Intentionally Blank
BTW, I can also let them explain in their own words why they're against feminism:
My Liberation from Feminism
"There is a certain response from men that both feminist and Christian women desire to elicit: a masculine benevolence facepalm Secular feminists approach this desire stridently, from a position of anger. Christian women are taught to approach it gently"
"Marginalizing men through anger has had disastrous cultural effects... (including) pornography, child abuse, public murders of estranged wives, fatherless children, and sexually transmitted diseases" (OMG! feminism causes STDs, porn and murder! )
"I reached college filled to the brim with the wisdom of Cosmopolitan magazine, but I was to encounter something more insidious than fashion magazinesfeminism and the Womens Studies Department. Class after class promoted perpetual victimhood, disrespect toward all men, an overt embrace of lesbianism, and a broadly-directed, militant anger."
"...I remember that when I was 29 I was so confused and depressed that I entered into therapy to figure out why I was so angry ... and for that matter, why I was still single. (Not that the two could possibly be related, right?!)..." (Note: she is still single, despite being a True Woman who is ostensibly no longer "angry")
"However, God graciously intervened...
"I ... studied (fundamentalist) marriages ... to see what this Christian concept of joyful feminine submission actually looked like in real life. I saw that my married women friends...seemed free from much of the discord, sarcasm, and disappointment I usually encountered in modern marriages. "
So, to sum it up, it seems to me they're against feminism because they know feck-all about what it is and what it has accomplished, they are mired in bigoted caricatures of what feminists are like, and they think feminists make it hard for them to find and / or keep husbands.
Oh no, lesbianism!!! We can't have that! After all, Jesus preaches against it...never mind.