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Your saved as soon as you accept jesus.


Active Member
You have not disproved anything that I said.

There are many scriptures but ultimately they are to stop deception taking place and give some back ground to what needs to take place in the mind. Having the mind changed could be called a journey of inner transformation with renewal and is a little frightening because it is the mind.

It is not a case of staying in your own mind with the developed personality and its story to tell.
Every thought and memory in the old mind with its nature and personality has to be withdrawn from.
The nature and mind of Jesus must be found and God will energize the Love in it.
God is an energizing spirit.
Give it a go, it is real and then you will have knowledge and not the pharisee mentality that is being applied.
Joh 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
Joh 11:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?


Oh how I love the Word of God!
There are many scriptures but ultimately they are to stop deception taking place and give some back ground to what needs to take place in the mind. Having the mind changed could be called a journey of inner transformation with renewal and is a little frightening because it is the mind.

It is not a case of staying in your own mind with the developed personality and its story to tell.
Every thought and memory in the old mind with its nature and personality has to be withdrawn from.
The nature and mind of Jesus must be found and God will energize the Love in it.
God is an energizing spirit.
Give it a go, it is real and then you will have knowledge and not the pharisee mentality that is being applied.
Joh 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
Joh 11:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
You have not disproved anything that I said. You merely do what the devil does, and that is falsely accuse me.
I am not like the Pharisees, as you say. Your mind has NOT been transformed, as you would like us all to think. The Pharisees are the only ones who would not get baptized with water. They are the only ones who would not publicly acknowledge Jesus.
You are an accuser of the brethren.


Active Member
You have not disproved anything that I said. You merely do what the devil does, and that is falsely accuse me.
I am not like the Pharisees, as you say. Your mind has NOT been transformed, as you would like us all to think. The Pharisees are the only ones who would not get baptized with water. They are the only ones who would not publicly acknowledge Jesus.
You are an accuser of the brethren.

The way to Perfection and Holiness has been revealed. The lay out of the temple in the desert as read within the old testament was physical but now indicates a journey of inner transformation. The cross of Christ indicates a crossing over in the mind and reveals a new nature. There is a crucial point where the old mind is renewed with the mind that Jesus thinks from.
I will continue to relate what has been shown to me powerfully.

There is a way of letting the old nature go and the nature of Jesus must be found.
The nature of Adam is self empowered and energizes the personality in a biological form that relies on the natural senses and instincts. This is where the old mind is active. All mankind is genetically, and by their hereditary lineage active in the same way and will die. The evidence is in the way people behave and interact from their own human personality with all flaws. It is possible to change the story with the words being spoken but there is no inner change. This is why there are so many differing interpretations and churches reading from the same book. It should not be an intellectual exercise of Bible knowledge. The Bible is for correction and reproof, a safety net and an explanation for something that cannot be comprehended in the natural mind.

The Love in the nature of Jesus is energized by God the creator of the whole universe. This nature is more gentle than is able to be comprehended in the mind. It can not be imagined.
But it must be taken up to gain immortality with no Judgement. How to do this is related in the scriptures. Because of false teachers those scriptures have been hidden by an incorrect doctrine because it is not understood as a method that is used and must be acted on to transform the mind and nature.
It is all very simple and obvious. But the mind is trapped in what it sees as natural and clings onto it becoming comfortable and will resist any change and will not see any reason for it.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
The way to Perfection and Holiness has been revealed. The lay out of the temple in the desert as read within the old testament was physical but now indicates a journey of inner transformation. The cross of Christ indicates a crossing over in the mind and reveals a new nature. There is a crucial point where the old mind is renewed with the mind that Jesus thinks from.
I will continue to relate what has been shown to me powerfully.
It sounds as if you are trying to mix New Age mumbo jumbo with God's word.

There is a way of letting the old nature go and the nature of Jesus must be found.
You are not going to find God's Truth unless you get Jesus' teachings and obey them.

The nature of Adam is self empowered and energizes the personality in a biological form that relies on the natural senses and instincts. This is where the old mind is active. All mankind is genetically, and by their hereditary lineage active in the same way and will die. The evidence is in the way people behave and interact from their own human personality with all flaws. It is possible to change the story with the words being spoken but there is no inner change. This is why there are so many differing interpretations and churches reading from the same book. It should not be an intellectual exercise of Bible knowledge. The Bible is for correction and reproof, a safety net and an explanation for something that cannot be comprehended in the natural mind.

The Love in the nature of Jesus is energized by God the creator of the whole universe. This nature is more gentle than is able to be comprehended in the mind. It can not be imagined.
But it must be taken up to gain immortality with no Judgement. How to do this is related in the scriptures. Because of false teachers those scriptures have been hidden by an incorrect doctrine because it is not understood as a method that is used and must be acted on to transform the mind and nature.
It is all very simple and obvious. But the mind is trapped in what it sees as natural and clings onto it becoming comfortable and will resist any change and will not see any reason for it.
I cannot bring myself to read this New Age stuff.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Sheesh guys. I was reading and thinking about you guys points of view.

, okay.. you believe in God and you're very strong about your faith. However, the pendulum doesn't fall in your or any Christian's court because he has the majority vote. Can't a Christian accept that people will differ from them and not call their point of view lies?

Okay, God (the Christian God) tells people who do not believe in Him that they are following lies. AND His Son died for all so that whomever believes in Him will not perish. We do not know where another person is in his or her spiritual walk. Maybe (in a Christian point of view, mind you) Muhammad may come to Christ one day; who knows only God, right?

When any christian tells people they are resisting the truth and they are speaking lies, that christian is robbing them of the relationship that God "could be" drawing them to and no christian will know about it but that person and God. Instead, acknowledge what they say, try to understand it, accept it for what they believe without putting beliefs on them.

In other words, wouldn't it be better to acknowledge and accept what they say is true for them; and, not for a christian to put his or her views on them as if what they have the final word?

No one gets the final word. No God, No Goddess, No, person. It would be unproductive to say God is the final word because that is something you (and any other Christian) believe. If a Christian cannot step from that and see other people's point of view and acknowledge that their point of view could be correct for them and be nice about it then debates would be productive and each party would learn something rather than attack.

I know you have good knowledge in your faith. Just when you make your points, acknowledge the other person's point of view too. It's not just you personally.. its a pet peeve of mine with many Christians. Genuine lack of respect for other faiths because their God tells them they believe false. Makes me quiver every time.

Okay, continue....


Active Member
Your loss ! It's almost as if you don't WANT to learn..

Blessings to you muhammad_isa

if the scriptures are read with an over view they are very plain.

Eph 2:1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;
Eph 2:2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:

Eph 2:21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:
Eph 2:22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.

Eph 3:17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
Eph 3:18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
Eph 3:19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

Rom 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Tit 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

Psa 50:4 He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that he may judge his people.
Psa 50:5 Gather my saints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice.
Psa 50:6 And the heavens shall declare his righteousness: for God is judge himself. Selah.

Psa 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

There are many scriptures that show it is by the Spirit and the Love of God.
The nature of Jesus is there and must be found, He is the head. The God of the whole universe all of creation will energize by His Spirit.


Veteran Member
Blessings to you muhammad_isa..

And may God bless you too..

I was just pointing out that we should not 'put our fingers in our ears' and be afraid of change..

..it would be surprising if we were 'born into correct understanding' .. it has to come the hard way .. through experiences in life including study and travel..


Active Member
And may God bless you too..

I was just pointing out that we should not 'put our fingers in our ears' and be afraid of change..

..it would be surprising if we were 'born into correct understanding' .. it has to come the hard way .. through experiences in life including study and travel..

Thanks, yes but there is something very powerful occurring and it is easy to be blinded and then drawn away. It all happens from inside. A person can be enticed and it is their own lust that does it. Opinions and a driven self belief produce a militant righteousness.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Sheesh guys. I was reading and thinking about you guys points of view.

, okay.. you believe in God and you're very strong about your faith. However, the pendulum doesn't fall in your or any Christian's court because he has the majority vote. Can't a Christian accept that people will differ from them and not call their point of view lies?

Okay, God (the Christian God) tells people who do not believe in Him that they are following lies. AND His Son died for all so that whomever believes in Him will not perish. We do not know where another person is in his or her spiritual walk. Maybe (in a Christian point of view, mind you) Muhammad may come to Christ one day; who knows only God, right?

When any christian tells people they are resisting the truth and they are speaking lies, that christian is robbing them of the relationship that God "could be" drawing them to and no christian will know about it but that person and God. Instead, acknowledge what they say, try to understand it, accept it for what they believe without putting beliefs on them.

In other words, wouldn't it be better to acknowledge and accept what they say is true for them; and, not for a christian to put his or her views on them as if what they have the final word?

No one gets the final word. No God, No Goddess, No, person. It would be unproductive to say God is the final word because that is something you (and any other Christian) believe. If a Christian cannot step from that and see other people's point of view and acknowledge that their point of view could be correct for them and be nice about it then debates would be productive and each party would learn something rather than attack.

I know you have good knowledge in your faith. Just when you make your points, acknowledge the other person's point of view too. It's not just you personally.. its a pet peeve of mine with many Christians. Genuine lack of respect for other faiths because their God tells them they believe false. Makes me quiver every time.

Okay, continue....
Many people say I believe in lies.

Did you not hear what muhammad isa said to me? Muhammad isa said I had a loss for not believing as he/she does.

I love telling others about God's Truth. I prove all my beliefs from the Bible.

A person with a humble heart will not take offense with me, they will be thankful.

We are supposed to correct others.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Sheesh guys. I was reading and thinking about you guys points of view.

, okay.. you believe in God and you're very strong about your faith. However, the pendulum doesn't fall in your or any Christian's court because he has the majority vote. Can't a Christian accept that people will differ from them and not call their point of view lies?

Okay, God (the Christian God) tells people who do not believe in Him that they are following lies. AND His Son died for all so that whomever believes in Him will not perish. We do not know where another person is in his or her spiritual walk. Maybe (in a Christian point of view, mind you) Muhammad may come to Christ one day; who knows only God, right?

When any christian tells people they are resisting the truth and they are speaking lies, that christian is robbing them of the relationship that God "could be" drawing them to and no christian will know about it but that person and God. Instead, acknowledge what they say, try to understand it, accept it for what they believe without putting beliefs on them.

In other words, wouldn't it be better to acknowledge and accept what they say is true for them; and, not for a christian to put his or her views on them as if what they have the final word?

No one gets the final word. No God, No Goddess, No, person. It would be unproductive to say God is the final word because that is something you (and any other Christian) believe. If a Christian cannot step from that and see other people's point of view and acknowledge that their point of view could be correct for them and be nice about it then debates would be productive and each party would learn something rather than attack.

I know you have good knowledge in your faith. Just when you make your points, acknowledge the other person's point of view too. It's not just you personally.. its a pet peeve of mine with many Christians. Genuine lack of respect for other faiths because their God tells them they believe false. Makes me quiver every time.

Okay, continue....

Why are you so concerned what Xians believe?
Anyways, I'm not really concerned about your 'pet peeves', I don't share your perspective.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Why are you so concerned what Xians believe?
Anyways, I'm not really concerned about your 'pet peeves', I don't share your perspective.

I live in a Christian environment. I joined a Christian Church. I have a soft spot for Christians and I don't like to see them taken advantaged of and they taken advantage of others point of view as well. As such, I have a pet peeve, for lack of better and healthier emotions, with people I share some common grounds with. It affects me personally.

It hurts when I see a Christian talk down to someone else because they disagree with them. With any person, really. It's my right to share my concern because it is A. Not healthy and B. Disrespectful.

This is not a perspective or an opinion. When taken to far, it can turn into a fight, and even further against the rules and even more further against the law. If I spoke with Christ right now, we'd have a very mature and decent conversation. We will know each other's grounds; and He will treat me as He treats His friends. If Christ can do that why cant Christians in general?

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
I live in a Christian environment. I joined a Christian Church. I have a soft spot for Christians and I don't like to see them taken advantaged of and they taken advantage of others point of view as well. As such, I have a pet peeve, for lack of better and healthier emotions, with people I share some common grounds with. It affects me personally.

It hurts when I see a Christian talk down to someone else because they disagree with them. With any person, really. It's my right to share my concern because it is A. Not healthy and B. Disrespectful.

This is not a perspective or an opinion. When taken to far, it can turn into a fight, and even further against the rules and even more further against the law. If I spoke with Christ right now, we'd have a very mature and decent conversation. We will know each other's grounds; and He will treat me as He treats His friends. If Christ can do that why cant Christians in general?
But that is where we differ. When I don't follow a religion, I don't declare what the deity would like or not like etc. If I actually thought I was that close to a religion, I would just follow it. I'm saying, may be there is a reason you aren't Christian, in that perhaps you don't have the understanding you think you do of the religious tenents of Xianity. I notice this all the time, people who say they have 'authority' of experience etc to speak about Xianity, but do not actually adhere to the religion. Is this making sense? Not a personal criticism either, just something to consider.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Many people say I believe in lies.

Please don't listen to that... um.. mess. Everyone has their personal beliefs and ways of expression, some harsh some not. I'm sure God is still working on everyone's heart to come to Him the way it is comfortable for each person.

Did you not hear what muhammad isa said to me? Muhammad isa said I had a loss for not believing as he/she does.

Think that's wording. I know Christians who say that non-Christians have a loss because they don't believe in God. I'd have to read how he said it. I understand why you're upset though. I'd be too.

I love telling others about God's Truth. I prove all my beliefs from the Bible.

That's good to share what you believe. I wish I had that prevelage with my friends. I usually can share with strangers but my friends don't like talking about my beliefs even though I talk about theirs. As long as there is a back and forth dialogue, I think that's cool.

A person with a humble heart will not take offense with me, they will be thankful.


We are supposed to correct others.

I guess that depends. If you're correcting another Christian, then, yes, you are helping your brother or sister to view scripture in the way its supposed to be seen. With correcting people who are not Christian, that's a tough call because religion is very personal; it's hard to correct someone when their faith is their life.

I understand where ya coming from. Sometimes I just have to but in and say hey! Hold up a sec! I mean no offense.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I get that a lot, honestly. When I took the sacraments at the Church, they showed me profoundly what it meant to be a Christian--to be Baptized by the Holy Spirit; repent and confess one's sins; be born again; declare through confirmation that I want Jesus to be my Lord and Savior, and what was the other one, receiving Jesus Christ for the first time.

I fell from it because I realize I didn't believe in the Father the same way Christ and many Christians believe in Him. Most my family outside intermediate are protestant, so I got that point of view too. My signature is how I view God.

I went into the Church prematurely. Some people who don't believe in God really want to believe cannot put down what their heart says no matter who else says otherwise. Its a learning experience. Being baptized into the Church is an experience I will never forget.

According to Christianity, I will go to hell; but I rather live honestly in the present in this life than live a lie so i have faith or hope there's a future in the next.

Also, it depends on what tenants. I honestly believe the Catholic Church (I'll say more Orthodox rather than Roman) has the true teachings of Christianity. So each denominations tenants vary. Most protestant Churches don't believe in the Eucharist and the rest believe it is a symbol except Lutheran which has a somewhat mixed between transubstantiation idea and symbolism. There's a term for it, I forgot what its called.

Here's another thing, too. Some people feel that mere belief/faith will make God exist for them when Truth exist outside of our belief. If God is the Truth His existed shouldn't depend on whether or not we have faith in Him. That's why non-Christians ask for evidence--they want something objective and concrete that all people can base their interpretations on....personal experience and testimony is true to the person who has it and witness it... but to John Doe on the other side of the world, it means nothing. Truth is universal.

Anyway, yeah. I understand what you meant. I understand Christian doctrine. In order to honestly say we disagree or agree with something we have to have the experience and/or have knowledge in Christianity before considering is right or wrong.

I've heard people read the Bible and say they don't believe because they read the Bible. I share their sentiments; but that's not why I don't believe. Religion is personal...we can't place our morals on others an expect them to understand them as we understand it. All we can really do is educate or tell them how our faith influences us. Christians have that opportunity to share their faith; it's not as easy for other faiths to do the same.

But that is where we differ. When I don't follow a religion, I don't declare what the deity would like or not like etc. If I actually thought I was that close to a religion, I would just follow it. I'm saying, may be there is a reason you aren't Christian, in that perhaps you don't have the understanding you think you do of the religious tenents of Xianity. I notice this all the time, people who say they have 'authority' of experience etc to speak about Xianity, but do not actually adhere to the religion. Is this making sense? Not a personal criticism either, just something to consider.
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Desert Snake

Veteran Member
I get that a lot, honestly. When I took the sacraments at the Church, they showed me profoundly what it meant to be a Christian--to be Baptized by the Holy Spirit; repent and confess one's sins; be born again; declare through confirmation that I want Jesus to be my Lord and Savior, and what was the other one, receiving Jesus Christ for the first time.

I fell from it because I realize I didn't believe in the Father the same way Christ and many Christians believe in Him. Most my family outside intermediate are protestant, so I got that point of view too. My signature is how I view God.

I went into the Church prematurely. Some people who don't believe in God really want to believe cannot put down what their heart says no matter who else says otherwise. Its a learning experience. Being baptized into the Church is an experience I will never forget.

According to Christianity, I will go to hell; but I rather live honestly in the present in this life than live a lie so i have faith or hope there's a future in the next.

Also, it depends on what tenants. I honestly believe the Catholic Church (I'll say more Orthodox rather than Roman) has the true teachings of Christianity. So each denominations tenants vary. Most protestant Churches don't believe in the Eucharist and the rest believe it is a symbol except Lutheran which has a somewhat mixed between transubstantiation idea and symbolism. There's a term for it, I forgot what its called.

Here's another thing, too. Some people feel that mere belief/faith will make God exist for them when Truth exist outside of our belief. If God is the Truth His existed shouldn't depend on whether or not we have faith in Him. That's why non-Christians ask for evidence--they want something objective and concrete that all people can base their interpretations on....personal experience and testimony is true to the person who has it and witness it... but to John Doe on the other side of the world, it means nothing. Truth is universal.

Anyway, yeah. I understand what you meant. I understand Christian doctrine. In order to honestly say we disagree or agree with something we have to have the experience and/or have knowledge in Christianity before considering is right or wrong.

I've heard people read the Bible and say they don't believe because they read the Bible. I share their sentiments; but that's not why I don't believe. Religion is personal...we can't place our morals on others an expect them to understand them as we understand it. All we can really do is educate or tell them how our faith influences us. Christians have that opportunity to share their faith; it's not as easy for other faiths to do the same.
I don't have a church, I find many of the 'teachings' by church academia to be something I could never follow. I have no doubt that you really do know a lot about 'Christianity", however my point being, you aren't a 'Christian", right? So that should imo signify something. There is something about the 'religion' as you know it that isn't jibing. That's all.
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Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
lol Yeah.. something, I cant put my finger on it. No. I'm not a Christian. According to the Church I will always be; so, I guess I am by default just in case I want to come back. /shrugs/

I don't have a church, not baptized either. I find many of the 'teachings' by church academia to be something I could never follow. So, I'm a mystic of sorts. I have no doubt that you really do know a lot about 'Christianity", however my point being, you aren't a 'Christian", right? So that should imo signify something. There is something about the 'religion' as you know it that isn't jibing. That's all.