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ZIONIST Grip on American Films

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Active Member
Jews are trying to take over the world, how many times has it been said just the last 200 years? where is the world community? We claim that we created a free world, an organization that we call UN to keep this world from wars but has the job been done? can we possibly say that another hitler wont have his chance?

The killing of 6 million Jews is exactly what helped this world realize that we are all equal and we all need to be treated equally but with just 70 years since then we already have people who are ready to repeat such actions, so where is the world community? when will it actually stand up and say enough is enough? I guess it doesn't exist and nothing has changed, I really hope humanity will realize this before another disaster strikes us.


Jews are trying to take over the world, how many times has it been said just the last 200 years? where is the world community? We claim that we created a free world, an organization that we call UN to keep this world from wars but has the job been done? can we possibly say that another hitler wont have his chance?

The killing of 6 million Jews is exactly what helped this world realize that we are all equal and we all need to be treated equally but with just 70 years since then we already have people who are ready to repeat such actions, so where is the world community? when will it actually stand up and say enough is enough? I guess it doesn't exist and nothing has changed, I really hope humanity will realize this before another disaster strikes us.

The killing of 150 million native Americans, 40 or so millions of Africans, and plenty of others certainly didn't help us to realize a ******* thing about 'equality'.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
The killing of 150 million native Americans, 40 or so millions of Africans, and plenty of others certainly didn't help us to realize a ******* thing about 'equality'.
Are you suggesting that we need more killing until we get it right?


Are you suggesting that we need more killing until we get it right?

No, I'm just confused as to why 6 million Jews death necessarily means the return of land to Jews along with backed American financial support, but blacks were never given the land they worked, nor Indians; the land that was originally theirs. Especially in the contrast of "how many died."


Bodhisattva in Recovery
No, I'm just confused as to why 6 million Jews death necessarily means the return of land to Jews along with backed American financial support, but blacks were never given the land they worked, nor Indians; the land that was originally theirs. Especially in the contrast of "how many died."
I know it is asking a lot of an American, but seriously, you need to pick up a few history books. How can you possibly expect to be taken seriously when you are mixing events from different centuries and countries and wondering why they were not dealt with the same way? :facepalm: Good-fricken-grief.


I know it is asking a lot of an American, but seriously, you need to pick up a few history books. How can you possibly expect to be taken seriously when you are mixing events from different centuries and countries and wondering why they were not dealt with the same way? :facepalm: Good-fricken-grief.

I'm sorry, but the Jewish state did not exist longer than the period of time native Americans land were taken away from them. Why are we handling a 'homeland' that was irrelevant to world politics for even longer than 'native Americans?' Especially since we (as Americans) have nothing to do with the subject at hand, and the other two were necessary for the development of the country as we know it?


Active Member
I'm sorry, but the Jewish state did not exist longer than the period of time native Americans land were taken away from them. Why are we handling a 'homeland' that was irrelevant to world politics for even longer than 'native Americans?' Especially since we (as Americans) have nothing to do with the subject at hand, and the other two were necessary for the development of the country as we know it?

Dealing with it has nothing to do with politics, it is called acting humanly. It is not always about the dollar or how much power you have.


A lot of the same reasoning and arguments as Zionism.

hmmm ... I don't agree. How do you figure? Because you are paranoid of fantastical movies that you blame the zionists for making? or because you have unfounded accusations that they are behind everything that has been done wrong in the world? or maybe because you have failed to educate yourself on why it is the Arab World is so adament about gaining your sympathies for the Palestinian Refugees that they themselves, the Arab World, won't even absorb into their nations ... even they keep them in refugee camps doing exactly to them what they wrongfully accuse Israel of doing? Or maybe you agree that the spreading of such manipulative messages as the one in this thread is justified because you yourself are bias against the Jewish People (granted, I have no reason to believe that you are bias, but I have to wonder given that you have shown you have the ability to read btw the lines elsewhere how it is then that you can miss the obvious of what is going on here)? :confused:

