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Why is homosexuality a sin

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Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I don't see why threads like these are necessary. As a Christian, I sympathise with the plight of the Gay person. I see no need in bringing up issues that are this polarised. I personally do not have a problem with the Gay community. I have no problem with spending time with Gay people. I took a Gay person skiing on my boat with a group of people this Saturday and bought him lunch.

What I have a problem with is threads that are started wanting to challenge what the bible says about the Gay lifestyle. I think the Bible is pretty clear about this issue.

As someone else alluded to here, it's not what the Bible says, but what it means for us that matters.
I don't see why threads like these are necessary. As a Christian, I sympathise with the plight of the Gay person. I see no need in bringing up issues that are this polarised. I personally do not have a problem with the Gay community. I have no problem with spending time with Gay people. I took a Gay person skiing on my boat with a group of people this Saturday and bought him lunch.

What I have a problem with is threads that are started wanting to challenge what the bible says about the Gay lifestyle. I think the Bible is pretty clear about this issue.

threads like what? be more specific.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
threads like what? be more specific.

Why is homosexuality a sin?
What's wrong with homosexuality?

Thread titles like these are itching for a debate. First off, this is a free country. Do what you like. Second off, Only a few people dispute the bibles position on homosexuality.

Most people I know have a live and let live attitude about this subject. When you seek approval or dispute what is clearly written in the bible, that is itching for a debate that frankly, has been discussed to death in this forum.

I believe threads like these are written by people who crave attention or want drama.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I believe threads like these are written by people who crave attention or want drama.
The thread is a question. Asking questions is the only way to obtain knowledge, which leads to wisdom.

Only a few people dispute the bibles position on homosexuality.
I don't know. I've can definitly count much more than a few, just here on RF alone.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
the bibles position on homosexuality.

Just because the Bible holds a certain position on homosexuality does not mean that Christians must (or even should) hold the same position. We have a responsibility to discover what the scriptures are really saying, and weigh that against our own sense of what is meet and right. Sometimes the Bible is just wrong for us. Sometimes not. Sometimes our interpretation of what is written is skewed. Sometimes not.


Brother Rock
Just because the Bible holds a certain position on homosexuality does not mean that Christians must (or even should) hold the same position. We have a responsibility to discover what the scriptures are really saying, and weigh that against our own sense of what is meet and right. Sometimes the Bible is just wrong for us. Sometimes not. Sometimes our interpretation of what is written is skewed. Sometimes not.

or the bible could have said what it meant and meant what it said.


Disciple of Chaos
Thread titles like these are itching for a debate. First off, this is a free country. Do what you like.
Too bad you can't do what you like. We have written and unwritten laws that prevent such actions without consequence. I can't burn a church because of the written laws. Many homosexuals and transexuals are murdered and face heavy persecution because of the unwritten ones.

I see not one valid reason to call what is controlled largy by genetics a "sin."


Active Member
Different spirits seeks different ways of living. The Spirit of homosexuality comes from a different source than the spirit of Christ, which is opposite the spirit that causes homosexuality.

Homosexuality is just a side effect of spiritual warfare. Which wages between Light and Darkness, there are those though, that are lukewarm, being neither hot or cold. Homosexuality may be qualified to fit this category of lukewarmness. However Jesus would rather prefer us to be hot or cold, he will nto accept lukewarmness either (Revelation 3:16).


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Can I have the 15 minutes of my life back that it took to read this sad excuse for a thread?

Rarely have I read such monotonous drivel stated with such assuredness. I just love it when people tell me what their "invisible friend" (dog... err God) wants or does not want, not to mention the pathetic, truly pathetic, rationale used to justify their claims. 'Tis sad really.


Active Member
Can I have the 15 minutes of my life back that it took to read this sad excuse for a thread?

Rarely have I read such monotonous drivel stated with such assuredness. I just love it when people tell me what their "invisible friend" wants or does not want, not to mention the pathetic, truly pathetic rationale used to justify their claims. 'Tis sad really.

