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Why men were designed to only ejaculate ONCE while women were designed to have sex all the time!


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
Sure, I'd be happy to work on it with you. You'd think by now they'd realize the simplicity of it all really. It being so obvious and all. They only need a single shot to deliver all they need to do, and that is all they are afforded and yet we are afforded repetitive resounding crashes of insanity producing pleasure upon ourselves and for what? For the mere fact of being the goddesses we are.
Yeah, that mind-body connection can really lead to insanity. :yes:

Does multiple orgasms in women mean that we women can't be cured of this insanity?
Does single orgasms in males mean that they are cured? (For the moment-it's bound to recur...)


And it's not only the fact that ". . . men were designed to only ejaculate ONCE while women were designed to have sex all the time" but that the average orgasm for a woman

last 20 seconds,
while that of a man lasts only 6 seconds.
What's with that?

Speak for yourself.


Women may get a bigger buzz. This is compensation for the suffering of having children, is it enough? Once that parasite takes root in you and draws the very life out of you and makes you sick and crazy and you go through a painful labour and you become an emotional slave to this child that sometimes has to be cut out of you. While a man can sow his oats with free abandon and bed as many wanton partners as he likes or pull himself senseless as Badran does. You might say, with contraseption women can do the same, but women were made to have babies. When they get old and infertile and childless they have their deepest regrets, they are incomplete and yearn to be young again so they can have a family. They slowly go mad and keep pets as substitute children and die lonely as the council has taken their pets away because they were too senile and frail to look after them.
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Wonder Woman
Yeah, that mind-body connection can really lead to insanity. :yes:

Does multiple orgasms in women mean that we women can't be cured of this insanity?
Does single orgasms in males mean that they are cured? (For the moment-it's bound to recur...)

No no my dear. Any "insanity" women experience is only during orgasm. Actually, it's therapeutic. It's a release. More like a "high" release that we get to experience that helps to get things out of our systems. Like releasing a valve.

Men, unfortunately, only pop off little bits here and there and much more violently to boot. While we get to let off steam easily over much time, they experience more of a "popping a cork" kind of effect and then right back to being bottled up for a while. It's no wonder they suffer from such pressure and anxiety and stress and this ever constant desire to masturbate all the danged time. :p

It's no wonder women can juggle household, family, jobs, children and other obligations so much smoother than men can. We have natural stress release valves that work so much more efficiently than men's do.

See, yet more proof of the design of MamaMysticDraka.


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
No no my dear. Any "insanity" women experience is only during orgasm. Actually, it's therapeutic. It's a release. More like a "high" release that we get to experience that helps to get things out of our systems. Like releasing a valve.
What about the insanity experienced while your mind is overwhelmed by lust?
{Although I must admit that PMS can run a close second to that}


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Classic Mystic; joking, yet at the same time worryingly serious :p

Alex, c'mon! This is serious business here. We're talking about how we're designed.

Men are for propagating the species while women are to experience pleasure. It's really that simple!

Women may get a bigger buzz. This is compensation for the suffering of having children, is it enough? Once that parasite takes root in you and draws the very life out of you and makes you sick and crazy and you go through a painful labour and you become an emotional slave to this child that sometimes has to be cut out of you. While a man can sow his oats with free abandon and bed as many wanton partners as he likes or pull himself senseless as Badran does. You might say, with contraseption women can do the same, but women were made to have babies. When they get old and infertile and childless they have their deepest regrets, they are incomplete and yearn to be young again so they can have a family. They slowly go mad and keep pets as substitute children and die lonely as the council has taken their pets away because they were too senile and frail to look after them.

Nope. Men experience - I guess one would call it - a "sexual peak" around 18.

Women begin to experience it at 30 (I started at 28), and it only gets better with age. Our sexual peaks last.....oh.....around 50 years or so. Mae West didn't even start becoming famous until after she reached 40. She, among many other women, established what it means to be a "silver fox".

Post menopausal women? Got the wisdom and the sex drive, AND the freedom to bump uglies without any second thoughts of unintended pregnancies. These silver foxes truly ARE Goddesses.

And so it was designed. Women truly are the dominant force in the universe and were born to be leaders among humankind.

It says so in my book I'm writing. It's a revelation, y'all should know. And I know better because I have a uterus.


Well-Known Member
I don't know her.

Willing to read something? Others may be pierced by some of its truth too.

Here's Keith Dowman's translation, from his book Sky Dancer (translation of Khandroma; Tibetan for Dakini, a poetic rendering], about the life and teachings of Yeshe Tsgoyel, the Mother of all Buddhas, past, present and future incarnate.

While traveling she was set upon by bandits and raped.

She re-creates the situation by initiating them into a tantric ritual of conferring the 4 empowerments,

She uses this most inauspicious situation to give a transmission unequaled in the history of Tibet, even the dharma itself in aeons and universes past.

In this profound nugget, even translated, bound by the 'effable,' there is no greater rendering of an account of, or a clarion call to, the basic fourfold initiation than this in literature, period, even detailed tomes precisely on the fourfold initiation, and the specific tantras pertaining to them, or even other practical manuals such as the works of the Karmapas, do not approach the clarity that Ma Kuntazangamo has in laying out the practical series of non-apprehensions required in the process of raising bodhichitta thru the fourfold vase.

The Rape of Yeshe Tsogyel [Wisdom Song]

The bandits, rapists, become her disciples and go on to become future bodhisattvas, world-saviors.


