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Your saved as soon as you accept jesus.


Veteran Member
This is in direct contradiction to Carl Sagan so you must be wrong.

Forget Carl Sagan ..

'disciple' is right and wrong.

It's about sincerity .. if you accept Jesus is telling the truth (in the Bible), this should lead to modified behaviour. If it does, then you might say "you are saved" .. if it doesn't, then you are not..

Will that do, sir? Could 'Carl Sagan' understand that? ;)


Istha gosthi
namaskaram Lyndon ji

jai jai , ...to like this post is insuficent , .....thank you so much, ...it is like the sweet music of the Gandhavas , .....

One of the most important teachings of the Buddha is to practice compassion, to be non hateful, and kind, caring for people, the highest teaching is to not only perceive the emptiness(Which is called Tao or God)

jai jai , ..yes we have many names for the Supreme Primordial Being , the Adi Buddha , ..Samantabhadra , Vairocana , Vajradhara....who is ''the emptiness which speaks ''....
but here the emptiness speak to you, revealing the true nature of reality.

I, Vairocana Buddha sit upon a lotus pedestal;
On a thousand flowers surrounding me
sit a thousand Sakyamuni Buddhas.
Each flower supports a hundred million worlds;
in each world a Sakyamuni Buddha appears.
All are seated beneath a Bodhi-tree,
all simultaneously attain Buddhahood.
All these innumerable Buddhas have Vairocana as their original body.

Brahmajala Sutra​

Buddhism is a strongly Theistic religion, but it believes in Polytheism too,

unfortunatly I think it is just the term theistic being that it it is greek in origin which causes confusion , ....

Most Buddhists today, especially the western ones on internet forums, will tell you that the Buddha is not God, there is no God in buddhism, why, because they do not understand, they are beginning meditators, that have never realized the emptiness, have no idea what the emptiness is, and do not realize by slandering God, they are slandering the emptiness, the source of all the Buddha's truths. These ignorant Buddhists will tell you emptiness means empty, nothing, ABSOLUTELY WRONG:

there is no god in western buddhism purely because western budhists on the whole are not looking for God infact on the whole they are trying to escape god .....

not realising the Dharmakaya to be the truth body of the Buddha , ...
sadly yes, I have taken plenty of bashing here for daring to glorify the Dharmakaya as an entity in it's own right , ...sadly this slander as you call it to me is an apradha , ....it sadens me greatly .

Emptiness means empty of Physical form, invisible, just as the Jewish and Muslim religion teach us about God, God is invisible, its clearly started in their scriptures, God-the emptiness is not a being like the man Jesus, his embodiment, God the emptiness is a spiritual force,without physical form: You can never see God, but through years of prayers and meditations you can hear God, and that is where you begin to approach a perfect state of nibbana, where your suffering is gone because the emptiness has saved you from it.......

jai jai , ..the word 'incomprehensable' springs to mind , ...all pervasive ....omnipresent , omnipotent and omnipient , ....yet residing in the heart ....

jai jai all glories to you , ...I shall have a wonderfull day now , ...knowing that I am not entirely mad ......

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Forget Carl Sagan ..

'disciple' is right and wrong.

It's about sincerity .. if you accept Jesus is telling the truth (in the Bible), this should lead to modified behaviour. If it does, then you might say "you are saved" .. if it doesn't, then you are not..

Will that do, sir? Could 'Carl Sagan' understand that? ;)
Carl Sagan was sent here by the not-god who is both all powerful and non-existent sometimes revealing himself to the most worthy of Atheists as a flying spaghetti monster as it is well documented in this book that I made up but have not actually written. Carl Sagan is the chiefest of all holders of the atheist primacy and the one to show us the light and the way. Several others have come after him but none as great as he. Hitchens was the great destroyer who smashes religion with his mighty drunken hands while Dawkins cracks the whip. Harris is the prophet of things to come and Krauss relays the message.

They all work till Sagan rises again as the great Neil Degrasse Tyson and his mighty sidekick Bill Nye. And so it was tweeted and posted on Reddit.


To Yes....
I appreciated that you use the word "can" when speaking of being saved. It is God’s merciful desire that all of Adam’s offspring repent, and he has generously made provision for forgiveness of the sins of those who do. But he does not force anyone to accept that provision. Matt. 7:13, 14, RS: “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”

Heb. 10:26, 27, RS: “If we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries.” Thus the Bible does not go along with the idea that no matter what sins a person may commit after he is “saved” he will not lose his salvation. It encourages faithfulness.

