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Woman hits man on bus - watch video and decide....


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I didnt directly answered it, but .i thought you would have seen the points adressed. Any violence beyond what is necessary is too much violence. Thinking the guy wont try that again because you hit him is a moot goal, if he was truly afraid of the umbrella he could have taken it our of her hand. He didnt because what he was truly afraid of was exposure to public attention.

So it was too far because it used unnecessary violence. Unless she was planning on stabbing him and probably even if she had stabbed him, it is just extremely unoikely he would stop doing that from then on. He surely wont ever do that to her again if she looks at her again. That part is reasonably likely.
What do you mean it's extremely unlikely that he would stop? This could have been his first time. Maybe he's done it a few times, we don't know. I think you're asserting without evidence that anything short of him getting stabbed is going to stop him from being a serial perv.

I'll knock the wind out of someone that assaults me in the chance that gasping for breath on his knees from a punch to the gut in front of people is an experience he might remember next time he considers another random adventure in public perviness.

Now you are contradicting yourself. Before you said her force was not excessive because she didnt know if the guy had allies there, now you recognise if he had allies she had no chance ( and so, escape would have been the smart thing to do) .

So hitting extra because maybe he has allies makes no sense. If he has allies you hit as she did so he gives her space to stand up and then go out of his reach while mantaining the unbrella up. They would have to follow up in a row to get to her and that is easier than getting deeper into the back of the bus so you can hit a couple of extra hits and they can surround you and take the umbrella from you if they truly feel endangered.
That's not a contradiction. You're the one linking her hitting him with the notion that it might encourage others to attack; I'd suggest the opposite, that being aggressive limits the chances that the next guy wants to come in and risk violence towards himself. It's not a gang war; it's a perv touching a woman on a bus.


I am saying violence without need is wrong yes.

Justifying violence without need without even complete knowledge I find dangerous.

I said her actions were wrong but it wasnt important. Its not terrible. But dont finding it wrong at all because of a feeling of "he diserves it" is a dangerous attitude IMHO.

I dont claim character on her or what she diserves or not. Just that from this angle it seems she used excessive force. That's all.

Excessive force? When? She didn't even injure him. If it were me I might have broken a bone.

Me Myself

Back to my username
What do you mean it's extremely unlikely that he would stop? This could have been his first time. Maybe he's done it a few times, we don't know. I think you're asserting without evidence that anything short of him getting stabbed is going to stop him from being a serial perv.

I'll knock the wind out of someone that assaults me in the chance that gasping for breath on his knees from a punch to the gut in front of people is an experience he might remember next time he considers another random adventure in public perviness.

That's not a contradiction. You're the one linking her hitting him with the notion that it might encourage others to attack; I'd suggest the opposite, that being aggressive limits the chances that the next guy wants to come in and risk violence towards himself. It's not a gang war; it's a perv touching a woman on a bus.

Getting near him increases the change for him to attack, yes. Getting away after having attacked and showing clear intent of defense is the most likely scenario to keeping him not attacking.

He didnt defend himself, but he could have. Didnt you see he had many opportunities?

Catching him in the first time is at least extremely unlikely.


Depends Upon My Mood..
It's a lady hitting a pervert with an umbrella, not a brutal stabbing during a Colombian drug war... Stop hyping up the intensity of the situation... The guy deserved what he got, and he's lucky it wasn't worse. There's no need to defend a pervert that wasn't even seriously injured.


Me Myself

Back to my username
I am not defending a pervert.

Its not about the pervert.

Its about what is right. Force should be used as necessary, not beyond.

But well, I got tired of arguing over it. We will have to agree to disagre if anything.

She had it all under control at second 36. It is plain to see. If you believe in revenge, have at it.


I don't see why anyone would say she went too far, that she should have stopped earlier.

-Taking for granted that the video is genuine rather than staged, to discuss the scene itself rather than about its context, she was being sexually assaulted by a stranger! She doesn't know how many people this guy might have with him, or to what extent her safety is at risk.

-The more of a scene she makes, the better. Who knows how many times he has done this before. If a perv keeps doing it without consequences, or does it with very minimal consequences like someone pushing him back once, why stop doing it? Now, next time he is thinking about doing this, he'll think about the possibility of getting repeatedly slapped around with an umbrella and yelled at in front of a bus of people for being a perv. And imo, that's not a big enough consequence.

I agree. I wish she had done some serious physical damage. All she did was yell at him and slap at him with her umbrella. That's nothing.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Getting near him increases the change for him to attack, yes. Getting away after having attacked and showing clear intent of defense is the most likely scenario to keeping him not attacking.

He didnt defend himself, but he could have. Didnt you see he had many opportunities?

The way you're talking about this is conveying how fundamentally your understanding of the situation is lacking. The chances of the guy attacking again are small in general, regardless of her reactions, once public notice has been triggered.

