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Your position about Islam


Well-Known Member
I tend not to care what religion someone practices so long as (1) the practice is completely voluntary and (2) they do not try to force others to live by their beliefs. There are, however, some things about it that I am not particularly fond of, such as inequality between the sexes (i.e. women are required to cover their heads in public but men are not) and celibacy is forbidden (I think marriage should be a personal choice, not a requirement).

First, reasons for covering the heads are shown in the Quraan and in the Sunna and women are free to follow or not, but that doesn't really mean it is not an Islamic requirement. Second I am not familiar with the fact that celibacy is forbidden, this is something I would ask about.

It's mostly a matter of not seeing convincing evidence that it is more likely to be the correct religion versus other religions.

How about some debates between Islam and Christianity and reading the Quraan ?


Well-Known Member
1.) My position on Islam is the same as it is for all other organized religions. It makes many claims of knowing about the divine, but with such little evidence to back these claims up.

2.) Why does the lack of a Y chromosome make one human being more inferior to another?

3.) I think Islam is wrong because it does not provide evidence that any of what it says is true. It brings up the same circular reasoning that most of the other organized religions use. "My holy book is true because my holy book says that my holy book is true."

I also object to Islam on moral grounds as well. I don't agree with pedophilia. Muhammad was said to have had sex with a prepubescent girl at the age of nine, while in his mid 50's. Here in the United States, he would have been in prison for that sort of behavior.

2- Can you show me in what aspect they are mistreated or being inferior?

3- What about the direct challenges and the invitation for logical thinking and reflecting on things?

The first thing I want to say about the subject is that the condition in the seventh century where very different especially for the Arabs.

At that time, people used to marry at a very young age.

For example, my mom married when she was 18. By the way, she married late, her generation use to marry at the age of 15. That was a normal thing to do in our century. In the seventeenth century, the minimum legal age to marry was 12, in England. Am I right ? That is what I read in an article.

Anyways, in the Arab times at the seventh century, marriages for the daughters were considered a way to make relations between families stronger, and that is for business reasons. They used to choose who will their daughters marry since she is first born. But that was not the case with the prophet.

Just let me say, that in Islam, cultural value are okay to follow if they don't stand against the message of Islam. The condition of Islam is that the girl has to reach the age of puberty.



Religious fanatic 1. A person that believes a sacred book is fact and that all other views are wrong

Religious fanaticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most muslims fit this description??????????


Well-Known Member

In the Quran there are 99 (depending on the source) names of God or attributes of God are there not? So I'm not bothered by Christianity having in three aspects of God. Of course there's a theological difference between how Muslims view Muhammad and how Christians view Jesus, but a number is not significant. And as a side-note at least some Hindus feel the same way - that all the names are really aspects of one God.
This leads to a question about what your is view of Shi'a Islam (and other groups)?

These are name of Allah or attributes, as you stated, that describe Him. They are not to be confused with saying that God can be a person which have needs or a spirit. For example, the All-knowledgeable is another name/attribute of Allah. All-Merciful is another one. I suggest you see the list of the 99 attributes.

About Shia Islam, I hear lots of things about them, but I haven't met any.

If these were true, I still don't believe that all people are alike and I don't generalize.

As far as being a system of life, Islam is that. But also St. Francis of Assisi showed that true Christianity is also a system of life that can be lived on Earth - not that it's easy, of course. All religions have an ethical, moral and system of behavior that true believers are expected to strive to live up to. And it's only with the rise of Protestant Christianity has government and religion been separated.

Well before I would discuss that I would like to know what is meant by true Christianity? If it means that if you would bring back the Injeel as it was revealed to Jesus peace be upon him and follow it, than I agree because in that way Injeel is also a revelation from God. If that isn't what true Christianity means than never mind.

As far as government and religion in general wouldn't you agree that the Compact of Medina, although being a document of it's time and place, is a philosophical model of religious pluralism in government.
I dont think I have enough information and understanding of the concepts to answer that.

The reason I asked about the Hudud punishments is that, for me and many others, they are the most problematical aspects of the Quran at least as literally read. There are those Appendix 37 of the Authorized English translation of Quran by Rashad Khalifa, Ph.D. | Submission.org - Your best source for Submission (Islam) who have a different view of them.

As a side point, we agree on ISIS.[/QUOTE]

I understand that, on a side not, the first condition for the hudud punishments is that there must be a caliphate.