Just to clarify...the lake of fire is a symbolic place that “burns with fire and sulfur,” also described as “the second death.” Unrepentant sinners, the Devil, and even death and the Grave (or, Hades) are thrown into it. Including a spirit creature and also death and Hades, all of which cannot be affected by fire, indicates that this lake is a symbol, not of everlasting torment, but of everlasting destruction.—Re 19:20; 20:14, 15; 21:8 NWT

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
People think there is some process to go through, but it isn't the case. All one has to do is accept Jesus, and their saved. No magic ceremonies required.


One can't just have faith and be saved. That's like my about to fall of the cliff and someone is reaching out to help me, but by my faith I am saved so I fall without grabbing his hand. I had to make an "action" and attempt to grab onto him to be saved from falling. Faith and deeds go hand in hand. Rituals and ceremonies compliments the faith.

For example, baptism. We can't be baptized just by standing still. Jesus was baptized in water. Shouldn't Christians? If we are following His example, shouldn't we "do what He did" as well? Why just follow His words and not His actions?

I hope you're not talking about the Catholic Church because they have beautiful "rituals" that nurtures one's faith in Christ.

All one has to do is two things, accept Jesus And Follow Him. You can't be "saved" or converted by just standing still with faith and you can't be saved by doing what Jesus said without believing who He is. They work together.


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
How do you combine witchcraft, with your Catholic faith, Carlita??


Oh how I love the Word of God!
To Yes....
I appreciated that you use the word "can" when speaking of being saved. It is God’s merciful desire that all of Adam’s offspring repent, and he has generously made provision for forgiveness of the sins of those who do. But he does not force anyone to accept that provision. Matt. 7:13, 14, RS: “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”

Heb. 10:26, 27, RS: “If we sin deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful prospect of judgment, and a fury of fire which will consume the adversaries.” Thus the Bible does not go along with the idea that no matter what sins a person may commit after he is “saved” he will not lose his salvation. It encourages faithfulness.

Just to clarify...the lake of fire is a symbolic place that “burns with fire and sulfur,” also described as “the second death.” Unrepentant sinners, the Devil, and even death and the Grave (or, Hades) are thrown into it. Including a spirit creature and also death and Hades, all of which cannot be affected by fire, indicates that this lake is a symbol, not of everlasting torment, but of everlasting destruction.—Re 19:20; 20:14, 15; 21:8 NWT
It sounds as if we have the same beliefs, except for the fact that you reference the NWT. I hope that we can discuss more about that. As for the lake of fire, I do not think the lake of fire is symbolic. I believe the lake of fire is a real place.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
You've not accepted him untill you accept his teachings in Matt, Mark and Luke; if you follow John, Paul and Simon the Stone (Petros), then you've clearly not accepted him. :innocent:


It sounds as if we have the same beliefs, except for the fact that you reference the NWT. I hope that we can discuss more about that. As for the lake of fire, I do not think the lake of fire is symbolic. I believe the lake of fire is a real place.

What are your scriptural references to support the lake of fire as literal please?


Oh how I love the Word of God!
What are your scriptural references to support the lake of fire as literal please?
Jesus described hell as an unquenchable fire(Matthew 3:12), a place of eternal fire,(Matthew 25:41) eternal punishment(Matthew 25:46), and as a place of torment, fire, and agony(Luke 16:23-24). Jesus taught specifically about hell many times in His ministry (Matthew 5:22, 29-30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15,33; Mark 9:43-47; Luke 12:6; 16:23).


Yes Jesus did refer to eternal fire and punishment....but what was he referring to?

Revelation 20:14
14 And death and the Grave were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire.

“The lake” mentioned here is symbolic, since death and hell (Hades) that are thrown into it cannot literally be burned. “This [lake of fire] means the second death”. A death from which there is no hope of coming back to life.

The lake of fire has a meaning similar to that of “the fiery Gehenna” that Jesus spoke of. (Matthew 5:22; Mark 9:47, 48) Gehenna refers to the valley of Hinnom, outside the walls of Jerusalem. When Jesus was on earth, this valley was used as a garbage dump, “where the dead bodies of criminals, and the carcasses of animals, and every other kind of filth was cast.” (Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible) The fires were kept burning by adding sulfur to burn up the refuse. Jesus used that valley as a fitting symbol of everlasting destruction...annihilation.

Revelation 20:10 says that the Devil will be cast into “the lake of fire” and “tormented day and night for ever and ever.” (King James Version) If the Devil were to be tortured for all eternity, God would have to preserve him alive, but the Bible says that Jesus will “destroy him.” In the Bible the word "torment" also refers to "restrained".


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Yes Jesus did refer to eternal fire and punishment....but what was he referring to?

