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Your position about Islam


Christianity has run its course and cannot grow by creating hysteria about a religion that also has its roots in Judaism.

Reality creates hysteria. Not christianity

primitive people who are very illiterate, who are required to follow fanaticism and fundamentalism flock to this religion.

They also promote violence despite what the book says.

They own the crown for king of terrorism, yet do nothing about it except kill each other over primitive interpretations.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world.

Is this because the illiterate followers breed with no control or restraint?

Or do you have statistics that show people are converting from other religions?

It will be prudent to respect this growing religion and the Muslims.

We are respecting many right now in the Syria, dropping bombs on the bad ones. To save the good ones.

because the religion cannot control or police itself

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
mahasn ebn sawresho did not do it and in his place you have preferred to do it.

I give the verse selected by you with the verses in the context:

The Holy Quran : Chapter 4: Al-Nisa'

[4:30] O ye who believe! devour not your property among yourselves by unlawful means, except that you earn by trade with mutual consent. And kill not yourselves. Surely, Allah is Merciful to you.
[4:31] And whosoever does that by way of transgression and injustice, We shall cast him into Fire; and that is easy with Allah.
[4:32] If you keep away from the more grievous of the things which are forbidden you, We will remove from you your minor evils and admit you to a place of great honour.
[4:33] And covet not that whereby Allah has made some of you excel others. Men shall have a share of that which they have earned, and women a share of that which they have earned. And ask Allah of His bounty. Surely, Allah has perfect knowledge of all things.
[4:34] And to every one We have appointed heirs to what the parents and the relations leave, and also those with whom your oaths have ratified a contract. So give them their portion. Surely, Allah watches over all things.
[4:35] Men are guardians over women because Allah has made some of them excel others, and because they (men) spend of their wealth. So virtuous women are those who are obedient, and guard the secrets of their husbands with Allah’s protection. And as for those on whose part you fear disobedience, admonish them and leave them alone in their beds, and chastise them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Surely, Allah is High, Great.
[4:36] And if you fear a breach between them, then appoint an arbiter from his folk and an orbiter from her folk. If they (the arbiters) desire reconciliation, Allah will effect it between them. Surely, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.

Now prove your view-point from the verse and the verses in the context.

The original Quran is in Arabic, for the etymology of the words used in Arabic language and the explanations of the verses in detail, one may access the link # 2 above.

As a note, your quote is from a different translation of the Quran as the other quote. I repeat myself, but that's one big reason to be careful about assuming a literal meaning, especially of a verse taken out of context to prove a point.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. It will be prudent to respect this growing religion and the Muslims. Christianity has run its course and cannot grow by creating hysteria about a religion that also has its roots in Judaism.

I can read this post several ways. I *could* read it as a threat. But I'll ask instead of guessing, did you mean this as a threat?

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
As a note, your quote is from a different translation of the Quran as the other quote. I repeat myself, but that's one big reason to be careful about assuming a literal meaning, especially of a verse taken out of context to prove a point.

I speak Arabic and the Koran from Arabic language I know
I write what Muslims believe and their books
I ask the Quran translation in Word and not the translation of the meanings of the
Because the Qur'an without due diligence
Definitive provisions
But the problem of translation is very large
For this reason, people did not understand the Qur'an and believe that a humanitarian message
But the fact of the matter is it a message of peace
Don't they speak Arabic and understand the Qur'an wrongly too
Each verse in the Qur'an it because
The marriage of Zaynab Bint jahsh him because
Take the devil lyrics by Mohammed has a cause
The curse of Abu flame him because
But non-Arab Muslims know the truth and they think it's a message of peace
Islam is a racist and fascist colonial message


Indeed it is. And yet I hope you have noticed that not one Moslem has tried to correct me on the oh so unnatural circumstances surrounding Muhammad's marriage to safiyah and its consummation.

Required not to address anything that disagrees with their fanaticism.


Well-Known Member
Indeed it is. And yet I hope you have noticed that not one Moslem has tried to correct me on the oh so unnatural circumstances surrounding Muhammad's marriage to safiyah and its consummation.

I was answering only what was directed to me and I don't think there are too many muslims in the thread for you to come and say that none tried to correct you.

Also in your reply I dont see you trying to ask or just stating your opinion.

I am not up to handle pointless debates, that is why there are some replies which I ignore.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Indeed it is. And yet I hope you have noticed that not one Moslem has tried to correct me on the oh so unnatural circumstances surrounding Muhammad's marriage to safiyah and its consummation.
Andy has done what Muhammad did do ugly
And you be still believe him to be a prophet and a Messenger
Kills the man and marry his wife
Is this an act of
That Act of monsters
Away from Muslim on this subject says that يسبء to the Prophet
But this is mind screaming
And you, o Muslim, your subconscious cry also
Me says
This ugly Act
I was answeriwhere we debate ideas and opinions - if that is beneath you then i must ask why you are here. AS aly what was directed to me and I don't think there are too many muslims in the thread for you to come and say that none tried to correct you.

Also in your reply I dont see you trying to ask or just stating your opinion.

