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Your saved as soon as you accept jesus.


Get Jesus' teachings in the New Testament and obey the teachings, then you will find out if it is just all in my head or if it is God's Truth.

Otherwise, all you are doing is giving worthless opinions.
i am already living the teachings of the Gospel.
This is how i know that what you are teaching is false.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Satan and his angels were thrown down to earth. Satan knew the Messiah would come, and he made many copy-cat messiahs/gods, before Jesus came to earth in the flesh. When Satan came to earth, he made copy-cat stories, and promoted gods of stone and wood. These ‘gods’ are really demons, and believing in these gods is the worship of demons.

Many nations have these demonic gods. In Egypt, Isis is a goddess worshipped, as is her consort, the sun god Ra. Isis is the mother of many gods. She also had a son, Horus, who was called divine. One can study about the Norse Gods — Odin, Thor, Balder, Frey, Freya, and Loki; and, Hindu gods, and Greek gods.
We see in the Bible where people worshiped goat and calf idols. In the book of Ezekiel we read about the image of jealousy set up at the gate of the altar Ezekiel 8:5, and 6, to provoke God of Israel to anger.
1 Corinthians 10:20 No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be participants with demons.

Here, you mock my Gods and call them Demons.

You are a hypocrite. You just got through telling me not to think I know anything about you, and then you told me what I would say for the reason you stopped being a "Christian".

Here you call me a hypocrite.

It is your false opinion.

I thought God hated me and wanted nothing to do with me.

I am trying to show you the Truth.

Here you tell me my opinions are false (an impossibility based on the fact that opinions aren't wrong).

You are a dishonest person. You are rude too. You know the writings of your gods are not all the same and accurate.

You are deceitful, because YOU SAID you never felt love from Jesus. If you do not feel love, then you feel hatred.

You are a confused mess.

Here you throw more names: Dishonest (a liar), rude, deceitful, confused. That's a lot in one post.

As I said before, you are a rude and dishonest person, and majorly confused.

Again, calling me dishonest and rude.

You turned your attention towards another. That means you gave up on the One and only true God.

There are copycat gods.

Here you are calling my Gods fake.

I have experience and knowledge because the One in which you are speaking of says to know Him is after obeying Him.
You are merely giving worthless opinions.

Worshiping those gods are the worship of demons.

Here you are saying my opinion is worthless and that my Gods are really Demons.

YOU are the one attacking. You are the one claiming Jesus is false I am explaining to you that you are merely giving your worthless opinions of Jesus, because you have not obeyed Jesus and therefore have no experience and knowledge to speak of Jesus.

Again with the "worthless opinions".

I will not discuss with you because you are threatening me. I do not do what you accuse me of doing. You can say whatever lie you want about Jesus. You can say whatever lie you want about me. However, I will not continue to speak to you since you have threatened to report me. This might resort into this thread being closed.

Here you are saying I lie about Jesus, when I have not done any such thing. False accusations (Straw-man).

Just listen to your hypocrisy.[/B] You falsely judge others as you insult them. I have answered your questions. Go and reread them.

And here you are calling me a hypocrite again.

So in your words @Yes. I am a rude, confused, lying, dishonest, deceitful hypocrite, giving worthless opinions.
Who is attacking who here?
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Veteran Member
Goblin said:
i accept jesus, but not paul..
Then you reject the word of God, which is the same as rejecting God Himself.

No! ..that is not reasonable .. religion is a personal thing .. Almighty God knows who is sincere and who is not..

There are dozens of denominations of Abrahamic religion with varying interpretations of the Bible .. it's just your opinion .. Almighty God is the Best of All Judges! Amen


No! ..that is not reasonable .. religion is a personal thing .. Almighty God knows who is sincere and who is not..

There are dozens of denominations of Abrahamic religion with varying interpretations of the Bible .. it's just your opinion .. Almighty God is the Best of All Judges! Amen

God gives us the choice to reject or accept Him. Same goes for His word. That is the only personal thing about it. You get to decide. However, you don't get to pick and choose from His word, claiming some parts to be inspired and other parts not.

You reject His word, you reject Him!
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The Hammer

Premium Member
God gives us the choice to reject or accept Him. Same goes for His word. That is the only personal thing about it. You get to decide. However, you don't get to pick and choose from His word, claiming some parts to be inspired and other parts not.

You reject His word, you reject Him!

How is it decided between what is His literal word is, and what is the interpretation/misrepresentation of the men who authored the text(s)?
There are 30,000 denominations, are any one of them correct? If they are not, and I have to go purely by the bible only, how do I know I am not interpreting it wrong?


Relentlessly Rational
How is it that I am arguing "for popularity". By saying that yes people do these things, and yes these people need to be stopped?

It isn't religion driving these people to kill, it's a screwed up mind looking for an excuse. If not religion it will be something else. Extremism is a problem, of any sort, and it needs to be confronted and stopped.

It is a screwed up mind, but by providing these excuses in society, we're just helping them along. These people aren't getting the help they need because we've placed religion on a pedestal and crazy people hearing voices who claim it's God don't get the same help that crazy people hearing voices who claim it's a talking unicorn do. They're all equally crazy. Religion just provides cover that keeps them from being acknowledged as crazy.

The Hammer

Premium Member
It is a screwed up mind, but by providing these excuses in society, we're just helping them along. These people aren't getting the help they need because we've placed religion on a pedestal and crazy people hearing voices who claim it's God don't get the same help that crazy people hearing voices who claim it's a talking unicorn do. They're all equally crazy. Religion just provides cover that keeps them from being acknowledged as crazy.