Revelation 20:14
14 And death and the Grave were hurled into the lake of fire. This means the second death, the lake of fire.

“The lake” mentioned here is symbolic, since death and hell (Hades) that are thrown into it cannot literally be burned. “This [lake of fire] means the second death”. A death from which there is no hope of coming back to life.

The lake of fire has a meaning similar to that of “the fiery Gehenna” that Jesus spoke of. (Matthew 5:22; Mark 9:47, 48) Gehenna refers to the valley of Hinnom, outside the walls of Jerusalem. When Jesus was on earth, this valley was used as a garbage dump, “where the dead bodies of criminals, and the carcasses of animals, and every other kind of filth was cast.” (Smith’s Dictionary of the Bible) The fires were kept burning by adding sulfur to burn up the refuse. Jesus used that valley as a fitting symbol of everlasting destruction...annihilation.

Revelation 20:10 says that the Devil will be cast into “the lake of fire” and “tormented day and night for ever and ever.” (King James Version) If the Devil were to be tortured for all eternity, God would have to preserve him alive, but the Bible says that Jesus will “destroy him.” In the Bible the word "torment" also refers to "restrained".
You have not disproved hell/prison, or the lake of fire


Wonder Woman
I love watching/hearing when Christians disagree with each other over interpretations of the Bible. Over basic beliefs. This is exactly why there are so many denominations of Christianity. Even Christians can't agree on what the Bible really means and yet they seemed so surprised that there are people that don't believe in it. You guys can't even figure out amongst you what it is you are supposed to believe within it, why on Earth wouldn't others have issues with it? You can't even agree on what it is that we are supposed to believe because you can't agree on what to believe. Pretty much nearly every passage of that book can be interpreted in a different way and each denomination has its own way of looking at it and each thinks they are right and none will admit that it is a solely "believe what makes sense to you" issue, not a "this is the Word of God" issue. That's quite obvious because no one can really agree what actually is the "Word of God".


Active Member
Salvation, being saved is a process.
A word is heard and the person is baptized in water for the remission of the penalty of sins.
Laying on of hands for a deposit of what is to come.
progress to the fulness of Christ as a consciousness or renewed mind.
Perfection and holiness in the nature of Jesus.


Active Member
The word is an energized word that reaches the heart or center of being. An impure human who preaches usually provokes criticism because their personality is in question. To sit for an hour listening to such a person is problematic.

But if a sense of purity comes with the message and it for one moment cleans the one listening the response is then toward God.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
I love watching/hearing when Christians disagree with each other over interpretations of the Bible. Over basic beliefs. This is exactly why there are so many denominations of Christianity. Even Christians can't agree on what the Bible really means and yet they seemed so surprised that there are people that don't believe in it. You guys can't even figure out amongst you what it is you are supposed to believe within it, why on Earth wouldn't others have issues with it? You can't even agree on what it is that we are supposed to believe because you can't agree on what to believe. Pretty much nearly every passage of that book can be interpreted in a different way and each denomination has its own way of looking at it and each thinks they are right and none will admit that it is a solely "believe what makes sense to you" issue, not a "this is the Word of God" issue. That's quite obvious because no one can really agree what actually is the "Word of God".
Most of the major religions are like that.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
I love watching/hearing when Christians disagree with each other over interpretations of the Bible. Over basic beliefs. This is exactly why there are so many denominations of Christianity. Even Christians can't agree on what the Bible really means and yet they seemed so surprised that there are people that don't believe in it. You guys can't even figure out amongst you what it is you are supposed to believe within it, why on Earth wouldn't others have issues with it? You can't even agree on what it is that we are supposed to believe because you can't agree on what to believe. Pretty much nearly every passage of that book can be interpreted in a different way and each denomination has its own way of looking at it and each thinks they are right and none will admit that it is a solely "believe what makes sense to you" issue, not a "this is the Word of God" issue. That's quite obvious because no one can really agree what actually is the "Word of God".
Satan ensnares people to believe and teach falseness.

If you want to know Jesus, then you must first do what he says to do, and that is to get his teachings and obey them.


Oh how I love the Word of God!
Salvation, being saved is a process.
A word is heard and the person is baptized in water for the remission of the penalty of sins.
Laying on of hands for a deposit of what is to come.
progress to the fulness of Christ as a consciousness or renewed mind.
Perfection and holiness in the nature of Jesus.
Jesus laid His hands on many of those he healed; however, he could heal without laying his hands on people. Scripture tells of when Jesus was nowhere near the area of the servant of the centurion when he healed him. See Matthew 8:8.