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Why would God send good people to Hell just because they dont believe he exists?


i didn't say that i can't prove,i just meant that you must be neutral not challenger before discussing this issue

I am being neutral, the default position until a claim is proved is the negative.

If I said that I had a dragon in my home right now, would you believe me without proof, no of course not. Why would you it is absurd to think so.

It's just like the justice system INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY. The ones making the claim must prove their position. It is the only logical way to conduct a discussion.


I am being neutral, the default position until a claim is proved is the negative.

If I said that I had a dragon in my home right now, would you believe me without proof, no of course not. Why would you it is absurd to think so.

It's just like the justice system INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY. The ones making the claim must prove their position. It is the only logical way to conduct a discussion.

ok then,i'm ready to discuss that
but we have to have a common ground first
do you believe that those who we call then prophets really existed or not?
i think it's hard that they never existed,even history tells they existed
we have a very documented history in the arab world for example
who had claim that they existed then?
who found the word (islam) and the name (Mohamed) if Mohamed never existed?

so do you believe that those men like (Nouh,Abraham,Moses,Jesus,Mohamed,etc...) existed or not?


Veteran Member
Not until it has had some experience and come to grip with reality.
how would you expect them to experience that reality if they are unable to
Does God want us to learn what is dangerous and what is not? Yes

no i think we do...

trouble is the fear of the unknown is understood as danger for some.
we have the capacity to reason our way in the face of it.

take for instance these feral cats i feed. the brave ones eat more than the scared ones do...because of their experience with me...i have not proven myself to be of any danger so those cats seem brave when really they have reasoned that i feed them and i do.

these cats are able to experience the reality of me feeding them
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ok then,i'm ready to discuss that
but we have to have a common ground first
do you believe that those who we call then prophets really existed or not?
i think it's hard that they never existed,even history tells they existed
we have a very documented history in the arab world for example
who had claim that they existed then?
who found the word (islam) and the name (Mohamed) if Mohamed never existed?

so do you believe that those men like (Nouh,Abraham,Moses,Jesus,Mohamed,etc...) existed or not?

I cannot say for sure that any of them existed, no one can, but I can concede that point(except for Jesus, just on principal). So that you can state your argument.


Veteran Member
do you believe that those who we call then prophets really existed or not?
even if they did exist that doesn't mean what they claimed was true...right?
to me it doesn't matter if they existed or not, what matters is if this truth is imagined or not.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
to me it doesn't matter if they existed or not, what matters is if this truth is imagined or not.

Just like all the other threads, we have reached this same point. I for one cannot prove anything.

The thing is, most folks who say there is little or no possibility of God, believe there could be space ships, UFO's or life somewhere else in the universe.


even if they did exist that doesn't mean what they claimed was true...right?
to me it doesn't matter if they existed or not, what matters is if this truth is imagined or not.

i know i was just talking about the common ground
they existed
ok what about holybooks
let's talk about quran
Mohamed claimed that he recieved quran from god
it's strange that 95% of arabs now are muslims!!!!
i'm telling you that it's increadable language in this quran
but since you are not arabian you are not supposed to care about that
but it's a note that 95% from arabs are muslims

now i said that he claimed that quran is from god
so there is two probabilties now
first that he is honest and that it's really from god
second he is a liar and he wrote it himself

and you don't believe it's from god,so he wrote it himself


i know i was just talking about the common ground
they existed
ok what about holybooks
let's talk about quran
Mohamed claimed that he recieved quran from god
it's strange that 95% of arabs now are muslims!!!!
i'm telling you that it's increadable language in this quran
but since you are not arabian you are not supposed to care about that
but it's a note that 95% from arabs are muslims

now i said that he claimed that quran is from god
so there is two probabilties now
first that he is honest and that it's really from god
second he is a liar and he wrote it himself

and you don't believe it's from god,so he wrote it himself

I cannot concede that the Quran is from any god, since I don't believe those exist, you would again have to prove that a god exists before you can say it made anything.

Also, an argument from popularity will not persuade me. Societal pressure is a huge factor. Lots of people believe crazy things. They need to prove those beliefs are true if they want others to accept them.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
i know i was just talking about the common ground
they existed
ok what about holybooks
let's talk about quran
Mohamed claimed that he recieved quran from god
it's strange that 95% of arabs now are muslims!!!!
i'm telling you that it's increadable language in this quran
but since you are not arabian you are not supposed to care about that
but it's a note that 95% from arabs are muslims

now i said that he claimed that quran is from god
so there is two probabilties now
first that he is honest and that it's really from god
second he is a liar and he wrote it himself

and you don't believe it's from god,so he wrote it himself

My friend, we are wasting our time trying to convince the unbelievers.

I believe we both know in our hearts we have been spoken to by God.

