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Your saved as soon as you accept jesus.


Veteran Member
When it comes to Islam, there's no difference between political and religious, it's all one big lump..

How on earth do you come to that conclusion?

Are you trying to tell me that Muslims in Saudia Arabia think the same as in USA as in UK as in Indonesia as in Pakistan etc. etc.

Not at all! You are mistaken..


Relentlessly Rational
I won't report you because I want us to all be able to discuss what we really believe.
However, it is not that way for everyone here, and it should be.

By all means, if you think it should be reported, report it. That's why the system is in place, after all.


Relentlessly Rational
Nonsense! That is just your perception/belief, not mine or others..

No, it has nothing to do with perception, it has to do with reality. If you disagree, provide *OBJECTIVE* evidence, not feelings, not faith, not dreams, not spiritual experiences, but things that anyone can examine independently of belief, and we'll see how well your religion does.

I predict you'll make some excuse for why you won't do it.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
You sound like the rich young ruler.
He said he had followed the Law all his life.
Yet he neither knew God, obeyed the Bible or Jesus.

The one thing you are lacking is the key of knowledge.
The kingdom of heaven is within you.
You will never find it outside of yourself.
The key has already been given to everyone and it cannot be taken away.
What kind of God would leave the key of heaven in the hands of someone like the Pope?
Or you?
I don't need your interpretation of anything to find my way into the kingdom.
So if You are interested in knowing how to find the key you have clearly lost, let me know.
You are wrong about the rich young ruler. You are wrong about me. You are wrong about the Holy Bible.

The Hammer

Premium Member
I stand by everything that I said to you.

Just read how you speak to me:

"I don't care for your truths, for your "truths" are the falsehoods of many men."

"I get my answers directly from my Gods.
Not some book, corrupted by men, and interpreted by more men, and triple translated by even more"

"I know exactly what I am missing, and IMO, it isn't all that much."

Anytime you would like to know the truth about the real Allfather, let me know. I will help you on the path to true freedom."

I used the term 'falsehoods' in conjunction with you calling my Gods demons/false and my views falsehood (respect given for respect received).

Yes, because you are basing your assumptions off a book that was written by several hundred people of several thousand years. I would be critical of it in your place, in fact I was critical of it for this reason. This is why there are multiple versions of the bible (KJV, NIV, ASV, CEB, ESV, etc) and 30,000 differing views on what is "true Christianity". I have more respect for them man who follows Jesus, but does not follow the Book.

I do know what I am missing, you claimed I did not; it's not anything special compared to any other religions promises, I was Christian at one point in time, we've discussed this.

Also my comment about the "Allfather" was a sarcastic attempt to get you to look in the mirror. I merely used your phrasing with one of my Gods.
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You are wrong about the rich young ruler. You are wrong about me. You are wrong about the Holy Bible.
I could say the same to you.
You cannot prove me wrong because it is all about belief for you.
Unfortunately you actually know very little.
Any belief that anyone holds must be let go of eventually or they do not grow.
You come here thinking that you know something about the Bible and yet you seem to know very little about yourself.

Where is the humility of Christ?
Where is the Justice and Mercy of your God?
Where is your empathy?

You come here saying you are obedient and then display just the opposite.

The Hammer

Premium Member
When one talks to God, it's no different than talking to yourself. There are a lot of people who think their gods talk back. These people need help. Anyone who thinks they are talking to a god needs help. Children have imaginary friends. They grow out of it. Adults need to do the same thing with their imaginary gods.

And that is your opinion :). We all have them.


If you want to be "saved" try this.

Philippians 2:12King James Version (KJV)
12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.


Active Member
Adam never existed. He doesn't have a hereditary line. You're probably referring to mitochondrial Adam, which is now the prevailing genetic code found in the mitochondria of most humans. However, Mitochondrial eve was not his partner, and likely didn't exist at the same time, and there were always about 1000 humans in existence in order to keep the gene pool diverse enough. Either way there was no such thing as Adam and Eve frolicking in a forest as the first humans.

