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Yemeni child bride dies after internal bleeding on marriage night


Both panting for the blessed hole,old adult or young adult.

According to the law

19 years with 13 is adult with a kid
17 years with 13 is a kid with a kid :rolleyes:

13 is still to young, it is pathetic and sick.

10 is pathatic and sick.

No adult has any business being with a child in that way, no excuse is tollerable in the civilized world where this sickening act is illegal.

No waiting for the primitive barbaric cultures to catch up.


Freedom Of Mind
13 is still to young, it is pathetic and sick.

10 is pathatic and sick.

No adult has any business being with a child in that way, no excuse is tollerable in the civilized world where this sickening act is illegal.

No waiting for the primitive barbaric cultures to catch up.

Primitive barbaric cultures is the one whom allowing women to sell their bodies for a bunch of dollars.

i am against all sorts of adultry and child marriage as well.


Primitive barbaric cultures is the one whom allowing women to sell their bodies for a bunch of dollars.

i am against all sorts of adultry and child marriage as well.
Let me set an example for you that would have ended all debate up front. I condemn all acts of sex against minors whether from Christian's or anyone else. If you and the other Muslims had said that with Muslim's substituted for Christians in my statement then none of this would be necessary. Instead you started accusing others and defending or at least obfuscating about the Yemen guys actions. All this other stuff just fuels the stereotype further.


Freedom Of Mind
Let me set an example for you that would have ended all debate up front. I condemn all acts of sex against minors whether from Christian's or anyone else. If you and the other Muslims had said that with Muslim's substituted for Christians in my statement then none of this would be necessary. Instead you started accusing others and defending or at least obfuscating about the Yemen guys actions. All this other stuff just fuels the stereotype further.

i didn't defend the yemeni whom caused the death of a child and i have called him a monster.

i also condemn such awful act against children whether from Muslims,Christians,Hindus or even if from my brother the son of my mother.


Shi'ah Ali
i didn't defend the yemeni whom caused the death of a child and i have called him a monster.

i also condemn such awful act against children whether from Muslims,Christians,Hindus or even if from my brother the son of my mother.

Well according to some all muslims believe the Prophet (sawa) practiced child marriage (astigfurllah) and therefore encourage and practice it.

I am sure I somehow did so too by marrying a women 17 :rolleyes:

Don't forget, to some, we Muslims aswella s our beloved Prophet (sawa) are blood lusty devils.


i didn't defend the yemeni whom caused the death of a child and i have called him a monster.

i also condemn such awful act against children whether from Muslims,Christians,Hindus or even if from my brother the son of my mother.
If so what was there left to debate for the last 600 posts? Just take what I said in general. I did not review every post for you and the other Muslims who participated in this thread. I was looking at some stats today and they demonstrate what I was referring to even if it was untrue in your case. They took polls in almost all Muslim dominated nations on Earth. The question was do you support suicide bombings in the course of exercising religious dictates. In most nations there was between 5% and 15% that said yes (far too many). In a few it was over 40%. Right after 911 I saw crowds of thousands cheering the deaths of innocent people and never heard a single denouncement from a Muslim unless it was requested or brought up by someone else (however I am sure many occurred). Islam, right or wrong, has a public relations nightmare on it's hands. If I was a Muslim I would acknowledge that upfront, allow for it, and do everything I could to change it (if nothing else). Even as a Christian we have had bad periods where we have done horrible things. I volunteer that info before I am usually asked and even state that I believe Saladin was the more honorable of the crusade periods for that same purpose mentioned above.
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Well according to some all muslims believe the Prophet (sawa) practiced child marriage (astigfurllah) and therefore encourage and practice it.

I am sure I somehow did so too by marrying a women 17 :rolleyes:

Don't forget, to some, we Muslims aswella s our beloved Prophet (sawa) are blood lusty devils.

Actually in many parts of the US marrying a 17 year old makes you a hero. However marrying a child has always been wrong. Are you suggesting Muhammad did not do so? Is it any wonder that Islam has that reputation when thousands chant death to America right after 3000 innocent people are murdered and deny an entire race of people the right to exist at all (and have tried but failed spectacularly to make that a fact)? Islam is Islam's biggest problem not anyone else.


Really? You don't say! :rolleyes:
I thought I just did.

For the 10000th time.
I notice I did not receive an answer for the 1000th time.

And what race of people have I denied the right to exist?
I was unaware that your opinion constituted Muslim opinion in general. I foolishly thought it was a significant number of Muslims making a certain claim and trying to carry it out several times over the course of 6 decades using tens of thousands of soldiers (who curiously did not know how to fight apparently). I realize now that you are the arbiter of all Muslim truth and will check with you first from now on. Not.


How about your insistance that all Muslims are pedophilia devils?
Find a single example of that. So far your the only one that has said it. No your not an example of a hostile Muslim at all are you?

Then why come in here with those guns of generalization and hate ablaze, Cowboy?
Oh, I get it. Equating saying things that are not convenient for you or the narrative even if they are consistent with history, in Arabic must mean hate. You are really clearing things up. Not.


Shi'ah Ali
I thought I just did.
Well I'd be.

I notice I did not receive an answer for the 1000th time.
Someone with reading comprehension would've realized that was an answer

I was unaware that your opinion constituted Muslim opinion in general. I foolishly thought it was a significant number of Muslims making a certain claim and trying to carry it out several times over the course of 6 decades using tens of thousands of soldiers (who curiously did not know how to fight apparently). I realize now that you are the arbiter of all Muslim truth and will check with you first from now on. Not.
Still waiting for less dramatics and more answer. What race of people have muslims denied the right to exist?


Well I'd be.
I doubt it.

Someone with reading comprehension would've realized that was an answer
Not after the same question has been unanswered the last 999 times it was asked.

