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Your view on abortion. Atheist welcome.


Depends Upon My Mood..
When did I choose to not believe you?
Or are we going back to that post where I flat out stated you would try this tactic?

Probably..Just like she accused me of calling her a liar that I "doubted" at 16 she would remain "faithful" for the rest of her life to her now boyfriend if he died tomorow.

She said.."you just arent me" and accused me of caling her a liar..

Im wondering how many times she has been to disney world..Or how many years she wishes she had..




Well-Known Member
Fair enough. But then Storm and Mestamia would seem like children to you, too, then.
There are many differences between Mestemia and Storm's debating styles and your's, Leah. You keep trying to pin insults on me, and I'm not insulting you in the least. I answered you honestly. It is no fault of my own that you choose to continue to live on inside your dreamworld and believe that you are right and the rest of us are lying.

More assumptions? When will the end? When will you start arguing what you really know and not what you think is true about me?
You asked me what age I thought you were, did you not? I answered truthfully, as did Mestemia. The fact that you did not like our answers does not render them untruthful. However, the fact that you automatically render them unbelievable, simply because you are not happy with them, makes our assumptions of your age even more plausible because that IS what children do.

I was a child, I have a child. When you're young, you believe you are infallible and everyone else has no idea what they are talking about. <----this sentence is automatically proved to encompass you as well when you automatically stated "Hurumph, I don't believe you *arms crossed*" in response to our honest answers to your question.

Ahh so then you've never told someone that didn't believe them before?
Of course not. That would be childish, and you are not a child.

Actually, I have. When I was a child.


Admiral Obvious
If you wouldn't have done it to me, I probably wouldn't have said anything, at the risk of looking like a b____..
And yet again you do not answer the question....

Though I suspect it is this post you are basing your flat out false accusation on:
Interesting the bold statements that are made when it cannot be done.
Such statements mean little in discussion (unless you are talking to the choir) because it is a "safe" statement.

Now I realize that you are going to try and jump all over me with something about me calling you a liar or that I think you are being untruthful, etc.
But the fact is that such statements are worthless unless you are preaching to the choir.
And if you are preaching to the choir, what statements aren't worthless?

Whether you are being honest with said statement is absolutely irrelevant because you can never be taken to task.
Care to try again?


Active Member
Probably..Just like she accused me of calling her a liar that I "doubted" at 16 she would remain "faithful" for the rest of her life to her now boyfriend if he died tomorow.

She said.."you just arent me" and accused me of caling her a liar..

Im wondering how many times she has been to disney world..Or how many years she wishes she had..


Awww yes yes yes I just love Disney World so much.
And I watch SpongeBob, Gossip Girl, The OC, MTV
Spend all day on Myspace and on the phone
I go to parties every weekend and drink til I pass out
I think the whole world is made of rainbows and I want to be a movie star
Miley Cyrus is going to be my BFF
And I'm going to marry Orlando Bloom. Or maybe Johnny Depp

Wow. I think I'd shoot myself if I had to live like that.
Though Disney does have nice roller coasters...


Depends Upon My Mood..
And you got it and didn't like it.
I'm not as unfair as you take me for.
If he would have said he thought I was 40, for instance, I would have still said I didn't believe him.

I think you are wanting to be older than you are..in wisdom...while citing your youth..

Sweetie..you can not rush life ...things you have not experienced you can not speak to in "imagination" when you have 16 years behind you..NO way..

Myabe you could speak to how it would have been not to be an only child if you are..or to have been one if you arent..or had parents together that arent..or parents apart that still are..

But unless you have been to combat war? YOu have so little experience in life that Im sorry you dont know what you are talkign about..Your "convictions" for your future are honorable..But you are in ZERO position to lecture or state any "abosolute" pertaining to nothing you have experienced..

And that is not an insult..You should enjoy your youth.Come back later after you have lived a little..and depart some wisdom..

But one thing you need to learn right now..Is you can and should always learn more..and you are just beginning..




Well-Known Member
Awww yes yes yes I just love Disney World so much.
And I watch SpongeBob, Gossip Girl, The OC, MTV
Spend all day on Myspace and on the phone
I go to parties every weekend and drink til I pass out
I think the whole world is made of rainbows and I want to be a movie star
Miley Cyrus is going to be my BFF
And I'm going to marry Orlando Bloom. Or maybe Johnny Depp

Wow. I think I'd shoot myself if I had to live like that.
Though Disney does have nice roller coasters...

Honestly, I think I'd shoot myself if I was so jaded and cynical at 16 as you are. It's really sad Leah (and I don't mean sad pathetic, I mean sad sad).

Sometimes, it's OK to be a kid!

Yes, even if you're hyper intelligent and are annoyed by other teenagers stupidity. It's IMPORTANT to be a kid sometimes.

Otherwise, when you're no longer a kid, you're going to be a lonely, bitter adult who regrets never having been a kid! And I fear for you that will happen. I don't want that to happen.

Tell me, if you do have children. Are you going to raise them to be as cynical and bitter towards other children as you are? Or are you actually going to let them be children?


Active Member
There are many differences between Mestemia and Storm's debating styles and your's, Leah. You keep trying to pin insults on me, and I'm not insulting you in the least. I answered you honestly. It is no fault of my own that you choose to continue to live on inside your dreamworld and believe that you are right and the rest of us are lying.
Hmm, see again that's not true.. You just want to believe it's true for some reason..

However, the fact that you automatically render them unbelievable, simply because you are not happy with them
Again not true. Another assumption.

Actually, I have. When I was a child.
You are one of very few adults then.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Honestly, I think I'd shoot myself if I was so jaded and cynical at 16 as you are. It's really sad Leah (and I don't mean sad pathetic, I mean sad sad).

Sometimes, it's OK to be a kid!

Yes, even if you're hyper intelligent and are annoyed by other teenagers stupidity. It's IMPORTANT to be a kid sometimes.

Otherwise, when you're no longer a kid, you're going to be a lonely, bitter adult who regrets never having been a kid! And I fear for you that will happen. I don't want that to happen.

Tell me, if you do have children. Are you going to raise them to be as cynical and bitter towards other children as you are? Or are you actually going to let them be children?


