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Writer claims Trump raped her

Road Warrior

Seeking the middle path..
I wrote...
Which, in your humble opinion is what?

I did not write...
Which, in your humble opinion is what?

When you "quoted" my question, why did you find it necessary to so drastically alter it?
Dude, now your not even making sense. Are you okay? What am I missing here?
Which, in your humble opinion is what?

People who vote for a third party are OK with whatever happens. Therefore my comment was not an assumption. It has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with me.

Had Hillary won, I could have said: I guess you are OK with Hillary's Supreme Court Nominations. Two years following Bush's election, if you said you had voted for Nader, I could have said: I guess you're OK with the invasion of Iraq.

Road Warrior

Seeking the middle path..
If it is true, then test in court, in the mean time presumption of innocence must be given to DJT, that''s how the law works.
Obviously there's presumption of innocence as far as the law is concerned. Donald J. (the J is for Jenius!) Trump isn't arrested or charged.

As with most rape and sexual harassment cases, well documented in Bill Clinton's case, is that's pure He said/She said. No witnesses, no evidence. All we have in E. Jean Carroll's case is that fact she told others about it at the time. As it is, except for Rape in the First Degree, the statute of limitations has expired. IF Trump raped her, he got away with it.

Trump sexual assault accuser E Jean Carroll considers police complaint
However, she added that lawyers had advised her that the statute of limitations deadline by which such a complaint would have had to be brought has expired.



aged ecumenical anthropologist
No, he gets a pass (legally) because she didn't report it to the police.
According to the FBI, the vast majority of rapes are never reported, so we're not likely to ever know with any certainty.

But the real issue here is "sexual assault", and Trump actually admited to doing that on the Access Hollywood recording, plus there's 17 women that have said that he assaulted them one way or another. And since Trump has repeatedly show that basic morality is not his forte, one can take it from there.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
What matters the most is Trump has kept or is trying to keep most of his campaign promises, something he has done well putting other politicians to shame.
Such as his claim that he would "drain the swamp"? Any clue as to how many former lobbyists Trump has hired? Answer: more than any other previous president.

Imo, Trump refusing to cooperate with a political witch hunt against him is not obstruction of justice.
Mueller concluded that there were 10 areas where there was obstruction by the Trump camp but left it up to Congress to decide on how they want to deal with that. On top of that, what do you think he's doing now with his ignoring subpoenas even though Congress has the right of oversight according to the Constitution?

If I'm innocent, I want all the evidence to come out to clearly show that I'm innocent. But is that what Trump is doing? IOW, connect the dots.


Veteran Member
So he gets a free pass on that, so what about what he's said and done while president? Is lying an average of 10 times per day when talking publicly any better? How about having children put in cages at our southern border in order to "send a message"? How about his praising ruthless autocrats while dissing our own allies? How about continuing to obstruct justice by refusing to honor subpoenas? How about-- oh, never mind. .
Look where we are.

We're talking about someone getting a free pass on potentially having raped someone. A guy who was caught on tape talking about how he kisses women and touches their genitals without their consent. With 15+ other accusers on record. And we're talking about this like it's nothing.

That's how low we've sunk.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Look where we are.

We're talking about someone getting a free pass on potentially having raped someone. A guy who was caught on tape talking about how he kisses women and touches their genitals without their consent. With 15+ other accusers on record. And we're talking about this like it's nothing.

That's how low we've sunk.
Suppose you revoke his "free pass".
What do you want to do about it?


Veteran Member
Suppose you revoke his "free pass".
What do you want to do about it?
I'd like it to be addressed as the serious matter it is.
But as it is, we're just so used to one outrageous thing after another coming from this President that it's like we've become numb to the truly serious stuff and instead it's viewed as just one more wacky thing the President has done. Well, it's not. What this woman is talking about is rape. And it's not a joke.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I'd like it to be addressed as the serious matter it is.
But as it is, we're just so used to one outrageous thing after another coming from this President that it's like we've become numb to the truly serious stuff and instead it's viewed as just one more wacky thing the President has done. Well, it's not. What this woman is talking about is rape. And it's not a joke.
It's serious. But it's also unverifiable.
So what's to be done other than view thread after thread about it?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Look where we are.

We're talking about someone getting a free pass on potentially having raped someone. A guy who was caught on tape talking about how he kisses women and touches their genitals without their consent. With 15+ other accusers on record. And we're talking about this like it's nothing.