Why do I trust this People, the Jewish?? Because I read their words in the Tanach. Hear me out ... not many leaders would be sooooooo candid as this People has been with us. If the Zionist Jews wanted to be manipulative and paint themselves in a nice light, first thing they should have done was rid themselves of their tell all book. Everyone wants honesty from everyone else, but here you have it from a People. Yet still, people are never satisfied. They are not the sneaky ones. However, ones who would commit acts of terror within a nation and then blame it on that nation's leadership ... well, they are looking to infect with poison the whole of the People from the inside out. United we could stand, but they know well enough that divided we will fall. Thus, I do not see how it is that you are unable to read between these lines that are being painted all across the internet by those who hate Israel and the Nations that have supported them. Somehow, they have made too many believe it is our fault for everything ... not even just the fault of the Zionists. Strange really. :sarcastic
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Active Member
The killing of 150 million native Americans, 40 or so millions of Africans, and plenty of others certainly didn't help us to realize a ******* thing about 'equality'.

150 million Native Americans? Are you sure you got that right? That would be 150 million people in North Americas (presumably calculating Mexico, U.S and Canadian borders) around 200 to 300 years ago, that is not really following real life numbers...

The single biggest accumulation of Jews are in United States, if you did not know, which makes us the "biggest nation" of Jews, and technically, following logic, United States being the perfect spot for the Jews to live instead of attacking and killing other nations and steal their land calling it "Jewish home" because the Bible says so, a fictional religious book.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
The single biggest accumulation of Jews are in United States, if you did not know, which makes us the "biggest nation" of Jews, and technically, following logic, United States being the perfect spot for the Jews to live instead of attacking and killing other nations and steal their land calling it "Jewish home" because the Bible says so, a fictional religious book.
The things that pass for "logic" in some people's minds. It's sad, really. :facepalm:


150 million Native Americans? Are you sure you got that right? That would be 150 million people in North Americas (presumably calculating Mexico, U.S and Canadian borders) around 200 to 300 years ago, that is not really following real life numbers...

The single biggest accumulation of Jews are in United States, if you did not know, which makes us the "biggest nation" of Jews, and technically, following logic, United States being the perfect spot for the Jews to live instead of attacking and killing other nations and steal their land calling it "Jewish home" because the Bible says so, a fictional religious book.

The Jewish lived right along side the Palestinians always in the Land. The land never *belonged* to the Palestinians. Thus, the Jews did not steal it.

And for me, it is not because the Bible says it was their home that I believe they should have it. It is because history has proved even before 1948 who it was that really found the land (and specificially *the* site in Jerusalem) to be sacred and who did not ... even before it became the center of attention for the whole of the world and convenient to become the 3rd most sacred site for the Muslims. the Jewish have ONE sacred site ... the Muslims have, NOW, 3. <---- when it becomes convenient again, will it become four? Educate yourself.

Edited to add to the first sentence of second paragraph ... also, the Arab WORLD has initiated 4 wars on Israel since 1948, and even when odds were against them, Israel won them all. To say that THEY are attacking and killing other nations to steal their land calling it the Jewish home is ill-informed, dramatic and unnecessary.
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
To say that THEY are attacking and killing other nations to steal their land calling it the Jewish home is ill-informed, dramatic and unnecessary.
You forgot vapidly specious, woefully ignorant, decidedly anti-Semitic and breathtakingly unconscionable, but perhaps - it's just me. :D


Active Member
As much as it can sound absurd to some, I can honestly say that as the Torah predicted events that would happen actually happened, and as long as we resist it there would be troubles in the world.

This world is running according to the script that was already written, and the more we fight it the more it will fight us back.

You don't have to believe in G-d, no body is forcing anyone, but if that old book promised that we will be exiled and later on return back home, what is actually happening, so everything else that it says would follow actually will follow. Rather then blaming G-D for wars why don't we listen to what He has to say in that book and change our ways? No matter what He will have His ways.

