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Your saved as soon as you accept jesus.


Relentlessly Rational
I told you to get Jesus' teachings and obey him, and then Jesus will reveal himself to you.

Here is my proof from the scriptures:

John 14:21 The person who has my commandments and obeys them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and will reveal myself to him."

John 7:17 Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own.

I have just proven my beliefs with scripture.

In other words, you have to believe before you can believe? Do you understand how ridiculously circular that is? You cannot simply assume that the Bible is true because the Bible says it's true. If that's the best you've got, it's laughable.


Relentlessly Rational
Tell what you did. You are the one who said you already tried and got nothing.

Lots of things. I tried what someone else said and got nothing. In fact, I've tried what you said too and got nothing. I'm still waiting for a guaranteed solution.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
In other words, you have to believe before you can believe? Do you understand how ridiculously circular that is? You cannot simply assume that the Bible is true because the Bible says it's true. If that's the best you've got, it's laughable.
You need to pay more attention. I have already replied to you about all this.

I told you that you do not have to believe first. I told you that you only have to want to know if what Jesus says is true or not.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Lots of things. I tried what someone else said and got nothing. In fact, I've tried what you said too and got nothing. I'm still waiting for a guaranteed solution.
Why won't you answer?


Relentlessly Rational
You need to pay more attention. I have already replied to you about all this.

I told you that you do not have to believe first. I told you that you only have to want to know if what Jesus says is true or not.

I do what to know if what Jesus says is true or not. My primary concern about anything, including religion, is whether or not it is factually true in objective reality. I hold the same standards with regards to every claim, I want to see objective evidence that any claim is actually so, not simply existing in someone's mind, but in the real world.

Okay, done and done. Still nothing. Going to accuse me of doing it wrong now?


Relentlessly Rational
Why won't you answer?

Because the full list would probably fill a book and has nothing whatsoever to do with your argument. It doesn't matter what I've done, which is extensive, it only matters what you say will prove to me that Jesus is real.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
I do what to know if what Jesus says is true or not. My primary concern about anything, including religion, is whether or not it is factually true in objective reality. I hold the same standards with regards to every claim, I want to see objective evidence that any claim is actually so, not simply existing in someone's mind, but in the real world.

Okay, done and done. Still nothing. Going to accuse me of doing it wrong now?
You said that you do want to know. Good, now tell me what you did to find out.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
I do what to know if what Jesus says is true or not. My primary concern about anything, including religion, is whether or not it is factually true in objective reality. I hold the same standards with regards to every claim, I want to see objective evidence that any claim is actually so, not simply existing in someone's mind, but in the real world.

Okay, done and done. Still nothing. Going to accuse me of doing it wrong now?
You do not even want to say what you did.


Relentlessly Rational
You do not even want to say what you did.

No, you're desperately trying to find something I haven't already done so that you have something to suggest. If you have a method, present it. You said you did. What I have or haven't done is entirely irrelevant to the efficacy of your own claims.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
No, you're desperately trying to find something I haven't already done so that you have something to suggest. If you have a method, present it. You said you did. What I have or haven't done is entirely irrelevant to the efficacy of your own claims.
You are the one who said you did everything. Now, tell us what you did.


Relentlessly Rational
You are the one who said you did everything. Now, tell us what you did.

You are the one who said you had a way to find Jesus. Present it. Otherwise we have nothing to talk about and you're proven wrong.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Cephus, do you want me to tell you what you did, or do you want to tell us?

Do you want me to tell you what you have to do, so that you can turn around and say you did it?


Oh how I love the Word of God!
You are the one who said you had a way to find Jesus. Present it. Otherwise we have nothing to talk about and you're proven wrong.
I already told you what you have to do. Are you blind?


Relentlessly Rational
I already told you what you have to do. Are you blind?

And I told you that I have already done it and NOTHING HAPPENED! Are you blind? Yet you keep asking what I've done, as though I've done something wrong. No, I've done exactly what you said and I did not find Jesus. How do you explain that?


Oh how I love the Word of God!
And I told you that I have already done it
Then why won't you tell me what you did?

and NOTHING HAPPENED! Are you blind?

Then why won't you tell me what you did?

Yet you keep asking what I've done, as though I've done something wrong. No, I've done exactly what you said and I did not find Jesus. How do you explain that?
Then why won't you tell me what you did?

The Hammer

Premium Member
And I told you that I have already done it and NOTHING HAPPENED! Are you blind? Yet you keep asking what I've done, as though I've done something wrong. No, I've done exactly what you said and I did not find Jesus. How do you explain that?

Arguing isn't worth it. It get's nothing accomplished, I learned this in this thread. I recommend running while your sanity is still intact.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Arguing isn't worth it. It get's nothing accomplished, I learned this in this thread. I recommend running while your sanity is still intact.
You do not answer because you do not want to be exposed...which shows that you are already exposed.

The Hammer

Premium Member
To be honest Modern Christianity does not understand this and they are different.

Mat 12:34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

Mat 15:11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

Mat 15:18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

It is important not to sit listening to any of them. Derek Prince was okay, he was partly there but no one else. He has passed on though.

So, what if I am not following Christianity, modern or otherwise? I mean, I am a good person. I just don't follow Jesus/God. I have my own sets of Gods I discovered.