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Why is homosexuality a sin

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Admiral Obvious
here is a shocker for you. ALL SIN IS EQUAL!
I disagree.
If all sin was truly equal then there would be one punishment for sin.
The Bible clearly shows that different sins called for different punishments:
Does God see all sins the same?
No. And the reason for my answering no is simply becaus some sins are to be dealt out hasher punishment than others.

Why would certain sins require death (Exo 22:18; Exo 19:12; Num 15:36; Exo 21:17) while others merely get told that the sinner and up to ten generations after merely cannot enter into the congregation (Deu 23:2; Exo 12:19)?

What of those who were to be burnt (Gen 38:24; Lev 20:14; Lev 21:9; Jer 29:22; Eze 23:25; Dan 3:19-23)

Or those who were "put under the saw", or made to walk through fire( 2Sa 12:31)

Or those who were striped ( Deu 25:3 )

Scourged with thorns (Jdg_8:16.)

mutilated (Jdg 1:6; 2Ma 7:4; 2Sa 4:12)

imprisoned, exiled or had things confiscated (Ezr 7:26; Jer 37:15; Jer 38:6; Act 4:3; Act 5:18; Act 12:4; 1Ki 2:26; 1Ki 2:36-38)

Due compensation was yet another punishment for sin ( Exo 21:18-36; Lev 24:18-21; Deu 19:21)

Stoning was rather popular (Lev 20:2; Lev 20:27; Lev 24:14; Num 14:10; Num 15:33-36; Deu 13:10; Deu 17:5; Deu 22:21; Deu 22:24; Jos 7:25; 1Ki 21:10; Eze 16:40)

Crucificion (Mat 27:35; Mat 27:38; Mar 15:24; Mar 15:27; Luk 23:33)

Beheadings (Mat 14:10; Mar 6:16; Mar 6:27; Mar 6:28)

Scourging (Lev 19:20; Deu 22:18; Deu 25:2; Deu 25:3; Pro 17:10; Pro 19:29; Pro 20:30; Mat 27:26; Mar 15:15; Luk 23:16; Joh 19:1; Act 22:24; Act 22:29)

Even hanging is mentioned (Num 25:4; 2Sa 21:6; 2Sa 21:9; Gen 40:22; Deu 21:22; Deu 21:23; Jos 8:29).


Brother Rock
Yes. For believers. The law was never meant for unbelievers, just ask a Jew. Besides, the laws allowing slavery weren't rescinded, but you don't follow them anymore, now do you?

yes we do, do you have a Job? ( bond servant). work for a master for pay?

i agree it was a little different then, but not like Roots with whips and chains.


Intentionally Blank
i noticed you used the word morally. like i said the question of this thread is whether homosexuality is a sin. atheist dont believe in the concept of sin. they rely on morals and ethics. we are not talking about whether homosexual is morally wrong instead whether it is a sin meaning in a point of view of one who has religion or belief in god.

i quote my 1st post in this thread

have a good one ;)
Yes, you're right. But I thought I might try to nudge it over there a little.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
yes we do, do you have a Job? ( bond servant). work for a master for pay?

i agree it was a little different then, but not like Roots with whips and chains.

:rolleyes: How many people do you OWN, Rocka? Gainful employment isn't slavery.



Intentionally Blank
"In my experience atheists often know that book better than many Christians." then i assume you know for a fact (in the bible) that god clearly forbids homosexual act.
Well, there are passages that have been translated that way. Many scholars question that translation, and I lack the expertise to know. I do know for a fact that lesbianism is mentioned once, with an oblique negative reference, and never prohibited. How many pages in your Bible? Not a single prohibition.
And I know for a fact that Jesus never saw fit to mention either subject, while taking the time to be very clear about divorce twice.


Picker of Nose
Just like wearing blended fabrics and eating shellfish. Our problem is that you seek to impose those strictures on us while ignoring the ones you don't want to follow.

dont get me wrong, i'm not a chirstian, i myself find contradiction in the bible but that is not the case here. but i do read from some where in the bible that a community was destroyed by God for their homosexual conduct. i believe that place was called Sodom and Gomorrah or something like that.

as for "impose those strictures on us while ignoring the ones you don't want to follow" well i wont argue with that. i'm in no position for i am not a christian.


Intentionally Blank
27And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another

i never said they were equal, i said they were in the same " vain or flow".

what is the point you are making here? its just a little sin , and incest is a big sin?

here is a shocker for you. ALL SIN IS EQUAL!
And that's one of the serious flaws of Christianity.

but thank God the blood of Jesus covers all sin!:angel2:


ThrUU the Looking Glass
dont get me wrong, i'm not a chirstian, i myself find contradiction in the bible but that is not the case here. but i do read from some where in the bible that a community was destroyed by God for their homosexual conduct. i believe that place was called Sodom and Gomorrah or something like that.
No, Sodom and Gomorrah weren't destroyed for homosexuality. If the men were gay, they wouldn't have agreed to gang rape Lot's daughters when he offered them instead of the angels. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because they were full of evil, gang-raping ****-for-humans.

as for "impose those strictures on us while ignoring the ones you don't want to follow" well i wont argue with that. i'm in no position for i am not a christian.
My apologies; I should not have assumed.


Intentionally Blank
yes we do, do you have a Job? ( bond servant). work for a master for pay?

i agree it was a little different then, but not like Roots with whips and chains.
Really? How do you know? Do you have some evidence to support this?

Luke 12 45-48 said:
The lord [owner] of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
How did the slaves get stripes, if not from a whip?


Admiral Obvious
yes! you are getting there! he did change his mind!

thats why he sent Jesus!
This theory brings up all manner of interesting questions.
Like why did God change the rules he put forth if he already knew said rules would not be followed?
I say it is because God set man up to fail in order to send Jesus to save them.

yes we do, do you have a Job? ( bond servant). work for a master for pay?

i agree it was a little different then, but not like Roots with whips and chains.
Now you are merely grasping at straws.
Employment today is NOTHING like the slavery of then.


Picker of Nose
Well, there are passages that have been translated that way. Many scholars question that translation, and I lack the expertise to know. I do know for a fact that lesbianism is mentioned once, with an oblique negative reference, and never prohibited. How many pages in your Bible? Not a single prohibition.
And I know for a fact that Jesus never saw fit to mention either subject, while taking the time to be very clear about divorce twice.

once again sister, i'm not a christian :no:

i'm a nose picker :D


Picker of Nose
No, Sodom and Gomorrah weren't destroyed for homosexuality. If the men were gay, they wouldn't have agreed to gang rape Lot's daughters when he offered them instead of the angels. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because they were full of evil, gang-raping ****-for-humans.

My apologies; I should not have assumed.

well they werent gay then, if you assume that bisexual are not homosexual. coz they do both men and women. believe it or not it is also stated in the Quran.
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