Other thing we should note if that if Hudud where true, the purpose of them is to deter people from doing. For example, not one condition of stoning woman was reported at the times of the prophet except in the cases when the woman her self spoke it out and said that she did this and that.

K.S.A is a place where the thief would have his hand cut. It is the only place where you can leave your car with the keys in the street.

Once it was reported about the caliphate omar that he forgave those who were stealing because he figured out that their employee wasn't giving them enough money.

Other thing one should note that many people prefer to have their hand cut off rather than spending time in prison away from family.
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Spiritually confused Jew
Premium Member
Wow, this thread escalated quickly.

Anyway, to answer the OP:

1- What is your position about Islam?

It's just another religion. Granted, one that may not inherently like me all that much (given that I'm gay, a "polytheist", and by my nature of not being a Muslim), but I think there is a good bit of philosophical and mystical beauty that can be found in Islam; particularly in Sufism.

2- Do you have any questions that you would like having answers to?

Not really, but thanks for the offer.

3- Why do you think Islam is wrong?

We could argue why Islam (or any religion for that matter) is right or wrong until we are all blue in the face, but simply put: it is not the religion that called out to me, therefore I do not practice it. If it works for you, then fine. Just don't expect a convert out of me any time soon.


Well-Known Member
Wow, this thread escalated quickly.

Anyway, to answer the OP:

It's just another religion. Granted, one that may not inherently like me all that much (given that I'm gay, a "polytheist", and by my nature of not being a Muslim), but I think there is a good bit of philosophical and mystical beauty that can be found in Islam; particularly in Sufism.

Not really, but thanks for the offer.

We could argue why Islam (or any religion for that matter) is right or wrong until we are all blue in the face, but simply put: it is not the religion that called out to me, therefore I do not practice it. If it works for you, then fine. Just don't expect a convert out of me any time soon.

I noticed that many pple are interested in sufism. Anyways thanks for you reply and it is good you said any time soon lol


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Hey, that is a good question to make. What is your view of Sufism? Could you describe it, and how it relates to other branches of Islam?


Well-Known Member
With all due respect, we are having some sort of communication problem here.

Sorry, what are you talking about?

Communication problem is something I always have with you because of my English.

We are talking about people are born as belivers in a supreme being

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
They were both prophets.

We believe in only one God while you believe in 3. Let us not play the spot the difference game

The Trinity is not three gods. You need to understand a concept before you try to criticize it. Plus, not all Christians are Trinitarians, either.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Communication problem is something I always have with you because of my English.

That is a factor. There seems to be a bit more than that at work, though.

We are talking about people are born as belivers in a supreme being

That, I understand, is a widely-held, very typical, very orthodox part of Muslim belief.

And I can tell you outright that it is wrong.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
1-Well about the militant way I would suggest you would look thing from an Islamic source, or you can read a book called "the first muslim" written by an agnostic Jew.
Let me get this strait before anyone else misunderstands. The militant outlook of Muhammad himself wasn't extremist. However his words were easily warped and manipulated. There is more potential for harm than many other religions in this regard.
About women, Islam holds women in high regards and gave her many rights when she had none. As muslims we must respect women and there is a teaching and saying that the heaven is mother's feet which shows how much we should respect and treat them good.
Why not treat them the same? Women and men as if there were no difference?
2- As an idea, Apostasy will never be accepted by any religion. If you were asking for more than that, I would suggest you reading an interesting thread on this forums
Pagan religions often have no negative for apostasy. Christianity has no negative associations other than going to hell which is only in the afterlife. It seems to me that there is a clear message in the Koran to cut off people who are apostates. Could the son or daughter of a Muslim family become an atheist and still be welcome ?

3- What about the Quraan? And before that, what is your position about the belief in God ?

I have no read the whole Quran but I have read about 1/3rd of it. It seems, in my personal opinion, similar to other holy books. Perhaps its translated form looses much of his poetic beauty (as I have heard from all sources that the Quran is very beautifully written regardless of your belief in it). But I would find Illiad to be also that way.

On god? I am not convinced. I think that is the best way to describe it. I feel as if I am still waiting for some kind of conformation but I have stopped waiting.


Libertarian Egalitarian
I know the Bible too has got harsh bits, but they're only in the Old Testament, and Jesus TRASHED them by giving us a New Testament..:)

Yet God (which includes Jesus) is also the one that made all of the harsh rules in the Old Testament to begin with. That's like a doctor purposely giving you a disease so he can sell you the cure. Ya' dig?