And what is the energizing love mumbo jumbo? And energizing love leads to immortality because God is a life giving spirit? I fail to see how energizing love is relevant to immortality or how this makes sense what so ever.

We came from some where. We are able to affect others by the way we talk to them and this captures their mind to produce feelings within the body with emotions. Even own thoughts produce feelings within own body and emotions. One is fear and flight. This can be expressed in conversation as well.
Body language is read and this gives a perception in the thoughts and can determine how a person is spoken to. The person hearing will listen absorb and respond in a way that is probably already learned previously.

The self is empowered by the will with self belief, the personality, to place energy and emphasis with the spoken words. The belief is developed from life experience and is mostly learned responses but genetic and hereditary aspects of mutation and entropy with decay and degeneration also affect the way a person thinks.

Everyone is locked into a web of responses and reactions that cannot be extracted from.

The idea is that the mind can be changed if action is taken where although the body is aging and will die, the mind expresses from awareness and the self is pure. The nature is giving and demands nothing. This actually works. The Bible relates that if this is done on a continuing basis there will be an opportunity of immortality. That is the hope expressed.
That is the Kingdom of God and the Love of the Son Jesus.


Veteran Member
No, it has nothing to do with perception, it has to do with reality.

Ha ha, That's the whole point! Reality is only what you perceive it to be..

Just because you perceive reality as you do, does not mean that other people do.

You are entitled to your opinion of what 'reality' is, but that's all it is .. an opinion :)


Oh how I love the Word of God!
I get that, but explain it without the Bible. Because it is obvious that it is not something I agree with, why that way? Why this man? Why this Jesus?
I have been telling you the only way you can know for sure for yourself.

You have to get Jesus' teachings and obey them, and then you will know.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
I could say the same to you.
You cannot prove me wrong because it is all about belief for you.
Unfortunately you actually know very little.
Any belief that anyone holds must be let go of eventually or they do not grow.
You come here thinking that you know something about the Bible and yet you seem to know very little about yourself.

Where is the humility of Christ?
Where is the Justice and Mercy of your God?
Where is your empathy?

You come here saying you are obedient and then display just the opposite.
You are falsely judging me.

I am trying to help others to know God better.

That is love.

You are trying to tell me about the Bible; however, the Bible says you have to do what Jesus teaches in order to know about God and the Bible.

That does not mean you are doomed to hell. Why are you misjudging me for telling you what the Bible says?

You can humble yourself and then do what Jesus says, or you can harden your heart and throw insults at the Bible and at me.

It is up to you.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member

When Peter told the Jews on Pentecost that they had crucified Jesus, they were pierced to the heart. They asked,"What shall we do?"

Peter did not tell them to simply accept Jesus in their hearts. He told them to repent and be baptized. Those who belived were baptized and the Lord added 3000 souls to His church that day. Acts 2:36-47.

Jesus never called baptism a magic ceremony. He commanded we make disciples of all nations baptizing them. Matt. 28:18-20.

Matter of fact, Jesus said, "He who believes and is baptized shall be saved." Mark 16:16

Great. But no one who states the above has been consistent; namely, do you then think that all non-Christians are going to hell? Because if you don't, your opinion is contradictory.


Galatians 5:22-23New American Standard Bible (NASB)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
You are falsely judging me.

I am trying to help others to know God better.

That is love.

You are trying to tell me about the Bible; however, the Bible says you have to do what Jesus teaches in order to know about God and the Bible.

That does not mean you are doomed to hell. Why are you misjudging me for telling you what the Bible says?

You can humble yourself and then do what Jesus says, or you can harden your heart and throw insults at the Bible and at me.

It is up to you.

By what authority do you teach?
Jesus said not to be.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member


Jesus never called baptism a magic ceremony. He commanded we make disciples of all nations baptizing them. Matt. 28:18-20.
Matter of fact, Jesus said, "He who believes and is baptized shall be saved." Mark 16:16
This. Ok, so all non-Christians aren't saved then. ie going to hell. Right? Because you are saying there is a process they have to go through to be saved.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Galatians 5:22-23New American Standard Bible (NASB)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
You are an accuser of the brethren. That is all I can make out by this post you made to me.