Try this class. It works, I'm no longer suicidal. No medication, just a few of the changes in daily routine they mention. In fact I just meditated this morning, when I got up, only for 5 minutes. But I can feel it. Many think happiness is a myth in this world, because they are tortured by bad behavior of all amounts (in an actually manageable way, but, still if you're not resiliant, like this course teaches, you will succumb to sadness. Instead overcome adversity). General goodness, goodness for each and everyone both universal and otherwise, is what makes us happy. Skills like charity, creativeness, kindness, humor and other universally accepted values that earn the praise of our fellow human beings, and even animals, and plants, and fungi, and bacteria (if what you did actually got down on their level). Happiness is all about being good to other beings and yourself, being positive within and without. It's about making the fractal more diverse, even by products, carbon dioxide in the air (though too much is unnecessary and it's currently started being mitigated), and death! (though do not deal it to human beings, pets or animals [as long as they are not pests the animals}) That's what everything is doing. It's all attracting and then repulsing, making greater wholes, enough of which for us to exist in discordant harmony.