Well-Known Member
I have looked up. The embryology in the Quran which is supposed to be a miracle is very similar to the works of Galen, who lived a 1000 years prior to Mohammed. As such how can it be a miracle?

Logic dictates it was a book written by men. Mohammed had visions, but a lot of people have visions today and they are called schizophrenics who we give medications to. Some of them are highly gifted. Joan of Arc is one such example, where she felt that God was guiding her in victories. She actually listened to the voice of what she felt was God and lead her army to several victories.

I haven't really put a lot of time into it but it might be hard to find errors because the language is ambiguous.

Let me ask you, have you never asked yourself why in an infinite multiverse with infinite universes, galaxies and planets, God decided to pick a Saudi Arabian desert to send His message. Why not send it simultaneously? Why only 1400 years ago? Why not again?

Seems awfully made up to me.

By fundamentalist I mean Salafists and Takfiris who label anyone who is non muslim as kuffar and sub human. In contrast to a Sufi who sees God everywhere and in everyone, a pluralistic faith. Several Sufis have been killed in Pakistan over the years by Salafists.

Well ok considering embryology you believe it was already known. Well many people believe it is not. But there are other miracles in the Quraan too. It is not just that aspect.

Furthermore you can look into the prophecies made by the prophet muhammaf peace be upon him and see how accirate are they today.
The question you told me about is a queation one would ask no matter who was the prophet. There would always be a question of why him so this proves nothing.

However let me clarify there there is a total of about 124000 prophets who were sent out of which 25 were mentioned in the Quraan and the last of thwm was muhammad peace be upon him after Jesus peace be upin him. They all came with the message of woshiping God alone.

As far as I know sufism are muslims who take the hadith that says worship God as if you see Him, if you dont see Him than He aurwly sees you
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Well-Known Member


Well ok considering embryology you believe it was already known. Well many people believe it is not. But there are other miracles in the Quraan too. It is not just that aspect.

Furthermore you can look into the prophecies made by the prophet muhammaf peace be upon him and see how accirate are they today.
The question you told me about is a queation one would ask no matter who was the prophet. There would always be a question of why him so this proves nothing.

However let me clarify there there is a total of about 124000 prophets who were sent out of which 25 were mentioned in the Quraan and the last of thwm was muhammad peace be upon him after Jesus peace be upin him. They all came with the message of woshiping God alone.

As far as I know sufism are muslims who take the hadith that says worship God as if you see Him, if you dont see Him than He aurwly sees you

Could you enlighten me on the other miracles? The Galen bit is pretty well supported by most modern embryologists. Keith Moore and his cronies made their statement several decades ago and there are a lot of links with Saudi money in that.

From a purely objective perspective there is no proof of God either. Even though I believe in a divine universal being, it is my own subjective belief. However there is no proof, just a lot of faith and inference.

Why was the last prophet only 1400 years ago? Why nothing after that? What if we exist for another 1400 years as a species? Or another 1400 years after that? Don't you think people will start wondering why the last prophet was sent thousands of years ago. Does it make sense?

Lots of people have visions and prophecies, in modern medicine they are called schizophrenics and treated with medicine. What makes you so sure that Mohammed didn't have the same issue? Joan of Arc had a vision from God where she literally listened to the voice and led her army to victory. Why isn't she a prophet? Why are all prophets men?

I appreciate you taking the time to address all of our questions. I'm sure it's overwhelming.
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Well-Known Member
1- What is your position about Islam?
Mixed. On one hand I admire that Muslims have adhered relatively strongly to orthodoxy in their faith and they are not afraid to practice what they preach (which unfortunately I can't say for many Jews and mainline Christians). And I do think Islam does a good job on emphasizing on ethical monotheism. OTOH, I think Muhammad is a false prophet/messiah and I find the way he is revered by many in the Islamic faith as almost idolatrous and in some ways reminds me of how communists revered their political leaders. I also find it hard to buy that Muhammad was given the Quran alone in a cave where no one could testify the veracity of the event. Also from personal experience, I am not all too pleased about what I personally saw on the Temple Mount in Israel-Palestine, but that's a whole 'nother rant :p

3- Why do you think Islam is wrong?
I have doubts about Muhammad as prophet of G-d. Also I like alcohol and dogs.
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