Still waiting for less dramatics and more answer. What race of people have muslims denied the right to exist?
Jewish. I hope to goodness this is not going down the what does race mean path. Race, species, group, nation, culture, take your pick.


Shi'ah Ali
Find a single example of that. So far your the only one that has said it.
Well damn, if you are going to demonize, at least take credit.

At last, the world we live in huh?

Well you start posting here

Pick which every post you want to be the example ;)

No your not an example of a hostile Muslim at all are you?
And you're not a hostile christian :rolleyes:

Oh, I get it. Equating saying things that are not convenient for you or the narrative even if they are consistent with history,

What a victim you are/
in Arabic must mean hate. You are really clearing things up. Not.
IS that what hate is in Arabic?
Thanks. I am so rusty


Shi'ah Ali
I doubt it.
Don't ya now?

Not after the same question has been unanswered the last 999 times it was asked.
Really? After its been answered numerous times here and numerous times in the other thread you hijacked to pretty much blog how much you hate Muslims and Islam?

Well someone is playing dumb and blind, and it ain't me

Jewish. I hope to goodness this is not going down the what does race mean path. Race, species, group, nation, culture, take your pick.
No one denies Jews of the right to existing. Just the zionist state. Which last I checked Zionist isn't race . Now stop the hyperbole and trying to change the subject.

As the only one being racist and generalizing whole groups of people like a bigot is not me, but you


Woke gremlin
Well damn, if you are going to demonize, at least take credit.

At last, the world we live in huh?

Well you start posting here

Pick which every post you want to be the example ;)

If you don't mind, I'm going to butt-in here and insist that you be a bit more specific. When you make the claim that someone has said that "all Muslims are paedophile devils", you better have something better to back it up than snarky, off-hand comments. As far as I have seen, 1robin has leveled no such accusation at you, nor the Muslim population in general. The onus is on you to find a specific instance where he did, or else apologize and retract the accusation.


Well damn, if you are going to demonize, at least take credit.

At last, the world we live in huh?

Well you start posting here

Pick which every post you want to be the example ;)
I will take credit when you actually supply anything I said that called Muslims demons or anything similar. That link went to a post by you. Simply copy and paste what I said or drop it.

And you're not a hostile christian :rolleyes:
I am too lazy to be hostile.

IS that what hate is in Arabic?
Thanks. I am so rusty
I guess. According to you and Euclid. You equated two things and then equated on of them to another. According to Euclid that made all three equal. I can see this is going no where. I will give you one last chance to paste what I said that was demonizing all Muslim's but that is more than this dialogue deserves. Last chance.


Really? After its been answered numerous times here and numerous times in the other thread you hijacked to pretty much blog how much you hate Muslims and Islam?
I do not think my not seeing something in another thread is considered being blind or dumb. It is usually considered normal. As for this thread I did not notice an answer given to my question so rinse and repeat. Let me assume as you state that somewhere on some thread you or some unnamed Muslim said Muhammad did not Marry Aisha when she was a child. Now that I have had to assume it, can you explain why that is the case and why most Muslim's believe she was less than ten years old?

No one denies Jews of the right to existing. Just the zionist state. Which last I checked Zionist isn't race . Now stop the hyperbole and trying to change the subject
Is that why they have been trying to destroy them instead of the dirt they occupy? Complaints against nation's existence are usually resolved by the UN or in courts. They were, so why are they shooting rockets at women and sniping at children from hospitals and school yards instead of appealing the decisions. I will let you off easy and not supply the hundreds of Quotes calling for the wiping out of JEWS themselves and apparently every other culture that ever offended Islam in any way. It is too late and it takes too long to collect them all but here is a couple.

"The Day of Resurrection will not arrive until the Moslems make war against the Jews and kill them, and until a Jew hiding behind a rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: 'Oh Moslem, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!'"

It is necessary to slaughter them and murder them, according to the words of Allah... it is forbidden to have mercy in your hearts for the Jews in any place and in any land. Make war on them anyplace that you find yourself. Any place that you encounter them -- kill them. Kill the Jews and those among the Americans that are like them... Have no mercy on the Jews, murder them everywhere..." (Palestinian TV, October 13, 2000)
Islam's War Against the Jews: Quotes from the Palestinian Authority
As the only one being racist and generalizing whole groups of people like a bigot is not me, but you
I was not even speaking about people directly at all but about a faith. Racism is where you attribute any aspect to every component person of that group I never did. I made claims about significant groups that make claims in the name of a faith. It is far easier with Islam than most because it is an Earthly political kingdom unlike Christianity whose kingdom is not of this world. Apparently to refute claims of hostility requires you to be too hostile so I am going to leave you with it for now at least. Maybe you can supply a single example of what you said I have done by tomorrow.
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Woke gremlin
मैत्रावरुणिः;3503594 said:
Surely you don't mean the Yemenite culture, right?

It seems, Yemen doesn't have a "culture that permits or encourages the abuse of children through underage marriage". For Yemen to have such a culture, it would have to be a majority-wise practice. Surely you can't attribute sporadic Yemenite occurrences to a country's overall culture, right? And, when you say "culture", do you mean "religious culture"? May you be kind as to be specific as possible?

I don't believe I addressed Yemen specifically at all. His comment was general, and my response to it was on the same general basis.


Woke gremlin
मैत्रावरुणिः;3503637 said:
Since culture, as a stand-alone concept, isn't so general, which country's culture and what division (religious, social, economic) of that country's culture were you addressing?
I wasn't. Again, it was a general comment that was addressing the attitude presented, not any specific instance or culture.

मैत्रावरुणिः;3503637 said:
Were you using the term, "culture", synonymously with a specific "religion"?