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Your saved as soon as you accept jesus.


Istha gosthi
namaskaram luis ji

Namaskaram, Ratikala Ji.

Thanks for asking.

Belief is blind when it attempts to overcome known facts in order to justify harmful behavior.

As when it fuels anti-evolutionism and other forms of obscurantism.

As when it is used to justify injustice and violence based on ethnical differences.

As when it is used to justify repression of free thinking.

As when it becomes a weapon to be used against sexual minorities.

As when it is used to create power structures to give people privileges and wealth under false pretense.

Of course, perceiving and attempting to prevent and correct those distortions are not a privilege of the atheist. Everyone should do so, theists most of all.

if this is the case why then dosent an atheist just turn on injustice where ever it occurs regardless of any faith or political affiliation , why be Anti Theist , why not just stand up against all un ethical behavior ?

everything you list above is a failing of Human nature not just of religious bodies .....


Active Member
Salvation means to be healed - being saved or protected from harm or being saved or delivered from some dire situation.

The dire situation for mankind is an oppressive spiritual ruler who takes up lodgings in the deeper mind and determines how a person will act out in any situation. There are people who do impulsive uncharacteristic things all the time. There is something lurking in the mind that brings temptation and prompts.
An example is the teenager who sits in his room listening and absorbing isn't eating correctly and then takes a firearm kills and says voices in his head said to do it.
Teenagers are obviously under more pressure and problems surface. But adults are more set and controlled and have learned the skills to mask their true motives and agendas.

The collective human mind is bringing destruction to individuals and in mass. But we haven't seen any thing yet. With the weaponry available the world will be a different place in as little as one hour.

What does inspire the flawed personality and blind it from seeing its self the way others do and thinking it is right in own mind only.
To say there is no problem is the problem.


Wonder Woman
I had just gone back and reread these posts and realized something. I had my words twisted again and didn't even catch it. I just responded to what you said and it's been eating at me since that something was wrong and I couldn't figure it out until I went back and caught this.

I had said:
Yours, obviously, does not allow you to entertain the notion that you could be wrong and that it is not upon you to tell others what they should and should not believe or that they are "slaves to sin" and the like. Shame, because I truly think those are things you should probably learn in order to be just a little bit better in this world to others.

You only grasped on to the last line and twisted its meaning and responded with this:
You have a lot of nerve telling me what I should be ashamed for saying. How is it that you can say anything you want, but I cannot?

Thing is, I didn't actually say you should be "ashamed" of something you said. I said that it was a shame that you didn't realize the simple fact that you could be wrong and that foisting your beliefs upon others, telling them they are "slaves to sin" wasn't something you should do. That it was too bad because, if you were to learn those things you would most likely be better to other people in the world. Your life would be happier and so would others'. You didn't read what I wrote though, and take it for what it was, you twisted the words into meaning something else and then harped on me, accusing me of having some nerve telling you that you should be ashamed. You seem to want to look for victimization and me accusing you of things I haven't when you have been the one accusing me of things all along without knowing the first thing about my actual beliefs. You need to twist my words in order to do this. That is dishonest and underhanded. Hardly what a "Christian" should be according to many.


Active Member
To say a person is saved when Jesus is received is a misinterpretation and needs qualifying.
There is a process. First a person hears the words and the evidence of faith is apparent by how the heart responds. Water baptism and then the laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit must take place. A small seed and sample of the power of mind must occur otherwise what does a person base their faith on.
But it does not end there. This is where the Christian Church falls into error. They keep their own power and preach in a manner that is story telling only.

The self needs to be purified, the heart cleaned with some dedication. The nature of Jesus will cover depending on how far an individual can proceed and full access to the Sanctuary the Holy Place is possible. Perfection and Holiness are possible.

It is a process in the mind but God requires that the whole body is presented as a living Sacrifice


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
namaskaram luis ji

if this is the case why then dosent an atheist just turn on injustice where ever it occurs regardless of any faith or political affiliation ,

Why do you think we do not?

why be Anti Theist , why not just stand up against all un ethical behavior ?

We would have to check case by case. It may simply be easier, or more urgent, to focus on religious abuse. Or there may be personal vocations involved. Or maybe more of us do fight for ethics as a matter of fact, although that sure sounds pretentious even to me.

everything you list above is a failing of Human nature not just of religious bodies .....

