The kingdom of heaven comes to those who obey Jesus. That is how we receive the Holy Spirit and have the kingdom of God within us.
No, I'm sorry but that is not what the scriptures teach at all.
Do you know what a "kingdom" is? It is a 'king' and a 'dom'ain over which he rules.
We know who the king is, but what is his domain? Heaven?....Earth?
In your opinion, do those who receive Holy Spirit participate in the wars of their nations? Do they sanction and support bloodshed in purely political conflicts?
What does it mean to be "no part of the world"? Can Christ's disciples dabble in politics....join the military and spill innocent blood and then call it "collateral damage".....or "friendly fire"?
Can Christians celebrate pagan festivals under the thin veneer of a "Christian" label and not offend God? How does God feel about churches promoting Christmas and Easter as Christian events? Trace their origins in a Google search and see for yourself how unchristian they are. (2 Cor 6:14-18)
Is the true God a three headed monster who tortures wicked souls in hellfire for eternity?
Who is the God you worship?
No amount of "talk" about the scriptures makes you a Christian any more than talk about medicine make you a doctor.
Our credentials are seen in our obedience to Christ's commands...all of them.
You say that you are obedient, but are you really?
When we say that we are "saved"...what are we actually saved from?