I am not up to handle pointless debates, that is why there are some replies which I ignore.

Erm - in terms of holy Scripture we have mere interpretation and so by definition we are left with only our personal views and opinions - it is all we have to make sense of it. Need i not remind you that you yourself are not the sole gatekeeper of all that is correct and truthful and so your opinion is no different to mine. Therefore, for you to glibly brush off other peoples opinions strikes me as odd and more than a wee bit hierarchical. This is a debate forum where we exchange ideas and opinions and so if you do not wish to engage in such activities then i must ask why you are here.

Now, having commentated on the story of muhammads marriage and consummation to safiyah as it is written I believe the only conclusion the truly unbiased can come to is that it occurred by force. If you have an alternative OPINION then please state it.
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Jesus in me
Please....are you serious?
A woman has the right to wear whatever she wants. The freedom of expression is sacred; God has given women beauty so they could show it.

Despising woman's body is like despising God's creation.
Besides...a woman is not inferior to man. Why do men have the right to wear whatever they want, whereas women don't?

Sexy clothes are for seducing men. What's wrong with that?[/quote]

Anyone can wear what one wishes but that doesn't mean it won't be a sin. What is a right in society is not the same thing as what is right in God's eyes.

I would love to see evidence provided for this. Good luck.

I believe this fits into the marijauna argument that God gave the weed so it could be smoked. I don't believe one can figure God's reasoning from appearances.

I don't believe anyone said anyhting about despising a woman's body.

I believe men are less inclined this way but there are injunctions as to what men wear also.

I believe that is compulsion and I don't believe in forming relationships besed on being forced to do so.


Veteran Member
Please....are you serious?
A woman has the right to wear whatever she wants. The freedom of expression is sacred; God has given women beauty so they could show it.

Despising woman's body is like despising God's creation.
Besides...a woman is not inferior to man. Why do men have the right to wear whatever they want, whereas women don't?

Sexy clothes are for seducing men. What's wrong with that?[/quote]

Anyone can wear what one wishes but that doesn't mean it won't be a sin. What is a right in society is not the same thing as what is right in God's eyes.

I would love to see evidence provided for this. Good luck.

I believe this fits into the marijauna argument that God gave the weed so it could be smoked. I don't believe one can figure God's reasoning from appearances.

I don't believe anyone said anyhting about despising a woman's body.

I believe men are less inclined this way but there are injunctions as to what men wear also.

I believe that is compulsion and I don't believe in forming relationships besed on being forced to do so.

Anyone can wear what one wishes but that doesn't mean it won't be a sin. What is a right in society is not the same thing as what is right in God's eyes.

I agree with you.



رسول الآلهة
Islam is like every other religion, it is evil and rotten to its very core but it is not purposefully evil. Communism was meant to rid the poor of the evils of capitalism in the post Industrial revolution. Look what happened to it as it became the greatest scourge on humanity next to the Bubonic Plague.
Islam I am sure was mean't to help the primitive Arabs somehow but it did not do such a thing and overall is a massive failure. The cultish nature of Islam or any religion is just one of the many failing of religion as a whole Islam is the worst in the bunch since it has never progressed in so many centuries.
Each progression under the Caliphate was thanks to secularism and the knowledge left from the Romans and Greeks. I guess there really is nothing positive about Islam because so many things associated with it is not exclusive to it.

Even the Muslim girl who sets next to me in my classroom who I find to be the most adorable thing ever is not a byproduct of Islam. Should I thank Islam for the fact she has a soft voice and pleasant face? I think not. Nor should I thank Islam for the abundance of handsome Iranian men who just so happen to be Muslims

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Islam is like every other religion, it is evil and rotten to its very core but it is not purposefully evil. Communism was meant to rid the poor of the evils of capitalism in the post Industrial revolution. Look what happened to it as it became the greatest scourge on humanity next to the Bubonic Plague.
Islam I am sure was mean't to help the primitive Arabs somehow but it did not do such a thing and overall is a massive failure. The cultish nature of Islam or any religion is just one of the many failing of religion as a whole Islam is the worst in the bunch since it has never progressed in so many centuries.
Each progression under the Caliphate was thanks to secularism and the knowledge left from the Romans and Greeks. I guess there really is nothing positive about Islam because so many things associated with it is not exclusive to it.

Even the Muslim girl who sets next to me in my classroom who I find to be the most adorable thing ever is not a byproduct of Islam. Should I thank Islam for the fact she has a soft voice and pleasant face? I think not. Nor should I thank Islam for the abundance of handsome Iranian men who just so happen to be Muslims
You should thank the Islamic world which saved so much from ancient Rome and Greece as well as making serious advances in science. That's not today's Islamic world, but at its height there were many advances in quite a few fields. Mathematics in medieval Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is just one example


رسول الآلهة
You should thank the Islamic world which saved so much from ancient Rome and Greece as well as making serious advances in science. That's not today's Islamic world, but at its height there were many advances in quite a few fields. Mathematics in medieval Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is just one example

I just mentioned this. Algebra or Al-Jibri is Arabic. But this is not exclusive to Islam, Muslims just used the Greek knowledge. It is not a result of the religion.