I'm sure alot of people would laugh at you when you say there is air all around you, or that sun rays actually exist, or that the earth has a core. Because nobody can see the air, or the sun rays between the sun and earth, or even the core.

Yet although we cannot see them, air exists, sun rays (which we cannot see until it hits the oxygen in our atmosphere-resulting in a blue sky) does exist, and the earth does have a core. We know this through the use of human intellect and technology. The same goes for anything eles, although we may not see those "invisble" things and beings. They most assuredly do exist, and have impacts on the world in motion.

P.S.- no man has ever seen an electron or even a proton. Man has not even seen an atom, yet we can confess that our bodies are made up of trillions them.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Different spirits seeks different ways of living. The Spirit of homosexuality comes from a different source than the spirit of Christ, which is opposite the spirit that causes homosexuality.

Homosexuality is just a side effect of spiritual warfare.
Which wages between Light and Darkness, there are those though, that are lukewarm, being neither hot or cold. Homosexuality may be qualified to fit this category of lukewarmness. However Jesus would rather prefer us to be hot or cold, he will nto accept lukewarmness either (Revelation 3:16).

This is nothing but conjecture. Where is any of this found in the Bible???


Bodhisattva in Recovery
This is nothing but conjecture. Where is any of this found in the Bible???
As you well know Sojourner this drivel is NOT found within the Bible aside from wanton conjecture over a couple of cryptic passages. I guess we have to learn to stare at the spaces between the lines to distill the true meaning. *sigh*


Only a few people dispute the bibles position on homosexuality.

Actually you should be more concerned about the bible's admonishments about straight sex. I think too many Christians get on the 'gay bashing' wagon to hide their adultery, fornication, lascivious thoughts etc. Here is an interesting article about what the bible would look like if all reference to sex were taken out of it:

Freehold, Iowa - After working with several church pastors for the better part of two years, James Montrose, principal of Landover Elementary School, announced last week that an abridged KJV Bible, omitting all references to illicit and deviant sex acts, has been finalized for use at the school next year. Montrose formally proposed to the Board of Deacons that the new Bible, roughly the size of a theater program, be required reading in all classes in place of the salacious unabridged version. “It is beyond question that the Holy Bible, in unedited form, is simply not appropriate for children,” observed Montrose in testimony to the Board. The unabridged Bible is loaded with passages describing in detail such disgusting topics as premature ejaculation (Leviticus 15:2-15; 22:3-5), wet dreams (Leviticus 15:16-18, 32), voyeurism (Leviticus 18:6-20); damaged testicles (Leviticus 21:20; Deuteronomy 23:1); people taking a dump in the middle of camp (Deuteronomy 23:12-14); hemorrhoids (1 Samuel 5:9; 6:4-5), people urinating on a wall (1 Samuel 25:22; 26:34; 1 Kings 14:10; 16:11; 21:22; 2 Kings 9:8), people eating their own feces and drinking their urine (2 Kings 18:27; Isaiah 36:12; Ezekiel 4:12, 15), menstruation (just about all of Leviticus), etc., etc., etc. And those are just from a few books I reviewed this morning. Some of these topics are too prurient even for an S&M club. In fact, many parts of the Good Book are so tawdry that the Bible would be the first book hurled into the flames at our weekly book burnings - were it not inspired by God, of course.”

Montrose, along with Pastors Seff Stryker and Don Holmes, prepared the new version of the Bible by scratching out all the X-rated passages in one of Montrose’s old copies of the KJV 1611. “By the time we were finished, my old Bible looked like a White House Enron document produced to a Senate subcommittee,” noted Montrose. “But as a result of our work, children will no longer be exposed to Biblical passages too risque for Penthouse Forum. And children will be able to finish reading the Bible within days of the start of the school year. This will afford their teachers plenty of time to have students memorize passages describing the violence God inflicts upon sinners.”