That's how low we've sunk.
And now he says he will veto the House bill if it passes the Senate that will help those at our southern border. This is what fascists do-- to hell with innocent children and their parents.

So, we essentially have concentration camps designed to "send a message" and a president who is all too willing to use suffering children and parents as pawns. No wonder Trump admires Andrew Jackson so much as the latter believed that "A good Indian is a dead Indian".

And where's the conservatives and libertarians on this? and the Evangelicals? Seems to be a basic lack of empathy within their ranks, and self-centeredness is their thing.

Even 10 years ago, who could have imagined this utter depravity that we're witnessing on a daily basis. And it ain't over yet.

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
According to the FBI, the vast majority of rapes are never reported, so we're not likely to ever know with any certainty.

But the real issue here is "sexual assault", and Trump actually admited to doing that on the Access Hollywood recording, plus there's 17 women that have said that he assaulted them one way or another. And since Trump has repeatedly show that basic morality is not his forte, one can take it from there.

No, the issue is specific allegation of rape per the title of the thread.


Veteran Member
And now he says he will veto the House bill if it passes the Senate that will help those at our southern border. This is what fascists do-- to hell with innocent children and their parents.
Yep. And that's like, right after demanding the Democrats do something about the problem (that he has made exponentially worse via his sick policies).

So, we essentially have concentration camps designed to "send a message" and a president who is all too willing to use suffering children and parents as pawns. No wonder Trump admires Andrew Jackson so much as the latter believed that "A good Indian is a dead Indian".

And where's the conservatives and libertarians on this? and the Evangelicals? Seems to be a basic lack of empathy within their ranks, and self-centeredness is their thing.

Even 10 years ago, who could have imagined this utter depravity that we're witnessing on a daily basis. And it ain't over yet.
Right?? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. If Obama had done like 1/1000th of anything this President has said or done, he would have been absolutely vilified and immediately impeached. Imagine, just imagine one single woman claimed that Obama had raped her. I mean, people lost their **** when Obama wore a tan suit that one time. Now we've got a guy whose administration admits they are treating children like animals on purpose, as a deterrent, and we all just have to shrug our shoulders like that's somehow normal and not at all inhumane and disgusting.

The Evangelicals have completely dropped the ball and sold their souls to Donald Trump, if you ask me. Where is the moral outrage about rape, and about children being treated like something less than human? I mean, if somebody were found to be treating their dog as badly as these kids are being treated, the dog would be taken away from them, for Pete's sake. How on earth do they justify supporting Donald Trump??
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Veteran Member
She told a lot of people at the time it happened. I have no doubt her story is true.

Ford claimed the same thing yet her own cited friends denied it. Also a part of her story is from Law and Order.

I have a bridge to sell you. I told my friends I own one. Do you believe me?

Road Warrior

Seeking the middle path..
Ford claimed the same thing yet her own cited friends denied it. Also a part of her story is from Law and Order.

I have a bridge to sell you. I told my friends I own one. Do you believe me?
So what are Carrolls' friends saying?.....or do you just think all women are natural liars who secretly want to be raped?


Veteran Member
So what are Carrolls' friends saying?.....or do you just think all women are natural liars who secretly want to be raped?

Claiming X is not the same as demonstrating X.

Do note you never linked anything her friends said. You accepted Carrolls claim that she told friends without question. More so that this supposed exchange is evidence of her being truthful. None of her friends released statements to my knowledge.

I think she is trying to sell a book. Her story is far fetched and excuses for not reporting changed a few times already.

Road Warrior

Seeking the middle path..
Claiming X is not the same as demonstrating X.

Do note you never linked anything her friends said. You accepted Carrolls claim that she told friends without question. More so that this supposed exchange is evidence of her being truthful. None of her friends released statements to my knowledge.

I think she is trying to sell a book. Her story is far fetched and excuses for not reporting changed a few times already.
No kidding. So what are her friends saying?

Meh, Trump is a well known sexual predator like his buddy Bill Clinton. A skunk can't change its stripe.



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
No kidding. So what are her friends saying?

Meh, Trump is a well known sexual predator like his buddy Bill Clinton. A skunk can't change its stripe.

As a felonious draft dodger, I resent being lumped in with those 2 boobs.
(Not to disparage the good kind of boobs.)