Indeed. But religious bodies, much like, say, physicians, politicians or law enforcement personel, have greater influence and should be subject to higher standards than the average group of people.


Istha gosthi
Why do you think we do not?......

then become an anti imoralist , why single out Theists ???

...We would have to check case by case. It may simply be easier, or more urgent, to focus on religious abuse. ...

I canot help but find that this comment sounds some what selective ?

..... Or there may be personal vocations involved.

and what might they be ?

Or maybe more of us do fight for ethics as a matter of fact, although that sure sounds pretentious even to me.

and how many Christans also stand up for a just and equal world ?

Indeed. But religious bodies, much like, say, physicians, politicians or law enforcement personel, have greater influence and should be subject to higher standards than the average group of people.

to my mind each should be equaly responcible regardless of his or her position , and we should be self scrutinising that is our duty as human beings .


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
then become an anti imoralist , why single out Theists ???

I have just explained, but let me try again in a slightly different wording.

Why single out war, hunger, poverty or disease? Perhaps some people simply feel like it. Perhaps the circunstances make efforts in that direction more worthwhile. There is no single reason, and the reasons will definitely vary from one person to the next.

Also, we do not oppose theists. Anti-theism opposes theism, much in the same way as advaita opposes dvaita or capitalism opposes communism.

We do that because we sincerely believe that specific idea has become too big for anyone's good. Or maybe someone else has another motivation; that one is mine and I assume it to be a popular one.

I canot help but find that this comment sounds some what selective ?

May you put that in other words, please? I don't understand what you mean. I think I was quite straightforward and open and I don't mind elaborating if you want me to.

Unless you mean you expected us to have a (good?) reason to favor opposing theism over competing causes?

Truth is, we do not need any. We are entitled to just feel like it. Does that surprise you? Do you somehow disagree?

Do you perhaps expect theism to be a privileged belief for some reason?

I ask because your attitude suggests that you expect me to provide justification, and I sure do not see why any would be needed here. People can and should seek to do what they believe to be best. Justification is optional.

and what might they be ?

For instance, someone with a history of direct knowledge of abusive Christianity might find himself well-prepared to challenge preachers. Or sometimes it just happens. Vocations aren't often really explainable.

I take it that you have already chanced upon some of my explanations of how, if God exists, he must have no problem with the existence of atheists and anti-theists?

and how many Christans also stand up for a just and equal world ?

I do not know, of course.

If I had to guess, I would assume that a considerably lesser percentage as compared to atheists, and an even lesser one when compared to anti-theists.

We are, quite simply, better selected and better motivated overall. It is a circunstantial yet IMO significant advantage.

However, I fail to see why the comparison is even relevant. Do you feel a need to choose sides?

to my mind each should be equaly responcible regardless of his or her position , and we should be self scrutinising that is our duty as human beings .

Of course. But you, who so often claim to care about Buddhism, has certainly considered the consequences of Interdependent Origination.

We can not in good faith wash our hands off the mistakes of others. Even when we are not among those affected by them, which is often the case anyway.

Unchecked theism is dangerous and harmful, and the bottom line is that this single fact is all the justification that anti-theism needs to exist.

There are subtler benefits as well. Most obvious of all, in providing a challenge to theistic beliefs we encourage theists to reconsider and provide solidity to their theism - or sometimes even to realize that they are not truly theists after all, but rather just inherited expectations of theistic behavior. Self-acceptance is a good thing.

Atheism, by its turn, needs no justification at all. It is as solid and self-justified stance as they come.


Istha gosthi
namaskaram luis ji

I have just explained, but let me try again in a slightly different wording.

Why single out war, hunger, poverty or disease? Perhaps some people simply feel like it. Perhaps the circunstances make efforts in that direction more worthwhile. There is no single reason, and the reasons will definitely vary from one person to the next.

I too wish a solution to war , hunger , poverty and disease could be found but I do not feel that in all truth that theism a beleif in god can be blamed for all war , hunger , poverty or disease , ....it is the ignorance of mankind that is responcible if we are to reduce these terrible human sufferings we our selves need to become better human beings and as we are here in this thread discussing Jesus we are discussing Christian beleifs , ....you are against theistic beleif , ...and I am against ignorance, ..therefore to my mind to rid the world of Igniorance we need to allow theists to hold their beleifin God , to practice that faith and become better theist ,....in just the same way an agnostic should concentrate on ethics without the need for beleif , but neither should try to disturb the other . it is this sence of seperation , this sence of us and them which is the cause so much suffering .

