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Woman hits man on bus - watch video and decide....


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If that had the chance of causing a major road accident yes I am.

See I have this thing where I would prefer that the driver doesnt swerve and accidentally kill some boy picking up a ball on the road, because some poor woman who has been assaulted decides to start yelling behind him.

Ah, okay, i certainly see your concern. We have a video posted of someone sexually assaulting a woman, her reacting to it first calmly by cautioning him, then the assault continues, and when she defends herself from this desperate situation, and while we agree it's essential that she stands up for herself and catch the attention of bystanders for help, you still felt it necessary to blame her for not choosing the perfect sound volume in order to attract everyone's attention without any possible chance of disturbing the driver's concentration and causing a horrific accident.

While some may argue that the situation and distraction was created in the first place by the guy who chose to sexually assault a woman on a bus, and while others may argue that the woman was in no shape to think about such things, i for one definitely see your point. She must have been more responsible. Just because she was a victim of sexual assault doesn't excuse her irresponsible yelling.

Thank you for adding to the depth of this discussion. I definitely see this as the first and most valid criticism made.


Do you 'know' or believe?
Like that guy really has anything going for him... He's groping a woman on a bus. Sounds like a real keeper...:rolleyes:
I agree... but then maybe his wife and kids don't see him as a complete *** like most of us would; or his parents, friends etc.

Just because he is scum doesnt mean it's fine to just kill him. First you have to address the legalities of it. Then if okay in your jurisdiction sure, go for it. But then again I don't know of many jurisdictions where molestation is a death sentence.
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Do you 'know' or believe?
I was being sarcastic, man.

Did you really expect me to take your exception with her yelling seriously?
I see... well tbh I thought the phrasing of the perfect volume comment was suss (I am not particularly good at identifying sarcasm in case you didnt notice)

So you wouldnt think perhaps she should have done something a little differently had her actions resulted in some little child at the side of the road getting squished by the bus? Fair enough.

You seem to think that just because she did indeed have a very valid reason to be upset and to call attention to her attacker that she should not consider the possible consequences of her actions? Fair enough.

Personally were I to read in the paper some old lady got turned into roadkill because a woman started screaming directly behind a bus driver while he was in transit - I might say... hey you know that was probably not the best course of action.

Apparently neither the old lady nor the child factor into your considerations...


I agree... but then maybe his wife and kids don't see him as a complete *** like most of us would; or his parents, friends etc.

Just because he is scum doesnt mean it's fine to just kill him.

First you have to address the legalities of it before you do so lol

Do you really believe that some pervert who gropes chubby women on a public bus has a wife and kids? Or friends, for that matter? And if he does that he provides a great life for them and they would be sad to see him go? Empathy is so overrated... That guy would have deserved whatever came to him, death included. He's lucky he only got the umbrella.


Do you 'know' or believe?
Do you really believe that some pervert who gropes chubby women on a public bus has a wife and kids? Or friends, for that matter? And if he does that he provides a great life for them and they would be sad to see him go? Empathy is so overrated... That guy would have deserved whatever came to him, death included. He's lucky he only got the umbrella.
Do you honestly believe that the peopel around you - men who hold down nice jobs, have families, drive great cars... that they are somehow less likely to be the sort of people who would perpetrate such a horrible act? That they are somehow morally superior to other men? Just because someone is in a relationship doesnt mean he doesnt go to the parks on weekends to waylay little children for example.

Simply because this guy is the sort of scum that would molest someone, does not mean that he doesnt have a great job, or a wife or many children whom know nothing of his activities.


You seem to think that just because she did indeed have a very valid reason to be upset and to call attention to her attacker that she should not consider the possible consequences of her actions? Fair enough.
What woman being sexually assaulted stops to think "hey, I might spook a professional bus driver, who does nothing but drive a bus in the 2nd most populated country in the world if I yell too loud"? Way to be a Monday morning quarterback.

