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Would you date someone black/African?


Active Member
From the few make-shift surveys I've done on the matter, as a black guy, I've found that people are generally more attracted to the predominant race of the area in which they grew up (assuming they were in one place for the majority of their childhood/adolescence).

So regardless of race, if you grow up around mostly whites, you'll be attracted primarily to whites. If you grow up around mostly blacks, you'll be attracted to primarily blacks. If you grow up around mostly Hispanics, then you'll be attracted primarily to Hispanics. The question is whether or not you go beyond that and I think any resistance to doing so stems from a natural human resistance to the unfamiliar.

Theoretically this may be the case but not provable.....I've known black women who are attracted to white dudes who've grown up in predominant black areas. If people want to talk about race and sensitivites I can talk all day about each and every ethnic group. So please tell me how you feel!
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Active Member
To the author why does it freggin matter? As an African-American, this question is slightly offensive....


Empirical Curmudgeon
And on the otherhand there are east asian guys who are upset that every other race of men "steal" their women.

I find it interesting that various cultural or ethnic groups of men think of it as their women. ;)
Surely, the women belong to themselves and can make their own choices of whom to date...


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that various cultural or ethnic groups of men think of it as their women. ;)
Surely, the women belong to themselves and can make their own choices of whom to date...

It might just be me or my culture but it seems more acceptable for a man to date outside his "race" than a woman. If a woman dates a outside of her race, she's either desperate or being manipulated. I'm sure it goes the other way around too but I hear this all the time whenever a woman dates outside her culture or race.


Active Member
Why are you commenting on the manhood of other men who reject your womenfolk? Why be bitter? Why are you reacting like as though its you is being affected? Why you tripping dawg?

(Unusually) Many guys here say they like Indian women. I didnt care to comment on that. Im a heterosexual male, what does it matter to me?

I remember watching harry potter and the order of phoenix at a theatre, and when harry kissed the chinese girl cho, all the east asian guys blushed and giggled like as if they got kissed. I asked myself whats wrong with them.:facepalm: And on the otherhand there are east asian guys who are upset that every other race of men "steal" their women.

Your women folk? I was merely stating a fact and an opinion.

I could state a known fact that Black men are the (or one of the most) desired men in the world. Then again my military buddies may be telling me stories!

However the point is, is that we all have cultural preferences I just personally think that in a forum like this we need to be careful what we say. Because for T dawg as much as his "penis" may not desire black women I cannot tell you the countless black women who do not desire other non-black men. But I digress
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Active Member
I find it interesting that various cultural or ethnic groups of men think of it as their women. ;)
Surely, the women belong to themselves and can make their own choices of whom to date...

Well in the African-American culture there is a sense of ownership. Not in the sense of slave to master but in the sense of relationship (familiarity). This is why we black men call each other "brotha" or "sista" instead of their/our name or description. I believe we are the only ethnic group in the U.S to do that.


Mother Heathen
I'm more about a person's depth of character, so I never ruled out dating anyone based upon physical characteristics.

But, I certainly have a type that I'm attracted to and I don't think there's anything unnatural about that.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
In what way is it offensive?

Maybe it wouldn't seem offensive if the OP started threads asking "would you ever date a white/Asian/Indian/Latina", etc.? Why single out African/blacks? (your words)...


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Maybe it wouldn't seem offensive if the OP started threads asking "would you ever date a white/Asian/Indian/Latina", etc.? Why single out African/blacks? (your words)...

Perhaps. But I didn't see it as being an attack on black/ African people so I'm unsure as to why it would cause offence. If the question was "Would you date White/ British person" I wouldn't be offended at all. By the question at least.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I could state a known fact that Black men are the (or one of the most) desired men in the world. Then again my military buddies may be telling me stories!
Wait a minute... that implies that I'm black. Something doesn't add up here...



Would you date someone black or African ? Some people that I have talked have said that most other people do not find people of the content of africa atrractive because of facial structure or the way they where brought up,mainly people of white america who don't have the desire to date out of there race.Note (I do not belive in the concept of race and this is not meant to be offenceive in anyway) just a observation I have witness in high school by some young perers who have stated that they would never go out with a black guy or get his gentalia in them or something of the sought.I have also heard of the talk of a associate of mind having people say when she was going out with someone of latin descent if she was afraid of getting jungle fevor.

So I have to ask is it conditioning or what.

Young white girl in rural America start off with the Black Boogieman with distaste. As time passes you get a whole slew of possible feelings, ranging from repulsion/racism to fetish/obsession.


Admiral Obvious
Maybe it wouldn't seem offensive if the OP started threads asking "would you ever date a white/Asian/Indian/Latina", etc.? Why single out African/blacks? (your words)...
How is asking about more than one group any less offensive than asking about one specific group?


Premium Member
Let's find out. Start a bunch of new threads based on race, or other religions. That'll really help turn the crank, bring out the bigotry, the my way thinking, the stereotypes, the idiocy.


Admiral Obvious
Let's find out. Start a bunch of new threads based on race, or other religions. That'll really help turn the crank, bring out the bigotry, the my way thinking, the stereotypes, the idiocy.
And the ONLY thing that will show is that there are people who are prejudiced, people who are not prejudiced but stilled labeled as such, people who are prejudiced but not labeled as such, and people who are not prejudiced.

What it will NOT do, however, is explain how asking a question is offensive.


Active Member
The question in itself maybe to non-blacks, is not offensive to them but since we want to do wordplay how about I start threads saying the following?

"Would you date a pink toe aka white girl?"

"Would you date a yellow girl?" AKA Asian

"Would you date a brown girl?" AKA Hispanic

Harmless as it may seem, at some point some member of the aforementioned questions will be offended. In my experience white people are very good at this- making comments or statements and asking why it is offensive. Ssainhu had the right idea perhaps if the question was worded different my approach would be different.

Race is still a sensitive topic even though its almost 2012

Besides the question is worded badly. For one, there aren,t many humans who are literally black. Two, Africans covers a wide spectrum of nationalities-for instance you have African-Cuban, African-Puerto Rican, African American etc So if you are targeting Blacks be more specific on the nationality qnd if you are talking about Africans which Africans are you referring to? (Turns Sarcasm Off)

Perhaps my sensitivities of these types of questions comes as the result of some form of cultural PTSD due to slavery and continued civil rights issues that my "people" and ancestors fought so hard for, for hundreds of years OR I am just one sensitive guy on the internet.
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Active Member
And the ONLY thing that will show is that there are people who are prejudiced, people who are not prejudiced but stilled labeled as such, people who are prejudiced but not labeled as such, and people who are not prejudiced.

What it will NOT do, however, is explain how asking a question is offensive.

See post #99
And the ONLY thing that will show is that there are people who are prejudiced, people who are not prejudiced but stilled labeled as such, people who are prejudiced but not labeled as such, and people who are not prejudiced.

What it will NOT do, however, is explain how asking a question is offensive.

I like big girls, I guesss you'de call me a chubby chaser. In fact , I am turned off by really skinny women. Does that make me predjudiced.
We are talking about sexual attraction here (NOT A PERSONS CHOICE), but, I thought there was a racial quality to the question that might border oN innapropriate. Then again we've been conditioned to think that way these days, to the detriment of open communication IMO.