Also, we do not oppose theists. Anti-theism opposes theism, much in the same way as advaita opposes dvaita or capitalism opposes communism.

either way same thing , ....what conserns me is the idea of being in opposition , blaming another for all the ills of the world , ..whereas in truth so many of these ills are cased by opposition it self , ...so remove the ideal of opposition ! let theist peacefully beleive .
after all the whole point of this thread is to get people to explore beleif , and many times it has been said that one must not just beleive and surrender to jesus but that one must live by his word . ...and his word was peacfull , he did not advocate war or the selfishness that is the cause of poverty , he advocated love , tollerance and sharing .

We do that because we sincerely believe that specific idea has become too big for anyone's good. Or maybe someone else has another motivation; that one is mine and I assume it to be a popular one.

but who are any one of us to decide what is best for another , ...if religion has become big then concentrate on making religion work better .

May you put that in other words, please? I don't understand what you mean. I think I was quite straightforward and open and I don't mind elaborating if you want me to.

the Idea that ....''It may simply be easier, or more urgent, to focus on religious abuse. ...

I am worried that there is a singling out of theists as if theists were the only abusers ?
whereas in truth the abusers are bad theists , they need to become better theists , ..destreoying their beleif in god wont stop them abusing if they have an abusive mentality .

Unless you mean you expected us to have a (good?) reason to favor opposing theism over competing causes?

ignorance and abusive behavior needs to be chalenged where ever it occurs not just within religion .

Truth is, we do not need any. We are entitled to just feel like it. Does that surprise you? Do you somehow disagree?

you may do as you wish , but unfortunatly I am not in agreement that it is wise to assume that theism it self is the root of all ignorance .

Do you perhaps expect theism to be a privileged belief for some reason?

there is no privilage , but there should be freedom to peacefilly beleive and discuss .

I ask because your attitude suggests that you expect me to provide justification, and I sure do not see why any would be needed here. People can and should seek to do what they believe to be best. Justification is optional.

you are free to choose to practice what you beleive is good for you ,providing that you harm no other in the process , ..but how can you choose to decide what is good for others .

for instance if I had a child , I would like it to be able to attend a faith school because I beleive that the child would be taught good moral and ethical behavior .

you might be against faith schools for your own child , ....but that should not mean that all faith schools should be removed .

For instance, someone with a history of direct knowledge of abusive Christianity might find himself well-prepared to challenge preachers. Or sometimes it just happens. Vocations aren't often really explainable.

this is a very delicate area and my heart goes out to the victim of abuse how ever or where ever it has happened , ...but the fight here is with ignorance not with God , the warped mind of an abuser will find a quiet place to hide whether there is religion or not ..it is not faith in god that causes an abuser to abuse , the abuser could equaly well hide in any institution he could hide as a preist or as a science master , ..if we are to ridd this world of devients we need to concentrate just on bing beter human beings , being observant and vigilant in all situations .

I am sorry I have to end here I will return to the remainder later, ...



Aura of atheification
Premium Member
@ratikala : I see there is a misunderstanding or two above.

I too wish a solution to war , hunger , poverty and disease could be found but I do not feel that in all truth that theism a beleif in god can be blamed for all war , hunger , poverty or disease ,

Nor do I. I was listing competing causes, not implying that one was the root cause for all others.

That said, opposing any or all of them is just as legitimate as opposing any others.

Also, you seem to be misunderstanding the goals of anti-theism, if this is any indication:

to my mind to rid the world of Igniorance we need to allow theists to hold their beleifin God , to practice that faith and become better theist ,....in just the same way an agnostic should concentrate on ethics without the need for beleif , but neither should try to disturb the other . it is this sence of seperation , this sence of us and them which is the cause so much suffering

Thanks for elaborating your worries so that this may be clarified.

First of all, anti-theism is not about disallowing beliefs. It is about challenging and discouraging them.

Or, equivalently, about allowing and removing the stigma of disbelief, and helping believers as a group to be indeed believers as opposed to rote repeaters of traditions they do not truly understand and respect.