Personally were I to read in the paper some old lady got turned into roadkill because a woman started screaming directly behind a bus driver while he was in transit - I might say... hey you know that was probably not the best course of action.

Apparently neither the old lady nor the child factor into your considerations...
If a bus driver in a country of a billion plus people gets spooked by a loud noise on a PUBLIC bus, he/she definitely should not be driving a bus. Hypothetical women and children are a great reason to allow yourself to be felt up by some weirdo. You're absolutely right...

Me Myself

Back to my username
I see... well tbh I thought the phrasing of the perfect volume comment was suss (I am not particularly good at identifying sarcasm in case you didnt notice)

So you wouldnt think perhaps she should have done something a little differently had her actions resulted in some little child at the side of the road getting squished by the bus? Fair enough.

You seem to think that just because she did indeed have a very valid reason to be upset and to call attention to her attacker that she should not consider the possible consequences of her actions? Fair enough.

Personally were I to read in the paper some old lady got turned into roadkill because a woman started screaming directly behind a bus driver while he was in transit - I might say... hey you know that was probably not the best course of action.

Apparently neither the old lady nor the child factor into your considerations...
Under which kind of hallucinogens do you expect the bus driver to be to be so incompetent as to crash the bus because simeone is yelling inside?

I would just blame the idiot who hired such a completely incompetent driver.


Do you 'know' or believe?
What woman being sexually assaulted stops to think "hey, I might spook a professional bus driver, who does nothing but drive a bus in the 2nd most populated country in the world if I yell too loud"? Way to be a Monday morning quarterback.
No i dont think she stopped to think - which is exactly what I have a problem with - she could have endangered people because of it

If a bus driver in a country of a billion plus people gets spooked by a loud noise on a PUBLIC bus, he/she definitely should not be driving a bus. Hypothetical women and children are a great reason to allow yourself to be felt up by some weirdo. You're absolutely right...
Is that not why I said: "(I don't know whether or not such noise levels are common over there, if so that critique would not apply)." to which you replied "I think a city bus driver hears/sees pretty much everything"

Under which kind of hallucinogens do you expect the bus driver to be to be so incompetent as to crash the bus because simeone is yelling inside?
It happens.
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Do you honestly believe that the peopel around you - men who hold down nice jobs, have families, drive great cars... that they are somehow less likely to be the sort of people who would perpetrate such a horrible act? That they are somehow morally superior to other men? Just because someone is in a relationship doesnt mean he doesnt go to the parks on weekends to waylay little children for example.

Simply because this guy is the sort of scum that would molest someone, does not mean that he doesnt have a great job, or a wife or many children whom know nothing of his activities.

I don't believe in moral superiority... But to answer your question, they probably do. My question is who really cares? I certainly don't.


No i dont think she stopped to think - which is exactly what I have a problem with - she could have endangered people because of it

That's retarded. Who really would stop to think in that situation? You can say you would looking in from the outside, but I bet you'd scream higher pitched then she did... Monday morning quarterback...


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I see... well tbh I thought the phrasing of the perfect volume comment was suss (I am not particularly good at identifying sarcasm in case you didnt notice)

So you wouldnt think perhaps she should have done something a little differently had her actions resulted in some little child at the side of the road getting squished by the bus? Fair enough.

You seem to think that just because she did indeed have a very valid reason to be upset and to call attention to her attacker that she should not consider the possible consequences of her actions? Fair enough.

Personally were I to read in the paper some old lady got turned into roadkill because a woman started screaming directly behind a bus driver while he was in transit - I might say... hey you know that was probably not the best course of action.

Apparently neither the old lady nor the child factor into your considerations...

I would consider it a horrific chain of events, but i wouldn't blame it on the woman. The responsibility of the commotion that occurred lies on the man who decided to sexually assault a woman on a public transportation, if we were hell bent on blaming someone for the possibly ran over child or old woman. The driver may share in part of the responsibility, as i think it's part of his job to expect stuff to happen behind him when he's transporting such number of people. It's his job to remain focused and handle such distractions without taking his eyes off the road. He's responsible for many lives.

