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Your saved as soon as you accept jesus.


Relentlessly Rational
The word faith is, emun. Which has the meaning - established - trusty - trustworthiness -

and faithful - truth -
The truth is established in them, and this is my evidence, the truth is in me.

Deu 32:20 And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith.

Trust and evidence are not remotely the same. Do try again.


Wonder Woman
If someone shows you a photograph of them standing next to Bill Clinton, and you then believe that they met Bill Clinton at one time, can you then prove why you believe that to others when you don't have the photo? The evidence in question belongs to someone else. You were personally shown the proof of something, but you don't actually keep that evidence. It is theirs. You cannot pull it out of your pocket, you cannot duplicate it, it belongs to someone else.

So it goes for those whom claim that they have seen evidence of something they believe or have faith in when it comes to the spiritual. It is not something they can duplicate. It is not something they can just pull out or point to. They believe what they believe because they have seen or experienced something for themselves which causes them to believe. Now, you may say that it is all imagination, or delusion, that everyone who has ever had a spiritual belief is suffering from some mental disorder, but that certainly is not proven or provable either.


Active Member
Then present it for rational evaluation and testing. Where is this supposed evidence?

There is written evidence and this explains things existing. There is archeology showing that written evidence is of something real and helps to validate it.

There is the evidence of testimony as to what the belief in the sacrifice of Jesus does.


Relentlessly Rational
There is written evidence and this explains things existing. There is archeology showing that written evidence is of something real and helps to validate it.

There is the evidence of testimony as to what the belief in the sacrifice of Jesus does.

None of which is evidence, any more than the Harry Potter books are evidence that Voldemort is real. Evidence isn't simply claims and that's all you have. Evidence is objective and open to evaluation by anyone without requiring a belief that it's true beforehand. That's something you simply do not have.


Active Member
None of which is evidence, any more than the Harry Potter books are evidence that Voldemort is real. Evidence isn't simply claims and that's all you have. Evidence is objective and open to evaluation by anyone without requiring a belief that it's true beforehand. That's something you simply do not have.
You are not following along. There is now archeological evidence substantiating what was once said to be myth.


Relentlessly Rational
You are not following along. There is now archeological evidence substantiating what was once said to be myth.

And when that turns up, then it proves that one specific thing is not myth, not that all myths are true. This doesn't help you at all.


Relentlessly Rational
Oh well .. human beings must mostly be irrational then :)


Actually, they usually are. That doesn't mean they ought to be, or that they are forced to be, simply that they have not used their rational faculties to get past their emotional reactions. That most humans are irrational is nothing to be proud of, any more than the fact that most human being are racist or sexist or xenophobic. Those things might be part of our genetic makeup, that doesn't mean we don't have the ability to rationally move past them.


Active Member
And when that turns up, then it proves that one specific thing is not myth, not that all myths are true. This doesn't help you at all.

It all seems to be coming together.

Joseph Campbell was an interesting speaker and his television series the power of myth was an excellent program.
There are essentially myths in every direction. This is part of the natural minds playtime.
I believe we are standing on a real place and how it appears and how it got here has been turned into a myth by the godless.

2Co 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Rom 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

1Ti 1:5 Now the end of the commandment is Love out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:

The nature of Jesus must be found and God will energize the Love in that nature.


Active Member
You are aware that Joseph Campbell was an atheist, right?
It is a good program, and he presents his work well, because there are so many points raised. It is a while since it was viewed but from memory it did show the direction the natural man's mind went.
It gave examples to watch for. It applies to everyone not just some who think they are above making mythology.


Be your own guru
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Do what Jesus says.
Because of this blinding of the eyes and hardening of the heart I ask who is this God chap and who is this Jesus? I heard there was some trouble maker about 2100 years ago although there is no historical proof. Such trouble makers were dime a dozen in that area at that time and among the followers of that religion (just like the umpteen gurus in Hinduism). Was he born to an unwed girl? Not surprising with all the Roman soldiers roaming around. Jesus is supposed to have claimed to be the son of this God chap'? I have no interest in this God Chap or his ---- son. Why the hell I should follow this Jesus? I am capable of deciding my own action.
Jesus is God.
But God was supposed to be his father. Now you claim otherwise. What is all this humbug? How can I believe someone who mouths whatever comes to his mind. Who else also is God for you? I thought your's was a monotheist religion, but you are a polytheist, when your God clearly demanded that you only worship him and no other. You are not following even the precepts of your own religion! You are a sham. Am I wrong Isa?
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Active Member
Do we decide our own actions or is there a program that has trigger points. Are we our own masters or do the thoughts and dreams cause problems. Are there temptations presented and are they strong enough to capture the will.