With respect to orgasm, I would say that enlightenment is a bliss transcending orgasm, certainly, even glimpses and reflections of it are akin to continuous, full- body, and beyond body bliss/euphoria.

At other times it goes into blissless and without the joys.


Well-Known Member
Luminous mind, lol. :rainbow1:

Pabhassara citta = vajrakaya = rigpa, especially the osel aspect. Osel is intrinsically interlinked with the other 5 major aspects of the collective yogas. These involve controlling the bodhichitta through correct and judicious application of purified lust in ceaseless recognition of the need for universal awakening.

One of the ways it can eb thought out is something like this.

The Other, idealized as the [mate of choice, in this case the yidam and/or the dakini], symbolizes in themselves ... everything and every being, as well as nothing, in the twin aspect of prajna and upaya. That symbol is equated with lust.

The Other is reidentified as the Self. Especially because this Other is not only inferred as being another Subject/Self, but there is a epistemic <merging of mindawaraeness> if not ontologic <merging of being>and with it (it's a petty thing between two people, perhaps), there is the potential to raise it to a universal aspiration, perfected in spontaneous (sahaja) preserving the essence (samaya).

The lust is purified as an expression of romantic love [modified as it being for a divine being.)]

It is then further purified by the recollection that this being is all beings and all things, and that in a subtle, more expansive, perhaps extrasensory or at least hallucinated revirtualization of the world, everything is composed of this being, as well as the void which subsumes it perfectly equiposed between existence and nonexistence. The personal union is always anathema, at root, in these practices: personal meaning, the mindstate of wishing to unite a body with another body - or multiple bodies.

It needs to be one of absolute universality. This is initiation into a universal union, by solving the root duality the cuts the root of delusory involvement in the provisional world. Uniting in a subtle personal sense - or even physical union itself, with the express goal of experiencing and bringing about in thought, word and deed the universal upliftment of all beings.

It is imperative to understand the background in thinking on bodhichitta. Where this concept ocmes to us from, even before the Tathagata's sunlike appearance, and the hidden fires set at campsides or as torches and lanterns to be carried, reawakened and spread in moons long in coming; coinciding with the coming of such 'hidden' buddhas as Padmasambhava, Tilopa, Milarepa and certainly not least, Yeshe Tsogyel herself.

Osel; the clear light; pabhassara chittal rigpa. prajnaparamita, satya-atman, maha-sunyata, vajrakaya, all roughly synonymous.

Introduction to the Buddhist Tantric Systems: Translated from Mkhas Grub Rje ... - Mkhas-grub Dge-legs-dpal-bza&#7749;-po, Ferdinand D. Lessing, Alex Wayman - Google Books

The great vows [samaya] re me directly to this inner-tulpa & guru in the heart yogas - empowered by the guru through the channel of inner self (self iniitatied, authenticated). The guru is part of the inner self, and the aspirant are part of the guru-dakini-deva; cumualtively vajrakaya & the universal void.
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Veteran Member
Speak for yourself.
"I'm watching this show on the discovery channel and they said the average female orgasm is about 20 seconds long and the average male one is 6 seconds long.
The Discovery Channel was my source as well. But there are others:
" The average male orgasm lasts six seconds; the average female orgasm lasts 20 seconds,"

"The average male orgasm lasts 6 seconds, and the average female orgasm lasts 20."

"The average male orgasm lasts 6 seconds. Women get 23 seconds."

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
What is all this talk of men not able to have multiples? A real man comes in first and third in a circle jerk. ;)


What? Me worry?
"I'm watching this show on the discovery channel and they said the average female orgasm is about 20 seconds long and the average male one is 6 seconds long.
The Discovery Channel was my source as well. But there are others:
" The average male orgasm lasts six seconds; the average female orgasm lasts 20 seconds,"

"The average male orgasm lasts 6 seconds, and the average female orgasm lasts 20."

"The average male orgasm lasts 6 seconds. Women get 23 seconds."

Can't you just imagine this on your resume-

Responsibilities: Timing orgasms and ejaculations


Alex, c'mon! This is serious business here. We're talking about how we're designed.

Men are for propagating the species while women are to experience pleasure. It's really that simple!

Nope. Men experience - I guess one would call it - a "sexual peak" around 18.

Women begin to experience it at 30 (I started at 28), and it only gets better with age. Our sexual peaks last.....oh.....around 50 years or so. Mae West didn't even start becoming famous until after she reached 40. She, among many other women, established what it means to be a "silver fox".

Post menopausal women? Got the wisdom and the sex drive, AND the freedom to bump uglies without any second thoughts of unintended pregnancies. These silver foxes truly ARE Goddesses.

And so it was designed. Women truly are the dominant force in the universe and were born to be leaders among humankind.

It says so in my book I'm writing. It's a revelation, y'all should know. And I know better because I have a uterus.

Your science is out of date, men peak on average at middle age. And post menopausal women Goddesses! More likely witches. "Coitus with an old woman is a venomous meal, don't do it even if she tempts you with honey and barley cakes" very wise statement from an old Imam. Pagans and heathens also believe "fresh is best" and even Mary was pregnant with Jesus at around 11 years old. Why did Jehovah not impregnate an old woman with the Messiah? Because the people would think it was the work of Satan not God.
Women the dominant force in the Universe and leaders of mankind? They spend half their lives putting on their face and trying on shoes. Your jokes are priceless, thankyou very much.