Now, there's a reasonable line for everything. I wouldn't consider the driver irresponsible if there were shots fired behind him for example and he looked back. I wouldn't consider the woman reasonable if she decided to go choke the driver and ask him to stop the bus. :D

But to even ask of the woman to not yell when being in such a helpless situation and to blame her for any possible unfortunate chain of events is something i can not understand. Nor can i understand why it's even brought up in the first place.


Do you 'know' or believe?
That's retarded. Who really would stop to think in that situation? You can say you would looking in from the outside, but I bet you'd scream higher pitched then she did... Monday morning quarterback...
No, I would probably freeze up to start with. Like completely frozen with uncertainty. Holy **** is this really happening? no am i imagining it? what do I do? wtf?

Then Id probably give him an elbow to the nads.

If I HAD screamed (who knows I might have) then I might have caused a traffic accident and it would have been partly my fault.

I wouldn't be to BLAME - people would probably not point at me and say 'he did it' but I would have been responsible for influencing the situation that led to the accident; as a result of the molestor (partly to blame) I would have distracted the driver (partly to blame) leading to a crash.
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It's not unlikely; I've done it before. All you need is a path to the gut and at least a foot of distance or so. The way he was standing, she could have had her choice of an extremely easy nut strike or a gut punch.

A gut punch is pretty optimal for this scenario, imo. A partial wind knockout would make it difficult for him to counter with anything. A full wind knockout would render him useless for at least a minute, with reduced effectiveness for some time after that. Punching a bony part is a bit risky, because it's easy to hurt the hand when punching someone's bone (movies routinely ignore this), and personally I'd find going for the throat or nuts a bit too much for this scenario, as there is a risk of serious injury. I'd reserve that in the unlikely event it turns into a real fight. A gut punch will rarely cause any lasting injury, carries a low risk for damaging the hand, and yet if done correctly can severely temporarily incapacitate the person.

Now she doesn't appear trained, so I think her reaction is fine for defending herself and deterring him.

I agree. Because of the training I've had, the most automatic thing for me to do when someone offers me an arm is this little twisty maneuvre involving a wrist and an elbow. It takes no effort, but the person attached to the arm always ends up on the ground. (Granted, I've only ever done this in a friendly way to show people that tai chi really is a martial art). I can only do that because I've done it ten million times though. You've got to work with what you've got. If that happens to be an umbrella and a loud voice, use it!


Attempting to smash someone's windpipe has a very real chance to end up with them dead.

So could violently gang raping someone.

If you don't want a woman on an Indian bus to think that's what you're up to, don't be touching her and rubbing your junk on her. It's not rocket science.


If a PERVERT rubs up against me On a bus and I HIT him in the neck to stop him I'm not a "murderer"...

That's ridiculous ..

Yes, it is. The attitude of "Oh, the poor guy was only trying to masturbate against her arm and fondle her without her permission - it's TOTALLY OVER THE LINE for her to hit him" is really making me want to barf. If you don't want any bones broken, don't masturbate yourself against my frickin arm. WHAT is the big deal? Jeez. :verymad:


That would have been way more optimal than what the victim did in this case.

She wasn't trained, as far is I could see. She was working with what she had. Normal people can't just break bones out of the blue.

It would also actually make him least likely to attack for a while, and when you punish someone immidiately for an action (like around the three seconds or less) with pain you are having a lot more change of psychologically make him associate the action with the pain. Ultimately, it was actually way mroe likely he wouldnt do that stuff that much even after getting healed.

Well, we finally agree on something! Yes, I think breaking a bone would be a stronger form of aversion therapy than making a scene and swatting him with an umbrella. Ideally, you'd want him to have panic attacks and intense feelings of humiliation and shame at the very thought of wanking himself off against a stranger's arm.