Every country Jews lived in (almost everywhere) they were expelled but survived and moved on to another, right now we are witnessing Globalization, and to see together with it the growth of hatred towards Jews only leads me to believe another wave of violence towards us will follow but on a global level, forcing us to run or move somewhere else and the only place that will be available is Israel, so why do we ignore it or resist it? it costs a lot of lives, we can swallow our pride it will save lives. Torah did warn us, that book is not old after all.

Isaiah 11:12

He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth.
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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
150 million Native Americans? Are you sure you got that right? That would be 150 million people in North Americas (presumably calculating Mexico, U.S and Canadian borders) around 200 to 300 years ago, that is not really following real life numbers...

The single biggest accumulation of Jews are in United States, if you did not know, which makes us the "biggest nation" of Jews, and technically, following logic, United States being the perfect spot for the Jews to live instead of attacking and killing other nations and steal their land calling it "Jewish home" because the Bible says so, a fictional religious book.

It has nothing to do with the Bible,if you know the history of the region,that land was ruled by Turkey who then lost it to the British.
After WWII there were a lot of displaced Jewish people,its not like anti semeticsm ended with the war so all these people needed to go somewhere and Israel was the logical place.
You can check it out here 1948 Arab–Israeli War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


150 million Native Americans? Are you sure you got that right? That would be 150 million people in North Americas (presumably calculating Mexico, U.S and Canadian borders) around 200 to 300 years ago, that is not really following real life numbers...

Sorry, I just put a number because I couldn't remember the statistics.

"Until recently, commonly accepted population levels of the indigenous peoples on the eve of 1492 were around 10-15 million. This number continues to be accepted by individuals and groups who see 1492 as a "discovery" in which only a few million Indians died -- and then mostly from diseases. More recent demographic studies place the Indigenous population at between 70 to 100 million peoples, with some 10 million in North America, 30 million in Mesoamerica, and around 50 to 70 million in South America.

Today, in spite of 500 years of a genocidal colonization, there is an estimated 40 million Indigenous peoples in the Americas. In Guatemala, the Mayan peoples make up 60.3 percent of the population, and in Bolivia Indians comprise over 70 percent of the total population. Despite this, these Indigenous peoples lack any control over their own lands and comprise the most exploited and oppressed layers of the population; characteristics that are found also in other Indigenous populations in the settler states of the Americas (and throughout the world)."

500 Years of Indigenous Resistance


Dealing with it has nothing to do with politics, it is called acting humanly. It is not always about the dollar or how much power you have.

Not only did this have absolutely nothing to do with my post or any of the questions, it's definitely laughable... hold on...


There it is.


hmmm ... I don't agree.
Is that why you are about to resort to ad homenim attacks? It won't validate your argument.

How do you figure?

"Article 3: The Palestinian Arab people has the legitimate right to its homeland and isan inseparable part of the Arab Nation. It shares the sufferings and aspirations of the Arab Nation and its struggle for freedom, sovereignty, progress and unity. Article 4: The people of Palestine determine its destiny when it completes the liberation of its homeland in accordance with its own wishes and free will and choice.


Article 9: Ideological doctrines, whether political, social, or economic, shall not distract the people of Palestine from the primary duty of liberating their homeland. All Palestinian constitute one national front and work with all their feelings and material potentialities to free their homeland."

Yeah.. these aren't comparable to Zionism at all..

And now for the unfounded ad hominem attacks:

Because you are paranoid of fantastical movies that you blame the zionists for making?

Did I say that anywhere? Then don't make my arguments or identify my intentions for me.

or because you have unfounded accusations that they are behind everything that has been done wrong in the world?

Again, unfounded argument. I said nothing at all that even closely relates to this.

or maybe because you have failed to educate yourself on why it is the Arab World is so adament about gaining your sympathies for the Palestinian Refugees that they themselves, the Arab World, won't even absorb into their nations

Should I be expecting Arab Nations to absorb a **** load of refugees, though no Western power was willing to do that for Jews? Plenty of land in Britain, France, America that the Jews could have been placed in, not land taken from the Ottoman Empire in WW1, just because it's their precious 'sacred' homeland.