Please tell me where in Islam it is demanded to use the knowledge of Greeks and Romans. This is why I ranted about affiliation and actions

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Good point – and it is one I debate Moslems on all the time and they have NEVER given a plausible answer yet – that is the strange surroundings of Muhammad's marriage to Safiyah.

To put into context - Muhammad had just killed this woman's whole tribe, killed her father and killed her husband – everything she has ever known has just been obliterated. Regardless, we are then meant to believe that she willingly married him and then went to his tent to 'consummate' the marriage - all on the very same day her world had been destroyed by this very man.

I am sorry - but in plain ole English that spells RAPE. It defies all known logic that a woman would willingly marry and sleep with the man who had just killed her friends, father and husband only hours earlier - yet Moslems expect us to believe this fantasy?

The only answer Moslems come up with (which tries to make Muhammad seem 'caring' and 'compassionate') is that it was Muhammad’s duty to look after her now she had no means of looking after herself (thanks to him). My God, how foolish. I really hope it is not lost on people that one does not have to marry and have sex with a lady to ensure she is taken care of.

No - this was a clear example of Muhammad entering into a forced marriage after which he proceeded to raped her the day he had killed her loved ones. If there is any Moslem who wishes to prove otherwise I am certainly all ears and would love to be corrected.
Thank you
You understand what I write
Some Muslims say they do not understand what type of English which type it is weak
My friend
That man and his conscience stands and asks
Is this really from God
Is this indeed the actions of the prophets
Whatever the reasons
The marriage of Mohammed of Safiya Bint huyai is a crime by all moral and humanitarian standards and scientific waltarkhet
Do I follow the Prophet
This question of human minds in this forum and elsewhere up to simple words
And our free Muslims
Greetings and thanks you

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Erm - in terms of holy Scripture we have mere interpretation and so by definition we are left with only our personal views and opinions - it is all we have to make sense of it. Need i not remind you that you yourself are not the sole gatekeeper of all that is correct and truthful and so your opinion is no different to mine. Therefore, for you to glibly brush off other peoples opinions strikes me as odd and more than a wee bit hierarchical. This is a debate forum where we exchange ideas and opinions and so if you do not wish to engage in such activities then i must ask why you are here.

Now, having commentated on the story of muhammads marriage and consummation to safiyah as it is written I believe the only conclusion the truly unbiased can come to is that it occurred by force. If you have an alternative OPINION then please state it.

Your gorgeous
This forum is for discussion of free
And there was an attack on human thought
All that we write books of colleges
Marriage of Safiya Bint huyai
Proud Muslim
But I put it in the standard sense and human ethics
And also the conscience
Is it acceptable to marry a woman killed her husband
I think that the human conscience will reject this
Why deny this person and accepted by Muhammad
If Muhammad was a prophet of God
Should his actions belong to the holiness of God
But the actions of Mohamed to know Holiness because it acts of human evil
This is what my mind and my conscience

Scott C.

Just one guy
2- Do you have any questions that you would like having answers to?

My question is sincere and I don't mean to offend or imply anything negative about Muslims.

Often Muslim terrorists are called "Muslim extremists" or some other term that includes "Muslim", leaving the impression that they are indeed "Muslims".

Why don't Muslims refer to such people as "apostate Muslims" or ex-Muslims. Is there a way to disassociate true Muslims from those who pervert the faith? This would allow the general public a way to reference these murderers and to reference their religion, without dragging in true Muslims.

I'm a Mormon. If there were a group of Mormons who were committing murder, they would be kicked out of the church. If they continued to call themselves Mormons, the real Mormons would clarify that these people are not "radical Mormons". Nor are they "Mormon extremists". Actually they are no longer Mormons at all. They are apostates. I would rather the media call them Mormon apostates than Mormon extremists, since the latter implies that while extreme, they are still Mormons.
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
My question is sincere and I don't mean to offend or imply anything negative about Muslims.

Often Muslim terrorists are called "Muslim extremists" or some other term that includes "Muslim", leaving the impression that they are indeed "Muslims".

Why don't Muslims refer to such people as "apostate Muslims" or ex-Muslims. Is there a way to disassociate true Muslims from those who pervert the faith? This would allow the general public a way to reference these murderers and to reference their religion, without dragging in true Muslims.

I'm a Mormon. If there were a group of Mormons who were committing murder, they would be kicked out of the church. If they continued to call themselves Mormons, the real Mormons would clarify that these people are not "radical Mormons". Nor are they "Mormon extremists". Actually they are no longer Mormons at all. They are apostates. I would rather the media call them Mormon apostates than Mormon extremists, since the latter implies that while extreme, they are still Mormons.
You understand Islam in mirror image
Radical Islam is the original
And moderate Islam section
Section could be buried in the land originally if other
Mormons on opposite
Origin of the Bible
And the Torah
If they become extremists
Tell them this is not of Christ's teachings and the teachings of the prophets in the old testament
But with admittedly contrary
If the radical is the teachings of the Qur'an and Hadith