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Writer claims Trump raped her


Veteran Member
True. OTOH, accusations were all the Republicans needed when going after Clinton for exactly the same accusatoins. The real irony? Trump brought the women Clinton harassed and/or raped to a debate with Hillary.

Trump appears with Bill Clinton accusers before debate - CNNPolitics

Yup dirty politics. Later on those people drop from the spotlight when they can not longer be used against a person.

....Trump called Broaddrick “courageous,” and if Broaddrick was courageous, then certainly Carroll is as well. For Carroll’s story is at least as compelling as Broaddrick’s — if not more so.

And that is because Carroll’s claim, for a number of reasons, actually rests upon a significantly stronger foundation than Broaddrick’s.

For one thing, before she went public with her story, Broaddrick had repeatedly denied that Clinton had assaulted her, even under oath: In an affidavit she had submitted in Paula Jones’s sexual harassment case against Clinton, Broaddrick had sworn that the allegations “that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies … are untrue,” that the press had previously sought “corroboration of these tales,” but that she had “repeatedly denied the allegations.” (Disclosure: I provided behind-the-scenes pro bono legal assistance to Jones’s lawyers.)

For another, Carroll’s account is supported by the sheer number of claims that have now surfaced against Trump — claims in which women have accused Trump of engaging in unwelcome or forcible sexual conduct or assault against them. These claims — all denied by the president — far outnumber the publicized sexual misconduct incidents that involved Clinton, which mostly concerned rumors or allegations of consensual affairs.

And as if to bring things full circle, Carroll’s account is also of course supported by Trump’s depraved remarks on the “Access Hollywood” video, of which there was simply no equivalent in Broaddrick’s case. Whatever else he may have done, Clinton never made a video like that. What Trump described on the video is exactly what Carroll says he did to her.

Same stink, different pile. Same ignorance of the law and jumps in logic. Toss in Carrol has a book to sell hence why the accusation was made


Veteran Member
A huge difference is, some get caught, some don't". I would think if everything would come to light, over half our government would be behind bars.

Caught and punished. These days people (politicians) are caught but get to resign or move out of a public position to some other office.


Well-Known Member
Re: Clinton impeachment
31 Democrats defect, support impeachment inquiry - October 8, 1998
31 Democrats defect, support impeachment inquiry

In the end, 31 Democrats abandoned their party's president and supported the GOP proposal for an investigation of Clinton without limits on its length or scope
I would not have voted for "an investigation of Clinton without limits on its length or scope".

0 Republicans have spoken out against anything Trump has done.

Do not confuse the vote to investigate with the trial vote.


Well-Known Member
Not rape, but there is a tape from the Howard Stern Show where Trump talked about walking backstage into the Miss Teen USA changing room and checking out all the teenage girls while they were half undressed. That story is corroborated by several girls, including Miss Arizona.

A Timeline of Donald Trump's Creepiness While He Owned Miss Universe

It has already been established that Trump is a man. He's quite capable of being crude in his language and to take advantage of his position to the extent of watching Miss Teen USA contestants 'half undressed.'

generally man like.

But the accusation is of rape. Clear, unmistakable rape.

And the only tape we have, proving as it does that he IS capable of crude and insulting language, is also clear proof that rape isn't a line he will cross.

Road Warrior

Seeking the middle path..
I did and will always vote for the Democrat over the Republican.
Which explains why your party has become what it is.

Then you are probably OK with the decision to drop out of the Paris Accord; the decision to roll back EPA safeguards; the Supreme Court nominations.
No. Why do you make such assumptions about people simply because they've disagreed with you?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I do believe in "innocent unless proven guilty", but since over 15 women now have stated that they were sexually assaulted by him, along with what Trump said on the Access Hollywood tape, I think there's at least a good likelihood of sexual assault, although maybe not as far as rape.

Road Warrior

Seeking the middle path..
Please let's agree to disagree what constitutes rape.

Imo, if there weren't either any DNA evidence left in her from somebody else and if she weren't bleeding profusely out of her you know what, then she didn't get raped.
$20 says you'd feel differently if it was you or someone you loved.

Road Warrior

Seeking the middle path..
I do believe in "innocent unless proven guilty", but since over 15 women now have stated that they were sexually assaulted by him, along with what Trump said on the Access Hollywood tape, I think there's at least a good likelihood of sexual assault, although maybe not as far as rape.
Me too which is why Trump isn't being publicly castrated and thrown over his own wall.

Road Warrior

Seeking the middle path..
Yup dirty politics. Later on those people drop from the spotlight when they can not longer be used against a person.

Same stink, different pile. Same ignorance of the law and jumps in logic. Toss in Carrol has a book to sell hence why the accusation was made
Thanks for agreeing the Republicans are hypocrites.


Veteran Member
Which explains why your party has become what it is.

Which, in your humble opinion is what?

Understood. I could not vote for either deplorable and, after literally decades of voting for the lesser of two evils, voted 3rd party. It's one reason why neither deplorable received over 49% of the vote.

Then you are probably OK with the decision to drop out of the Paris Accord; the decision to roll back EPA safeguards; the Supreme Court nominations.

No. Why do you make such assumptions about people simply because they've disagreed with you?

People who vote for a third party are OK with whatever happens. Therefore my comment was not an assumption. It has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with me.

Had Hillary won, I could have said: I guess you are OK with Hillary's Supreme Court Nominations. Two years following Bush's election, if you said you had voted for Nader, I could have said: I guess you're OK with the invasion of Iraq.

Road Warrior

Seeking the middle path..
Which, in your humble opinion is what?

People who vote for a third party are OK with whatever happens. Therefore my comment was not an assumption. It has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with me.

Had Hillary won, I could have said: I guess you are OK with Hillary's Supreme Court Nominations. Two years following Bush's election, if you said you had voted for Nader, I could have said: I guess you're OK with the invasion of Iraq.
As eccentric and extreme as the Republican party.


RF's Swedenborgian
I do believe in "innocent unless proven guilty", but since over 15 women now have stated that they were sexually assaulted by him, along with what Trump said on the Access Hollywood tape, I think there's at least a good likelihood of sexual assault, although maybe not as far as rape.

There is indeed a huge difference between being a bit too domineering and rape.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
^ Just George Conway, Kellyanne's husband, going off one of his TDS rants saying this claim is more credible than previous claims. Doesn't help the credibility of the previous claims...:rolleyes: