose belief, you either have it or you don't. It's intrinsic - much like homosexuality. ;)


Picker of Nose
*laughs* I didn't choose to be an atheist, silly person. You don't choose belief, you either have it or you don't. It's intrinsic - much like homosexuality. ;)

"you either have it or you dont" then who put "it" in you at the 1st place? dont tell me you dont have a choice. coming from an atheist, i find it rather strange. :confused:


"you either have it or you dont" then who put "it" in you at the 1st place? dont tell me you dont have a choice. coming from an atheist, i find it rather strange. :confused:

No one "put it in me." What I'm saying is, you can't choose what you believe. Belief can't be forced (at least not without brainwashing.) Say you "choose" to believe in Pink Unicorns - you could tell everyone you do, go through all the motions of believing in Unicorns, but deep down, you'd know you were living a lie. If you honestly believed in your heart, that would be one thing, but you can't choose honest belief.


Disciple of Chaos
i am sorry, i am attracted to my Grandmaw, i can't help who i am attracted to. sorry society and God. deal with it. its not my choice!:sad4:

now replace grandmaw with

It is that form of BS is why I will never join Christianity. For whatever reason, gods only know why, you seem to think homosexuality is on the same level as rape, beastiality, and murder. No, if we allow homosexual marriages, marrying you dog will not, and cannot come next. A dog cannot legally enter into a contract. Two men, or two women, can, and they can consent about loving eachother.

of course we have a choice. google "Neuro-Linguistic Programming" and you will know what i mean. you can choose who you wanna love. infact you can make yourself believe that you can walk on fire and you wont get burn. it is proven in many NLP experts courses. search "Anthony Robins" while you are at it.
Actually, you don't make yourself you believe you walk on the fire on not get burnt. The coals, which are made of wood, are poor conductors of heat. They will burn stepping on them, but with abit of callouses on your feet, you will not sustain any injury. It's like reaching into an oven thats over 400 degrees. Air does not conduct heat well, which is why your hand doesn't blister when you reach into it.

even if you dont agree with me, its a good read :D.
With a logic like that, I am going to assume it's a terrible read, and not worth that ink, paper, and glue that its compossed of.

Also, you are obviously not gay, bi, or transexual, as if you were, you would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is not choice.

its not being brainwashed
it choosing to brainwash yourself
both are different.
The irony in that, is I see you going to church and allowing yourself to be brainwashed.

just like sexual orientation. nobody is forced to be homosexual or non-homosexual. one chooses to be homosexual or non-homosexual.
Yup, I woke up one day and chose to be bisexual. In fact, my ex just chose to spend thousands of dollars to transition from a male into a female. It was her choice to spend the money, hundreds of hours in counseling, hundreds of hours having facial hair removed, constant harassings, threats, and even being murdered. It was her choice all along.
It's your mentallity of "it's a choice" is why there is so much hatred, violence, and murders amoung the GBLT community.

LOL its funny but thats just how it is. and you know something, following your instinct is also a choice coz you have a choice either to follow your instinct or you mind.
Sure you didn't pick your brains out while your finger was up your nose? You DO NOT have a choice. I'm sure all the lab rats and guinea pigs had the choice when a scientist had there genetics altered to make them gay.
You have as much of a choice in determining your sexual orientation as you do your natural hair and eye color.


Picker of Nose
No one "put it in me." What I'm saying is, you can't choose what you believe. Belief can't be forced (at least not without brainwashing.) Say you "choose" to believe in Pink Unicorns - you could tell everyone you do, go through all the motions of believing in Unicorns, but deep down, you'd know you were living a lie. If you honestly believed in your heart, that would be one thing, but you can't choose honest belief.

then what made you "honestly believe" that you are an atheist? dont say "i just had it in me" coz what you are right now is what you experience your whole life. then you made your conclusion (choice) to be an atheist. choice choice all the way. people make choices mostly on what fits them. what fits them are influenced by lots of elements. even in the womb, the mother's experience influences the baby. which sets the baby's fundamental belief (i think thats the one you call "deep down inside" thingy)


then what made you "honestly believe" that you are an atheist? dont say "i just had it in me" coz what you are right now is what you experience your whole life. then you made your conclusion (choice) to be an atheist. choice choice all the way. people make choices mostly on what fits them. what fits them are influenced by lots of elements. even in the womb, the mother's experience influences the baby. which sets the baby's fundamental belief (i think thats the one you call "deep down inside" thingy)

What makes me an atheist in my lack of belief in any gods. Why do I lack belief in gods? I'm not sure. Even when I attempted to believe in gods, it wouldn't happen for me; deep down, I never truly believed, even though, at times, I desperately wanted to. Admitting to myself that I was probably an atheist was something I realized slowly, over time. There was never any concious choice made, it was just something I came to understand about myself. When you say I made a choice to be an atheist, it's as though you're saying I woke up one morning and decided not to believe in god, which is incredibly silly. I didn't decide to become an atheist and not believe in god, I merely lacked a belief in god, and eventually learned that there was a name for that.


Here is an article about a study that links neurochemistry to sexual orientation.


Here is another article about a study that links the number of biological older brothers to the chances of being homosexual.


Almost any time a study is done by an UNBIASED source they come to the same conclusion, that homosexuality is genetically predetermined, not a choice.


Brother Rock
It is that form of BS is why I will never join Christianity. For whatever reason, gods only know why, you seem to think homosexuality is on the same level as rape, beastiality, and murder. No, if we allow homosexual marriages, marrying you dog will not, and cannot come next. A dog cannot legally enter into a contract. Two men, or two women, can, and they can consent about loving eachother.

if you would take some time and READ SOME POST , you would see how the scripture actually " flows" all of the things together in one thought.

but when i flow them together in the same thought, i am some kind of monster.

notice the words in the above post " you seem to think". LOL


Picker of Nose
Here is an article about a study that links neurochemistry to sexual orientation.


Here is another article about a study that links the number of biological older brothers to the chances of being homosexual.


Almost any time a study is done by an UNBIASED source they come to the same conclusion, that homosexuality is genetically predetermined, not a choice.

"homosexuality is genetically predetermined," so what if its predetermined so what? it doesnt mean he doesnt have a choice. temptation differs from person to a person. say for a "predetermined" homosexual, the homosexual temptation is stronger. still he have a choice not to succumb to that temptation. i know quite a number of guys who are attracted to guys but manage to refrain themselves from having sexual intercourse with them. they are in other words "predetermined" homosexuals but they choose not to be. and i know a lot of guys who are not "predetermined" or self-proclaimed straight guys, involved in homosexual intercourse out of curiosity or lust. all of these people have CHOICES

in regards to this thread, a sin is when you "commit" the forbidden. if you have the intention but have yet to commit that sinful intention, then it is not considered as sin. same goes with homosexuality. it is not a sin if you "predeterminedly" homosexual so long as you dont commit homosexual intercourse.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
How ironic. We live in a country that guarantees each individual "God given" entitlements: Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Yet, it appears that those who have been granted one of the greatest of liberties: the liberty for each to express religious belief as he/she sees fit, do not want to grant others their own pusuit of happiness. Instead, they appear to promote the idea that we all have the guaranteed right to express ourselves exactly the same as they do...or else.
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