I don't know. Did he? If he tried to get rid of the problem, why didn't he? He can't fail, right?
I answered this when i responded to Penguin please read all my responses so i dont end up repeating myself
Why? If my kid rejected me, I wouldn't withdraw. I'd give him his space, but I'd still stick around and be there for him when he needed me. I wouldn't go off and sulk if he said he hated me.
thats exactly what I mean, God is still here doing things the bible reports that, however you must deal with consequences of giving people space, heck there are even consequences of giving your child space, aka letting them come back you when they are ready.
I'm sorry, but that makes no sense. First, it has nothing to do with God being personal. Why would God have obliterated everything? And are you saying God is not just good? Didn't you just say he was? This would imply to me that God had made a mistake and he'd have to correct it. That's impossible, so it means he meant for evil and the fall to happen.
i never said he was just good, thats silly rubbish your making up, that is one of his attributes, another one is his personalness, omniscene, omnipotience. thats a ridiculously silly statement.
The reason he would have obliterated us at the bet go was because a completely godd being cannot tolerate evil, and would just have anihilated it, a good being does not need characteristics like mercy, which requires personal chacteristics to have.
again you only applying his good attributes and not his personal attributes to the situation. God wanted us to have freedom, which implies you must be able to make the wrong choices, so ultiamtely God did exactly what he wanted us to do, he didnt fail we just exercised our freedom when we sined.
Why are those personal attributes? How is sending us to hell or heaven withholding his judgement? And a loving God would not allow us to choose to come back to him. He wouldn't give us another option in the first place.
mercy and the like? well in order to be Good you dont need to be merciful, I acn be completely good and just without mercy. Mercy is you understanding hte individual and giving leniance which is a personal attribute. and he withholds his judgement by giving us this time on earth instead of obliterating us, which if you read my entire statement you would have known. that is violation of his free will, would a loving father force his son to go back to him? Or let him make his own decisions?