We are convinced, but that changes little. You can provide water, but it is up to them to drink or not. It is their free choice and we must respect that.


My friend, we are wasting our time trying to convince the unbelievers.

I believe we both know in our hearts we have been spoken to by God.

We are convinced, but that changes little. You can provide water, but it is up to them to drink or not. It is their free choice and we must respect that.

you know,you are almost tottaly right
but it's his right on me to tell him what i know
and it's my right on him to tell me what he knows
and i put 1 over ten thousand that we may change our minds through this discussion
that's all
and yes i respect everybody's choice at the end :)


Veteran Member
Just like all the other threads, we have reached this same point. I for one cannot prove anything.
life experience is the ultimate proof/standard in my opinion.
The thing is, most folks who say there is little or no possibility of God, believe there could be space ships, UFO's or life somewhere else in the universe.

the existence of god is secondary, if a philosophy, for lack of a better word, proves to be true...thats good enough for me.
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Veteran Member
i know i was just talking about the common ground
they existed
ok what about holybooks
let's talk about quran
Mohamed claimed that he recieved quran from god
it's strange that 95% of arabs now are muslims!!!!
is it strange that most americans are christians?
i'm telling you that it's increadable language in this quran
but since you are not arabian you are not supposed to care about that
but it's a note that 95% from arabs are muslims
this is an interesting notion...is god a monoglot?
now i said that he claimed that quran is from god
so there is two probabilties now
first that he is honest and that it's really from god
second he is a liar and he wrote it himself
what is in the quran is what i'm more concerned about.
and you don't believe it's from god,so he wrote it himself
we are judged by what we do right...
that goes for truth...the truth is proved when compared to empirical experience. if this religion gives you peace great! i have no qualms about that, why would i...? what i do have a problem with is when religious beliefs infringes on the personal rights of people.


is it strange that most americans are christians?

this is an interesting notion...is god a monoglot?

what is in the quran is what i'm more concerned about.

we are judged by what we do right...
that goes for truth...the truth is proved when compared to empirical experience. if this religion gives you peace great! i have no qualms about that, why would i...? what i do have a problem with is when religious beliefs infringes on the personal rights of people.

what's the comparison between america and arab world?
nothing connects arab world but language
it even lies in 2 contienents
and i'm not saying most of arabs,i'm saying 95%
you don't find that strange?,that just few arabs are not muslims?

about your second question
god sends different evidences for evey nation
if you red quran,you will find that god tells every group's questions and answers it
and god names them in quran (christians,jews,atheists,etc...)
forexample,he argues christians someway and jews in different way,he argues arabs in different way,forexample he challenged arabs to write one verse like this qura'n

i believe that the thing works with nonarabs today is the scientific issues
espicially who don't believe in god at all
almost all of them believe in science


Veteran Member
what's the comparison between america and arab world?
nothing connects arab world but language
it even lies in 2 contienents
and i'm not saying most of arabs,i'm saying 95%
you don't find that strange?,that just few arabs are not muslims?
not at all.
you don't find it strange that most europeans are christian?
i fail to see your point...unless it is to say god only speaks 1 language, is that your point?
about your second question
god sends different evidences for evey nation
if you red quran,you will find that god tells every group's questions and answers it
and god names them in quran (christians,jews,atheists,etc...)
forexample,he argues christians someway and jews in different way,he argues arabs in different way,forexample he challenged arabs to write one verse like this qura'n
is islam a nationalistic religion...? seems like it, that's why we hear of it clashing with other cultures.
i believe that the thing works with nonarabs today is the scientific issues
espicially who don't believe in god at all
almost all of them believe in science
i'm not sure i understand.
do you have a problem with empirical truth? if you go to the doctor and take medicine i would think you trust in science...biology in particular.


Active Member
ok so if we are going to equate choice with love
why is it a loving parent would never put their child in harms way?
if you tell your child whom you know is not capable of understanding the dire consequences of their actions and expect them to understand, you are ultimately responsible for that child.

if your argument is that a loving god provided a choice, i would argue god knew they didn't understand the consequences of their choice, therefore god is responsible for a & e's choice.
besides the fact that there was a choice (more like an ultimatum really) to begin with indicates boundaries; love is boundless, freedom is boundless.

Again, I would argue that by birthing a child into this world you are putting it into harms way. The best way to protect a child from this world is to never bring it into this world - but then the child will never have life, it can never love or laugh or play or be joyful. A parent cannot 100% protect its child because the child can eventually do whatever it wants - the same goes with God, He will not 100% protect anyone in this life because He would be violating our free will - we can do whatever we want in this life.

We will have to agree to disagree on the choice/ultimatum issue because I read the text and understand that Adam and Eve did understand their choice AND the consequences of both sides of the coin.