I disagree. When one talks to God it's called prayer. When God talks back it's called a delusion. :)

I agree that these people may need help (some of them). But I refuse to lump any group, into a mass generalization.


Relentlessly Rational
No, that's not the reason .. the reason is mainly political.
There ARE dangers in life on this planet .. that's reality .. and they come from EVERY direction .. not just from someone who follows a religion, be it true or false.

When it comes to Islam, there's no difference between political and religious, it's all one big lump. Trying to blame politics instead of religion is ridiculous, there is no clear defining line between the two. Trying to say that there are lots of dangers so we should ignore this one is also ludicrous. We should pay attention to all of them and take care of them one by one.


Relentlessly Rational
I disagree. When one talks to God it's called prayer. When God talks back it's called a delusion. :)

I agree that these people may need help (some of them). But I refuse to lump any group, into a mass generalization.

When one talks to God, it's no different than talking to yourself. There are a lot of people who think their gods talk back. These people need help. Anyone who thinks they are talking to a god needs help. Children have imaginary friends. They grow out of it. Adults need to do the same thing with their imaginary gods.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
I get that accepting Jesus is a way of life and a daily thing. But my questions above still stand. Why only Jesus? I get it that you are Christian, so that is your way. But why that way?
Because that is what the Holy Bible says.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Here, you mock my Gods and call them Demons.

Here you call me a hypocrite.

Here you tell me my opinions are false (an impossibility based on the fact that opinions aren't wrong).

Here you throw more names: Dishonest (a liar), rude, deceitful, confused. That's a lot in one post.

Again, calling me dishonest and rude.

Here you are calling my Gods fake.

Here you are saying my opinion is worthless and that my Gods are really Demons.

Again with the "worthless opinions".

Here you are saying I lie about Jesus, when I have not done any such thing. False accusations (Straw-man).

And here you are calling me a hypocrite again.

So in your words @Yes. I am a rude, confused, lying, dishonest, deceitful hypocrite, giving worthless opinions.
Who is attacking who here?

I stand by everything that I said to you.

Just read how you speak to me:

"I don't care for your truths, for your "truths" are the falsehoods of many men."

"I get my answers directly from my Gods.
Not some book, corrupted by men, and interpreted by more men, and triple translated by even more"

"I know exactly what I am missing, and IMO, it isn't all that much."

"I know exactly what I am missing, and IMO, it isn't all that much.
Anytime you would like to know the truth about the real Allfather, let me know. I will help you on the path to true freedom."


Oh how I love the Word of God!
When one talks to God, it's no different than talking to yourself. There are a lot of people who think their gods talk back. These people need help. Anyone who thinks they are talking to a god needs help. Children have imaginary friends. They grow out of it. Adults need to do the same thing with their imaginary gods.
If I said that about anyone, the thread would be closed and I would get a warning.

Why is it that you can say that and nothing happen?


I don't believe you, because you said Satan was not real.

Can you explain to me what reality is please?
I'm not sure we are on the same page with our definitions.
In my reality neither your God nor your Satan exist.

There was a time in my life when i thought like a child and acted like a child.
I have since grown up.
The Gospel message has nothing to do with the current Christian Dogma.

While you may think you understand the Bible i see little evidence of it in your conduct.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Can you explain to me what reality is please?
I'm not sure we are on the same page with our definitions.
In my reality neither your God nor your Satan exist.

There was a time in my life when i thought like a child and acted like a child.
I have since grown up.
The Gospel message has nothing to do with the current Christian Dogma.

While you may think you understand the Bible i see little evidence of it in your conduct.

I know God.
I believe the Bible and obey Jesus.

If you do not obey Jesus' teachings, as given in the Holy Bible, then the Holy Bible says you are a liar and the truth is not in you.


Relentlessly Rational
If I said that about anyone, the thread would be closed and I would get a warning.

Why is it that you can say that and nothing happen?

Because when I say it, it's true. There isn't one shred of objective evidence whatsoever that any gods exist. People are talking to themselves. Those with mental problems are hearing responses. There's a whole religious industry worldwide dedicated to promoting religious belief, mostly for power and money. It doesn't matter how those beliefs make you feel, if they aren't actually true in demonstrable reality, then they are mere delusion.

Welcome to reality.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
No, it was your God who spoiled my chances for heaven and would not let me see his glory.

John 12:40: New International Version
"He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts, nor turn--and I would heal them."

That was about the Jews who did not have faith. They can be grafted back in if they do not persist in unbelief.

2 Corinthians 4:4 New International Version
"The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."
That is about Satan.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Because when I say it, it's true. There isn't one shred of objective evidence whatsoever that any gods exist. People are talking to themselves. Those with mental problems are hearing responses. There's a whole religious industry worldwide dedicated to promoting religious belief, mostly for power and money. It doesn't matter how those beliefs make you feel, if they aren't actually true in demonstrable reality, then they are mere delusion.

Welcome to reality.
I won't report you because I want us to all be able to discuss what we really believe.
However, it is not that way for everyone here, and it should be.


I know God.
I believe the Bible and obey Jesus.

If you do not obey Jesus' teachings, as given in the Holy Bible, then the Holy Bible says you are a liar and the truth is not in you.

You sound like the rich young ruler.
He said he had followed the Law all his life.
Yet he neither knew God, obeyed the Bible or Jesus.

The one thing you are lacking is the key of knowledge.
The kingdom of heaven is within you.
You will never find it outside of yourself.
The key has already been given to everyone and it cannot be taken away.
What kind of God would leave the key of heaven in the hands of someone like the Pope?
Or you?
I don't need your interpretation of anything to find my way into the kingdom.
So if You are interested in knowing how to find the key you have clearly lost, let me know.