The sense of separation is indeed worth of attention and doing something about. But I fail to see how hiding our objections to theism would help there.

Quite on the contrary, far as I can see it is through open discourse, and perhaps by no other means, that either perspective can attain the respect and trust of the other.

after all the whole point of this thread is to get people to explore beleif , and many times it has been said that one must not just beleive and surrender to jesus but that one must live by his word . ...and his word was peacfull , he did not advocate war or the selfishness that is the cause of poverty , he advocated love , tollerance and sharing .

That may well be.

However, it is still a painfully clear fact that belief in Jesus specifically or in God generally suits itself far too easily to self-justification of many harmful behaviors.

Far too many wars have, in fact, had both sides claim that God was on their side.

Slavers, oppressors, murderers... all of those groups have no shortage of people who somehow manage to convince themselves that their belief in God justifies or evidences the righteousness of their behavior.

Even worse is that not all abuse of theism is blatant and obvious. We should not simply attempt to ignore the fact that there are people who have convinced themselves that God wants them to lie to, mislead or abuse their own relatives or people who trust them, for instance.

Belief in God is a powerful motivator, and one that is often assumed or simply claimed to be inherently safe, when it is anything but. Surely that is reason enough to remind everyone openly and often of the dangers involved.

We do that because we sincerely believe that specific idea has become too big for anyone's good. Or maybe someone else has another motivation; that one is mine and I assume it to be a popular one.

but who are any one of us to decide what is best for another ,

We are all people ensnared in the net of causes and consequences, and that means that we all do, in fact, hold a lot of responsibility over everyone else, albeit sometimes more directly than in other cases. That, I feel safe in saying, has as a consequences that all of us can and in fact must attempt to learn what is best for others.

You speak as if we needed some sort of special justification, and such is not the case. Other people's well-being is a basic interest of everyone.

...if religion has become big then concentrate on making religion work better .

Right you are. As it turns out, making religion work better seems to me to be a goal best pursued by reminding people to question theism, its validity and its emphasis. Perhaps at some point in history there will be better ways of attempting to make religion work better, but right now that is the one I see.

for instance if I had a child , I would like it to be able to attend a faith school because I beleive that the child would be taught good moral and ethical behavior .

Do you think I oppose that?

you might be against faith schools for your own child , ....but that should not mean that all faith schools should be removed .

Again, right you are. I am not advocating their removal.

Truth be told, I am not even troubled by my own experience with a faith school (I studied in one for a number of years).

One of the reasons why I have fond memories of that time is because that specific school was wise enough to focus on actual quality teaching and did not attempt to justify or excuse much by invoking God or the belief in God. I wish more schools emulated that example.


Well-Known Member
@ratikala : I see there is a misunderstanding or two above.

Nor do I. I was listing competing causes, not implying that one was the root cause for all others.

That said, opposing any or all of them is just as legitimate as opposing any others.

Also, you seem to be misunderstanding the goals of anti-theism, if this is any indication:

Thanks for elaborating your worries so that this may be clarified.

First of all, anti-theism is not about disallowing beliefs. It is about challenging and discouraging them.

Or, equivalently, about allowing and removing the stigma of disbelief, and helping believers as a group to be indeed believers as opposed to rote repeaters of traditions they do not truly understand and respect.

The sense of separation is indeed worth of attention and doing something about. But I fail to see how hiding our objections to theism would help there.

Quite on the contrary, far as I can see it is through open discourse, and perhaps by no other means, that either perspective can attain the respect and trust of the other.

That may well be.

However, it is still a painfully clear fact that belief in Jesus specifically or in God generally suits itself far too easily to self-justification of many harmful behaviors.

Far too many wars have, in fact, had both sides claim that God was on their side.

Slavers, oppressors, murderers... all of those groups have no shortage of people who somehow manage to convince themselves that their belief in God justifies or evidences the righteousness of their behavior.

Even worse is that not all abuse of theism is blatant and obvious. We should not simply attempt to ignore the fact that there are people who have convinced themselves that God wants them to lie to, mislead or abuse their own relatives or people who trust them, for instance.

Belief in God is a powerful motivator, and one that is often assumed or simply claimed to be inherently safe, when it is anything but. Surely that is reason enough to remind everyone openly and often of the dangers involved.

