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Your view on abortion. Atheist welcome.


Well-Known Member
And there are tons of foster parents out there

And there are thousands upon thousands of more children. You can't seriously think that there are foster parents for every child that needs adopting, and furthermore, even if you did, you DO realize that a fosterparent is completely different from an adoptive parent, right? One keeps you forever, the other keeps you until they can't bother with you anymore and ship you off to another foster home, where your new foster parents there couldn't give a **** about you either.

Is most cases, darling, when you're a foster child, you're a paycheck and nothing more. Now THAT is definitely the life I'd want a child to live. Knowing that their mother gave them up, and no one loves them, no one really wants them, and then finally, they'll just get lost in the system. That SURE IS a great life you've got going for all these children you're trying to save, Leah.


Active Member
Wow, even I've got to chime in on this line.

Really? You really believe that finding a loving, caring family to adopt your child isn't hard to find? You're incredibly naive then, darling.

Why don't you go and talk to all the children that have spent their lives moving from foster home to foster home because there's NO ONE to take them? Or maybe talk to those who have been adopted, but alas, adopted by parents who beat and molest them and really only took them in for that extra amount on the welfare check.

Before you make claims like this one, let yourself grow up a little and actually see the world for what it is, Leah. It's time to take off those rose-colored glasses.
Please do not assume that I think people are all little bubbly, happy, goody-good Gods.
I don't trust anyone for anything and I see evil in everyone, including myself. If someone left it up to me to chose who is good and who isn't, you'd have a very, very short list of people. I have my faults, but one thing I am not is ignorant about how the world works. I am a good judge of people's character and I am rarely wrong.
I would never chose death over a bad parent, though. Because I've seen the amazing people those children can become - some of the best even, in my opinion, because the more you go through, the more you'll learn about life.


Admiral Obvious
And there are thousands upon thousands of more children. You can't seriously think that there are foster parents for every child that needs adopting, and furthermore, even if you did, you DO realize that a fosterparent is completely different from an adoptive parent, right? One keeps you forever, the other keeps you until they can't bother with you anymore and ship you off to another foster home, where your new foster parents there couldn't give a **** about you either.

Is most cases, darling, when you're a foster child, you're a paycheck and nothing more. Now THAT is definitely the life I'd want a child to live. Knowing that their mother gave them up, and no one loves them, no one really wants them, and then finally, they'll just get lost in the system. That SURE IS a great life you've got going for all these children you're trying to save, Leah.
It is merely furthering the point made by George Carlin:
Pre-birth: We are behind you 110%
preschool: **** YOU! You're on your own!!


Depends Upon My Mood..
For those who are interested in an update on the above story:
Amillia Taylor Turns 1!!

Well Im glad she is doing fine.And I hope people respect the wishes of the parents to not use her as an anti-abortion poster child.Thats sad that the police have to intervene.Those people arent the ones that saved her..take care of her and love her and will for a long long time.


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Active Member

The fact that it is a HUMAN sperm that fertilizes a HUMAN egg is what makes it HUMAN.
And to take it a step further...It is a LIVING HUMAN sperm that fertilizes a LIVING HUMAN egg.
Wait, so you think its human even in the womb? Maybe there's too many people here, but I don't remember you agreeing that...?


Well-Known Member
So, instead of a quick death, you'd choose for a child to be tortured all it's life?

That is CERTAINLY more humane.

You're a little sadistic, if you ask me, Leah.

Bah, who cares if their parents molest them and beat them and torture them. No problem, there might be a chance they'll turn out to be good people!


Admiral Obvious
Wait, so you think its human even in the womb? Maybe there's too many people here, but I don't remember you agreeing that...?
What the hell else would it be but human?
Is it at some time a dog, or an armadillo, then at a certain point *poof* it is suddenly human?


Well-Known Member
What the hell else would it be but human?
Is it at some time a dog, or an armadillo, then at a certain point *poof* it is suddenly human?

Sadly, I just fruballed you, so I cannot do so again. *Snicker* I wish I could though. I'll owe ya one.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Please do not assume that I think people are all little bubbly, happy, goody-good Gods.
I don't trust anyone for anything and I see evil in everyone, including myself. If someone left it up to me to chose who is good and who isn't, you'd have a very, very short list of people. I have my faults, but one thing I am not is ignorant about how the world works. I am a good judge of people's character and I am rarely wrong.
I would never chose death over a bad parent, though. Because I've seen the amazing people those children can become - some of the best even, in my opinion, because the more you go through, the more you'll learn about life.

So what your saying is that a child needs to born ..and suffer..and "go through " more in childhood so you can be "amazed" if they survive it all and become "some of the best" in your opinion?

And that is what gives you the inspiration to encourage and be a spokesperson for more children to be born and go through hell ?




Active Member
Then why are they not adopting?
Perhaps you need to actually research it...
This point does not matter to me though. The number of children without parents/in bad family situations/etc. does not change the fact that I think abortion isn't the solution.


Admiral Obvious
Umm, I wasn't trying to be rude -_-
Most people here do not think it is human until it is outside the womb.
WHo has made that claim?
I have read the whole thread and not found even one claim that it was not human.
Perhaps I missed it.
What post was said claim made in?