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Your saved as soon as you accept jesus.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
No one is berating you.....but you don't seem to notice that you berate others. You cannot force your beliefs down people's throats. Offer them by all means but don't assume that everyone has to accept what you say as if you can't be wrong. :eek:

The kingdom is not something within us. The scripture to which you refer (Luke 17:21) is Jesus responding to the Pharisees. He was not saying that the kingdom was "within" those wicked hearts.

These are the ones of whom Jesus said...."This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from me. It is in vain that they keep worshipping me, for they teach commands of men as doctrines.’” (Matt15:9)

When Jesus said that the kingdom was "within" (alternately rendered "among you" or "in your midst" NIV, ESV) he was referring to himself as the king of God's kingdom walking right among them but they failed to recognise him.

Please climb down off your high horse and respond with some courtesy.
I think you are a little carried away by your own opinions. o_O
The kingdom of heaven comes to those who obey Jesus. That is how we receive the Holy Spirit and have the kingdom of God within us.


Active Member
Again, when you read with your mind, you HEAR the words. When you read aloud, you hear what you read.
That is exactly what needs to be given up.
It would be great to be back in the early Church, no Bible just the occasional letter in big writing or perhaps a visit from an apostle.
It was all the Spirit and in power not in word only.


Wonder Woman
If you do not want to know if what Jesus says in the Holy Bible is true or not---then don't bother with it. In addition, if you do not want to know if what Jesus says is true or not---then don't tell people what you think about Jesus. Why do we need to hear people's worthless rude opinions?
So I take it you admit that you cannot factually prove the existence of such entities as Jesus, "God", and "Satan" without your bible. As such, you do realize, that there is no reality based reasonable evidence for one to have to take anything the bible says literally. It's not a matter of if someone wants to learn, it's a matter of what is their reason to learn. Of course, that is, something outside of scriptures themselves providing that reason.

Look, honestly, I really don't have a problem with Christianity in general. Most believers are nice enough, reasonable even. It's the ones like you, the foot stomping bible thumping "I'm right and you must listen to me you Satan worshipper" crapola spewing ones that I find repugnant. And I'm not the only one. Shoot, even some other Christians here probably feel the same way because you reflect badly upon them as well.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
So I take it you admit that you cannot factually prove the existence of such entities as Jesus, "God", and "Satan" without your bible. As such, you do realize, that there is no reality based reasonable evidence for one to have to take anything the bible says literally. It's not a matter of if someone wants to learn, it's a matter of what is their reason to learn. Of course, that is, something outside of scriptures themselves providing that reason.

Look, honestly, I really don't have a problem with Christianity in general. Most believers are nice enough, reasonable even. It's the ones like you, the foot stomping bible thumping "I'm right and you must listen to me you Satan worshipper" crapola spewing ones that I find repugnant. And I'm not the only one. Shoot, even some other Christians here probably feel the same way because you reflect badly upon them as well.
You say God and Jesus are not real and you think I care what you think of me.


Avid JW Bible Student
The kingdom of heaven comes to those who obey Jesus. That is how we receive the Holy Spirit and have the kingdom of God within us.

No, I'm sorry but that is not what the scriptures teach at all.

Do you know what a "kingdom" is? It is a 'king' and a 'dom'ain over which he rules.

We know who the king is, but what is his domain? Heaven?....Earth?

In your opinion, do those who receive Holy Spirit participate in the wars of their nations? Do they sanction and support bloodshed in purely political conflicts?

What does it mean to be "no part of the world"? Can Christ's disciples dabble in politics....join the military and spill innocent blood and then call it "collateral damage".....or "friendly fire"?

Can Christians celebrate pagan festivals under the thin veneer of a "Christian" label and not offend God? How does God feel about churches promoting Christmas and Easter as Christian events? Trace their origins in a Google search and see for yourself how unchristian they are. (2 Cor 6:14-18)

Is the true God a three headed monster who tortures wicked souls in hellfire for eternity?

Who is the God you worship?

No amount of "talk" about the scriptures makes you a Christian any more than talk about medicine make you a doctor.

Our credentials are seen in our obedience to Christ's commands...all of them.
You say that you are obedient, but are you really?

When we say that we are "saved"...what are we actually saved from?


Oh how I love the Word of God!
No, I'm sorry but that is not what the scriptures teach at all.

Do you know what a "kingdom" is? It is a 'king' and a 'dom'ain over which he rules.

We know who the king is, but what is his domain? Heaven?....Earth?