From http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0602/sexfreebible.html

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
P.S.- no man has ever seen an electron or even a proton. Man has not even seen an atom, yet we can confess that our bodies are made up of trillions them.
Actually, we have seen them, and the much smaller particles called quarks, via electron microscopes.


Liebe ist für alle da
Actually you should be more concerned about the bible's admonishments about straight sex. I think too many Christians get on the 'gay bashing' wagon to hide their adultery, fornication, lascivious thoughts etc. Here is an interesting article about what the bible would look like if all reference to sex were taken out of it:

Freehold, Iowa - After working with several church pastors for the better part of two years, James Montrose, principal of Landover Elementary School, announced last week that an abridged KJV Bible, omitting all references to illicit and deviant sex acts, has been finalized for use at the school next year. Montrose formally proposed to the Board of Deacons that the new Bible, roughly the size of a theater program, be required reading in all classes in place of the salacious unabridged version. “It is beyond question that the Holy Bible, in unedited form, is simply not appropriate for children,” observed Montrose in testimony to the Board. The unabridged Bible is loaded with passages describing in detail such disgusting topics as premature ejaculation (Leviticus 15:2-15; 22:3-5), wet dreams (Leviticus 15:16-18, 32), voyeurism (Leviticus 18:6-20); damaged testicles (Leviticus 21:20; Deuteronomy 23:1); people taking a dump in the middle of camp (Deuteronomy 23:12-14); hemorrhoids (1 Samuel 5:9; 6:4-5), people urinating on a wall (1 Samuel 25:22; 26:34; 1 Kings 14:10; 16:11; 21:22; 2 Kings 9:8), people eating their own feces and drinking their urine (2 Kings 18:27; Isaiah 36:12; Ezekiel 4:12, 15), menstruation (just about all of Leviticus), etc., etc., etc. And those are just from a few books I reviewed this morning. Some of these topics are too prurient even for an S&M club. In fact, many parts of the Good Book are so tawdry that the Bible would be the first book hurled into the flames at our weekly book burnings - were it not inspired by God, of course.”

Montrose, along with Pastors Seff Stryker and Don Holmes, prepared the new version of the Bible by scratching out all the X-rated passages in one of Montrose’s old copies of the KJV 1611. “By the time we were finished, my old Bible looked like a White House Enron document produced to a Senate subcommittee,” noted Montrose. “But as a result of our work, children will no longer be exposed to Biblical passages too risque for Penthouse Forum. And children will be able to finish reading the Bible within days of the start of the school year. This will afford their teachers plenty of time to have students memorize passages describing the violence God inflicts upon sinners.”

From http://www.landoverbaptist.org/news0602/sexfreebible.html

Landover is a fake church there not even really, if you read the Terms and Services you'll see in there. I'm on the site just too see how messed up people can be. The're a parody.


JayHawes said:
Yet although we cannot see them, air exists, sun rays (which we cannot see until it hits the oxygen in our atmosphere-resulting in a blue sky) does exist, and the earth does have a core. We know this through the use of human intellect and technology. The same goes for anything eles, although we may not see those "invisble" things and beings. They most assuredly do exist, and have impacts on the world in motion.

This is only true if there is evidence invisible superbeings exist. I fail to see any evidence. Basically, Christians tell me I cannot see the evidence as I do not have the Spirit of God in me. No matter how convincing my arguments are Christians fall back on this and act like they have won. It is the ultimate cop-out. I could as easily say you have to give yourself over to Odin or even Tinkerbell before you are able to see the truth. I know the truth because Tinkerbell's spirit is in me and all others are blind.

I am going off topic, aren't I. :sorry1:


Active Member
There is an inherit weakness in your argument and that is that millions and millions of rational, intelligent adults don't believe in tinkerbell nor have they experienced this spirit. Your attempts to liken belief in a God to an imaginary folktale is easily seen through as nothing more than a mocking charicature.
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