Magic Man
Reaper of Conversation
I answered this when i responded to Penguin please read all my responses so i dont end up repeating myself
All you said was that he put it off for later. Is God lazy now? If his intention was to eradicate evil later on, why not just do it then?
thats exactly what I mean, God is still here doing things the bible reports that, however you must deal with consequences of giving people space, heck there are even consequences of giving your child space, aka letting them come back you when they are ready.
I thought you said God went away. So, now he didn't? And those consequences only apply to humans, not to omnipotent beings. If I had God's power, I wouldn't have to wait for my kid to come back. I'd make him because I'd know it was the best thing for him and he'd be happiest that way.
i never said he was just good, thats silly rubbish your making up, that is one of his attributes, another one is his personalness, omniscene, omnipotience. thats a ridiculously silly statement.
OK, you either need to be clearer or not get so upset. You said if God was just good, he would have obliterated everything at the fall. Since he didn't, the assumption from that statement was that God is not just good. So, yes, you never said he was just good. I asked whether your statement meant he was not just good. So, let's try this again.
Is God just good, or is he not?
The reason he would have obliterated us at the bet go was because a completely godd being cannot tolerate evil, and would just have anihilated it, a good being does not need characteristics like mercy, which requires personal chacteristics to have.
OK, so he's not just good? Mercy is not a good quality?
again you only applying his good attributes and not his personal attributes to the situation.
Why are they mutually exclusive? Isn't mercy a good, personal attribute?
God wanted us to have freedom, which implies you must be able to make the wrong choices, so ultiamtely God did exactly what he wanted us to do, he didnt fail we just exercised our freedom when we sined.
OK, then he didn't make a move to get rid of the problem. I still don't understand why a loving, omnipotent, omniscient god would want us to have freedom.