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ZIONIST Grip on American Films

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Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
No, G-D gave it to us.
There is also archeological prove, that you can research your self, as if prior 1948 that land hasn't herd of any Jews living there.

Now just come on, there is no proof of Jews in Israel?

Following Saladin's victory over the crusaders He brought Jews back to Jerusalem. Read up on your history.


Well-Known Member
so it is your God speaking?


How would that be possible? Religious thought contains an inherent contradiction: God is eternal. Responsibility for human free will is acquired through cause and effect and invariably results in the individual rejoining God in one of two places. Out of respect for another's religion, and to find utility in my absurdity, let us place ellen, his sword, and his Gwynnie at the beginning of one chain of causality and let us run the tape, considering all possible outcomes of an encounter between this character and one who would challenge his faith...

(and eternity passes)

It is now clear that there is one, and only one, sure path that would guarantee ellen ends up in the preferred location: for ellen to have began as god.

The weight of my words is this - every time I walk out that door, I take a measurable risk that I might become entangled with some Christian over a matter of faith which would lead to bloodshed. Which is stupid, absurd; and a direct result of the religious avoiding the responsibility of their words by altering the scale of reference. Only three possible scales are necessary to cover the scope of consideration:

1) I am god. I win, game over.
2) I exist in a universe where whatever I do in "the name of Gwynnie" is fine and dandy with god, everybody wins.
3) I exist in a universe where I am nothing more than an obsessed fool - and where I spend eternity depends upon the faith of another - i.e., think sunblock.

The weight of personal experience not only favors number two with near certainty, but the likelihood of number one is all that remains; with option three only considered for the purposes of debate. Which is me speaking. :D

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
Informed people with open society Your actually an example of those informed people to me you are IGNORANT and the more you utter words the MORE ignorant you prove your self ..

Ok... I haven't been in this thread for a couple of a days and have to vent at all the mind-bogglingly retarded things that Aymen is saying...

1. Quit acting like you've got access to some higher knowledge about the "conspiracies" that run the world just because you've got access to the internet.

2. Type illuminati into your browser backwards? Are you kidding me? You should also try playing old beatles albums backwards to hear the devil talking...

3. (Addressing the quoted statement above)... I'll happily live in an open society. I'll happily let everyone around me live exactly the way the want so long as they don't hurt me or anyone else. I'll happily think for my self. I'll happily critique authority, and I'll happily stop regarding you as someone who deserves to be listened to because I (and anyone else who disagrees with you) am obviously too ignorant and indoctrinated to grasp the pure, unadulterated truth flowing from your posts like a fountain.

Have a nice day... :thud:


No, G-D gave it to us.

Deuteronomy 30

3. then, the Lord, your God, will bring back your exiles, and He will have mercy upon you. He will once again gather you from all the nations, where the Lord, your God, had dispersed you.
4. Even if your exiles are at the end of the heavens, the Lord, your God, will gather you from there, and He will take you from there.

There is also archeological prove, that you can research your self, as if prior 1948 that land hasn't herd of any Jews living there.

Ok, well I don't believe such trivial ******** gives the right for anyone to take over any land, let alone displace them from their own homes or cause human suffering. It seems to me that Arabs have used the exact same argument, and you wonder why there will never be peace in the middle east.


Brother, the various Jew-haters on this thread will never accept this. Better to just add them to your ignore list than attempt the impossible.

I'm not a 'Jew-hater', and I do not accept this. If you think anyone who disagrees that God granted Jews land, and that gave them to write to displace a few hundred thousand people with their homes, and then constantly attempt to expand their territory at the cost of some other human suffering, than quite frankly your God can go **** himself.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member


Active Member
Does damn Jews.....

Interested in learning more about why jews are persecuted, and I do not mean the conspiracy nut version, but seriously? I love using Jews and other Ethnic groups as a term-joke, always understood to be a joke (ie. does damn jews), but why would I care if you ae a jew, muslim or christian? As long s you do not hurt me.

Now, if we look back, WAY BACK, then we have soley RELIGIOUS reasons, but what is the real reason for more contemporary hatred, say in the U.S/Canada and Europe? Why do we have this specific aim for the group of jews? Ignoring specific people like Hitler, the REASON he could do what he did was because of the CULTURAL hatred for jews, we had it in Germany, France, britain and of course the U.S (but less noticeable), the people let it happen.

Now, we could blame Christianity and its ilk, but that is to easy, yes, they have a christian HISTORY, but is that really the reason? Is it THAT sad? Is it like Dawkins says about the two groups in Northern Irland, would the problems "go away" if they where not Memed into the hatred, be it direct or indirect, towards Jews?

it is also an interesting point that most Christians, especially Fundamentalist, claim "love" to jews even when THEY, as a group, are the one responsible for the historic persecution of the jews... do they really not know that? I mean, READ THE NEW TESTTAMENT....

Anyway, is it really that sad and simple? Is it just that sad that there is the religious history, or IS IT something else? A negative cultural Meme we have that somehow create/created this weird anger/dislike?

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
If you are using David Icke to back you up it explains all your posts in this thread,David Icke is the self proclaimed Son of God and believes the Reptilians are the ones controlling the Earth along with the Illuminati.

Oh England... When will you understand that you were just indoctrinated since birth and are merely the product of a global mass media lizard jew plot to dominate the world? It's just so obvious!


Agnostic Pantheist
No, G-D gave it to us.

Brother, the various Jew-haters on this thread will never accept this. Better to just add them to your ignore list than attempt the impossible.
This thread started out as a thread which was self refuting. from my perspective I'd say even positive for supporters of Israel, because of the practically insane arguments presented. however the argument of 'God gave us the land' is simply just as delusional. I have lived in Israel all my life, and I do not see how injecting a 'divine right' can make any case in international politics, debate, and dialogue. if you wanted to tackle the later arguments in this thread, why not go into the post statehood and pre statehood history of Israel which includes Zionism and its development, which was part in the creation of the state, and which BTW was largely a secular movement, hence you see the videos in this thread of the ultra orthodox Jews who oppose the state of Israel along with videos of the Illuminati and sources like David Icke.
'God gave us anything' paints an inaccurate and twisted image of Israeli politics, in which the strongest parties are secular and of Israeli public who is in general far less religious than the American public. further more, if people 'out there' actually believe that this is how most Israelis summarize their political opinion, I can tell you, the PR battle would be in an all time low for Israel. unfortunately as an Israeli, I fully realize the negative image the present coalition creates around the world, the Israeli labor and left has reached an all time low, while the dominating party has formed a coalition with the religious right and with eccentric and outlandish nationalist right wing party which received votes from people who have immigrated from the former Soviet Union, plenty of whom lived under the iron curtain.
So if you already made up your mind to discuss the arguments discussed here, por-favor make an effort to expand your argument beyond quoting scriptures to people who do not share your personal beliefs.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
So if you already made up your mind to discuss the arguments discussed here, por-favor make an effort to expand your argument beyond quoting scriptures to people who do not share your personal beliefs.
Edited for brevity. Well said, Dan.


Say, you're pretty smart for a lizard. :facepalm:


I guess they aren't coming back because they successfully refuted my arguments with Bible verses or by calling me a Jew-hater.


Gee, Tvor, ya think? It is somewhat amusing that folks would consider their sorry excuses for opinion to warrant responses, more than they are getting.

Again, why did they warrant responses in the first place, and then after I refute them, they stop responding.. Hmm.
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