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Your saved as soon as you accept jesus.


Veteran Member
No, I'm saying that that line of thinking has problems inherent in it. There are dangers that exist, simply because people follow that path. It isn't true of everyone, it isn't true of most, but it is true of some and the only reason it is true is because that philosophical position cannot be rationally justified..

No, that's not the reason .. the reason is mainly political.
There ARE dangers in life on this planet .. that's reality .. and they come from EVERY direction .. not just from someone who follows a religion, be it true or false.


Satan has only left you with insults and lies to do his work.

You do not even know what a Pharisee is.
There is no Satan as you claim.
He is in your head.
Satan is the label you put on the opposition that you feel in your own head when you are confronted with something that goes against your beliefs.

If you were to be honest with yourself you would see that the only Satan that exists is your own opposition.

We are your mirror.
Do you like what you see?



People think there is some process to go through, but it isn't the case. All one has to do is accept Jesus, and their saved. No magic ceremonies required.


When Peter told the Jews on Pentecost that they had crucified Jesus, they were pierced to the heart. They asked,"What shall we do?"

Peter did not tell them to simply accept Jesus in their hearts. He told them to repent and be baptized. Those who belived were baptized and the Lord added 3000 souls to His church that day. Acts 2:36-47.

Jesus never called baptism a magic ceremony. He commanded we make disciples of all nations baptizing them. Matt. 28:18-20.

Matter of fact, Jesus said, "He who believes and is baptized shall be saved." Mark 16:16
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What I say is relevant. What I am talking about is God's Truth.

Jesus saves us when he accepts us. We have to accept Jesus. Our faith alone is not enough to be accepted. We must have faith with obedience. Faith with obedience is alive. Faith without action is dead..
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i accept jesus, but not paul...
am i saved or do you mean just accept an interpretation of how we should believe in jesus
Then you reject the word of God, which is the same as rejecting God Himself.

What have you got against Paul? My guess he teaches against something that doesn't fit your lifestyle.
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What does it mean to accept Jesus?
How about you let Jesus answer your question.

John 14:15
15 If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.

Luke 6:46
46 “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?

A person who accepts Jesus is one who will make Jesus Lord of their life. He will submit to Him, doing what He says.
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Oh how I love the Word of God!
There is no Satan as you claim.
He is in your head.
Satan is the label you put on the opposition that you feel in your own head when you are confronted with something that goes against your beliefs.

If you were to be honest with yourself you would see that the only Satan that exists is your own opposition.

We are your mirror.
Do you like what you see?

Get Jesus' teachings in the New Testament and obey the teachings, then you will find out if it is just all in my head or if it is God's Truth.

Otherwise, all you are doing is giving worthless opinions.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Worshiping those gods are the worship of demons.

Worship of any Gods, that are not your own personal interpretation of "God", is devil worship? You don't say? Man, I guess I have been so completely and utterly wrong all these years.
@Yes Just because you don't agree with it/it isn't Jesus/God, does not make it demon worship. Trust me, I know people who worship actual demons, this isn't the same thing. Especially not Hinduism (A religion much older then yours).

The Hammer

Premium Member
Get Jesus' teachings in the New Testament and obey the teachings, then you will find out if it is just all in my head or if it is God's Truth.

Otherwise, all you are doing is giving worthless opinions.

You're name calling again. "Worthless opinions" now now.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Worship of any Gods, that are not your own personal interpretation of "God", is devil worship? You don't say? Man, I guess I have been so completely and utterly wrong all these years.
@Yes Just because you don't agree with it/it isn't Jesus/God, does not make it demon worship. Trust me, I know people who worship actual demons, this isn't the same thing. Especially not Hinduism (A religion much older then yours).

I believe the Holy Bible.

The Hammer

Premium Member
I believe the Holy Bible.

I understand that, and I am ok with you having you own beliefs. What I am saying is going out of the way to say someone's opinion is worthless, that they are devil worshipers in disguise, and that they are lying treacherous hypocrites is unnecessary. You are allowed to have personal beliefs on what does and does not constitute true worship. But to berate others because they don't believe in what you do, is a little childish.

I am glad you have a religion you like and are willing to defend. But your attitude towards others kinda stinks. Yeah, I don't know you in real life, I am only going off of what I have seen in this thread.

The Hammer

Premium Member
All you do is go against the Holy Bible.

It's this attitude that creates extremists that are willing to kill non-believers for the "good of God". That is what scares me most about seeing people that hold these views. (I am not calling you a killer, or a terrorist, FYI. It's just an attitude comparison).


Be your own guru
Get Jesus' teachings from the New Testament and obey them, and then you will know.
Not me. Your God has already made me blind to his glory and hardened my heart. Why? I do not know. Perhaps you can explain how a loving God could do so? I am an confirmed strong atheist. I am even worse, not even worshiping demons. I am a complete goner.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
I understand that, and I am ok with you having you own beliefs. What I am saying is going out of the way to say someone's opinion is worthless, that they are devil worshipers in disguise, and that they are lying treacherous hypocrites is unnecessary. You are allowed to have personal beliefs on what does and does not constitute true worship. But to berate others because they don't believe in what you do, is a little childish.
You need to quote me exactly and in context. I do not do and say what you say I do. You are the one who tries to tell us about the Bible, when you do not have personal knowledge and experience about the Bible.
You put down Jesus, but you do not want me to tell you what Jesus says about people such as yourself.

I am glad you have a religion you like and are willing to defend. But your attitude towards others kinda stinks. Yeah, I don't know you in real life, I am only going off of what I have seen in this thread.
I care very little about what anyone thinks of me. You do not love and obey Jesus...how do you think your judgment of me is so important?


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Not me. Your God has already made me blind to his glory and hardened my heart. Why? I do not know. Perhaps you can explain how a loving God could do so? I am an confirmed strong atheist. I am even worse, not even worshiping demons. I am a complete goner.
You let yourself be hardened.

The Hammer

Premium Member
You need to quote me exactly and in context. I do not do and say what you say I do. You are the one who tries to tell us about the Bible, when you do not have personal knowledge and experience about the Bible.
You put down Jesus, but you do not want me to tell you what Jesus says about people such as yourself.

I care very little about what anyone thinks of me. You do not love and obey Jesus...how do you think your judgment of me is so important?

If you want exact quotes, then I want exact quotes on where I, ever, in this thread "put down Jesus". and what I mean by "put down" is say that he does not exist, is a fraud, or is unworthy of worship. Kay thanks.

You don't have to care about what I think of you, correct. I tried showing respect, and explaining that I do respect your views. Again, the only problem I have is your disrespect and intolerance of differing faiths.


Be your own guru
No, it was your God who spoiled my chances for heaven and would not let me see his glory.

John 12:40: New International Version
"He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn--and I would heal them."

2 Corinthians 4:4 New International Version
"The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."
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