It is clear to me that none of you yet understand what Free Will is, but you have provided enough information in this thread to make my point.
I do not take the story of Adam and Eve literally, but symbolically. Symbolically, when Adam and Eve ate the apple from the tree of knowledge, man first asked himself the question "Why am I here?"
Supposedly God kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden, and man started to become aware of his mortality. As Man's fear of mortality grew, he developed his own free will and so severed his innocent and perfectly natural connection to his Creator. This connection was innocent and natural because it WASN'T conscious.
As Man "evolved" he began to reflect on the past, plan for the future, analyze and criticise himself and others, seek control, and get revenge. As barberians it is easy to see why we would believe our Creator is barberic. The Old Testament at least was clearly written by barberians and therefore makes an excellent example of what God is NOT.
Was it not God that made the Garden of Eden? Could not Adam and Eve have lived there in eternal bliss?
God did NOT kick them out of the Garden. When they ate the apple they chose THEIR will over God's. They saw before them a multitude of choices, things to acquire, lands to control, and pleasures to seek. For this they sacrificied eternal bliss.
But they never left the Garden of Eden. In fact, here and now, WE are still in it. When Adam and Eve chose there own Free Will they blinded themselves to God's Garden and so millenia later we remain as blind as they were. Adam and Eve believed quite wrongfully that God gave them the boot. And so Man made up a lie to blame God for his stupidity.
Today we blame Adam and Eve for not being in the Garden, but this too is a lie.
The Truth is we always have been and always will be in the garden. We need only surrender our Free Will so that we may see.