... even they keep them in refugee camps doing exactly to them what they wrongfully accuse Israel of doing?

They didn't displace them in the first place. It would be different if the Palestinians were refugees in the first place because of the Arab Nations. This is not the case.

Or maybe you agree that the spreading of such manipulative messages as the one in this thread is justified because you yourself are bias against the Jewish People (granted, I have no reason to believe that you are bias, but I have to wonder given that you have shown you have the ability to read btw the lines elsewhere how it is then that you can miss the obvious of what is going on here)? :confused:

Sorry, I have no bias against anyone who is a legitmate human being. I hate Jews, not every Jew. I hate Arabs, not every Arab. If you are a dick and are in different towards other people enough to lead to their suffering, then I basically hate you. And what is obvious that I'm not 'getting'?

Why do I trust this People, the Jewish?? Because I read their words in the Tanach. Hear me out ... not many leaders would be sooooooo candid as this People has been with us. If the Zionist Jews wanted to be manipulative and paint themselves in a nice light, first thing they should have done was rid themselves of their tell all book. Everyone wants honesty from everyone else, but here you have it from a People. Yet still, people are never satisfied. They are not the sneaky ones. However, ones who would commit acts of terror within a nation and then blame it on that nation's leadership ... well, they are looking to infect with poison the whole of the People from the inside out. United we could stand, but they know well enough that divided we will fall. Thus, I do not see how it is that you are unable to read between these lines that are being painted all across the internet by those who hate Israel and the Nations that have supported them. Somehow, they have made too many believe it is our fault for everything ... not even just the fault of the Zionists. Strange really. :sarcastic

Someone could tell me they are going to shoot a girl, and then shoot a girl. They didn't lie or attempt to manipulate me to believe otherwise. I still disagree with the action.

I didn't blame you for anything regarding the conflict in the Middle East.


The Jewish lived right along side the Palestinians always in the Land. The land never *belonged* to the Palestinians. Thus, the Jews did not steal it.

And for me, it is not because the Bible says it was their home that I believe they should have it. It is because history has proved even before 1948 who it was that really found the land (and specificially *the* site in Jerusalem) to be sacred and who did not ... even before it became the center of attention for the whole of the world and convenient to become the 3rd most sacred site for the Muslims. the Jewish have ONE sacred site ... the Muslims have, NOW, 3. <---- when it becomes convenient again, will it become four? Educate yourself.

Edited to add to the first sentence of second paragraph ... also, the Arab WORLD has initiated 4 wars on Israel since 1948, and even when odds were against them, Israel won them all. To say that THEY are attacking and killing other nations to steal their land calling it the Jewish home is ill-informed, dramatic and unnecessary.

Yeah, Israel owned the land first! When Israel didn't exist, it wasn't the Palestinians land even though they out numbered Jews 8 to 1, it was still Jewish land!

In 1922 the population of Palestine consisted of approximately 589,200 Muslims, 83,800 Jews, 71,500 Christians and 7,600 others (1922 census[9]). Gradually a large number of Jews immigrated to the area, most of whom were fleeing increasing persecution in Europe. This immigration and accompanying call for a Jewish state in Palestine drew opposition from local Arabs.


Active Member
Yeah, Israel owned the land first! When Israel didn't exist, it wasn't the Palestinians land even though they out numbered Jews 8 to 1, it was still Jewish land!

In 1922 the population of Palestine consisted of approximately 589,200 Muslims, 83,800 Jews, 71,500 Christians and 7,600 others (1922 census[9]). Gradually a large number of Jews immigrated to the area, most of whom were fleeing increasing persecution in Europe. This immigration and accompanying call for a Jewish state in Palestine drew opposition from local Arabs.

neither did Palestinians, until 1960's there was no people of Palestine.
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