We are all people ensnared in the net of causes and consequences, and that means that we all do, in fact, hold a lot of responsibility over everyone else, albeit sometimes more directly than in other cases. That, I feel safe in saying, has as a consequences that all of us can and in fact must attempt to learn what is best for others.

You speak as if we needed some sort of special justification, and such is not the case. Other people's well-being is a basic interest of everyone.

Right you are. As it turns out, making religion work better seems to me to be a goal best pursued by reminding people to question theism, its validity and its emphasis. Perhaps at some point in history there will be better ways of attempting to make religion work better, but right now that is the one I see.

Do you think I oppose that?

Again, right you are. I am not advocating their removal.

Truth be told, I am not even troubled by my own experience with a faith school (I studied in one for a number of years).

One of the reasons why I have fond memories of that time is because that specific school was wise enough to focus on actual quality teaching and did not attempt to justify or excuse much by invoking God or the belief in God. I wish more schools emulated that example.

Are you kidding --Jesus gave all the solution---LOVE----they refuse and give---HATE.


Salvation is a gift from God, yet not all people will attain it. God’s Son, Jesus, said: “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.”—Matthew 7:21.

From the following text it appears that it is not a situation of "once saved...always saved".

Matt. 24:13, RS: “He who endures to the end will be saved.”

So a person’s final salvation is not determined at the moment that he begins to put faith in Jesus.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
To say a person is saved when Jesus is received is a misinterpretation and needs qualifying.
There is a process. First a person hears the words and the evidence of faith is apparent by how the heart responds. Water baptism and then the laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit must take place. A small seed and sample of the power of mind must occur otherwise what does a person base their faith on.
But it does not end there. This is where the Christian Church falls into error. They keep their own power and preach in a manner that is story telling only.

The self needs to be purified, the heart cleaned with some dedication. The nature of Jesus will cover depending on how far an individual can proceed and full access to the Sanctuary the Holy Place is possible. Perfection and Holiness are possible.

It is a process in the mind but God requires that the whole body is presented as a living Sacrifice
Although I agree the church is in error, i'm a staunch anti-Baptist. Don't think being dunked in water 'does' anything. In fact, 'magic ritual' there comes darn close.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Salvation is a gift from God, yet not all people will attain it. God’s Son, Jesus, said: “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.”—Matthew 7:21.

From the following text it appears that it is not a situation of "once saved...always saved".

Matt. 24:13, RS: “He who endures to the end will be saved.”

So a person’s final salvation is not determined at the moment that he begins to put faith in Jesus.
This is interesting. You are saying someone is saved by accepting Jesus, then immediately say, well, not really. It either is, or isn't meaningful to accept' Jesus. If it's just a figure of speech, then it has no real menaing. I'm not big on '''''metaphor magic''''''


If you notice, it reads as once an individual accepts Jesus, it is vital for that one to continue doing the will of the Father just as Jesus did. For example...the nation of Israel was God's chosen people but when they continuously deviated from pure worship they lost God's favor. That nation was replaced with spiritual Israel as God's chosen nation.
Matthew 21:42,43
Jesus said to them: “Did you never read in the Scriptures, ‘The stone that the builders rejected, this has become the chief cornerstone. This has come from Jehovah, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? 43 This is why I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
The hearts being lead by the spirit of antichrist--and return evil for evil. and throw Jesus truths in the garbage to accomplish it. --this world runs on--pre meditated--return evil for evil.

Bad people in general, then?


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Salvation is a gift from God, yet not all people will attain it. God’s Son, Jesus, said: “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.”—Matthew 7:21.

From the following text it appears that it is not a situation of "once saved...always saved".

Matt. 24:13, RS: “He who endures to the end will be saved.”

So a person’s final salvation is not determined at the moment that he begins to put faith in Jesus.

The Bible says we are saved, see Romans 8:24, Acts 16:31, and Ephesians 2:5–8, it also says we are being saved, see 1 Corinthians 1:8, 2 Corinthians 2:15, Romans 8:13,and Philippians 2:12. We are living our new life of salvation, Romans 6:4, and we have assurance that we will be saved, 2 Cor 1:22; Eph 1:14, Romans 5:9–10, Romans 13:11, Titus 2:12, 13,1 Corinthians 3:12–15, and Hebrews 9:28.

We can be saved in this world now, and we can be saved when Jesus comes again.