In your opinion, do those who receive Holy Spirit participate in the wars of their nations? Do they sanction and support bloodshed in purely political conflicts?

What does it mean to be "no part of the world"? Can Christ's disciples dabble in politics....join the military and spill innocent blood and then call it "collateral damage".....or "friendly fire"?

Can Christians celebrate pagan festivals under the thin veneer of a "Christian" label and not offend God? How does God feel about churches promoting Christmas and Easter as Christian events? Trace their origins in a Google search and see for yourself how unchristian they are. (2 Cor 6:14-18)

Is the true God a three headed monster who tortures wicked souls in hellfire for eternity?

Who is the God you worship?

No amount of "talk" about the scriptures makes you a Christian any more than talk about medicine make you a doctor.

Our credentials are seen in our obedience to Christ's commands...all of them.
You say that you are obedient, but are you really?

When we say that we are "saved"...what are we actually saved from?
The kingdom of heaven comes to those who obey Jesus. That is how we receive the Holy Spirit and have the kingdom of God within us.


Avid JW Bible Student
The kingdom of heaven comes to those who obey Jesus. That is how we receive the Holy Spirit and have the kingdom of God within us.
Yes...it's what you don't say that speaks louder than the meaningless stuff you endlessly repeat.

Can you not just answer the questions? You seem to have a great deal of difficulty answering anything that doesn't fit into the box you're in.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Yes...it's what you don't say that speaks louder than the meaningless stuff you endlessly repeat.

Can you not just answer the questions? You seem to have a great deal of difficulty answering anything that doesn't fit into the box you're in.

It sounds as if you have too much of an imagination. You are not conjuring up things that I don't say.


Veteran Member
The kingdom of heaven comes to those who obey Jesus. That is how we receive the Holy Spirit and have the kingdom of God within us.

That well maybe so, but you didn't answer his question:

"When we say that we are 'saved'...what are we actually saved from?"

.. simple question ..


Avid JW Bible Student
The kingdom of heaven comes to those who obey Jesus. That is how we receive the Holy Spirit and have the kingdom of God within us.

Yep....can't answer a thing, can you? You can spout the party line but when it comes to analysing what you really believe you run out of ammo.

What is your faith built on when you can't answer the simplest questions? :rolleyes:


Bodhisattva in Recovery
You are not a Christian, so why do you say "we"?
In theory, everyone is a potential Christian that will learn to follow your vision of Christ. You might want to work on your people skills a tad.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
In theory, everyone is a potential Christian that will learn to follow your vision of Christ. You might want to work on your people skills a tad.
I can hardly believe that you want to put me down and tell me to work on my people skills.
How about you work on yours and go give that advice to the people who really need it.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I can hardly believe that you want to put me down and tell me to work on my people skills.
How about you work on yours and go give that advice to the people who really need it.
Hehe. That's not a very snappy comeback. Seriously, you need counseling.


Avid JW Bible Student
Hehe. That's not a very snappy comeback. Seriously, you need counseling.
Nothing more pathetic than someone who needs to work on their people skills who thinks everyone else has the problem....now I will be accused of insults and lies again :rolleyes:
I figured if I was going to be accused of it anyway.....I might as well do something to deserve it.:p

Still waiting for answers to my questions from this person.....should I hold my breath? :confused: Look, I'm turning blue!!!


Be your own guru
"When we say that we are 'saved'...what are we actually saved from?"
Wrath of the kind God. My favorite:

49. Taste you (this)! Verily, you were (pretending to be) the mighty, the generous!”
[al-Dukhaan 44:43-49]
“then as for those who disbelieved, garments of fire will be cut out for them, boiling water will be poured down over their heads.
20. With it will melt (or vanish away) what is within their bellies, as well as (their) skins.
21. And for them are hooked rods of iron (to punish them).
22. Every time they seek to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be driven back therein, and (it will be) said to them: Taste the torment of burning!”

Allaah is Severe in punishment
- islamqa.info


Veteran Member
Wrath of the kind God. My favorite..

Sarcasm, I presume..

Yes .. saved from our own weakness .. saved from 'the fire of hell'

The Qur'an was revealed around 1500 years ago in a very harsh environment

Who would understand warnings that didn't compare to their everyday difficullties?
I certainly would NOT like to be in 'the burning desert' without shelter and with only a few dates to eat and a minute amount of water !!!

..but nowadays, a lot of peoples' lives are relatively easy, and so such harsh warnings seem 'over the top' :eek: