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Your saved as soon as you accept jesus.


Veteran Member
..Muhammad isa said I had a loss for not believing as he/she does.

You are careless .. I was pointing out that you should read another person's post .. not mine

I love telling others about God's Truth..

Great .. we're all entitled to our opinion..

However, while I acknowledge that the Bible contains truth, you are conceited in thinking that the only people that are 'saved' are those that believe as you do..

I could say the same thing, but I don't see it as helpful .. Almighty God is the Best of Judges .. He is aware of the sincere, the pious .. He alone knows who is 'saved' !!


Oh how I love the Word of God!
You are careless .. I was pointing out that you should read another person's post .. not mine

Great .. we're all entitled to our opinion..

However, while I acknowledge that the Bible contains truth, you are conceited in thinking that the only people that are 'saved' are those that believe as you do..

I could say the same thing, but I don't see it as helpful .. Almighty God is the Best of Judges .. He is aware of the sincere, the pious .. He alone knows who is 'saved' !!
You are making up things about me That is all you have left to defend your false beliefs.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Many people say I believe in lies.

Please don't listen to that... um.. mess. Everyone has their personal beliefs and ways of expression, some harsh some not. I'm sure God is still working on everyone's heart to come to Him the way it is comfortable for each person.

Did you not hear what muhammad isa said to me? Muhammad isa said I had a loss for not believing as he/she does.

Think that's wording. I know Christians who say that non-Christians have a loss because they don't believe in God. I'd have to read how he said it. I understand why you're upset though. I'd be too.

I love telling others about God's Truth. I prove all my beliefs from the Bible.

That's good to share what you believe. I wish I had that prevelage with my friends. I usually can share with strangers but my friends don't like talking about my beliefs even though I talk about theirs. As long as there is a back and forth dialogue, I think that's cool.

A person with a humble heart will not take offense with me, they will be thankful.


We are supposed to correct others.

I guess that depends. If you're correcting another Christian, then, yes, you are helping your brother or sister to view scripture in the way its supposed to be seen. With correcting people who are not Christian, that's a tough call because religion is very personal; it's hard to correct someone when their faith is their life.

I understand where ya coming from. Sometimes I just have to but in and say hey! Hold up a sec! I mean no offense.
Thanks for taking the time to explain how you feel.
I am sure about my beliefs, so I know that will offend many, no matter how kind I am.


Veteran Member
You are making up things about me..

Am I?
I am not attacking your belief .. I respect people who believe in the One God of Abraham .. I respect those who try to follow the Bible..

It is you who suggest that I can only be 'saved' if I believe as you do .. am I making that up?


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Am I?
I am not attacking your belief .. I respect people who believe in the One God of Abraham .. I respect those who try to follow the Bible..

It is you who suggest that I can only be 'saved' if I believe as you do .. am I making that up?
You do make things up about me. You even make up things about what I believe.

As for you being saved, the Holy Bible tells us what we have to do to be saved. I say what my God says about it.


Veteran Member
.. the Holy Bible tells us what we have to do to be saved. I say what my God says about it.

I know what you mean, but the Holy Bible does not speak! You have preconceived ideas about what it means ..
Certainly, there are many believers in Almighty God that do NOT believe as you do.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
I know what you mean, but the Holy Bible does not speak! You have preconceived ideas about what it means ..
Certainly, there are many believers in Almighty God that do NOT believe as you do.
The Holy Bible does speak.

As for those who call themselves believers but have many different beliefs...that is because they are listening to false teachers.

That is the way Satan works.


Wonder Woman
The Holy Bible does speak.

As for those who call themselves believers but have many different beliefs...that is because they are listening to false teachers.

That is the way Satan works.
So everyone who does not believe exactly the way you do, everyone who does not interpret the passages in the bible in the precise way you interpret them, are believing false beliefs? Listening to false teachers? You are so right, so flawless in your understanding, so absolutely correct with no chance of being wrong, no fallibility, no mistakes, no sign of being human at all, that you and you alone here can determine not only what the only correct beliefs in the world are, but also can tell whether others believe correctly? And you don't feel this is a sign of pride? Of narcissism? Of immense ego? Of...delusion?


Well-Known Member
So everyone who does not believe exactly the way you do, everyone who does not interpret the passages in the bible in the precise way you interpret them, are believing false beliefs? Listening to false teachers? You are so right, so flawless in your understanding, so absolutely correct with no chance of being wrong, no fallibility, no mistakes, no sign of being human at all, that you and you alone here can determine not only what the only correct beliefs in the world are, but also can tell whether others believe correctly? And you don't feel this is a sign of pride? Of narcissism? Of immense ego? Of...delusion?

We're all following false teachers, and have worthless opinions. I suggest we get off of this forum and start living life because soon, we will all be in hell, except of course for Yes. He will be walking in the garden of Eden with God, side by side.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
So everyone who does not believe exactly the way you do, everyone who does not interpret the passages in the bible in the precise way you interpret them, are believing false beliefs? Listening to false teachers? You are so right, so flawless in your understanding, so absolutely correct with no chance of being wrong, no fallibility, no mistakes, no sign of being human at all, that you and you alone here can determine not only what the only correct beliefs in the world are, but also can tell whether others believe correctly? And you don't feel this is a sign of pride? Of narcissism? Of immense ego? Of...delusion?
I can prove my beliefs by the scriptures.
We can know God's Truth.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
We're all following false teachers, and have worthless opinions. I suggest we get off of this forum and start living life because soon, we will all be in hell, except of course for Yes. He will be walking in the garden of Eden with God, side by side.
You spoke against Jesus. Yet, you are attacking me why?


Be your own guru
My point of 'arguing' that, (wasn't really), is that of course if we don't accept Jesus, He wouldn't accept us. That's about the only 'unknown' here, have to doublecheck those verses.
Tit for Tat. An Eye for an Eye. A wonderful reciprocating avenging God.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Tit for Tat. An Eye for an Eye. A wonderful reciprocating avenging God.

You are turning down Jesus who is the Greatest Love. You are turning him down to believe in many different gods. Your gods lived lives just as bad as or worse than the worst of humans My Savior came only to show us the way and die for our sins.


Be your own guru
You are turning down Jesus who is the Greatest Love. You are turning him down to believe in many different gods. Your gods lived lives just as bad as or worse than the worst of humans My Savior came only to show us the way and die for our sins.
I know, I know. All history shows that. 'If you lick my shoe, there is a heaven waiting for you'. No, I do not lick anyone's shoes.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
There are a hundred ways to understand life and the world, why in your view there is only one?
I have a powerful testimony. Jesus Christ himself saved me. I want others to know God's Truth. It is too wonderful.


Those who are given much, much more is demanded of them. Those with mental disabilities have not been given much, so then, much less will be demanded of them. They might not have the peace of the knowledge of the Lord in this life, but God does not hold them accountable.

Those who died before Jesus...the righteous who died before Jesus went to a better place than the others. They went to Abraham's bosom. They watched from above the gospel given, and were made perfect by the shed blood of Jesus.

Those who died before Jesus and sinned...after Jesus died on the cross, he went to where those spirits were, to the spirits in prison, the spirits of those who disobeyed, even long ago.

Jesus preached to them so that they could obey God in their spirit.

If you want scripture references to anything that I said, just ask.

But if you don't accept Jesus into your heart as your lord and savior, you're toast. Nothing is said about exceptions.