1)The only reason the Jews were given Israel was because they were oppressed by the Nazis. I find it hypocritical that they would turn around and do essentially the same thing to the Palestinians.
Jewish pioneers began to work the land of Israel already in the 19th century. Legally buying land and drying swamps when Palestine was under Ottoman administration. The aftermath of WWII only came many decades later.
As for the Israeli-Palestinian issue, comparing it to the Jews in WWII has become nothing but a joke. The Jews were German and European civilians who were robbed of their civilian identity and systematically annihilated with a death tolls in the millions. On the other hand the Jews and the Arabs in Palestine competed for the land, and after the Arab rejection of sharing the land the two sides fought for it with the Arab side being backed by several armies of the Arab states. Nothing to compare to the Jews and the Nazis. In addition the death toll of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict counts at about 15,000 casualties in over 60 years Israelis and Palestinians combined. The Arabs who were later began to be defined as 'Palestinians' never administrated themselves and lived under Turkish rule, then British rule, and then Egyptian and Jordanian military rule, with those Arabs who stayed in Israel after the first Israeli-Arab war receiving Israeli citizenship from the State of Israel.
So please, check the background before you try to make demagogic statements about the Nazis, WWII, or the current unrelated Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
2)Zionism claims that Israel belongs to the Jews by right of birth, but the majority of displaced Jews in Israel are of European descent and just happen to follow the Jewish religion. They have no more of a "blood" claim to Israel than I do.
I always wonder what's the obsession with 'race'. Ashkenazi Jews, or European Jews have always been considered a Jewish ethnicity, so please lets not try to reinvent history when it's comfortable for us.
Just like many other dozens of Arab Muslim states were established in the aftermath of the postcolonial Middle East, the UN also allowed the creation of one Jewish state. And while there are still religious and ethnic minorities who are largely discriminated or actively persecuted in the Arab Muslim states, the Jewish state has been a new beginning of independence and self governing for Jews of various regions including Europe and the Middle East.
If we compare that the to nations around Israel, like Syria where different sects are now massacring each other, or to Lebanon were the same has been happening for decades, or Jordan where Jordanians and Palestinians fought each other in a civil war, or Egypt which has had several revolutions and still counting... then Israel is possibly the only successful postcolonial experiment in the region.