He is now playing the victim, his pride (which is an extremely generous word to use here) is not functioning in such a way you're describing as if it's a boy and a girl having some tension and the boy is trying to restrain himself while the girl is attacking him.

He is specifically going to allow to appear as a victim in order to gain sympathy from bystanders. This is basic reaction in order to save himself from getting an *** kicking from enthusiastic bystanders and to increase the chance of others trying to stop the girl and allowing him chances of getting away with what he did (which unfortunately works often).

He's scared, embarrassed and wants to get away with it at that point. You would be amazed what kind of things girls can do to cowards like this once the bystanders are aware of the situation. You could see women mopping the floor with the guy, and him crying (literally) and begging for mercy.

Of course, this is not how it always works, many times it works differently, but i don't think you realize how often that happens either.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Getting near him increases the change for him to attack, yes. Getting away after having attacked and showing clear intent of defense is the most likely scenario to keeping him not attacking.

He didnt defend himself, but he could have. Didnt you see he had many opportunities?

Catching him in the first time is at least extremely unlikely.
It's not unlikely; I've done it before. All you need is a path to the gut and at least a foot of distance or so. The way he was standing, she could have had her choice of an extremely easy nut strike or a gut punch.

A gut punch is pretty optimal for this scenario, imo. A partial wind knockout would make it difficult for him to counter with anything. A full wind knockout would render him useless for at least a minute, with reduced effectiveness for some time after that. Punching a bony part is a bit risky, because it's easy to hurt the hand when punching someone's bone (movies routinely ignore this), and personally I'd find going for the throat or nuts a bit too much for this scenario, as there is a risk of serious injury. I'd reserve that in the unlikely event it turns into a real fight. A gut punch will rarely cause any lasting injury, carries a low risk for damaging the hand, and yet if done correctly can severely temporarily incapacitate the person.

Now she doesn't appear trained, so I think her reaction is fine for defending herself and deterring him.


Do you 'know' or believe?
If she had done that then in all likelihood she would be facing changes (without the camera there to back it up) as it was she acted effectively, but IMO she was too loud and could have been a danger to the other passengers if it caused the driver to lose concentration (I don't know whether or not such noise levels are common over there, if so that critique would not apply).


If she had done that then in all likelihood she would be facing changes (without the camera there to back it up) as it was she acted effectively, but IMO she was too loud and could have been a danger to the other passengers if it caused the driver to lose concentration (I don't know whether or not such noise levels are common over there, if so that critique would not apply).

I think a city bus driver hears/sees pretty much everything.


Do you 'know' or believe?
I think a city bus driver hears/sees pretty much everything.
I agree. But I wonder whether or not s/he is used to having the commotion going on directly behind him/her while driving.

She was sitting down.Then when and if she needed to stand up? NOT punch the groIn..HIT hiM in the NECK.smash his windpipe!
advocating possible murder? interesting over reaction.


Depends Upon My Mood..
If a PERVERT rubs up against me On a bus and I HIT him in the neck to stop him I'm not a "murderer"...

That's ridiculous ..

Me Myself

Back to my username
It's not unlikely; I've done it before. All you need is a path to the gut and at least a foot of distance or so. The way he was standing, she could have had her choice of an extremely easy nut strike or a gut punch.

A gut punch is pretty optimal for this scenario, imo. A partial wind knockout would make it difficult for him to counter with anything. A full wind knockout would render him useless for at least a minute, with reduced effectiveness for some time after that. Punching a bony part is a bit risky, because it's easy to hurt the hand when punching someone's bone (movies routinely ignore this), and personally I'd find going for the throat or nuts a bit too much for this scenario, as there is a risk of serious injury. I'd reserve that in the unlikely event it turns into a real fight. A gut punch will rarely cause any lasting injury, carries a low risk for damaging the hand, and yet if done correctly can severely temporarily incapacitate the person.

Now she doesn't appear trained, so I think her reaction is fine for defending herself and deterring him.

Oh I think I misunderstood what you said. i thought you were saying you hoped to catch him in the first time he had ever sexually assaulted someone, as in what are the chances that was his first.

Any attack withhonest direct incapacitation for further attack is the reasonable way to go so he cannot keep making damage.

Thats my perspective. The damage he gets is good as long as the first thin in mind is incapacitating fuether attacks.

Ok, it's something, but I would have liked to see her break his wrist or fingers. He was completely open to that while he was touching her neck.

That would have been way more optimal than what the victim did in this case. It would also actually make him least likely to attack for a while, and when you punish someone immidiately for an action (like around the three seconds or less) with pain you are having a lot more change of psychologically make him associate the action with the pain. Ultimately, it was actually way mroe likely he wouldnt do that stuff that much even after getting healed.