Love is NOT boundless - love involves discipline and boundaries when necessary, especially parental love.

disease, you say is the result of original sin. once sin enters the world sin kills everything. lets look at sin real closely here. knowledge is sin.

Knowledge is sin? I think I know where you are getting that from, but please explain. If you are going to say what I think you are going to say I disagree.

we cannot help but know things, therefore we have no other choice than to sin...
a rule man made up.

I disagree. The more we talk the more we disagree :D but that's ok. Every time we are faced with sin we have a choice. No one is ever forced to tell a lie or commit adultery or be greedy or say terrible things to someone or kill a person - it is always a choice.

once again this is a rule man made up to make sense of these exact things.

are you saying that it is possible for one to live without sin...?

Yes, Jesus did, but he is the only one and can be the only one - living a sin free life requires total dedication and concentration and determination - something we humans just can't muster ON OUR OWN. We need God - the Holy Spirit to be specific - which Jesus had. And we are not born with the Holy Spirit, we have to choose it to receive it, just as we have to choose a college education to receive it.

think about that for a second, "freely choose". i see this as an inaccurate way of explaining gods love. 1st off when someone is free they do not acknowledge ultimatums...everything is yes. watch a baby figure the world out...anything goes... 2ndly an ultimatum isn't a choice and it certainly isn't free because it manipulates a certain response. 3rdly how could a & e understand the ultimatum if they didn't understand choice?

1) Well everything in life can be yes - bestiality, rape, murder and everything under the sun - is possible. That doesn't make it right, but we are able to do all horrible things.

2) Define an ultimatum. Are there not two options to choose from?

3) I think they understood choice, to assume that seems like reading something into the text. If they didn't understand choice, why would God present them with a number of choices - Adam named the animals, they both had a ton of different trees to eat from - of course they understood choice.

this is the god of the bible....
so are you saying a parent does these things based on the hope that their love for their child is reciprocated and if it's not, have nothing to do with them? or do they do it because there is no other choice but to do these things because of their love for their child in spite of the possibility that their child doesn't return their love...a loving parent will always love their child...no time limits involved, no ultimatums and it certainly doesn't depend on it being reciprocated

and if they didn't come back to him he would have nothing to do with them...
god is not a loving parent....god is full of ultimatums

Well the parent isn't perfect and the parent doesn't grant eternal life. If the child hates the parent, curses the parent, fights against the parent and is unwilling to listen to, compromise or love the parent - the parent would distance themselves from the child - they would still love them.

Also a parent is not a judge. God is a loving parent because He provides structure, hope, healthy boundaries, guidance and so much more. You are free to think that but I do not see it in the text anywhere - I look at the text and see the opposite of what you see.

Many Sages One Truth

Active Member
A loving parent that chastizes their children for eternity, or allows their child to go to such a place, yes, loving Father indeed. This is like if your small little child willing walks into a pit of snakes, but you resolve that you're not going to pull your child out, because they walked into it. This is still no less sick, it's child abandonment.


not at all.
you don't find it strange that most europeans are christian?
i fail to see your point...unless it is to say god only speaks 1 language, is that your point?

is islam a nationalistic religion...? seems like it, that's why we hear of it clashing with other cultures.

i'm not sure i understand.
do you have a problem with empirical truth? if you go to the doctor and take medicine i would think you trust in science...biology in particular.

no,not most of europian are christians,alot of athiests there
my point is arabs believe qura'n because they find the miracle in it's language
but there is other proofs for non arab which arab may fail to see

when quran answers everybody's question,then it's nationalistic?

i really find it very strange that you take all what i say negatively
if you believe in empirical truth then it's a good point
i said that quran provided evidences for those who believe in science
that's all

Many Sages One Truth

Active Member
The Koran is not nationalistic, but Islam sure is. Most Muslims act like Arab everything is the best, Arab language, Arab dress, Arab government, it's all about Pan-Arabism.


Arab governments!!!!

it's the worst things all over the world lol
that's against islam
it's racism
for sure arabs defended islam and were responsible to keep quran without changing but that doesn't mean that they are better
in fact alot of best muslims were not arabs
Imam el Bukhari for example wasn't arabian

some just feel that because everybody wants to study islam must learn arabic because it's the language of the quran,but i can say that arabic language is superior yes,but not arabs for sure


Active Member
A loving parent that chastizes their children for eternity, or allows their child to go to such a place, yes, loving Father indeed. This is like if your small little child willing walks into a pit of snakes, but you resolve that you're not going to pull your child out, because they walked into it. This is still no less sick, it's child abandonment.

Would you say a loving Father then would give up his own life for his child? That's the loving Father I worship :) Well actually He gave up His life for me before I became a part of His family. He gave up his life to save me and then adopted me into his family. That's LOVE to me!